Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #CDs

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Is @CreditSuisse safe?

1/12 Credit Suisse's #CDS premiums have soared to higher levels than during the 2008 financial crisis, fueling speculation of a crisis. Image
2/12 A credit default swap(CDS) premium is the rate at which an insurance policy guarantees the principal in the event of a default,
3/12 and a higher #CDS premium means that the risk of default is higher, and therefore the policy requires a higher fee. #CreditSuisse blames three events in 2021 for the rise in CDS premiums. First, around March 2021, Bill Huang's Archegos Capital collapse. Image
Read 12 tweets
The #Fed #pivot talk has intensified lately.

Sth possibly breaking in the #UK, European financial system ( $CS, $DB...), #RBA pivoting by hiking less than expected, higher financial risk in the #US...

Should the #Fed #pivot and why?

Let's demystify all this.

A thread.

Those that follow me know I've been calling the #Fed to #pivot for quite a while.

Ever since mid-May it's been clear to me the #US #economy is in a #recession which should prompt the #Fed to #pivot in Sep.

And every important economic indicator warranted the #Fed #pivot.

But the #Fed decided to turn the blind eye to the #economy in an effort to try to regain some of the credibility they lost last yr by "transitory" talk.

So instead of amending things, they have made another policy error.

Here is more about this:

Read 25 tweets
#Hilo express
El #DeutscheBank siempre aparece en las noticias cuando hay una crisis financiera.
Antes de la quiebra de #LehmanBrothers ,entre los candidatos para la quiebra estaba el #DB,al final sobrevivió,pero han pasado 14 años y su apodo del “nuevo #Lehman” no pasa de moda. Image
Antes de seguir definamos que es un #CDS
Los Credit Default Swaps son instrumentos que permiten invertir sobre la solvencia de una empresa o de un gobierno.
Son como pólizas de seguro crediticio.A mayor valor de los CDS,mayor será la prima.A mayor riesgo mas caro asegurarse. Image
Continuemos,desde el 2008 el DB ha tenido muchas crisis que se han visto reflejadas en sus CDS,ejemplo crisis europea del 2011,del covid,pero en especial la de 2016,ahí todos decian que se iria a default porque no podría cumplir con sus pagos de deuda
Pero adivinen qué,sobrevivió Image
Read 4 tweets
Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank are on the verge of collapse.

A thread on the ongoing crisis at DB and CS as per my limited understanding. 🧵


#deutsche #CreditSuisse
The combined asset base of the two banks is nearly $2 Trillion which is 3x the asset base of Lehman Brothers at the time of its collapse.


#deutsche #CreditSuisse #LehmanBrothers
On 15 September 2008, Lehman Brothers, a bank considered 'too big to fail' filed for insolvency. It was the single largest bankruptcy filing in the history of the US.

At the time, the bank had $639 billion in assets and $619 billion in debt.

Read 12 tweets
Arkadaşlar selam,

"CDS'ler 900'ü geçti" - "CDS'ler 2008 krizinin üstüne çıktı" gibi haberler okuyoruz.

Nedir bu CDS, artınca ne oluyor düşünce ne oluyor ?

Basit bir dille açıklayalım istedim

Başlıyoruz 👊
CDS in açılımı "Credit Default Swap" tır.

Türkçesi "Kredi Temerrüt Takası"dır. Ama bu isimlere, açılımlara gerek yok. CDS demek basitçe risk primindir. "Sen ne kadar riskli bir ülkesin ?" bu sorunun cevabı CDS'tir.

Peki neyin riski ? Sana borç vermenin riski. 👇
Şimdi şöyle düşünelim araba aldınız ve arabanıza kasko yaptıracaksınız. Bilgilerinizi gönderdiniz ve size 'Aylık 10 birim ödeyeceksiniz' dediler. Bir tanıdığınız da araba aldı kasko yaptırdı ona ayda "5 birim" fiyat çıktı.

Neden size daha pahalı ona daha ucuz ? 👇
Read 10 tweets
🚨 Check out this @TwitterSpaces on credit insights hosted by @profplum99 (Mike Green) with @Volatilysmile

Esp timely with iTraxx hitting 2 day tightening next to Covid levels when Fed started Corporate Asset purchase peogram.

#credit #swaps #bonds #defaults #CDS
🔥 iTraxx ramp

Real possibility of idiosyncratic risk for specific cos exposed to specific factors 👇

#credit #swaps #bonds #defaults #CDS #leveredloans #hedgefunds #pods #creditfunds
I received bunch of DMs about iTraxx.

For understanding the same, please check out this link:…

iTraxx indices are a family of European, Asian and emerging market tradable credit default swap indices.

#credit #swaps #bonds #defaults #CDS #leveredloans
Read 8 tweets
Bu hafta sonu kahve eşliğinde okumamız #eurobond üzerine ve #eurobond kullanarak bileşik getiri elde etmek üzerine olsun…
Bileşik getiri ve döviz cinsinden nakit akışı-tasarruf üzerine kurgulayacağımız bu sistem benim neznimde #bist e alternatif değil, yardımcı ve yedektir…
#Eurobond nedir?

Eurobond, devlet ya da özel şirketlerin, kendi ülkeleri dışında kaynak sağlamak amacıyla, uluslararası piyasalarda yabancı para birimleri üzerinden satışa sundukları, genellikle uzun vadeli borçlanma aracıdır.
Diğer bilgilere nasıl ulaşabileceğizi anlatan yazı ve videoları aşağıya bırakacağım…
Ben size bu sistemle döviz cinsinden finansal özgür olmuş bir abimden öğrendiklerimi ve kendi şahsi tecrübelerimi aktaracağım…
Read 23 tweets
General MM Naravane #COAS & All Ranks of #IndianArmy pay heartfelt condolences on the untimely demise of General Bipin Rawat #CDS, Mrs Madhulika Rawat & 11 other passengers on board, in an unfortunate air crash at #Coonoor. (1/n)
The dynamic and inspiring leadership of General Bipin Rawat shall remain eternally etched in our memories. The #IndianArmedForces will forever remain indebted to his invaluable contributions. (2/n)
#IndianArmy also conveys heartfelt condolences & stands firm in support of the bereaved families of the following personnel.
Brig LS Lidder
Lt Col H Singh
Wg Cdr PS Chauhan
Sqn Ldr K Singh
JWO Pradeep A
Hav Satpal
Nk Gursewak Singh
Nk Jitender
L/Nk Vivek
L/Nk S Teja (3/n)
Read 3 tweets
1. Is financial market pricing in some heightened Taiwan Strait war risk this week? Yes, a little. No perfect measure. With China on holiday last wk, can attribute some pop of 5-yr CDS price as caused by heighted attention, which happens around Oct with back to back national days
2. To put in context, China 5 Yr CDS value is 48.87, reveals a 0.81% implied probability of default, on a 40% recovery rate supposed. US 5 Yr CDS is 17.4, reveals a 0.29% implied probability of default. Recent increase in US mostly by the debt ceiling fight. #MintTheCoin hahaha
3. @PredictIt betting market doesn't have a Taiwan specific market, but has 3 China related contracts. Betting on who would be confirmed for next US Ambassador to China, and Pres. Xi's chance of staying as party General Secretary for next 10 years.
Read 11 tweets
Kick back, this is an OSINT treat: 🍿

🇨🇦 #RCAF CC-144D Challenger 144620 (one of the new ones) departed #Ottawa #CYOW on 2021-09-26 with callsign #CFC3080, very likely carrying General Wayne Eyre, the acting Chief of the Defence Staff.…

#C2C1FB #CDS Image
After a brief stop in Prestwick 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, they flew to Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base in Constanta 🇷🇴, and used the same callsign the whole trip. Image
Read 5 tweets
.#Thread Gen Rawat at @iicdelhi
We are heading back to bipolar/multipolar world, is it good/bad 4 int community only time will tell. Wht we r certainly seeing is more aggression on part of nations, specially 1 thats tryin 2 go into bipolar world or makin presence felt thts #China
They (China) are becoming more n more aggressive and we share land borders with them. Its time for us to start looking at our strategies as to how we are going to deal with the two borders... aggressive adversaries, Pak on Western front & China on the North: CDS Gen Bipin Rawat
We need to also start looking at transformation for the betterment and ensuring the national security architecture that we want to evolve is capable of handling the threats that are emerging. To do this we need jointmanship amongst all the security forces: Gen Rawat at @iicdelhi
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I have found most non-technical explanations of FHIR (🔥) to be unsatisfactory. Key things to know are as follows… 1/🧵
FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) defines a standard way to organize health data. By having a standard, a computer programmer can write an application (app) that requests data from a source location without having to ask anyone how the data are organized. 2/
This means that a computer application can be written once and work the same no matter which source (e.g., hospital) it requests data from. This is called interoperability. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Buy Vs. Sell-Side Risk Information: Time to Differentiate between “Your Risk” and “My Risk” Reports
@CFAinstitute @GARP_Risk
Report Sample of Asset Allocation Analytics
Well, we all are accustomed to reading “Buy” and “Sell-Side” Investment Evaluation Reports prepared by Financial Research Analysts at various FIs such as Investment Companies operating in the Financial Markets.
Read 50 tweets
Risk Management is like a Greek Tragedy, where actors laugh to express their sorrow. Hence, here what mimics laughter is the Normal (Gaussian) PDF and its assumptions.
I believe the strongest voice that emerged in the Post - Crisis years was that of Dr Nassim Taleb, who heavily criticized risk management models and techniques that assume the Normality of returns, and its volatility in financial markets.
The Credit derivatives aka structured products that were financially engineered by Wall Street and the City Quants to provide a market-beating returns used such techniques to pool assets having negative correlations and a low joint probability of default or time to default
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#Thread CDS Gen Bipin Rawat @vifindia webinar
Accepts there is capability differential b/w India & China.
"The biggest differential lies in the field of cyber. We know that China is capable of launching cyber attacks on us and it can disrupt a large number of systems": Gen Rawat
What we are trying to do is create a system wch will ensure cyber defence. We have been able to create a cyber agency within armed forces & each service has also own cyber agency, so that even if we come under a cyber attack the downtime of the attack doesn’t last long: Gen Rawat
We should be able to overcome that cyber attack and continue with our systems either through alternate means or preventive means through firewalls: Gen Rawat
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A few ppl are asking for a steer on the news that @MBuhari has nominated #Nigeria's immediate past #ServiceChiefs to be non-career ambassadors. Some are worried that a diplomatic passport may grant them roving impunity. So, let me explain briefly [THREAD]…
Briefly, this isn't exactly good news for the former #ServiceChiefs. To begin with, to enjoy #SovereignImmunity (that's what it's called) in international law, they have to be accredited to another sovereign as Nigeria's ambassadors. Carrying a diplomatic passport isn't enough
Separately, that other country has to agree to accredit them. I suspect with the record of at least some of them, few credible countries will do so. They cld, of course, be accredited to Myanmar's Generals or to Putin's Russia or to Venezuela or Zimbabwe.
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#XiJinping orders #Chinese Military to scale up Combat Readiness

7 Points
1. First Order of Central Military Commission (CMC) in 2021 Signed by #XiJingping
2. ORDERED his Army to be READY to 'ACT at any Second', stressing 'Full-Time Combat Readiness'…
2. Enhance TRAINING in REAL COMBAT conditions
3. Should remain on 'FULL-TIME combat readiness
4. Must 'resolutely implement' the orders from #CMC & #CPC, to mark 100th Anniversary of Party's founding on July 1 with 'Excellent Performances'.
5. Suggested a 'Substantial Increase' in the use of Technology.
6. #PLA must increase INTEGRATION of new equipment, new forces & new combat realms into Training & Combat systems
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General Bipin Rawat #CDS visited forward #AirForce bases in #EasternSector & interacted with #IndianArmy, #ITBP & #SFF soldiers deployed at the forward most air maintained post in #DibangValley & #LohitSector of #ArunachalPradesh. (1/3)
#CDS complimented the soldiers for the innovative measures adopted to maintain effective #surveillance and enhanced #operational readiness. He exhorted All Ranks to continue working with same zeal and enthusiasm.(2/3)
#CDS said that only Indian soldiers could remain vigilant under such #challenging situations, ever willing to go well beyond the call of duty to safeguard the borders. Nothing can deter the Indian Armed Forces on remaining steadfast in their call for duty. (3/3)
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“Bold & Daring Soldiers never Die, they only Fade Away”

On the demise of Colonel Narinder Kumar popularly known to us as Bull Kumar, General Bipin Rawat #CDS conveys #condolences to the bereaved family. (1/4) Image
A soldier whose #grit, #determination and yearning to scale the high mountain peaks led to discoveries that have helped the Army reach out to and occupy locations that have helped us in strengthening our defensive posture. (2/4)
Our strong posturing on the #SaltoroRidge & in other areas of Ladakh is a part of his adventurous travels. His name will forever remain etched in the rich history of our Army. (3/4)
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Más de 22 millones de infectados, recesión económica mundial, sin una pronta vacuna. Un caldo de cultivo perfecto para la “medicina alternativa” y los charlatanes.

Hoy les voy a contar un poco sobre el MMS Y CDS.

Abro hilo ImageImage
Iniciemos con algunas definiciones:

Dióxido de cloro (ClO2):
Es gas químico compuesto por 2 moléculas de oxígeno y una de cloro, potente agente oxidante, utilizado en el tratamiento del agua y como blanqueante.

CDS: chlorine dioxide solution.

MMS: miracle mineral solution ImageImageImage
Según afirman quienes lo recomiendan, el #ClO2 o #CDS o #MMS es capaz de tratar no solo el #coronavirus, sino todo tipo de patologías: desde conjuntivitis hasta el mismo VIH. ¿Es esto cierto?, ¿por qué entonces no se comercializa? ¿Quién se beneficia de toda esta polémica? Image
Read 18 tweets
#NationalSecurity Wrong man was chosen for role of #founder #CDS. Q is whether it was appropriate to raise NSA position to full Cabinet rank & thus reduce NSA's access to contrariarian professional opinion from within/outside Govt. Diverse opinions is only solution to uncertainty
2/ns The qualifications for a founder CDS included, (1) knowledge of all dimensions of war; land, air, sea, (2) Capability in Strategic thinking & methodology, (3) Familiarity with, & ability to understand, frontier technologies(eg hypersonic, lasers), (4) Geopolitical interest
3/ns There is a big diff btwn single-point advice and single-uniform advice. A National security advisor must present alternative views & options, before giving his own advise on which he thinks is best option. If all he receives are views similar to his own, diversity is lost!
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🔥Así hacen sentir culpables a los enfermos terminales de cáncer: ABOMINABLE 😱🥵 (casi para que se suiciden) en grupos de MMS, que abrazan todas las maguferías y timos, como Biodecoficación ❌

1/16 "Sácate esa idea de la cabeza, te estás condenando"👎

#pseudociencia #mms #cds
2/16 Pregunta: "Tengo cáncer de ambas mamas, metastásico y ya deshauciada por los médicos. Es un cáncer agresivo. ¿Cuál sería la dosis para mí?

Respuesta: "Es emocional, tú puedes crear todo incluso tu propia muerte".

(La culpabiliza de su cáncer 👉😭 👈)
3/16 "El origen del cáncer de pecho es por manoseo de algún mayor en tu niñez".

(Qué tendrá en su mente 💭 el que la aconseja🤔)
Read 20 tweets
HILO DE TERROR:😱Esto es lo que hacen consumidores de MMS/CDS Dióxido de cloro con sus hijos😭

Recomiendan a un niño de 4 años hiperactivo enemas de desinfectante (dióxido de cloro) por el ano. Hasta indican de q lado acostarlo para metérselo

#mms #cds #dioxidodecloro #COVID19
1/2 Quiere corregir los berrinches de su hijo de 6 años dándole dióxido de cloro.
2/2 Le dicen que "nada de ir a un psicólogo" y que a lo mejor Bill Gates es el culpable de su mal comportamiento.
Read 18 tweets

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