Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #DeGen

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Jun 21st 2023
🧵A thread about $Bern 🪙
1. Introducing @BonkEarn, the new 2022 token standard on #Solana, founded by a member of the $Bonk community. Launched in early June, $Bern quickly reached an ATH with a mc of around 15m then falling free to 1m mc. Image
2. Tokennomic:
69% of the total supply was airdropped for FREE.
20% will be reserved for eco partners
11% of will be placed into a new LP for market participants to acquire
Each wallet receive 10.000 $Bern and can sell for 100$ at the ath.
3. $Bern brings some exciting features that SPL tokens have never seen before. With each transaction, a 6.9% fee is incurred, distributing as follows:
5%: Bernzy Bonus Fee, rewarding $BERN holders
1.5%: Used to Buy/Burn $BONK
0.3%: Dev fund for fees/LP
0.1%: Goes to $BONK DAO
Read 9 tweets
May 4th 2023
回顾 #Fed 2022-23年十次加息会议周的一些机会——以一个在web3基金又稍微喜欢一点宏观的 #degen 打工人视角出发。
🧵本周FED完成了2022-23年度第十次加息,并且暗示本轮加息周期已达到一个相对阶段,市场随机预测最早的降息可能于今年9月开始,相较于20-21年度的狂暴大牛市,过去的一年半无疑是一个相对低迷的bear market,然而市场仍然以每个月2-3个的速度产生一些有意思的 #ALPHA 热点。
Read 16 tweets
Apr 29th 2023

A must use for every Degen trader


A 🧵

Like and retweet

#degen #maestrobot #bot #AI #trading #crypto Image
The first coin I bought when I got into defi rugged. It was just a little amount of money so I was over it in a short while.

The 2nd rugged too... But I am not one who gives up...

The third one, was $dtg and $wkc

I bought this because I saw @cryptobaddie1 tweet about it...
I know you may be wondering, I thought this is a thread on maestro bot, what is she going all about talking about all of this...

This is it, this morning I was thinking and I remembered how on the 5th of January 2023, I was struggling with pancakeswap.

This was the scenerio...
Read 42 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023

📌 Reward :: NFT
Value :: Unknown Image
🚧 Use a spare spare WALLET ✨⚠️
⛳ Visit ::
✨ Click Signup
✨ Input field, your logins

Read 8 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
95% of #Crypto project will not make it.

The 5% that will truly disrupt this world are the ones enabling mass adoption.

After researching 500+ hours here are my top 13 picks enabling mass adoption.

The growth of these projects will be INSANE

A thread 🧵👇
Every 15 or so years human kind goes through a technological revolution.

The biggest winners of all of these revolutions are businesses that are positioned for mass adoption.

In the Web2 space, this was Google, Facebook, Youtube etc.

Projects that onboarded the world.
To think this will be any different in #Crypto is crazy.

The more people you can onboard, the greater your growth can be.

#Degen investors(myself included) are constantly chasing the next narrative to make gains.

But, ultimately, THE narrative is mass adoption.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Podzielę się z wami moim ostatnim #degen play.

⚠️High Risk, High Reward🔥

Najpierw napiszę co mnie do tego skłoniło, a później co stoi za samym projektem. Zamierzam go trzymać ok. 10 dni, a potencjalny zwrot to nawet 3-8x (moją strategię na exit, też znajdziesz poniżej) ⬇️……

Kapitalizację ciężko policzyć, na pewno poniżej 1kk mcap. Zdrowy wolumen

Widzę prawdopodobieństwo, że szykują mocny marketing. Ich token jest w obiegu od lutego, więc świeża sprawa

Przy okazji trend #AI oraz hałas dookoła #openai może sprzyjać marketingowi. Dlaczego?⬇️
A dlatego, że kupują insiderzy, którzy kupowali $BUNAI i $CHRP przed wzrostami.

Następnie, w przypadku $BUNAI można było doświadczyć wzrostów ok. 7x.

Jak to wyglądało z $CHRP? Zobacz niżej⬇️
Read 7 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
#ZKrollups are gathering steam as the next narrative in #Crypto to pop.

But what exactly are they?

And which projects are the best?

I break it down for you today in 2 minutes and share my favourites. 👇
One of the most successful ways to make big money in #Crypto is understanding what themes and narratives are taking place.

For example, In 21/22 we had...


So far in 23 it's been #AI

#ZKrollups seem to be next.
What are they?

A #ZKrollup is a "Zero Knowledge Proof".

Basically put, a #ZKrollup is a Layer 2 scaling solution that enables blockchains, such as $ETH, to improve transaction speed and minimise gas fees.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 21st 2023

🐂 #bitcoin sfonda i 23k nonostante il #chapter11 di #genesis ⛅️

In onore della "bull flag" dell'impeccabile @MMCrypto mi libererò di inutili manuali per urlare un bel:

Bull Market is back! 🎉🍾

2/📈 Chapter 11 #Genesis.

Dopo i timori per #Bitzlato, finalmente una news bullish:

Bancarotta del crypto lender che lo scorso anno ha erogato $ 130,6B di prestiti e scambiato $ 116,5B di asset.

$MANA non dovrebbe volare ma, fa come il calabrone: non lo sa e vola in alto🔥
3/⛏️ Miners in profitto🤑

Sinceramente preoccupato per loro, mi fa piacere sapere che le finanze tornano in 🟢 in casa miners.

Adesso che sono tornati in profitto non saranno tanto infami da dumparci in faccia i loro profitti, no? 😅

Fonte: @ChartMind

Read 12 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
What the fuck is a Degen Legend?

A decentralized esports community, founded by pro gamers/NFT degens for gamers/degens who believe in the inevitable, lucrative future of web 3 gaming and want to help it grow.

Here's all to know before our mint on Jan 19🧵
Our mission is to onboard the next 10 million gamers to Web 3, with our team of streamers and community spreading the mission.

No matter how many events we win, and no matter how massive a footprint we leave in Web 3 gaming culture, there will only ever be 10,000 Legends.
Our NFTs, created by @NateGio, artist behind BEING 1/1 and @Bot_Head_NFT are the results of over 6 months of discovering "The Perfect Gamer PFP"

Throughout our collection, #gaming and #degen cultures meet. Art built as 3D models, capable of being integrated as in-game avatars.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
GM wróciłem tęskniliście? dzisiaj z okazji NR23 🎁 sprawdzimy sobie ile kasy mogę zarobić na kopiowaniu tradów z tweetów. 🤔

strategia prosta wybieram shillerów i kopiuje ich każdy trade za 300$
każdy dobrze wie że 100x jest lepsze niż dca $btc dla leszczy. 👍


wybiorę zagranicznych bo mi zaraz zlecą gnomy mówiące ile pierdylionów dolarów zarobili w ciągu ost miesięcy. wierze Wam 👍

z zazdrości mnie skręca i eksplodują mi pośladki booom 💥

tych sledze sobie i skopiuje ich kocie ruchy. Zatańczymy w #degen dance w rytmie dirty dancingu:

mam nadzieje ze są dobrzy.

Read 18 tweets
Jan 9th 2023

@EVMavericks weekly #4 Jan 2-8, 2023

Starting New Year off with a bang!

Important Information 👇
The reelection process of stewards has begun. Apply in the #financial-steward-applications!

Check out - Weekly Ethfinance Doots Roundup #1. And tune in next week!

Read 21 tweets
Dec 27th 2022
$SER has rebounded 35.04% & it's the top 1 gainer invested by Smart Money in 24 hours.

Let's analyze
- Top Smart Money Holders
- Who to follow for smarter #trading?
- Overall activity review of Smart Money

A thread🧵

#Serum #Gems #degen #cryptogems #TradingSignals
2 Smart Meme Pro traders & 2 Smart DEX Traders are still trading $SER.

Jeetsuf.eth & 0x4724 increased their positions in 7 days.

Track Smart Money position changes👇…

#Serum #Gems #CryptoInvestor
Smart Meme traders Jeetsuf.eth & 0x4724 filled their bags at $0.0006987 & $0.0007189.

They now have unrealized gains of at least 41.44% & 37.47% compared to the current $SER price.

It is worth following them to #buythedip👇…

#Serum #Gem #Crypto
Read 4 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
$SHIELD is the top 1 gainer invested by Smart Money, rising 54% from $0.0005711 to $0.0008007 in 24 hours.

Let's analyze
- How early did Smart Money find this #GEM?
- Buy prices of Smart Money
- Current Smart Money Holders

A short thread🧵
#DEJITARUSHIRUDO #cryptogems Image
Smart Meme Pro traders started to buy $SHIELD on Dec 11. We recorded 6 buyers on that day.

On Dec 16, Candlestick #Degen Explorer detected the activity of Smart DEX traders in this token.👇
Smart DEX Traders 0x4427, 0x21e9 & Joegrower420.eth are early $SHIELD investors with buy prices btwn $0.0001138 to $0.0003893.

In the past week, 0x21e9 & Joegrower420.eth bought more tokens. 0x6d4c bought in dips at $0.0003621 2 days ago.

Smart Money Avg Entry Price: $0.000193 ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Aug 27th 2022

When #cryptocurrency projects distribute their native #tokens straight to their customers' wallets.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Important or insider knowledge, notably about the value of #digital assets such as #cryptocurrencies and #NFTs; a measure of an investment's return over and above that of the market or other benchmark.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Formerly used to describe any #cryptocurrency that wasn't #Bitcoin; however, #altcoin is now used to describe any new cryptocurrency with a low market valuation.

[#web3 glossary thread]
Read 102 tweets
Jun 4th 2022

👉 Lending Loops

Let's talk about lending loops. These are far and away one of the most #degen strategies you can employ.



Because, in a normal lend/borrow situation, you risk your collateral, but you still have the asset you borrowed.

In a lend loop, you risk EVERYTHING;
Your collateral AND your borrowed asset.

If you get liquidated, you have NOTHING.

First, let's talk briefly about how lending and borrowing work, so the loop scenario becomes a bit more clear.

In traditional finance, when you borrow money, you either put up something for collateral (your house or car) or the lender takes a risk based on your credit.

Read 33 tweets
Apr 28th 2022
Recently I shared how I spent days developing a #cryptotrading strategy that failed. It was not the first one either.

But many asked for me to explain what I did and why it failed.

So here’s some insight into how I develop my #degen strategies.

If threads aren’t your thing, I actually wrote it out into a Medium article:…

But here’s the Cliff’s notes

First, it’s important to understand where I come from.

In a nutshell, I’m a marketer with a focus on behavioral economics.

Meaning, I recognize humans act in predictable ways. These behaviors can be identified in price charts.

Read 14 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
RDV à ne pas manquer chaque dimanche le stream de @sam_jdc dans la dernière édition j'ai constaté l'intérêt mais aussi l'inquiétude autour de l'écosystème @terra_money de la parts de personnes qui ne voient #TERRA que par le prisme @anchor_protocol
Pour répondre à la question posé pendant l'émission : à quoi sert $UST à part faire du #yield sur @anchor_protocol ? Ne vous arrêtez pas à la devanture de la boutique avec ce joli néon bleu affichant cet énorme et trop beau pour être vrai 20%
Pour répondre à la question voici une liste non exhaustive des usages de $UST car concrètement UST sert à tous dans l'écosystème et s'étends à tous les autres
Read 31 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
🚀✨ Layer 2 Landscape #11 ✨🚀

(1/15) Hello! Another busy week for #L222 #Layer2 #Ethereum. Let's dive in! 🧵👇
(2/15) Growth of the #Layer2 #Ethereum ecosystem will drive ETH to new heights! Check out this thread by @RyanBerckmans for more on L2s and ETH economics:
(3/15) We were treated to a 🔥 educational thread this week by @pythontony on how he technology behind zk proofs works:
Read 15 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
A lot of super smart cats talking about how to get involved in #crypto for solid gains. And I LOVE it. I follow them.

But a lot of privilege gets left out of the story. Many had access to starting capital or non-stressful economic situations

Here’s a 🧵 on how to bootstrap /1
Many smaller investors are attracted to crypto due to the low barrier of entry.

But small bags means more easily rekt and taken out of the game.

So an enormous pressure to not make mistakes ends up causing mistakes.

But there IS a way you can protect against this.

Start an investment club with your friends.

It’s as simple as starting an LLC in the US (Delaware or Wyoming, all online).

SEC doesn’t regulate investment clubs as longs as…

Read 8 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
One word @CaitlinLong_: GREED.

You’ve been spot on. I struggled w/ noticing the same issue of #derivative and #TradFi games infecting #bitcoin & #Crypto over the last 1.5yrs or so.

Structurally it was quite easy to see. But...

/1 👉🧵 on a few thoughts.
you have to know how these things have played out in other markets as well as how intermarket relationships work within markets in general. And, you never really know how the change will play out. Especially, in new asset classes like #DigitalAssets.

It felt like most in the space chose not to acknowledge the changes & continue to pump the narrative of NGU and BTFD with little regard for what’s *actually* happening w/ the fundamental picture. Time horizon matters. All participants have different goals.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
It's Wednesday, so we have a new weekly summary for all of the daily investment posts. This thread includes data from:
@tombfinance / @Reaper_Farm
@HectorDAO_HEC / @nemesis_dao
@osmosiszone / @ThorNodes
@VaporNodes / @AngelNodes

Check it out!
2/ First let's take a look at @tombfinance, staking $TShare / $FTM LP in #autofarm @Reaper_Farm. @FantomFDN #drama caused some lower price action this month, but Tomb shows some consistent returns. Don't care about price, I care about #Compounding
3/ Next, let's look at @HectorDAO_HEC. APR is slow and steady and this project is pretty boring with very low returns. Price action continues to decline, but looks like a bottom is near. The pivot to a bank and $TOR saved the #rebase project, but we'll see what happens with $HEC
Read 11 tweets
Feb 19th 2022
🔶Thread : Les outils utiles pour Check la sécurité :

🔹Je vous présente une liste non exhaustive d'outils interessant a utiliser avant de In sur un call #Degen !

RT 🔄 et Like ♥️ apprécié !

#cryptocurrency #Cryptos

🔹Excellent site qui permet de check beaucoup de données comme la répartition de la liquidité et les warning sur le contrat , jetez un oeil si le créateur du contrat ne detient pas toute la liquidité.
🔹Permet de check si la liquidité est lock et pour combien de temps!

🔹Permet de scan un contrat :
Beaucoup d'infos, tel que la supply du créateur, la liquidité burn ou encore si l'Ownership renounced
Read 4 tweets
Jan 30th 2022

Qu'est ce qu’un burn wallet ? A quoi cela sert ?

🔸Un burn wallet est un simplement wallet dédié uniquement à recevoir des #Airdrops mystérieux pour ne pas dire louche , interagir avec des protocoles tous plus degen les uns que les autres. Enfin bref, faire des investissements qualifiés de "scientifiques".

🔸L'écosystème des cryptomonnaies est rempli de projet louche sans réels fondamentaux et surtout avec des teams et des protocoles bien obscurs.

🔹La team doxx de ton projet préférée :
Read 25 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
👨‍💻Small Thread On #HealthBankDAO

After being paralyzed twice due to a spinal deformity at birth and having rebuilt myself to become a 2x #streetworkout champion / judge & gym owner..

I realized that everything about what the medical industry describes as "proper health" was in
Reality.. nothing but complete BS.

This is why I am building this project.

To change the medical industry's standards💯

Turning chemical based bodies into electric based bodies through proper holistic therapies for removing free radicals from the body.

Minimizing the chance
Of anyone from "improper cell replication" because of mineral deficiencies or excess metals in the blood disrupting the PH of each soul alive.

This is bigger than health.
This is about re-educating the World on how the human body ACTUALLY works.

They will say I'm crazy or lying
Read 22 tweets

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