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🔮 #USA đŸ‡ș🇾 Coup de thĂ©Ăątre: #Trump se dĂ©clare prĂȘt Ă  devenir prĂ©sident de la Chambre des reprĂ©sentants

Kari Lake, ancienne candidate du 2022 au poste de gouverneur de l'Arizona (dĂ©faite suite Ă  une fraude grossiĂšre) et Michael #Flynn, ancien conseiller Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© nationale đŸ”œ
de Donald #Trump, ont confirmé au Western Journal la volonté de l'ancien président de reprendre le siÚge actuellement occupé par Nancy #Pelosi.

Lake, dont on parle pour se prĂ©senter aux cĂŽtĂ©s de #Trump en 2024 pour la vice-prĂ©sidence des États-Unis, a dĂ©clarĂ© : đŸ”œ
"J'ai parlé au président #Trump hier soir que ce serait formidable (de prendre la présidence de la Chambre) et qu'il devrait le faire. Je lui ai dit qu'il pouvait faire passer le CongrÚs de la branche la plus détestée (du gouvernement) à la branche préférée."
L'intervention đŸ”œ
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Kleiner Einschub zum Thema #Putin, #Trump, #MAGA und so.

Ihr erinnert Euch an den Beitrag zum Thema "Durchsuchungen beim Oligarchen #Vekselberg", indem auch die Verbindungen zu Trump angesprochen wurden?

Hier sitzt #Putin 2015 beim 10-jÀhrigen JubilÀum des

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international agierenden Kreml Propaganda Senders "Russia Television", kurz RT, zusammen mit interessanten Menschen.

Abgesehen von Jill Stein, die zur 2016er Wahl als PrĂ€sidentschaftskandidatin der "GrĂŒnen" Partei antrat (ohne jede Chance) und irgendwie eigentlich
nur Wahlkampf fĂŒr Trump machte. Seltsam...

...war da noch Mike #Flynn, der wĂ€hrend der AmtseinfĂŒhrung Trumps per SMS Verkaufsverhandlungen fĂŒr Nuklearwissen der USA hielt, ein guter Freund zu US Botschafter Kisylak ist, ĂŒber seine Kontakte und GesprĂ€che mit ihm
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—En 2016, #Trump lançait Ă  ses Ă©lecteurs: "Si vous ĂȘtes innocent, pourquoi invoquer le 5Ăšme amendement? ". En 2022, #Trump a invoquĂ© le cinquiĂšme amendement, dans le cadre de l’enquĂȘte menĂ©e par la procureure gĂ©nĂ©rale de l’État de New York dans ses activitĂ©s commerciales.
2 Le 5Ăšme amendement donne Ă  un citoyen la possibilitĂ© de ne pas avoir Ă  tĂ©moigner contre elle-mĂȘme (auto-incrimination).Bien entendu Trump s'est auto amnistiĂ© de suite de ses propos: «J’ai dĂ©jĂ  demandĂ©, ‘Si tu es innocent, pourquoi est-ce que tu invoques le cinquiĂšme amendement?
3 ’ Eh bien lĂ , je connais la rĂ©ponse Ă  cette question, peut-on lire dans le communiquĂ©. Quand votre famille, votre compagnie et tous les gens autour de vous font l’objet d’une chasse aux sorciĂšres motivĂ©e politiquement, sans fondements, appuyĂ©e par les avocats, les procureurs
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From 2011: "A second Nexus 7 godfather is Maj. Gen. Michael Flynn. Until recently, Flynn was the head of U.S. intelligence in Afghanistan." #DARPA #Flynn #NEXUS7

Christopher White - He served as chief data officer for DARPA in Afghanistan, and then as country lead with oversight of all battlefield research programs. Upon return, his DARPA programs invested hundreds of millions of dollars into open source software.

2015: In January, Jeffrey Shockey became the most powerful staffer on the House Intelligence Committee after Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., named him staff director, the highest ranking staff assignment. #Nunes #Shockey #StanleyMcChrystal #DARPA

Read 7 tweets
Saturday, March 5th, 2022
News you can use. đŸ§”
I'm going to keep repeating it:

#NATO, or The U.S. and other partners, need to make a #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine now, or the blood of this #WarInUkraine is on their/our hands.

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Lin Wood break down with recieipts....
My opinion on writing this just a week ago was dont do anything to cause division. Pleas forgive me, read in its entirety before judging. 1
add a hashtag
Linwood was loud, erratic, truth speaker, semi good story teller, bold, reputable, honest, faithful, Jesus follower, rubble-Rouser, exposing the Cabal without using an anonymous persona. Doing what we all want to do and thats scream from the mountaintops all that is fookery....2
I have one side, the Truth. I started looking into Wood when a public spat surviced with Gen Flynn and I went all in. When I started, here is where my head was at. Gen Flynn what? Immediately said ok if he is a shill then when did it start?.....3
Read 21 tweets
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
News you can use.

Try not to laugh...
#ErikPrince and James O'Keefe are the ratf*ck extroardinaires #RogerStone Steve #Bannon needed. Sprinkle a little #Flynn in there, and you've got a military grade political hack squad ready to fill their own pockets no matter how bad it is for the U.S.

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GOP candidate claims #Flynn hoped to blackmail US officials into pro-Trump 'audits'

His #PatriotCaucus approached #EverettStern, offering to hire his firm to gather "dirt" on officials and recruit others to assist in the plot.


"They wanted to gather intelligence on senators, judges, congressmen, state reps, to move them towards the audit," Stern said. "The word 'move' was emphasized
 they wanted was to extort and to literally move people towards the audit with dirt."

#PatriotCaucus apparently wanted Stern to focus on two Republican state officials in particular: Sen. Toomey and Rep. Fitzpatrick

"He said to me, 'PA GOP better move towards the audit, or we will crush them’”
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Retweeting Santa's thread on Michael Flynn

so that it can be "rolled up"

and thus become "more fully available". Right #Mudge?

MEME GIFs won't be included. JPGs & YT videos will be.

First tweet 👇 was on April 26, 2019...
#Q said FLYNN is Safe. #Q Didn't Say Trust
SAFE adjective
1: free from harm or risk: UNHURT
2a: secure from Threat of danger, harm, or loss
TRUST noun
1a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something
b: one in which confidence is placed
#QDrop #260 4 Dec 2017 - 9:24:14 PM
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our Patriots.
So You Know It Doesn't Say Flem Knows Where The Bodies Are...Also, Doesn't it seem like #Q is Saying To Us Directly "We Protect Our Patriots" IDK...#SCOTUS
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Les pardons (grĂąces) prĂ©- NoĂ«l de D.#Trump sont massifs et ciblĂ©s. Ils bĂ©nĂ©ficient Ă  Papadopoulos qui a menti au FBI dans l'enquĂȘte #Mueller sur l'ingĂ©rence de la #Russie et Ă  3 ex-Ă©lus trumpistes condamnĂ©s pour malversations financiĂšres. Drain the swamp?

2) Outre l'effacement de l'ardoise #Mueller, qui semble valider avec #Flynn et #Papadopoulos que mentir au #FBI est admissible pour protéger 1 président en poste, le pardon de #Trump accordé aux délinquants politiques en col blanc Hunter, Collins et Stockman...
3)...consolide l'affaiblissement dĂ©jĂ  majeur de la justice fĂ©dĂ©rale financiĂšre avec l'arrĂȘt McDonnell v USA de la #CourSuprĂȘme conservatrice en 2016 qui a rĂ©duit au strict minimum le champ possible des poursuites de la corruption des Ă©lus politiques.

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D'aprĂšs @maggienyt ():
1. #Trump a reçu à la Maison Blanche l'avocate Powell, celle du complot Venezuela/Chine/CIA, songeant à elle en procureure spéciale
2. Giuliani a proposé 1 saisie fédérale des machines à voter
3. Flynn, pro-putsch militaire, Ă©tait lĂ 
2) Les infos du @nytimes sont confirmĂ©es Ă  l'instant par la remarquable @rebeccaballhaus du @WSJ: hier, Ă  la Maison Blanche, il a bien Ă©tĂ© Ă©voquĂ©- mĂȘme si rejetĂ©- 1 coup de force militaire et la nomination de Powell en procureure spĂ©ciale. Autre dimension
3) LĂ , les amis, je ne sais plus quoi vous dire: on aura donc discutĂ© Ă  la Maison Blanche de #Trump, mĂȘme pour la rejeter, l'idĂ©e d'1 intervention militaire pour annuler 1 Ă©lection dĂ©mocratique validĂ©e par les 50 Etats, et en prĂ©sence d'1 ex-gĂ©nĂ©ral putschiste. Les mots manquent
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Pour répondre à 1 question de @PierreSerisier, ce n'est pas la loi martiale que D.#Trump est invité par ses partisans à proclamer, mais le déploiement de l'armée sous l'autorité de l'Insurrection Act de 1807. Explications dans le @politico du jour...

2) comme l'Ă©crit trĂšs bien @politico, ce n'est pas tant la probabilitĂ©- faible- d'1 recours Ă  l'Insurrection Act de 1807 contre le rĂ©sultat d'1 Ă©lection dĂ©mocratique par #Trump qui doit ĂȘtre analysĂ©e que le fait d'y ĂȘtre invitĂ© par ses partisans les plus radicaux.
3) Evoqué ici aprÚs les émeutes consécutives à l'assassinat de George Floyd, l'Insurrection Act de 1807 est 1 exception légale au Posse Comitatus de 1878 qui interdit le déploiement des troupes armées sur le territoire intérieur US pour maintien de l'ordre.
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#Flynn In 43 page opinion, Judge Sullivan calls POTUS full pardon “political decision not a legal one” CONTEXT: Sullivan dismisses @GenFlynn case as “moot,” more than 7 months after DOJ motion + weeks AFTER District Court ordered Sullivan to act with dispatch. Sullivan writes,
“The history of the Constitution, its structure + the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the pardon power make clear that President Trump’s decision to pardon Mr. Flynn is a political decision, not a legal one. Because the law recognizes the President’s political power to pardon,
the appropriate course is to dismiss this case as moot. However, the pardon ‘does not, standing alone, render [Mr. Flynn] innocent of the alleged violation’ of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2).” @ClareHymes22 @CBSNews
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Ma nouvelle chronique pour @Lesjoursfr: 1 #Trump qui utilise les moyens de l'Etat et de sa fonction pour essayer de renverser le vote populaire et gracier ses proches (Flynn). Quelle conception de la #démocratie se dessine ici?
2) En complément de ma chronique, 1 point historique sur la conception de la présidence de #Trump qui s'affirme et s'affine avec ces recours judiciaires désormais désespérés pour contester le résultat de la présidentielle contre #Biden...
3) D'1 part, et il est toujours bon de le rappeler, #Trump n'a jamais envisagé une alternance ordinaire et pacifiée, posant en axiome. "Si je perds, c'est que l'élection est truquée". DÚs le 17 août au moins.
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Judge Sullivan on #Flynn's case just granted a lineup of requests to file friend-of-the-court briefs in the wake of Trump granting a pardon to the former national security adviser.
A group of Watergate prosecutors and Dems on the House Judiciary Committee are among the parties granted leave to file amicus briefs.
The requests Sullivan has granted were filed in late Sept/early Oct before Trump signed Flynn's pardon. Background:

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Thread: Listening to the new episode of @GaslitNation, "The Purge, Accelerated."

"Their goal is not to govern, but to rule."
"They are going to try to leave all of these institutions, these departments, as bereft of oversight and actual people in there [doing] something to serve the American public as possible. Because that is how they maintain their power." - @sarahkendzior @gaslitnation
"Imagine that all of us today have returned from a time machine from the future, and we see what it's like if we do not get Georgia... I cannot tell you what a different future this country and the world will have if we can get Ossoff and Warnock." - @AndreaChalupa
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MAJEUR (aka the last nail in the coffin) #Barr, ministre de la Justice et ùme damnée de #Trump qui l'a nommé, déclare que ses services n'ont trouvé aucune preuve d'1 fraude électorale massive ayant pu changer le résultat de l'élection.
2) Quand on parle d'ùme damnée de #Trump, Bill #Barr est l'homme qui a publié 1 abrégé du rapport #Mueller en atténuant la portée avant publication, qui a fait abandonner les poursuites contre #Flynn et atténuer la sentence de #RogerStone, contre tous les usages historiques...
3)...bref, Bill #Barr a profondĂ©ment modifiĂ© le sens mĂȘme de la fonction de ministre fĂ©dĂ©ral de la Justice en faisant le parapluie politique et judiciaire du prĂ©sident #Trump, y compris pour ses affaires privĂ©es...

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MAJEUR. D.#Trump pardonne/gracie son ex-conseiller à la Sécurité Nationale #Flynn, qui avait plaidé 2 fois coupable d'avoir menti au FBI en 2017 sur ses conversations avec l'ambassadeur russe Kislyak fin décembre 2016. Résumé et métaphore d'1 présidence.

2) Les démocrates auront du mal à critiquer #Trump sur ce pouvoir de pardon/grùce présidentiel, dont #BillClinton a fait un usage trÚs mal avisé dans l'affaire Marc Rich (et pas que). Mais que #Trump en use pour 1 ex-subordonné qui avait reconnu son délit, c'est inhabituel...
3) Cependant, ce pardon de #Flynn est aussi 1 aveu d'Ă©chec pour #Trump qui s'Ă©tait fait fort d'ajourner le procĂšs de #Flynn en faisant cesser les poursuites de SON ministĂšre de la Justice via Barr contre tous les usages...

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NEW: @DNI_Ratcliffe has provided almost 1,000 docs to @TheJusticeDept to support US attorney #JohnDurham’s investigation into origins of #Russia probe #Durham

Here is what’s been #declassified in 2020:
#unmasking doc, #SusanRice email, info about #SteeleDossier ,@JohnBrennan notes, #flynn #kislyak transcripts, house intel testimony where officials said they had no “empirical evidence”of trump collision & more

In May, then-acting DNI @RichardGrenell declassified 6,000 pages of transcripts of interviews from @HouseIntel #Russia probe, where officials acknowledged they had no “empirical evidence” of #collusion or a #conspiracy between the @realDonaldTrump campaign& #Russia in 2016
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NOW #Flynn's attorney said she spoke to President Donald Trump about the case "to inform him of the general status of the litigation."
Judge Sullivan asked if that conversation was in the last two weeks. Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell said time has a way of getting away from her but seemed to answer it was in recent weeks.
Powell tried to invoke ***executive privilege*** to circumvent Sullivan's questions, surprising the judge who said she does not work for the government.
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Coming up at 11am, Judge Sullivan will hear arguments on the Justice Department's push to drop the prosecution of Trump’s former national security adviser Michael #Flynn. I'll have live updates.
This will be the first time hearing directly from Sullivan--appointed by president's of both parties to serve on the D.C. superior, circuit and district courts--since Flynn asked the D.C. Circuit to force the judge to drop the case.
Background: DC Circuit Won’t Force Dismissal of Flynn Prosecution

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#FLYNN NEW: In advance of Tuesday hearing, @SidneyPowell1 files brief with handwritten notes withheld from defense. Judge Sullivan has the authority to "unseal" which would reveal redacted sections but has not immediately done so. Page 1: Documents high level meeting about ImageImage
about Flynn with McCabe, former top FBI lawyer Baker + senior DOJ officials appear to be Dana (Boente) Tash (Gauhar), (Mary) McCord, Scott (Schools) among others. Page 2: “Flynn case was on path to closure until (Amb) Kysliak (sic) conversation. False statement likely to be ImageImage
divided + Logan Act - both" Page 4: looks like FBI team accessed Flynn security clearance application SF86 - roadmap to person’s life Page 5: Jan 2018 “Have Brady order (evidence helpful to defense) from J. Sullivan” + ongoing interview potential witness “Bad memory” @CBSNews ImageImage
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#Durham #Flynn 13 page DOJ filing includes unvarnished assessment from FBI Agent assigned to Flynn case, code named “Crossfire RAZOR.” Pages 1 + 2 Agent William Barnett said case theory was “supposition on supposition” + predication or basis for opening probe “not great”
On pages 3 + 5 Agent Barnett said FBI team considered closing Flynn probe November 2016 (which moves up timeline) + called case “exercise in futility” + believed he was “cut out” of Jan 2017 Flynn WH conducted by @petestrzok where Flynn had no lawyer + WH counsel not advised
Page 6 + 7 Agent Barnett said “RAZOR Investigation was problematic” + he “wished to be removed” because it could end up with IG + FBI lawyer Clinesmith who recently pleaded guilty to altering CIA email about @carterwpage also handled Flynn data collection requests
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“Hey, don’t close RAZOR (#Flynn).”

The partly redacted messages don’t indicate why the reversal occurred — it came just 20 minutes after the doc to close the case had been circulating and less than a week after Flynn spoke by phone to RU Amb Kislyak.

Transcripts of calls between Flynn, Russian diplomat (Kislyak) show that the two did discuss sanctions as the incoming administration sought to avoid escalating the conflict over Russian interference in the presidential election.

RW media is attempting to characterize the FBI inv’n into Flynn as an op to “get Flynn.” It’s true the FBI was about to close the case when intercepts of Flynn’s convos with Kislyak dropped asking RU not to retaliate about the sanctions the Obama adm imposed re elex interference.
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