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1/11 Russia's FM #Lavrov is leaving for #Turkey in a week. Attention! In #Ankara, Lavrov will also discuss the settlement of #NagornoKarabakh with Turkish FM Cavusoglu, in addition to the topics of #Syria, #Ukraine. Zakharova announced this information today. What does it reveal? Image
2/ 🇷🇺 no longer hides that Karabakh is the subject of its and 🇹🇷's political trade. 🇷🇺 can concede one benefit to 🇹🇷 in the Karabakh issue, and instead receive a benefit in the directions of Syria, Ukraine. The settlement of the NK issue actually fell victim to 🇷🇺-🇹🇷 cooperation. Image
3/ The facts testify to that. After the Sept 2020 war, the #Russia's MoD #Shoigu announced that a successful operation was carried out with #Turkey in #Karabakh. Probably, he meant the defeat of Nagorno Karabakh. A joint Russian-Turkish monitoring center is located in #Aghdam. ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
1/5 The armed forces of Azerbaijan went to provocation in #NagornoKarabakh. On March 25, they violated the line of contact in the Shushi-Lisagor section and occupied the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

#Armenia #Azerbaijan #Baku #Yerevan #Artsakh #Stepanakert #Shushi #Lisagor Image
2/5 The government of #Karabakh expects the peacekeeping forces of the #Russia to take steps to eliminate the #Azerbaijani violation. For days, 🇦🇿 has been spreading the lie that ammunition is being transported from 🇦🇲 to NK via the Stepanakert-Ghaibalishen-Lisagor mountain road.
3/5 It was a false pretext in order to carry out this provocation. Karabakh announced that, being surrounded for more than 100 days, this mountain road is being used to communicate with 4 villages of Stepanakert, Shushi regions.
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1/7 #Azerbaijan talking about the integration of #NagornoKarabakh continues terrorist acts agnst #Armenians. In the previous days the #Azerbaijani forces opened fire at the people carrying out pruning work in the vineyards of #Machkalashen community, MartunI region, NK. #Armenia Azerbaijani soldierMachkalashen, Nagorno Karabakh
2/7 There are no casualties. Agricultural works have been stopped. The villagers told Azatutyun r/s that the Azerbaijanis were not deterred by the presence of Russian "peacekeepers". The Russians were present in the vineyards, but 🇦🇿 fired from large-caliber machine guns. Azerbaijani soldierRussian peacekeepers in Nag...
3/7 Three days ago, Azerbaijan fired shots at people working in the vineyards of #Chartar in the #Martuni region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Agricultural works have not yet resumed in a part of the vineyards of Chartar.

The armed forces of Azerbaijan are hundreds of meters away. Chartar, Nagorno-Karabakh
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Important days in the war in eastern Ukraine, a major crisis in Georgia, but don’t forget also the situation in and around #Karabakh. Here's the piece I published a week ago on “Armenia’s insecurity” for @Carnegie_Europe @Judy_Dempsey…
Since then the situation has got a bit worse. The Lachin Corridor to Karabakh remains closed to all but a few vehicles, chiefly the ICRC. And three Armenian policemen and two Azerbaijani soldiers were reported killed in two separate incidents.…
My main point: the ARM-AZ situation is very volatile, it can tip into more violence, or there could be a framework peace agreement. PM Pashinyan has gone out on a limb, but Pres. Aliyev continues to press and make the Armenians insecure--a situation which Russia exploits.
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Today, Sergey Lavrov visited #Russia's faithful ally #Azerbaijan. #Putin really supported #Aliyev in arming the army and winning the war against #Armenia and #NagornoKarabakh.

Read more below.
1/1 According to the #Stockholm-based International Peace Institute, #CSTO members Russia and Belarus are the first and third countries that supplied offensive weapons to Azerbaijan during the period of 2011-2020.
1/2 In those years, Azerbaijan received 67.2% of its imported weapons from Russia and #Belarus, which are declared allies of Armenia. During the same period, Azerbaijan imported only 2.9% of its ammunition from #Turkey.
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31 hours from the day of the Khojaly Genocide committed against Azerbaijanis

On the night of February 25 to 26, 1992, Armenian separatists and personnel of the 366th motorized rifle regiment of the former Soviet army attacked the city of Khojaly and massacred the peaceful
Azerbaijani population. As a result, 613 people were killed, 487 wounded, 1275 captured, 150 missing.

Since October 1991, the town of Khojaly in Karabakh has been under blockade. The main goal of the Armenians was the destruction of the Khojaly bridgehead,
the unloading of the Askeran-Khankenda road passing through the city, and the capture of the only airport in Karabakh. On the night of February 26, 1992, Khojaly came under artillery fire. The attack was organized from three directions, the population was forced to flee in
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🔴#Karabakh: @amnesty international demande aux autorités azerbaïdjanaises et aux Casques bleus russes de débloquer immédiatement le corridor de #Latchine et de mettre fin à la crise humanitaire en cours.
#Arménie #Azerbaidjan
#Karabakh: @amnesty dénonce les conséquences #blocus sur 120 000 civils "coupés du monde"
"Une seule couveuse pouvait fonctionner et trois bébés prématurés devaient l’utiliser à tour de rôle. Quand je pense à toutes les incertitudes liées à l'accouchement, je suis terrifiée"
[@amnesty] #Karabakh "Le blocus se traduit par de graves pénuries de denrées alimentaires et de fournitures médicales, car l’aide humanitaire livrée par le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge et les soldats russes de maintien de la paix ne suffit pas à répondre aux besoins"
Read 9 tweets
1/ If you haven’t been watching the situation in the so-called #Lachin Corridor, the only road connecting Armenia and #Karabakh, you should now. The Armenian-Azerbaijani situation may be sliding slowly back into conflict. A short thread.
2/ Self-declared Azerbaijani environmentalists evidently sent there by the government in Baku (Azerbaijan’s version of “Little Green Men”?) have been blocking the Lachin road and therefore access in and out for local Armenians.…
3/ Azerbaijan has legitimate concerns about alleged new mines being laid around the corridor. But as this expert hints Azerbaijan's agenda is much bigger than this: “the establishment of Baku’s sovereign rights over the entire territory of Karabakh.”…
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This🧵is about Azeri war criminal and racketeer who took the lives of innocent Armenian civilians and openly advocated for the genocide against Armenians during the Second #Karabakh War. We hope with your and @elonmusk's help this person will be banned from Twitter and the U.S.
@elonmusk Meet @HalduNovruzzade #HalduNovruzzade, a wealthy businessman from Azerbaijan with a lavish lifestyle in a country where people struggle to find food. We will also tell you how he makes his money and how he leverages the U.S. financial system to profit his criminal enterprise. ImageImageImageImage
@elonmusk @HalduNovruzzade During the Second #Karabakh War, Haldu Novruzzade with a group of other men, volunteered to follow the Azerbaijani Army into Nagorno-Karabakh. This was done under the guise of logistical support for the Army. Mr. Novruzzade owns a transportation company in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Read 26 tweets
🧵MAJOR – New details on Azerbaijan’s offensive into Karabakh during the 2020 war revealed in a private telephone conversation by a vice-commander (Babek Semidli). Just posted by non-state affiliated @MeydanTV in Azeri.


#Azerbaijan #Karabakh
PRELUDE – Col Semidli was vice-Commander of Azerbaijan’s 1st Army Corps during the 2020 Karabakh war (Terter-Martakert front), this conversation occurred a few days before he was killed by a land mine 2 weeks after the war, speaking with an unknown/undisclosed individual.
1⃣PREPARATION FASE - According to Semidli, the military's vice-Chief-of-Staff sought to assure officers that the adversary's [Armenian and Karabakhi] forces were lower and that Azeri forces had an advantage, apparently some commanders refuted this, saying their forces were...
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🇦🇲❗️ Следственный комитет #Армении обвинил бывшего "министра обороны" карабахских сепаратистов, действующего начальника службы военного контроля минобороны #Armenia генерал-лейтенанта Джалала Арутюняна в халатном отношении к службе во время войны в #Karabakh осенью 2020 года.
В результате следствия выяснилось, что действия Арутюняна повлекли тяжкие последствия. В СК отметили, что речь идет о боях в направлении Гадрута 7 октября и Физули 12 октября 2020 года, тогда армянская сторона потеряла убитыми 20 военнослужащих, 19 танков, три БМП,
восемь пушек Д-20, четыре автомобиля "Урал", большое количество оружия и боеприпасов, снаряды.

В отношении него избрана мера пресечения в виде подписки о невыезде, должностные полномочия прекращены.
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And what if there's a war tomorrow? An expert gave insight into the situation of Kazakhstan's army.

The most acute socio-economic conflicts and political contradictions are taking place in the modern world. The military-political situation is developing dynamically and the structure and nature of threats to the KZ state are changing qualitatively. /2
In this regard, the role of military force to ensure the political and economic interests of the State has increased significantly.
Read 66 tweets
What if there's a war tomorrow? How the defense industry of Kazakhstan lives. Part I

There are two types of defense industry enterprises in Kazakhstan. Due to the specifics of each company, they do not advertise themselves particularly.

The first type includes those organizations and factories that #Kazakhstan has inherited from #USSR. This is the production of torpedoes, large-caliber machine guns, components and components for aviation equipment, as well as breathing apparatus for military aviation. /2
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رشتوی جزئیات جنگ جدید چهارشنبه 12مرداد در #قره‌_باغ میان #ارمنستان و #آذربایجان؛


خلاصه جنگ:ارتش #آزربایجان چند «موضع استراتژیک» را تصرف/آزاد کرد و از گروههای مسلح غیرقانونی ارمنی 5سرباز به جهنم واصل شده و 15 نفر زخمی شدند و از آذربایجان یک نفر شهیدشد.

با ما همراه باشید.. Image

در اثر آتش گشوده شده از منطقه لاچین،محل استقرار صلحبانان روسی و جدایی طلبان ارمنی،1سرباز آذربایجانی بنام کاظموف انار رستم اوغلو شهید شد.

ارتش آذربایجان بعد شهادت سربازش،نیروهای ارمنی را در منطقه قره‌باغ با موشکهای پهپاد بایراکتار هدف قرار داد..

با فیلمهای حملات باما باشید.. Image

پس از شهادت یک سرباز در قره باغ، ارتش #Azerbaycan به حملات به نیروهای ارمنی با پهپاد بایراکتار ادامه داد.

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Update Kaukasus
In #Bergkarabach eskaliert die Lage.
Zwischen aserbaidschanischen Truppen und den Verbänden der "Republik #Arzakh " sind Kämpfe ausgebrochen.
#Azerbaijan ist mit Bodentruppen vorgestoßen und setzt Angriffsdrohnen ein.
Arzach rief Mobilmachung aus.
Thread 👇
Die Lage rund um #Nagornokarabakh im Südkaukasus ist seit Wochenbeginn eskaliert.
Am Montag wurden zunächst vereinzelte Gefechte zwischen aserbaidschanischen Truppen und Arzach-Verbänden beim strategisch wichtigen Lachin-Korridor gemeldet.
Später weiteten sich die Gefechte aus
Am Dienstag wurde bereits der Einsatz von Minenwerfern gemeldet.
Nur kurze Zeit später hieß es, dass #Azerbaijan auch Kriegsdrohnen einsetzt, und zwar nicht nur zur Aufklärung, sondern auch für Luftangriffe.
#Armenien #Bergkarabach
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Judging by the report to #Putin, yesterday's talks between #Russian Foreign Minister #Lavrov & his Turkish counterpart Çavuşoğlu didn't bring any significant results. They agreed to continue discussing sensitive issues, refraining from harmful to bilateral relations steps
#Putin was dissatisfied with the result of #Lavrov's visit to #Turkey & talked about the fact that the Turkish side in the negotiation process is seeking tangible concessions to the detriment of #Russian positions. He traditionally gave Lavrov rollicking
It's important for #Putin to understand the actions of the Turkish leadership & to have close contact with #Erdogan, given the preparation and possible implementation of a geopolitical project in the #Caucasus
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Here is a piece commissioned by the Armenian online analytical journal Analyticon on the new EU mediated ARM-AZ talks…
Three questions. The role of Russia? What now for the Minsk Group. (It’s frozen but not entirely dead). And what about the #Karabakh Armenians? Territorial independence is off the table but, as I’ve said for many years, the question of their security is paramount.
In a new statement Charles Michel’s spokesperson clarified some details and also stresses the importance of public diplomacy and “rights and security”…
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#Russia warns "consequences" for another negotiation format in the South Caucasus - Geneva International Discussions - devoted to conflicts in #Georgia. Recently Moscow voiced similar threats in #Karabakh context. Why contents of these complains have little to do with reality?🧵
In fact, this was #Russia that proposed to postpone the spring round of the Geneva talks. Its key negotiator Mr Rudenko was busy with talks in #Ukraine. There were some problems with logistics as well. 2/
Despite the cancelled round of talks, there has been no sign of disrupted cooperation on the ground. On the contrary, in the last couple of months contacts between the sides have been very active with people getting released rather than detained along the line of separation. 3/
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I've been reading about the 1905 clashes between Armenians & Azerbaijanis, the first known inter-ethnic confrontation between the two, and reaffirmed my conviction that the disagreements & subsequent #Armenia-#Azerbaijan wars are the product of the 'divide et impera' policy 1/10
One of the reasons that triggered the bloody events was the underrepresentation of the Muslim population in local city councils. Although the Muslim population of #Baku accounted for around 80% of the electorate, they were entitled to less than a third of the seats. 2/10
Without a significant #Russia'n population in the region, Russians chose to rely on #Armenia'ns as Christians, promoting them to administrative roles. After a while though, seeing the rise of national sentiments among them, they did the contrary, this time betting on Muslims 3/10
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BREAKING - #Russia MoD reports #Azerbaijan violated ceasefire agreement in Yarimji, Martakert area #NagornoKarabakh advancing positions, subsequently retreated as a result of negotiations as reported by NK. (2)……
#armenia ImageImage
This is the 4th incident of #Russia's Defence Ministry reporting a ceasefire violation incident in #NagornoKarabakh since 09 August 2021, all 4 were by #Azerbaijan.

What's being violated according to Russian authorities is the 9 November 2020 ceasefire Agreement.
First report (09 Aug 2021) the head of #Russia's peacekeeping force reports #Azerbaijan using 2 small UAVs against Karabakhi positions. (1, 2)…

2. ImageImageImage
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The previously mentioned Mikhail Podolyak was quick to use the #Bucha "massacre" to ask for more weapons
It's worth noting that the Rus Army left the town on Mar 30,,,,4 days ago but footage appeared only today
#UAV footage of a strike on a Ukr target during the battle for #Izum at the end of March
#LPR Artillery....some awards given to distinguished crews
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🧵Once again: #Hays AKA #Armenians could never occupy #Karabakh alone, withiout #Haykakan AKA #Armenian terrorists from USA, Lebanon and first of all without the #Russia|n elite forces from Kostroma, Pskov and the 366 army unit..
Here's the evidence: A. Nevzorov @NevzorovAG, brave #Russian journalist, mentions mercanaries from Pskov, #Russia, in his report on the "bravest person I've ever met in my life - #Azerbaijani Vezir Orujov" killed in the fiercest battle in Agdara, 1993
We, Azerbaijanis, follow what's happening in #Ukraine with pain in our hearts and tears in our eyes. 💔😢🇺🇦💙💛
But as an Azerbaijani I'm extremely happy when I see Russian losses, especially when I see the killed #Russians from Pskov and Kostroma.
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Rus Mi-8 helicopters in Ukraine
#UkraineRussia #Donbas
#DPR Militia on the frontline...don't have exact location
Rus. column reportedly approaching #Zaporozhye
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.#Turkey's President #Erdogan came to #Ukraine for a meeting with #Zelensky. What's cooking here and how #Russia sees all of this? My THREAD. Image
1. @RTErdogan officially came w/ a “peacekeeping” mission, but no illusions in #Moscow of waht kinda olive branch he carries.
3 goals:
a) insert #Turkey in conflict to expand regional influence
b) sell more arms
c) access #Ukraine's tech market
2. #Turkey has arms to offer which #Ukraine needs – good overlap of interests here.
Bayraktars are what everyone focusesd on (+ #Ukraine built a plant to service them) but UKR interested in expanding the drone lineup,so it’s the Akinci drone that the parties may be discussing +..
Read 13 tweets

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