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1/12 #Azerbaijan's TOP 15 false narratives. Exploiting these lies, #Baku disrupts the negotiation process with #Armenia, prepares for new attacks against Armenia, #NagornoKarabakh.

1. Armenia supplies weapons to Karabakh through the Lachin Corridor with the help of peacekeepers.
2/ #Azerbaijan's false narratives.

2. Armenia does not agree to establish peace with Azerbaijan, although Azerbaijan's proposals are the best, based on the principles of international law.

3. Armenia, together with Russia and Iran, is preparing to attack Azerbaijan.
3/ #Azerbaijan's false narratives.

4. There are illegal military groups in Nagorno-Karabakh that are planning to attack, and it is necessary to disarm the NK Defense Army with an anti-terrorist operation.
Read 12 tweets
Sanno di déjà-vu le immagini che in queste ore arrivano dal confine tra #Azerbaijan e #Armenia. L'esercito di #Baku sta ammassando sempre più truppe: la tenuta complessiva del già fragilissimo cessate il fuoco siglato (con qualche interruzione) nell'autunno del 2020
fra le due ex repubbliche sovietiche non è mai stata così in bilico.
Da ormai settimane i civili armeni si addestrano in palestre improvvisate all'utilizzo di armi e tecniche di guerra. Promettono di combattere fino all'ultimo connazionale, invocano un intervento in loro
difesa, descrivono come certo un attacco azero in questa primavera. Tenendosi larghi.
C'è una regola, in geopolitica, che rischia di sancire la condanna per l'Armenia: i vuoti sono fatti per essere riempiti. La guerra in #Ucraina ha "distratto" la #Russia dalla protezione
Read 8 tweets
El gobierno de #Azerbaiyán invitó a representantes de #Artsakh a #Bakú para celebrar una reunión para "discutir temas de integración e implementación de proyectos de infraestructura en Karabaj".
¿Qué implica el término “integración” aquí? 👇🏼
#Azerbaiyán considera a #Artsakh como territorio azerí y a su población como minoría armenia de su país. En general, el término “integración” tiene una connotación positiva;sin embargo, Azerbaiyán se refiere al modo en que termine de ocupar la totalidad de Artsakh ¿Esto es malo?
Sí.El gobierno de #Azerbaiyán afirma en lo discursivo que protegerá los #derechos del pueblo de #Artsakh como sus ciudadanos.Sin embargo,en la práctica,la toma de la totalidad de Artsakh implica limpieza étnica. #Armenia asegura que la vida de un armenio no está garantizada en 🇦🇿
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1/5 The armed forces of Azerbaijan went to provocation in #NagornoKarabakh. On March 25, they violated the line of contact in the Shushi-Lisagor section and occupied the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

#Armenia #Azerbaijan #Baku #Yerevan #Artsakh #Stepanakert #Shushi #Lisagor Image
2/5 The government of #Karabakh expects the peacekeeping forces of the #Russia to take steps to eliminate the #Azerbaijani violation. For days, 🇦🇿 has been spreading the lie that ammunition is being transported from 🇦🇲 to NK via the Stepanakert-Ghaibalishen-Lisagor mountain road.
3/5 It was a false pretext in order to carry out this provocation. Karabakh announced that, being surrounded for more than 100 days, this mountain road is being used to communicate with 4 villages of Stepanakert, Shushi regions.
Read 5 tweets
Today, Sergey Lavrov visited #Russia's faithful ally #Azerbaijan. #Putin really supported #Aliyev in arming the army and winning the war against #Armenia and #NagornoKarabakh.

Read more below.
1/1 According to the #Stockholm-based International Peace Institute, #CSTO members Russia and Belarus are the first and third countries that supplied offensive weapons to Azerbaijan during the period of 2011-2020.
1/2 In those years, Azerbaijan received 67.2% of its imported weapons from Russia and #Belarus, which are declared allies of Armenia. During the same period, Azerbaijan imported only 2.9% of its ammunition from #Turkey.
Read 19 tweets
The terror attack at embassy of #Azerbaijan Republic (#Baku) in #Tehran, #Iran is most likely a false flag operation of Azerbaijani Intel service. Authorities of the Baku were fully prepared to release statements for this attack. Even Azerbajani media had received notice before!
This CCTV footage shows inside the #Baku embassy in #Tehran, #Iran, when the 50 year old attacker armed with an AK-47 Assault rifle entered and opened fire at people inside. Head of the security of #Azerbaijan embassy attempted to stop him & he was wounded.
With the heroic action of this man, head of security of the emnbassy of #Azerbaijan Republic (#Baku), the terrorist who is believed to be hired by Azerbaijani Intelligence failed to kill more people inside the embassy in #Tehran, #Iran.
Read 7 tweets
📍🧵Baku Museum of Miniature Books – recognized by @GWR as world’s largest miniature book collection.

#Baku, the stunning capital of Azerbaijan, the land of fires, is one of the best stops on a trip to #Europe.
With a beautiful coastline,this unique city has so much to offer to travelers;from beaches and volcanoes to a cityscape where the tradition meets modernity.
Baku is also home to the world’s first private Museum of Miniature Books,which is located in Icharishahar Historical and⤵️
Architectural Reserve proudly holding the Guinness World Records title as the world's largest collection of miniature books since 2014.
The Baku Museum of Miniature Books was founded by Zarifa Salahova in 2002.
Read 9 tweets
Vor kurzem stellte uns @handelsblatt in einem Porträt einen der Gewinner der Krise vor. Der in Russland lebende deutsche Topmanager Meier, der nun eine Airline leitet, die der Familie des Diktators von #Aserbaidschan gehört.

Bei Handelsblatt klingt er aber wie ein Business-Genie Image
@handelsblatt Den Artikel findet hier:…

Falls ihr kein Handelsblatt-Abo habt, könnt ihr hier dank @12ftio über die Paywall schauen:…
@handelsblatt @12ftio Im Artikel wird zunächst die Rolle von #SilkWay West, der Firma von Meier, komplett verklärt. Sie wird zur "größten Privatfirma Aserbaidschan" erklärt, was schlicht nicht stimmt. Die größte Firma des Landes ist die "SH Holding" oder "SH Group", zu der 24 Firmen gehören.
Read 16 tweets
Hoy se cumplen 31 años de la (re)declaración de independencia de #Azerbaiyán, así que lo celebramos con un hilo sobre esta Tierra del Fuego que nada tiene que ver con Ushuaia, el país de los volcanes de barro y los mares que arden 🇦🇿🔥 Image
La historia de #Azerbaiyan empieza en la cueva Azykh, en donde habitaron los primeros humanos (o casi) en la zona.

Se encontraron fósiles de neandertal de unos 300 mil años. Pero además tenían ¡CHIMENEA! La 1° de la historia. La hermandad entre azeríes y fuego comenzó entonces. ImageImage
(Sí, sí, la cueva está en el territorio en disputa de #NagornoKarabakh, pero bajo control de Azerbaiyán y reconocido internacionalmente como territorio azerbaiyano)
Read 30 tweets
#OnThisDay Sep 15, 1918, the Ottoman Army of Islam captured #Baku. With the ethnic #Azerbaijan'i Turks at their side, they carried out a systematic massacre of the #Armenia'ns in the city, during which its estimated that 15,000 to 20,000 Armenians died.

#Turkey #ArmenianGenocide
A terrible panic in Baku ensued once the Turks entered the city. The Armenians crowded the harbor in a frantic effort to escape. Regular Ottoman troops were not allowed to enter the city for 2 days, so that the local irregulars – bashibozuks – would conduct looting and pillaging.
Later, Ottoman troops participated alongside the irregulars & the Azeris of #Baku in the plundering, who then turned their fury against the city's #Armenia'n population. Calls by the German officers to treat the local population with leniency were ignored by Ottoman commanders.
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Das ist Vugar Gafarov. 2. Sekretär der Botschaft von #Aserbaidschan in Berlin, zuständig für politische und sicherheitspolitische Angelegenheit.

Davor war Gafarov Praktikant im Bundestag, bei einem gewissen Johannes #Kahrs. Das war 2008.

#AserbaidschanConnection Image
Hier ist Gafarov als Praki im Büro von Kahrs. Er war zuvor Student in Hamburg und ist extra nach #Baku geflogen, um am Auswahlverfahren für das Praktikum für Aserbaidschan teilzunehmen.

Das war nicht unüblich, wie @vice_de/@xileffff später recherchierten:… Image
Wie viele andere dieser Praktikantenstelle, blieb auch Gafarov in Deutschland. Er war zunächst bei der @FESonline in Hamburg, bevor er 2012 ins aserbaidschanische Außenministerium und später in die Botschaft wechselte.
Read 9 tweets
#Iran is mobilizing Shia Azerbaijani fighters belonging to the Huseyncilar militia. If #Baku invades #Armenia, the militia will invade #Azerbaijan.
the Shia group Huseyncilar, formed by the Quds Force has been active in recent days by holding meetings and recruiting new members. Image
if anyone wants to read more about it :…
or read about their history here on wikipedia :…
Read 12 tweets
I've been reading about the 1905 clashes between Armenians & Azerbaijanis, the first known inter-ethnic confrontation between the two, and reaffirmed my conviction that the disagreements & subsequent #Armenia-#Azerbaijan wars are the product of the 'divide et impera' policy 1/10
One of the reasons that triggered the bloody events was the underrepresentation of the Muslim population in local city councils. Although the Muslim population of #Baku accounted for around 80% of the electorate, they were entitled to less than a third of the seats. 2/10
Without a significant #Russia'n population in the region, Russians chose to rely on #Armenia'ns as Christians, promoting them to administrative roles. After a while though, seeing the rise of national sentiments among them, they did the contrary, this time betting on Muslims 3/10
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Die staatliche aserbaidschanische Nachrichtenagentur Azertag hat ein neues Sonderprojekt über die "Sieg-Strategie". Es zeigt die Strategie des #Aserbaidschan|ischen Präsidenten #Aliyev zu #Bergkarabach seit 2003.

Es ist gruselig, abstoßend, aber auch aufschlussreich. Image
So beschreibt die Seite etwa, wie #Aliyev dem #Europarat 2004 versprechen musste keinen Krieg zu führen um Mitglied werden zu dürfen - während er gleichzeitig einen Krieg gegen #Armenien und #Bergkarabach plante.

Das sieht nicht so gut für den #Europarat aus, gelinde gesagt. Image
Die Seite zeigt auch mit #Aliyev-Zitaten von 2004 auf, dass #Aserbaidschan sich immer auf einen Krieg vorbereitet hat und nie an Verhandlungen interessiert war, bei denen ihre Maximalposition nicht das Ergebnis ist.

In Europa nahm man solche Zitate bis 2020 nicht wirklich ernst Image
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🧵 Thread on the heroism of Azerbaijani sailors who stood up against the Navy warships , government and Minister of Defense of the USSR, in January 1990.

#Baku #Azerbaijan
#BlackJanuary #20January1990
1/21 Image
On the night of January 20, at the order of M. Gorbachev, 26,000 Soviet troops stormed Azerbaijan’s capital city of Baku without declaring the state of emergency and committed a brutal massacre upon civilian population, killing 147, wounding 744 men, women, children, elderly
2/21 ImageImageImage
But first, the power supply unit of local TV station was exploited, phone, radio lines were terminated by "Alfa" special services of USSR.
Azerbaijanis got 1st information on betrayal of the Soviet government from leaflets distributed from helicopters.
3/21 Image
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Wie Jan #Böhmermann aufzeigt, liegt der Verdacht nahe, dass der #CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete für #Baku (#Aserbaidschan), Olav #Gutting (@olavgutting) seinen #Wikipedia-Artikel manipuliert, damit seine Verbindungen zur Diktatur nicht weiter publik werden. /TN
Hier noch der Artikel des @BR24 dazu, der ziemlich dünn ist und einzig das Foto mit Diktator #Alijev aufführt. /TN
Olav #Gutting sprach u.a. auch von der langen demokratischen Historie, die das Land #Aserbaidschan hat. /TN

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Special report: UEFA & the love-in with Eastern European strongmen. Refusal to challenge or condemn homophobia, cosy meetings between @UEFA president Ceferin & Belarus Lukashenko & Russia Putin. Orban’s homophobic Hungarian govt has 2022 Europa final (1/9)…
#hun: LGBT representation & support stripped from education. No right to marry, adopt kids, legal recognition of gender reassignment. Latest bill added to child abuse motion, conflating LGBT with paedophilia. Yet UEFA rewards Orban pre-2022 election (2/9)…
Thing is; polling shows Hungarians aren’t opposed to LGBT people in huge numbers. 59% support same sex adoption (62% in France). Star player Peter Gulacsi spoke out in support. Orban building a voter coalition but doesn’t reflect majority view. (3/9)…
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In two weeks from now, the first #UEFA Euros match in #Baku will kick-off when #Wales meets #Switzerland.

The UK FCO currently warns of unexploded material, terrorists attacks to be "likely" and high COVID rates. I'd say all these risks are low, but there are other issues:
According to @ILGAEurope, #Azerbaijan is the most homophobic country in Europe. So better don't go, if you are part of the #LGBTQI community 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Sadly, #UEFA, as #FIFA, does not care much about safeguarding #LGBTQI fans...
Be aware that #Azerbaijan is one of the most restrictive countries in the world and certainly has the most restrictive regime in Europe. Vision #Belarus, just much worse, as all kind of international organisations report.
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#Armenian Churches of #Baku

Labeled as red dots (south to north)
1) Holy Mother of God in the Inner City (Icheri Shehir)
2) Saint Gregory the Illuminator
3) Saints Thaddeus & Bartholomew
4) Holy Resurrection Chapel in the cemetery
5) Holy Translators in Haykashen (Ermenikend)
The Church of the Holy Mother of God was located in Baku's Walled City (Icheri Shehir). It was built in 1797-1799, although a church has been mentioned here as early as the 13th century in Armenian and Persian sources. It was destroyed in 1992 and a cafe stands in its place.
You can see the #Armenian Church of the Holy Mother of God again here in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, standing next to #Baku's infamous #MaidenTower.
Read 24 tweets
Die #AserbaidschanConnection in DE betrifft nicht nur die Ebene der Abgeordneten, sondern auch die Ebene ihrer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter. In diesem Fall Heiko Langner, Büro @HESommer. Über Sommers auffällige Aussagen zu #Armenien und #Aserbaidschan berichteten wir mehrfach.
Heiko Langner fällt durch seine Nähe zu aserbaidschanischen Lobby-Organisationen auf. Zu nennen sind hier das „Alumniportal #Aserbaidschan“ oder das „Azerbaijan Student Network“ (mit SOCAR-Funktionären im Vorstand). Bindeglied ist stets: Asif Masimov, der gut vernetzt ist.
Asif Masimov und Heiko Langner kennen sich seit mind. 2014. Langner war Masimovs Betreuer während seines IPS-Praktikums im Bundestag bei den #Linken.

Langner war wiss. Mitarbeiter bei den ehem. Linken-MdBs Hakki Keskin (Leugner des Genozids an Armeniern) und bei Katrin Kunert.
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Beim »Symposium zum nächsten Jahrestag des Völkermordes in Chodschali« Ende Feb. (organisiert von der Botschaft Aserbaidschans und dem Deutsch-Aserbaidschanischen Forum) nahmen auch drei MdBs der @spdbt teil: Dr. Barbara Hendricks, Nezahat Baradari und Doris Barnett.
Das Chodschali-Massaker ist in der Wissenschaft nicht als Völkermord qualifiziert. Selbst #Aserbaidschan hat eine rechtliche Anerkennung vor intern. Gerichten stets unterlassen. Dennoch nahmen MdBs am Symposium der Botschaft Aserbaidschans zum "Völkermord" in Chodschali teil.
Erst gestern wurden die Räume des Bundestagsabgeordneten Axel Fischer (#CDU) vom BKA durchsucht. Der Vorwurf lautet, Bestechungsgelder aus #Baku für positive Entscheidungen zugunsten Aserbaidschans angenommen zu haben.
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Second 🧵👇on why 🇦🇿 #Azerbaijan is tохiс, dangerous, dеstrսсtivе, хепорновiк & why you should never set foot there, but should boycotted & condemn! 👇👇👇 #BoycottAzerbaijan
2/ In #Baku petty crime has given way to more violent attacks that also involve travelers. Attacks are more likely to happen at night in a "jumping" type of an approach involving a group of men... #BoycottAzerbaijan
3/ The bar scam: Men report being attacked at expat & tourist bars, where a woman approaches them & asks for a drink & leaves the man with a very high bar tab. If he doesn't pay, a group of men demand that he pays up by using the threat of physical force. #BoycottAzerbaijan
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Here is why you should #BoycottAzerbaijan a гаdioaстivе хепоfовiк country run by a hereditary dictator where any act of dissent is crushed, reporters/activists jailed beaten or Кi11ed, intolerant for LGBTI, minorities & Armenians, a very dangerous place for travel or investment👇
2/ If you are among a very marginal/weird group that is planning travels to or investing in this extremely defective & risk-prone place, here is what US official sources say about it
-> #Azerbaijan - Level 3: Reconsider Travel --> Major Terrorism & COVID risks
3/ #Terrorism: “US Embassy in Baku has received credible reports of potential terrorist attacks & kidnappings against US citizens and foreign nationals in Baku” the diplomatic mission said on its website in a message shared by the State Department on Twitter - The Times of Israel
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The presence of the #terrorist & intelligence arm of #QudsForce on Turkish soil. How #Turkey enables Iranians to operate as a central base country, for the logistical & operational operation of QF & #Iranian intelligence vis-à-vis target countries in Europe & the Middle East.
Iranian intelligence sees it as #Iran's "operational backyard" vis-à-vis the Middle East and Europe, as #Turkey has a number of clear advantages, including:
- proximity to Iran and relatively easy mobility of operatinal it and through it (air and land)
- Iranian citizens do not need a visa to enter the country
- This geographical location central and attractive holding secret meetings with #terrorist organizations throughout the world (Middle East, Europe, South East Asia)
Read 61 tweets

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