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@JeanMessiha Car tout le monde sais que la seule, la vraie, #NotreDame fut bombardée et incendiée (pour la énième fois) par les Allemands (cette dernière fois) lors de la 1ere guerre mondiale . #Reims
Ah merde! vous parlez de l'imposture Parisienne, ornée de symboles liés à l'hermetisme...
@JeanMessiha Ah merde! vous parlez de l'imposture Parisienne, ornée de symboles liés à l'hermetisme et l'alchimie...
@JeanMessiha Imposture Parisienne, mise en valeur par la littérature de Victor Hugo (obligé de raconter des fables pour lui donner un semblant d'âme...) et...
Read 5 tweets
#Metz #France #travel - #NotreDame cathedral reveals itself at the end of a narrow street… It is beautiful Gothic architecture, with a mid-height central tower and two taller flanking transept towers much further at back. It’s all lit up at night. 1/
2/ #travel #France - #NotreDame of Paris caught on fire a few years ago. Here is another heartbreaking Notre Dame fire... but this is Metz in 1877... The other images show three other stages of evolution - two earlier and one now. #architecture
3/ Metz is a remarkably beguiling town that enchants absolutely effortlessly. There is a large pedestrian-only expanse in the compact historical district that makes walking around a wonderful, pollution free, safe pleasure. Note Marshall Ney's statue↖️!
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Read 117 tweets
We are roughly 2 months away from the start of #CFB season! Lets talk expectations. Ill go through each team & give what my model predicts as the % chance each team gets to bowl eligbility, and also the % chance each team gets 10+ Ws given their respective schedules. Lets go!🧵
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws)

#Alabama #RTR 99.9%/89.5%
#Arkansas #WPS 55.3%/11.0%
#Auburn #WarEagle 36.9%/1.8%
#Florida #Gators 81.0%/17.4%
#Georgia #UGA 99.9%/93.3%
#Kentucky #BBN 66.7%/7.3%
#LSU #GeauxTigers 81.8%/29.1%
#HailState 47.8%/2.6%
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws) (cont)
#Mizzou 69.2%/11.6%
#OleMiss 96.9%/41.4%
#SouthCarolina 31.2%/0.8%
#Tennessee #Vols 95.3%/35.6%
#TAMU #GigEm 99.0%/75.1%
#Vanderbilt #AnchorDown 2.3%/ <0.1%
Read 12 tweets
Le saviez-vous ❓

70% de la population européenne habite en #ville, mais on connaît encore trop peu la météorologie particulière de ces zones... alors qu'on sait qu’elles seront particulièrement touchées par le #changementClimatique.

Gros thread⤵️ @kalimullin
Cet été, une série de campagnes de mesures de terrain va converger en #ÎleDeFrance pour passer au crible l’#atmosphère de la ville de #Paris et de ses environs.
#Paname2022 Image
Sur les quais de Seine, dans les rues de Paris, sur les toits de Jussieu, sur la grue du chantier de #NotreDame sur le plateau de Saclay ou dans la forêt de #Rambouillet ...

Vous pourrez peut-être repérer un avion, des ballons, des stations météo, des lidars ...
Read 18 tweets
Ready for the #CFB Analytics Spring Top 40? Here we go. This Power Ranking is derived from a model which utilizes full Coach Staff efficiency metrics, roster talent, & returning production among other metrics. No opinion here, I just regurgitate the numbers. #NoOpinionJustNumbers
40 #Kentucky #BBN #SEC Power Rating: 61.726
Returning Production for the Wildcats may be a problem. At 39.72%, it puts them at 113th in the country. The schedule is manageable tho drawing Ole Miss & Miss State out the West. #CFB
39 #Washington #PurpleReign #Pac12
Power Rating: 62.271
Really like the new coaching staff in Seattle. Should put them in a better position to win. Roster talent purge from the prev regime will have an early effect (last 2 classes were 39th, 86th) but the ship has been righted.
Read 42 tweets
Quand @FChretienne censure les commentaires sur le fameux Gilles Drouin dont le projet est de faire de #NotreDame un #Disney Woke à travers des projets ahurissants de millénarisme qui évoquent un environnement esthétique de secte protestante américaine. ⬇️
Le diocèse de Paris a d’ailleurs menti en récusant le Telegraph qui nous donnait cette information dans la mesure où le projet, disponible sur le site du Laboratoire des initiatives, sera débattu en commission. #NotreDame #Paris
Gilles Drouin étant membre du comité scientifique de l’établissement public chargé de la restauration de #NotreDame. La palme revient à la décision de retirer des confessionnaux au profit de jeux de lumières et de bancs à roulettes. #Paris
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Cher @jpleleux, c'est une excellente nouvelle. La Commission que vous présidez se prononcera-t-elle donc, le 9 décembre, contre la muséification vulgarisatrice projetée pour l'intérieur de la Cathédrale ?
Read 6 tweets
Alright #CFBPlayoff viewers. Lets go through this week's poll. Once again, it was, as it always has been, predictable. The model was off an average of 1 spot per team for the entire Top 25 poll this week. So let's take a look at some resumes shall we? #CFB 🧵
If you took a peak at this projection yesterday, you were prepared for alot of what you saw last night. The resumes are all laid out very similarly to the way the Playoff Committee views them. #ThereIsNoEyeTest
25 #HailState 6-4
SOS: 29, QW: 4, T25W: 2, GC: 3.3

Despite the horrible game control at 3.3, MSU snuck its way into the poll. They modeled at 26 so this isn't all that surprising. They are riding their good SOS, 4 QWs, and 2 T25Ws at this point. No surprise.
Read 27 tweets
Ok, lets talk #CFBPlayoff Poll. Time is limited this morning so lets just run through the Top 15. For those of you who signed up as a patron (thank you) or those who have followed long; you know the drill. There is no eye test. The committee uses a well defined process. 🧵
If you read this on Monday, last night was all old news and you already knew what to expect. If you like the suspense of the four letter network's reveal show be warned. #SpoilerAlert
15 #BYU
SOS: 44, QW: 5, T25W: 0, GC: 4.9

#BYU modeled at 17, so no surprise here. Good SOS, Tied for the most QWs in the poll. Game Control is low, but with a SOS in the Top 50, they'll get a pass. No surprise at 15.
Read 20 tweets
[#thread] #CeJourLà Quelques mots d'#histoirereligieuse, contemporaine mais un peu ancienne. Il y a un siècle, le #28octobre 1921, l'@UnivCathoParis est en fête : son recteur, Alfred Baudrillart, est sacré évêque à #NotreDame. 1/11 #religion #catholiques #histoire
2. Alfred Baudrillart (1859-1942) est ordonné prêtre en 1893. Professeur à l'@UnivCathoParis, l'abbé Baudrillart en devient le recteur en 1907 (époque de la crise moderniste), succédant à Mgr Péchenard, nommé à l'évêché de Soissons @diocese02.
3. Historien de l'Eglise, il échoue à se faire élire à l'Académie française en 1910, pour succéder au cardinal Mathieu (c'est Mgr Duchesne, de l'@ef_rome, qui remporte l'élection, par 17 voix sur 32).
Read 11 tweets
So far everything Ive commented on in the realm of conference expansion has been make believe. Just day dreams. I did a little reading tho & wanted to go thru what is reality & most importantly, why? Ill be going thru all remaining P5 confs to shed light on their situation. #CFB
First, lets take a look at the #ACC. You can ignore anything you read regarding #NotreDame or any of the the #ACC schools leaving. Just keep right on scrolling, bc it isn’t happening. Why not? The #ACC has a grant of rights agreement which extends until 2036. (continued)
No school is going to be putting their TV revenue on the line for the next 15 yrs. Just wont happen. By the end of this grant of rights agreement tho, the #ACC will be making nearly half of what the #BigTen & #SEC will be in TV revenue (only $34 Million per team in ’19). (cont)
Read 16 tweets
Tunisiern Brahim Aouisaoui som tog tre liv igår i #Nice anlände Lampedusa 20 september, fick Rödakors-id, kom till Frankrike 9 oktober. Hade två mobiler när han greps. Låter som planerad terrorattack. Utskickade torped? Tunisisk säktjänst förhör hans familj som jag skrev igår.
Mönstret ovan kan tyda på att man avvaktade ett visst datum, firandet av Profetens födelsedag 29 oktober, och att terrorattacken ägde rum i Nice där en annan attack skedde på Frankrikes Nationaldag 14 juli 2016 med 86 döda utfört också av en tunisier.
Epilog: mina misstankar verkar bekräftas nu av att Tunisien utreder en lokal ”terrororganisation” som tagit på sig ansvaret för attacken i Nice (enligt lokala medier).
Read 6 tweets
1) This pic is the #peopleofpraise prophet named #kevinranaghan and his prophecy is the only one that people in "the community" listen to and act on. That is how the group refers to themselves internally. They used to be really open. This pic is from "New Covenant" magazine
2) I have to describe #peopleofpraise because I can't be quiet while our country gives a lifetime seat on the #supremecourt to a member of a #cult. I know it's a cult because I was raised in it. I didn't have a choice. But #AmyConeyBarrett did.
3) The #peopleofpraise attracted new members from the grad school programs at #notredame and by absorbing other groups of people who believe that they had been "baptised in the spirit" and can now #prayintongues. But that's not real.
Read 35 tweets
'Americans who are 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓 and 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 recognize that #NotreDame’s #AmyConeyBarrett is an excellent jurist worthy of the U.S. #SupremeCourt.

It's about time that other great law schools besides Harvard and Yale get that recognition.'

Since I'm completely unconcerned about the latest tax hoax, here's the full text. Pass it on:

"What can they do — whine?

Threaten to pack the Court?

Impeach President Trump for acting under his constitutional duty and with his constitutional authority?
They already have been whining for four years.

Nothing new there.
Read 52 tweets
27/08 > Séisme du #Teil : vers une réévaluation du risque sismique en #France et en #Europe de l’Ouest ? via @CNRS #LaMethSci Image
[L’étude à découvrir] 27/08 > Rupture de surface et réactivation de faille peu profonde lors du séisme du #Teil 2019 en #France via @CommsEarth #LaMethSci
[#Podcast] 2018 > Séismes : vers des prévisions sans failles ? un #LaMethSci à (ré)écouter via @franceculture ! Image
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Great news: Notre Dame is going back to campus in the fall. In 2017, Tuition and Fees were just over $607 million... Image
That’s approximately 30% of total revenue Image
While we’re here: that’s a $12 Billion endowment at the end of 2017 for #NotreDame Image
Read 4 tweets
Sans prétendre m'avancer sur les spécificités de #NotreDame, je voudrais livrer ici un témoignage privilégié de ce qu'est une cathédrale aujourd'hui, agacé que je suis des propos lunaires de M. Pastoureau et d'autres. Thread qui en intéressera vraiment plus d'un.
Il se trouve que ces 2 dernières années, mon boulot a consisté à me tenir dans une cabine d'1 mètre carré juste à l'entrée d'une cathédrale du matin au soir. Le boulot était détestable, mais le cadre fut une expérience sociale et humaine tout à fait particulière. 1/
Le chiant d'abord : à l'ère du tourisme de masse, la fonction muséale des cathédrales prend le pas sur le reste. On alterne entre l'été un brouhaha insupportable et irrespectueux, et l'hiver des journées de solitude où l'on adressera pas une fois la parole à un être humain. 2/
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Paris’ #NotreDame Cathedral caught fire one year ago today. Read this thread to learn why the stone used to build it came from #Paris' catacombs.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia #capebreton #geology ImageImageImage
The limestone used to build Notre Dame formed 45 million years ago when Northern France was covered by a tropical sea. Limestone forms when bones/shells of sea creatures pile up and are compressed into rock.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia #capebreton #geology #notredame Image
Limestone often has fossils in it as a result, like the clam in the picture below from #NotreDame.
Surface quarrying of limestone in the #Paris area started in the first century. Underground quarrying started in the 1300s and continued for centuries.
#nspoli #cbpoli #novascotia Image
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Ayer, esta imagen dio la vuelta al mundo en un acto excepcional: el Papa impartió la bendición eucarística en una insólitamente vacía Plaza de San Pedro, tras rezar ante un icono y un crucifijo.

Son #imágenes muy especiales.

¿Queréis saber más sobre ellas?

El icono de la Virgen “Salus Populi Romani” (salud –protectora– del pueblo romano) es un #icono que se venera en la capilla Borghese de la basílica de Santa María la Mayor.

Es una representación antiquísima, atribuida a san Lucas.
Sí, sí, a san Lucas, el evangelista. Y no es la única. Según diversas tradiciones, el discípulo de Cristo habría pintado otros iconos marianos.
¿Reconoces estos? ¿Conoces más?
Read 31 tweets
#COVID19 #Paris rue saint-Antoine PARIS 4e arrondissement 12h30 #Confinement
#COVID19 #Paris quai des Célestins PARIS 4e arrondissement 12h30 #Confinement
#COVID19 #Paris rue des deux-Ponts PARIS 4e arrondissement 12h30 #Confinement #NotreDame
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#NFLCombine key measurements thread…

2. #Oregon TE Jacob Breeland

Height: 6-4 7/8
Weight: 252
Hand: 9 7/8
Arm: 32 5/8
Wingspan: 78 1/8
#NFLCombine key measurements thread…

3. #FloridaAtlantic TE Harrison Bryant

Height: 6-4 6/8
Weight: 243
Hand: 9 4/8
Arm: 30 5/8
Wingspan: 74
#NFLCombine key measurements thread…

4. #Washington TE Hunter Bryant

Height: 6-2 2/8
Weight: 248
Hand: 10 right hand (pinky deformation), 10 3/8 left hand
Arm: 32
Wingspan: 76 4/8
Read 339 tweets
1.Anthropology needs to shift how it tells stories. #digitalnatives do not read nor think as earlier generations. This is to be embraced, not feared. This is a Twitter Essay on one way to begin (1/16). @AmEthno @AmericanAnthro @ASnA_Editors @ASAUK_News @africanstudies
@AmEthno @AmericanAnthro @ASnA_Editors @ASAUK_News @africanstudies 2. My book From ‘Water to Wine’ is the first “ethnography of a digital native for digital natives”. Growing up in the last gasps of #apartheid #SouthAfrica we had dial-up, and change everywhere (2/16). 3.… @annebracken @TeachingCulture @abenaopp
@AmEthno @AmericanAnthro @ASnA_Editors @ASAUK_News @africanstudies @annebracken @TeachingCulture @abenaopp 3. I learned to think within #multilingualism and #changingdiscourses. My book tracks across #Brazil, #Angola, #Mauritius, #Portugal, #SA, the #USA . It is political. It is about change. It is about beauty in Angola and writing through whiteness (3/16). @StanfordAnthro @UCT_news
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1. The #NorthernLights are seen above the ash plume from the Eyjafjallajӧkull volcano in Iceland, 22 April 2010.
📸: REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/

2. UK’s #PrinceWilliam and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, kiss on the balcony at Buckingham Palace following their wedding in London’s Westminster Abbey, UK, 29 April 2011.
📸: REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

3. #UsainBolt of 🇯🇲 looks at Andre De Grasse of 🇨🇦 as they compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics, Men’s 100m Semi-Finals at the Olympic Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14 August 2016.
📸: REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
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