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Jun 5th 2023
1◾🇷🇺 #Rusya'nın tüm doğalgazı Türkiye'ye akacak.
🇮🇶 #Irak ve özerk bölgesinin tüm petrolü Türkiye'den geçecek.
🇮🇷 #İran'ın doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor.
🇦🇿 #Azerbaycan doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor.
🇹🇲 #Türkmen doğalgazı Türkiye'den geçiyor. Image
2◾🇶🇦 #Katar'ın petrolü ve doğalgazı #Suriye'de oluşacak, #istikrâr ile Türkiye'den geçecek..
🇮🇱#İsrail'in doğalgazı Türkiye' den geçecek..
🇱🇾 #Libya'da bulunan petrol ve doğalgaz %50 %40 paylaşımıyla kazan kazan modeli ile Türkiye'den geçecek.
3◾#Türkiye'nin Karadeniz'de bulduğu doğalgaz 528 milyar metreküpten trilyon metreküplere çıkacak..
#Karadeniz'de keşfedilen ve teknolojisi için çalışılan doğalgazın ana maddesi katı #hidrokarbon Türkiye'nin 200 yıllık ihtiyacını karşılıyor..
Read 6 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
1. I reported on the first Russo-Ukrainian war starting with the Maidan Jan 2014. After Merkel & Macron's Minsk I and II, I focused on Syria in a belief that ISIS was a Russian and Iranian operation to destroy Syrian Sunnis political unity. I worked to arm and assist the Kurds.
2. The force grew and establishment of the #SDF brought #Sunni #Arabs, #Christians & #Turkmen to join a single umbrella force with US airpower taking back large parts of #Syria. They still hold it much of it but #Putin gave large parts to #Erdogan who folded in ISIS & Al-#Qaeda
3. and along with #Russia, #Turkey, #Iran and #Assad act as a sort of overwatch. With US SOF and Bradleys from the 4th ID there as democracy's last hope.

When the Battle for Raqqa started in 2017, I observed ISIS military leadership made up of mostly Chechens started to leave.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
1) Let’s talk about #Nakhichevan - a lost homeland. ImageImageImageImage
2) The the name "Nakhichevan" in #Armenian literally means "the place of first descent", a Biblical reference to the descent of Noah's Ark on the adjacent Mount #Ararat. Armenian tradition says that Nakhichevan was founded by Noah. Image
3) The region was at the center of the ancient Kingdom of #Armenia (858 BC-428 CE). During the invasion by Sassanid #Persian Shah Shapur II (r. 309-379) he removed 2,000 Armenian and 16,000 #Jewish families from #Nakhichevan (360-370 CE). ImageImage
Read 63 tweets
Jul 9th 2019
Rebels were able to capture several #SAA soldiers following their attempt to capture Mt. #Zahya Observation post in #Turkmen Mountain
#NLF commander said rebels were able to take over several sentry positions around Mt. #Zahyah.
'The aim is to take over the main observation post, once in our hands, its auxiliary posts will have to retreat for cover.'
He credited #Hurras and #HTS al-Deen with planning the thrust of the operation
'their scouts were casing the targets for a month. We're providing artillery and fire support, but their shock troops are doing most of the fighting. We're guarding against possible rear action.'
Read 4 tweets
Mar 13th 2019
I like to think little fazes me in this business. But the stories of the four 4 #Iraq-i boys from #Telafar got me.…
The three you see in the pictures here are the Aoun brothers: Ali, 11; Khalil, 9; and Ahmad, 7. They were kidnapped by #ISIS in 2014, when the group overran northwest #Iraq. (2)
The fourth one, 11-year old Mahdi Ghazi Mohammad, who, like the others, is a Shiite Turkmen from Telafar, you can see here. (3)…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
in #Iraq, for the first time since 2003, the #Shia #Sunni #Kurds and #Turkmen were all divided this time prior to the selection of the Speaker, the President and the Prime Minister.
#USA pushed for its own candidate/coalition (Moqtada-Abadi).

#Iran pushed for the unity of all coalitions, Shia, Sunni and Kurds, in an attempted to unite all & produce leaders accepted by all. Iran also worked to bring down the US candidate/coalition.

The world (including Iraq) didn't realise that "no larger coalition has been nominated".

The reason is simple: Iran wanted to save the face and honor of Moqtada, he who joined a lost coalition, so #Iran Soleimani cam "bring him back" to where he belongs

Read 8 tweets
Oct 17th 2017
1) A MONUMENTAL DAY: The #KDP has FULLY WITHDRAWN from #Sinjar. I'm completely SPEECHLESS—(well, not completely): Bye-bye KDP!
#Yazidi #Iraq
2) After over 3 years of fighting for this outcome, the #Yazidi community has finally scored a major victory in reclaiming their homeland.
3) After #Peshmerga withdrew from Kirkuk yesterday (for which the PUK was hit w/ blame), the effect continues in KDP-controlled areas today.
Read 88 tweets

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