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Say NO to mRNA in Your Food. I can't believe our own government wants to poison our food in this way. How can the FDA approve this horrible #CrimesAganistHumanity bioweapon. This is a #WarCrime. #ViolatesNurembergCode…
Medical professionals were put on trial after the war for their participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Holocaust. The trial sparked questions about medical ethics in the aftermath of the brutal experiments on prisoners in the camp system.
On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes and #CrimesAgainsHumanity.…
Read 17 tweets
@Visa @Mastercard @AmericanExpress @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @ZelenskyyUa @vonderleyen

International trade in small arms for #WarCrimes in #Ukraine is on-going. Here is one such supplier - actively seeking weapons through @telegram using international payment services including…… ImageImageImageImage
4 Shooters - based in Davie, Florida (US)

Equipment and parts for #WarCrime weapons including the KP-9.

Payment #WarCrime partners - @Visa @Mastercard @AmericanExpress #Discover and #Check

4Shooters, Inc.
P.O. Box 551831
Davie, FL 33355

Next…… ImageImageImageImage
Bazalet - Based in Georgia, selling Zenitco products and successfully deliver all over the world

Military equipment suppliers for #WarCrimes in #Ukraine

Crypto / Wise payments - and @Visa and @Mastercard by phone

Next Partner in #WarCrimes 👇 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen '#Terveystoimittaja': Toisen rokotteen voimaa.
#Hus:in diagnostiikkajohtaja #LasseLehtonen rohkeni lähteä #Venäjä-Pietariin katsomaan jalkapallon EM-ottelua.
Lehtosella oli jo se toinen ja hän katsoi, että hänellä oli lupa lähteä.… Image
@iltalehti_fi @heljasalonen #Mediapooli. Tuottamukselliset terveyden ja hengen vaarantamiset, #rokotekuolemat.
#Korruptio -rahaa vastaan, 2 vuotta valehdelleen "#toimittaja'n" asema #Nuremberg'n lavalla, kun #SpandauBallet -biisi alkaa.
- #Tuonela noutaa... ikuiseen tanssiin...… ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
Read 45 tweets
Mar. 1:
1/ #Deportation of #Ukraine #Children

[♦️Figures reported here are drastically higher than previously reported.]

List of #Kherson #Children in the #Yolochka #Children's #Home ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Abducted .@lubinetzs .@ZelenskyyUa…
Mar. 1:
2/ #Deportation of #Ukraine #Children

..#Children's #Home in #Simferopol, #Crimea
[♦️Previous figures 6,000–14,000.]

In the photo Volodina Anastasia.

According to our source, they brought ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Abducted #WarCrimes…
Mar. 1:
3/ #Deportation of #Ukraine #Children

..brought about 30 #Children from the #Kherson region, but only those on the list remained in the #Orphanage itself. All the rest were sent to #Russia...continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Abducted #Missing #War…
Read 6 tweets
1/5 SOS Kinderdorf in russische Kriegsverbrechen verstrickt? Aus der Ukraine verschleppte Kinder sind im SOS Kinderdorf #Tomilino bei #Moskau untergebracht. Das Deportations- u. Adoptionsprogramm gilt als #Kriegsverbrechen #warcrime. Eine Recherche für @frontal u. @ZDFzoom Telegram Gouverneur der Reg...ImageGoogle Maps
2/5 Für die massenhafte Verschleppung von Kindern aus #Ukraine wurde #Putins Ombudsfrau Lvova-Belova auf Sanktionslisten gesetzt. Lvova-Belova nutzte das SOSKinderdorf Tomilino bei #Moskau für Propaganda-Auftritte. ImageImageImage
3/5 Im Sommer begingen Aktivisten von Putins Partei „Einiges Russland“ mit verschleppten ukrainischen Kindern in SOS Kinderdorf Tomilino den „Tag der russischen Flagge“. Dass es sich um Kinder aus der #Ukraine️ handelt, ist belegbar: Quelle: https://люберцы.рф
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It's Thursday and it's Day 358 of #Russia's illegal war on its peaceful neighbour and another daily thread

Yet again the day started violently for many regions of #Ukraine with overnight missile attacks targeting critical civilian infrastructure, which is itself a war crime...
Apologies for the late start today, I've had meetings from first thing, which overran a little

First, here the link for yesterday's thread as I know a few of you like to read back in one go and others like to catch up with that they missed in the evening:
So to the overnight attack by #Russia with Cruise missiles and more.

#Ukraine says it shot down 16 out of 32 missiles. Twelve Kh-22 hypersonic missiles cannot be intercepted with current defences.

It's likely #Russia is using a high % of Kh-22 stocks before Patriot is in place
Read 39 tweets
🚨"Putin seeks to rob Ukraine of its future by taking its children."—US details #Russia's forced relocation, adoption & reeducation of 1000s Ukrainian children via network of 43 camps. Many evacuated under guise of free summer camp, then cut off all contact w/ family in #Ukraine.
@nedprice @StateDept New report from Yale human rights team documents the forced transport of 6000 Ukrainian children to #Russia. Researchers believe thousands more children have been removed from #Ukraine, adopted, re-educated/russified—a possible #warcrime
@NPR @deborahamos…
@nedprice @StateDept @NPR @deborahamos "majority of camps have engaged in pro-Russia re-education… some…provided military training to children or suspended the children’s return to their parents in Ukraine."

Russia’s Systematic Program for the Re-education & Adoption of Ukraine's Children…
Read 10 tweets
#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
Read 26 tweets
🧵su crimini di guerra commessi dai soldati 🇷🇺/gruppo #Wagner a #Soledar: quando è stato dato l'annuncio che il gruppo Wagner ha preso il centro amministrativo della città, lo hanno fatto tramite questo video. Il ragazzo sulla destra indossa una mimetica 🇺🇦, pattern MM-14 1/9
Normalmente impiegato dai parà 🇺🇦.
Da notare inoltre l'assenza di qualsiasi segno indentificativo, toppa o nastro adesivo (cosa che i militari regolari sono costretti ad indossare, per lo scotch vengono usati i colori 🟨,🟦,🟩 per i militari 🇺🇦 e 🟥 per quelli 🇷🇺). 2/9
Recentemente è emerso un video (pubblicheremo solo le parti importanti per evitare problemi con le politiche di Twitter) in cui un mercenario della Wagner aggira 2 soldati 🇺🇦 in una trincea, intima a entrambi di arrendersi ed i militari 🇺🇦 in piena confusione non capiscono 3/9…
Read 9 tweets
All civilian deaths are tragic, but Ukraine and the West are overestimating Russia's "brutality". The number is also probably below 2%, since Ukraine is under reporting their KIA's. Moreover, many civilian deaths are Ukraine's fault, since they keep putting people in harm's way.
Compare this to the civilian to combatant death rate in Donbass in the eight years prior: 3.4k/14.4k=23%.
It isn't Russia who has been indiscriminately killing civilians.
Read 22 tweets
联合国冲突中性暴力问题特别代表,普拉米拉·帕滕(Pramila Patten)表示,俄罗斯武装部队已经将性暴力,强奸当地女性作为一种军事战略。
她还展示除了视频,俄罗斯军队会专门为士兵发放壮阳药,四处进行性暴力来制造恐怖,进行 "一种蓄意侮辱受害者人格的策略"。
据法新社,联合国已经核实了自俄罗斯侵略乌克兰战争开始以来在乌克兰发生的 "一百多起 "强奸和性侵犯案件,但 "这不是一个数字的问题," 联合国特别代表普拉米拉-帕滕说:"在战争激烈期间,要有可靠的统计数据是非常复杂的,数字永远不会全面反映现实,因为性暴力是一种无声的犯罪,案例最少被控告。”
Read 6 tweets
(1/10) CRIME DE GUERRE : à #Yelenovka, un bâtiment habritant des prisonniers Ukrainiens a été touché par missile. 53 morts.
#Ukraine #Russie #WarCrimes #WarCrime
(2/10) L'info a été très vite relayée par les comptes de propagande pro-russes. Elle viendrait directement du "Ministre de l'INFORMATION" Daniil #Bezsonov (DPR).
Selon lui, un missile ukrainien de type #HIMAR a réduit en cendre le complexe. 53 prisonniers décédés, 0 garde.
(3/10) Avec une naïveté incroyable, la propagande russe s'est mobilisée comme jamais. Il faut dire qu'ils n'avaient pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent après plus d'un mois sans progrès sur le terrain.
Avec des arguments falacieux, ils accusent l'#Ukraine.
Read 13 tweets
Again. Absolute horror. But it must be seen. It destroys you if you have empathy, but it's necessary. To realize that whenever #russia 'flying monkey' speaks of 🇷🇺 interests, #russianCulture, #navalny they are a monster too. 🇷🇺 is committing #warcrime ->
And these human beings, in the West, yes, dare to speak of #russia point of view? They switch focus from real #russianWarCrimes to concerns over "canceling russian culture", "#russophobia" which isn't even a thing. They're as much a monster as orc who tortures civilians & POWS->
Simple fact: when #russians destroy #Ukrainian or #Syrian cities, kill and rape #Ukraine or #Syria civilians, torture and behead #POWs, it's life of real ppl that matters, #russianCulture doesnt matter, it ceases to exist. So are 'russian interests' & whatever BS they push->
Read 5 tweets
This is the start of the 145th daily thread telling the news from #Ukraine in one handy thread.

#Russia's aggression continues, but progress is slow.

Updated in real time, you'll see the developments as they happen. If you want to buy me a coffee, see my profile. Thanks!
First, the British update is interesting today.
Grievances between regular soldiers and Wagner, private contractors...

#Russia sees the regular conscripted troops as expendable, but cares absolutely zero about Wagner "employees"
The EU may impose more "lightning sanctions" on #Russia today.

A lot happened yesterday evening - Zelenskyy sacking #Ukraine's two top law enforcement officials.

If you missed it all there's quite a good round up here…
Read 61 tweets
Day 131 of #Russia's unprovoked war on #Ukraine.
In total though it's 8 years, 4 months - more than twice as long as WW1 and 2 years longer than WWII.

All the news, events and analysis as it happens, updated in real time right here in the daily thread, so scroll below!
Yesterday saw many civilian lives lost as Russia unleashed a barrage of missiles on eastern regions.

6 died in #Sloviansk, civilian buildings struck in #Kramatorsk and, as it only just made Sunday's thread, a repost of 🇷🇺 hitting a hospital in #Sumy

Three days ago I broke the news about @NHLFlyers losing a player - Ivan Fedotov arrested as he attempted to go to the States.

I can now confirm the Finnish born ice hockey star is in Severomorsk, #Murmansk to start his military service on Novaya Zemlya

Read 40 tweets
As much as you will hate me ... these videos actually prove, Russian Kh-22 missiles indeed hit the Kredmash plant in #Kremenchuk.
An no: I'm not justifying anything, just desribe what is visible in the footage. The supermarket got either caught by the explosion or was also hit.
Here is one example how one explosion hit the plant, more than 400 meters away from the Amstor market.
Other explosions might have happened earlier to the mall. Image
Aother detail.
Here, a second air strike can be seen. Very unlikely a secondary explosion as it is not connected to the first one, but happens far more left on the plant territory.
So we cn say for sure, multiple missiles were used. Maybe one hit much closer to the shopping mall. Image
Read 7 tweets
#Nazis are happy because they “may” be able to kill more civilians?

I think that this hideous HATE tweet from @JulianRoepcke is exactly the kind of tweet to report. Image
@JulianRoepcke 2/

Patrick Lancaster reports a huge rocket strike on a civilian zone of EAST #Ukraine, it is very possible that a USA provided M142 HIMARS MLRS was used.
#Kiev is moving away from direct military confrontation and focusing on terror against civilians.

@JulianRoepcke 3/

#KIEV warcrimes

"#HIMARS are not designed for precision strikes on specific targets, they are intended to be used on wide areas. Which is the reason why using MLRS against urban areas —whatever the hoped-for outcome—is inevitably a #warcrime."

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Als junges #DDR Mädchen lernte ich einen hauptamtlichen #Stasi-Mann kennen. Er quälte hauptberuflich Menschen, gab damit an, dass er sein Handwerk vom #Russen gelernt hätte. Er berichtete von kahl geschorenen Mädchen, die zur Vergewaltigung auf Leitern gebunden wurden. #WarCrime
Damals kannte ich seine Tochter näher, die ein sehr unglücklicher Mensch war. Der Mann konnte seine Gewalttätigkeiten nämlich privat nicht abstellen.
Menschen, die die Verbrechen der #Stasi leugnen oder Opfer der #DDR #Diktatur verächtlich machen, die merke ich mir 💋. Ich sehe euch und euer Bildungsdefizit. 🙌🏻Dagegen gibt es was von @BAufarbeitung
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A #thread on the horror of #Bucha: locals recount random, unaccountable violence against civilians in clear evidence of war crimes.…
The few scattered residents of this devastated suburb city outside #Kyiv share a blank, distant stare that speaks of the terror they experienced during weeks of #RussianOccupation.
“The artillery and shootings were 24/7,” said Dmytro Zamohylnyi. “We couldn’t leave our house for the entire time. Only when the Russians left, on March 31, could we see the dead bodies. In a radius of 1km around my house we found around 15 bodies – all civilians, no military.”
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The previously mentioned Mikhail Podolyak was quick to use the #Bucha "massacre" to ask for more weapons
It's worth noting that the Rus Army left the town on Mar 30,,,,4 days ago but footage appeared only today
#UAV footage of a strike on a Ukr target during the battle for #Izum at the end of March
#LPR Artillery....some awards given to distinguished crews
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Videos, photos, and AFP reports show bodies of at least 20 men lying on street of Bucha near #Kyiv after #Russian forces retreated from Kyiv Region & Ukrainian forces retook this town in #Ukraine
#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukrainewar #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar…
Moving hand video in #Bucha that is propagated by #Russian media and various social media is fake news. Original video shows that this is windshield sunspot.…
Read 8 tweets
#ukraine soldiers calling family of deceased to mock and swear at them. Knowing modern phones - the soldier in question must’ve been alive before they unlocked his device. That’s another POW #warCrime to their repertoire.
If anyone doubts it's the level of treatment they give to families of either POWs or killed Russian soldiers - there's few more videos I've stumbled upon and seems to be a regular occurrence / standard behaviour on the #ukraine side. #warcrime
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#ukraine soldiers shooting captured and secured POW’s in legs which is a #warcrime and in case of the shock causing death ( second video ). Haven’t you noticed that anyone captured by Ukrainians is always beaten up? Vid 2 in thread.
#ukraine soldiers shooting secured prisoners of war in legs which is a #warcrime. Russian soldiers, previously beaten up as seen on at least one example here bleeding out and dying from the shock afterwards.
cc @ICRC in case you’ve missed this.
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