Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #WhiteList

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Here's a thread on how to complete testnet actions and be eligible for airdrop rewards.

Limited time & slot.

Don't #fade.
What's LuckyBid?

@luckybid_xyz is the first omnichain NFT lottery platform that gives everyone the chance to own bluechip NFTs with minimal investments and affordable gas fees.
For years, there's been a massive interest and investment in the NFT space which has seen to it expanding massively and attracting investors.

Making it omnichain is another massive thing coming for the nfts sector.
Read 8 tweets
A must do this 👌 this will take you less than 1 min

A step-by-step guide on how to register for ALEX Bridge Incentivized Testnet Whitelist

#Airdrop confirmed 👌

A thread
@ALEXLabBTC is Building platform where 🌉 A Bridge between Ethereum <> Bitcoin can be done

ALEX Bridge: All Roads Lead to #Bitcoin   🚀

Bringing Bitcoin value to the multi chain beginning with USDT on ETH <> sUSDT on ALEX

As the #Incentivized Testnet will start in early April register for whitelist now

And only people with whitelist will be able to test
▶️ Join #Whitelist 👉…
Read 10 tweets
All 61 #NFTs from the Big Ol’ Test Burn have been dropped to the winners. 🏆

In a matter of hours, the next $EGG burn race begins. This time for your chance to win not 1, but 2 NFTs from @alloy_space 🚀

But what is an EGG race and why should you participate?

Through our Eggnite Launchpad, an EGG race is the gold standard for launching premium NFTs to a world-class community.

Intimately familiar with gamified NFTs, folks in #Chikn already know the T - but make no mistake:

This is for EVERYONE!

You want to win? You gotta play:
In this case, it means burning some $EGG tokens, which you can grab from @traderjoe_xyz 🥚🔥

Why? To have control over which NFT you get.

The higher you finish on the leaderboard - the better your NFT’s rarity.

It’s a pre-mint on crack; it’s a #Whitelist on steroids.
Read 5 tweets
🧵#Thread and #GIVEAWAY🎁
We have decided to offer you 5 #WL spots before the release of our #whitepaper :

You have to :
✅ Follow @PrometheusArbi
✅ RT + Like
✅Tag 2 Frens
✅Enable Notifications 🛎️

But first what is PROMETHEUS FINANCE ? 🧵🧵👇


#Arbitrum #Whitelist
Prometheus is an Auto-compound protocol with NFT ecosystem on #Arbitrum with many features : Dex, Loans, launchpad, P2E, Bets and DAO.

Phase 1⃣
- Prometheus provides a decentralized financial asset that pays users with a fixed compound interest sustainable formula

We focus on long-term sustainability, opting for a viable model with more modest returns rather than typical protocols that promise higher returns but will inevitably collapse.

Prometheus gives $PRMTS automatic staking and compounding features with interesting APY and daily ROI.
Read 18 tweets
📢BREAKING #ICP ALPHA: @onlyontrax is dropping exclusive Early Bird #NFTs in partnership with @crowdfundnft

We're officially taking our fundraising to the #IC with a @crowdfundnft drop on 8th February 2023!

Check out these INSANE rewards & get #whitelisted in minutes🧵
⚡️Own a never-before-heard music NFT⚡️

Diamond + Platinum supporters will receive highly sought after UNRELEASED NFTs by hip hop visionaries @DarnellWilliams and @Illuminaticong0.

Set to run out FAST - don't miss your chance to join an exclusive club of TRAX NFT holders 🚀 Image
Raw, unapologetic, and lightning fast; Darnell's flow leaves little to the imagination 👊

His unreleased master '365' is an exclusive to the TRAX Crowdfund raise and a must-have for any collector in the #Web3 space.

Only 5 available! Image
Read 7 tweets
No Operator would dare enter The Sacrifice Zone without their Sigma Containment Unit. 🔋

When the #Sigma storm comes, will you be ready? ⚔️

Learn more about the #SCU #NFT below 👇

🧵 1/9 Image
👉 What is a SCU?

The Sigma Containment Unit, aka Canister, is a virtual game item within #playSHRAPNEL used to store a highly valuable and mysterious compound, #SIGMA, that players collect during intense competitive gameplay sessions.

🧵 2/9
👉 What about the #NFT?

The #SCU mint will be a special multi-chain limited release of 10,000 NFTs launching across @avalancheavax, @0xPolygon and @ethereum #blockchain

🧵 3/9
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😎Are you an NFTb OAT or @BSCNewsNFT holder?

🎁500 OAT & 225 BSC News #NFT holders won NFTb Launchpad #whitelist
🎁40 OAT holders won USD prizes

Get the OAT now👉

Whitelist winners👇

USD winners (thread)👇

5 people - 15 USD each

15 people - 10 USD each

Read 4 tweets

@pmu se lance dans le Web3 vous y croyez ?


Pour aller plus loin, récupère une whitelist et mint un EARLY PACK au lancement.


RT & Like pour donner de la force. ⤵️ Image
@playstables est un projet sur la blockchain #Tezos qui a pour objectif de combiner les courses hippiques et les différentes fonctionnalités qu'offre le Web3.

L'ensemble du jeu est basé sur les véritables performances des chevaux. Image
Venons-en aux opportunitées à saisir !

Dans un premier, vous allez pouvoir récupérer un NFT en QUELQUES MINUTES en faisant "JOIN THE WHITELIST" directement sur leur site : (wallet Tezos requis, j'ai créé un Kukai c'est très rapide). Image
Read 7 tweets

1/5. Tiếp tục là một dự sớm mà ae không nên bỏ qua đó là @turntles
#turntles là collection gồm 2500 NFT được tạo bởi @frankynines một nghệ sĩ, nhà phát triển từ California ,anh đã làm việc tại @zynga, @dapperlabs, @RealSupDucks @nft42_ Image
2/5. Thành tích về mảng NFT trước đây của @frankynines :

🚀 NFT của anh tạo ra có #Volume hơn 120 ETH trên các market NFT
🚀 Có NFT được bán cao nhất ở mức 9 #ETH
3/5. @frankynines đã làm việc cho gã khổng lồ trò chơi Zynga, a cũng là Founder của công ty Công ty phát triển #iOS 99centbrains. Anh đã tạo ra một số App,nhận được Hàng triệu lượt tải xuống và thành lập một công ty do VC hậu thuẫn ở Los Angeles, năm 2014.
Read 5 tweets
UArdians family is growing. We welcome new UArdians almost every week! We are working to include something special into our upcoming collection. Something that could make us closer to each other, enabling interaction. 1/🧵
Do you remember when collecting getting a duplicate? What did you do then? You could find someone who had a duplicate of an item you want and ask for exchange, right? Or set your duplicated item for sale so someone else could buy it to complete their collection!
'UArdians Fam' will be the next step in the UArdians NFT evolution, adding community interaction and enabling some base economy!
✨ Join the WL today…
Everyone on the WL will participate in a special giveaway (details coming soon)
Read 5 tweets
#LBRD is a Strategic Investment Game called P2E3.0 that allows you to skip the Ponzi and focus on social interactivity and fun⚔️🔥
Today we will introduce more details on a thread🧵👇
#NFTGiveaway #P2E
Our product concept is “Blockchain for Communications.”
We are setting out to develop a product where you can enjoy discussing it with your friends.
The more friends you play with, the more fun you have.
#gaming #NFTCommunity…
We have got a same question so many times.
How will the team escape from a Ponzi Scheme? 💦
You can understand from this article how we strategize and prevent the Ponzi with the Utility Token’s Hyper Inflation👀
#p2e #ponzi #NFTs #LBRD…
Read 7 tweets

@cosmize_io on the #OG & both #Whitelist #Q&A

Patience and persistence shall prevail if you truly believe in the team help us grow it together and sure #community shall grow together!
We send our full support all things @AstarNetwork & @cosmize_io
This is a #graphic rich #Metaverse #BUIDLing on @AstarNetwork

And anyone whom gets granted can sure be these team afe fair and very #community based
Get involved and help them expand the #Metaverse
Gbu all
#Dotsama is 🔥 rn

Fyi we appreciate all wanting to get involved and joining the #Discord below 👀⬇️
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BlockSec Academy | How to Use Digital Signature and Use It Right in #NFT?

Digital signature has been widely used in #smartcontracts , e.g., in allowlist mint and order-book NFT marketplaces. However, the misuse of the developers also introduces risks in the NFT marketplaces. Image
2/#Whitelist Mint
A digital signature is used to distinguish the WL mint and public mint. Below is an example of the implementation of WL mint.
This code snippet is from the Association NFT (Which has a vulnerability — do not copy this code). Image
2.1/Whitelist Mint
The function mint_approved() intends to implement the allowlist mint: the project owner signs a mint message (info variable) and sends the message to the permitted minter (who can mint NFTs). Then the minter can invoke approved_mint with the signed variable.
Read 8 tweets
Here’s the news you’ve been waiting for: the long awaited Rage Effect Beta Launches on 🥁🥁🥁30th June!

We’ve been DYING to show you what we have in store! It's time for the #RageArmy to lock and load 🚀
The Beta Event will run till 15th July! 💥

Not only is this longer than our Alpha Event, but there are a ton of new features and improvements for you, the players! 👀

So what’s different this time around? 🤔
We’ve added TWO new maps 🗺️
Skyscraper ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
[#THREAD] On créé un contrat ERC721 pas à pas v.2

Difficulté technique : ★★★★☆

On améliore notre dernier contrat : il est temps de rajouter des étapes de vente et surtout... une whitelist !

#Web3 #Solidity #SmartContracts #NFT #Crypto #Whitelist


1/21 Image
Notre objectif est de rajouter et modifier certaines caractéristiques :

• Ajouter des étapes de vente.
• Ajouter une vente en whitelist avec un arbre de Merkle.
• Un prix de vente de 0.01 ether en vente publique.
• Un prix de vente de 0.005 ether en whitelist.

Avant de continuer, si ce n'est pas déjà le cas, je vous conseille fortement de suivre mon premier thread sur la première étape de développement du contrat.

Il permet de poser les bases nécessaires pour comprendre ce qui suit !

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Aujourd’hui c’est le #Snapshot pour l’attribution des tickets de #Bhero, le Launchpad de @BlackHatNetwork  !

J’ai décidé de vous présenter différents #Launchpad qui sont (ou vont être) lancés sur la #Blockchain @ElondNetwork 👀

⬇️⬇️ #ESDT Image
#Launchpad : BHero
Projets incubés : #Crypto / #NFT
Conditions : Stake $EGLD & $BHAT

Lancé par la team @MGStaking via @BlackHatNetwork, il accompagne de jeunes projets dans leur formation, développement et financement.

Je l'ai déjà présenté ici 👇

Comme #BHero, il s'agit d'une plateforme de #Launchpad, créée sur @ElrondNetwork.

🔸Cette Plateforme a pour but de mettre en lumière des projets #early pour leur permettre de lever des fonds & aux investisseurs d'investir dans les 1ères phases d'un projet. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
0/ NFTs have been all the buzz on mainstream media, and with the hype comes some highly promising #NFT projects!

Projects would have public mints, where everyone can participate. But that’s not the usual case for most projects. This is where the term ‘#whitelist’ comes in!
1/ Think of whitelisting as an early access ticket to mint NFTs, to jump the queue that’ll happen in a public mint.
2/ However, these are usually given to a select group of individuals. But all is not lost! Here’s how you can get whitelisted for that ape NFT you’ve always wanted!
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1/x🧵 Thread on #NFT #Alpha, & recent opps. to look at. (probable Alpha at the end of the thread)

3 ways to play NFT (and how it related to DeFi plays)
1) Get into #whitelist ( pre-seed/private round)
2) #Minting ( Public sale )
3) #Secondary markets ( listed & freely traded)
Whitelist (AKA private rd)
A few ways
1) Own Bluechips #NFT (might give u either a full whitelist chance, or higher prob% getting into whitelist.) e.g recent @SecretGarden_FM WL from @capsule_house
2) Community Grind (time spent not 100% rewarded)
3) Sybil (Pls don't do that)
Minting (Publicsale):
(will skip the part on DD of the project, as this is more about the process)

1) Hot projects, where there is already alot of traction, be prepared to pay a bit more due to GAS WARS.
2) Reveal dates are the best to hunt for rares for a lower price.
Read 11 tweets

Beaucoup ont kiffé un de mes thread où j'ai été S/O par @HomerSigma

Celui-ci est indispensable si tu débutes🧠


Tout d'abord, pour ceux qui débutent, c'est quoi grind une whitelist?

Tout simplement la travailler,la bosser. Effectuer différentes étapes pour l'acquérir et pouvoir investir dans le projet ou la revendre.

Lorsqu'elle est assez cotée, elle vous rapportera une grosse somme💶
Il faut savoir que absolument tout le monde peut grind une Whitelist. Il vous suffira d'avoir un téléphone ou un pc et l'application discord afin de rejoindre les différents projets.

Chaque projet aura ses propres restrictions afin d'obtenir la whitelist📝
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$GAFI でのセールも決まりましたねー



#Metaverse  #Whitelist

#DaoMaker + #GAMEFI

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⏰ فقط 4 #ساعات متبقية حتى البيع العام!

كن مستعدًا لأنك لا تريد أن تفوت الفرصة ولا يوجد سوى عدد قليل من الـ #NFTs المتاحة للـ #Minting.

👈 كل قطعة تأتي مع:

- قطعة #NFT
- قطعة فنية فيزيائية جميلة
- MetaPASS لـ MetaMAISON
🔒 تم إغلاق صفحة الـ Minting حاليًا لغير الموجودين في القائمة البيضاء، ولكن في الساعة 9 مساءً، ستصبح هذه الصفحة متاحة للجميع.

سيكون سعر البيع العام هو 1.0 #ايثيريوم

💳 سيمنحك MetaPASS إمكانية الوصول إلى NFT Art House من Amrtia @artbyamrita في كل من العالم الحقيقي و #الميتافيرس! سيحصل حاملو MetaPASS على إمكانية الوصول إلى VIP Events، والوصول المبكر إلى الـ Minting الخاص بجميع المجموعات الجديدة، والمزيد.
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Nous connaissons tous les #bridges de #token, mais une nouvelle tendance commence a voir le jour et peut représenter le futur des #NFTs : le Bridge #NFT 👀 🌉

Concrètement comment cela fonctionne ? 🔥

C'est par ici 👇

#Blockchain #Crypto #Ethereum #Bitcoin
[Qu'est-ce qu'un Bridge ?]

Par nature, Les #Blockchains ne peuvent communiquer entre elles.
C'est pourquoi des solutions d'infrastructures dites “inter-chaines” sous forme de "#bridge" ont été pensées.
Les #bridges #blockchain permettent alors ce qu’on appelle l’inter-opérabilité entre les différents réseaux.

Les bridges peuvent alors faire le lien entre des blockchains aussi différentes que le #Bitcoin ou #Ethereum.
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🧵How to value #NFTs:

There is no right way of valuing NFTs, but hopefully this can act as a guide for people who are looking to enter the NFT space, for both for Fun & Profit, as NFT are generally less straightforward as #DeFi, where #cashflow & #TVL can be a good proxy.
Rule of thumb:
Similar to how you value a #DeFi token based on Future #cashflow, one can gauge the Value of the #NFT via the utility & future potential #airdrop/cashflow it can bring.
It's a better gauge than simply "Oh the Art is good."
Ofc, the Art itself, can be a proxy to the team's attention to detail. Usually, effort put in by the Team, is inversely proportionate to #rug risk

(Not to mention, the Art itself can also be something of value)@takashipom
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#nft 投资复盘- #whitelist 被割案例
#whitelist 2个入场,入场市价约0.35eth,略有盈余。#nansen 显示FOMO Level为Medium。观望中,量价逐渐萎缩,直逼mint成本。因为mint过程还在持续,决定等个24小时再做决定。
监控Discord的Announcements、中文频道和官方Twitter,剩余的mint期间,几乎没有有价值的信息输出。#opensea 上NFT的价格也破发。看来项目方去过周末了。于是割肉离场,小亏当赢😢
Read 5 tweets

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