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#OneYearAgo a "coronavirus #genome from a case of a respiratory disease from the #Wuhan outbreak" was published on #GenBank... 🧐#SARSCoV2
#OneYearAgo "The cluster of infections had raised fears of a potential epidemic after China said last week that the virus causing it was a previously unknown type but came from the same family of viruses that caused the #SARS and #MERS epidemics".🧐…
#OneYearAgo It was suddenly clear that the virus was travelling fast... any bell ringing?🧐#covid19…
Read 75 tweets
What is the only thing that is better than a biochemical weapon that you have genetically modified and designed yourself in your own military laboratory? Well, it's a biochemical weapon that do not leave "a smoking gun" behind because it has an origin in Mother Nature itself. 1/
If you kill someone with an icecube, you want the icecube to melt away and disappear.

That is not a noble kill. But it is the noble art of killing.

It is suspicious, if a country has low kill numbers.
It is suspicious, if a country is trying to control the scientific research in regard to a global pandemic.…

It is suspicious, if a global pandemic has begun within an hours walking distance of a military or biochemical laboratory.
Read 11 tweets
Tweet 1: 1/7 Dr. Li treated a patient (who was unknowingly infected).
1/10 Dr. Li started coughing & fever.
1/8 - 1/11 Dr. Li’s parents infected.
1/12 Dr. Li admitted to the hospital.
1/30 positive test result.
Dr. Li died on 2/6.
#coronarvirus #WuhanCoronavirus #Wuhanpneumonia
Tweet 2: Dr. Li (based on his 12/30/2019 warning) was likely wearing protective gear on 1/7/2020 when he was infected.
Dr. Li was asymptomatic for 2 days.
Dr. Li had no fever for 3 days.
Dr. Li did not test positive (for the Coronavirus) for 18 days
Tweet 3: 1/11 Wuhan Health Commission issued a statement on the Coronavirus stating no new cases since 1/3 and no infection of the medical staff. This notice & key facts in Dr. Li’s case show significant gaps in data from December 2019 to very early February 2020.
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— the enormous World Dream cruise ship now in 🇭🇰 #harbor.

3 confirmed #coronavirus cases.
30 crews with #flu symptoms.
1,800 #quarantined.

This cruise was sent back from #Taiwan, which refused entry ytd.
#blessHongKong #2019nCoV
Too Little, Too Late 🔥
#HongKong *will* home-quarantine travellers from #China, starting from 8 Feb (Sat).

#CarrieLam also said govt will extend the work-from-home policy to contain #Coronavirus spread.

#ChinaVirus #2019nCoV #新型肺炎 Image
#HongKong — On cruise ship World Dream, thousands of passengers $
& crew are still trapped there for past 2 days waiting for #quarantine.

As of today, 🇭🇰 has a total of 24 #WuhanPneumonia cases, increased by 3 than ytd.

#中国新型肺炎 #coronavirus
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Circulan en #RedesSociales ideas falsas sobre transmisión del #coronavirus #2019nCoV, conviene aclarar:

Se transmite por gotas de fluidos producto de tos o estornudo, que entren en tu cuerpo al respirar o por contacto con ojos o boca.
No flota en el aire, no atraviesa piel.

Debes estar a 2 metros o menos para llegar a inhalar dichas gotas de alguien que tose o estornude sin taparse. Igualmente si tocas superficies contaminadas con dichas gotas, y luego tocas con las manos tu cara sin antes lavarlas.

Al toser o estornudar, indispensable cubrirse, NO CON LAS MANOS.

Toda persona enferma debe usar mascarillas para evitar al máximo diseminar dichas gotas.

Si una persona sana hace uso de estas, le expone a tocar más de lo necesario la cara para acomodarlas.

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A group of protesters set alight on Sunday the lobby of a newly built residential building in Hong Kong that authorities planned to use as a quarantine facility, as public fears about the coronavirus outbreak intensified. #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanPneumonia
Protesters now have a new ‘Anti-Epidemic’ Five Demands. Source: Telegram #antielab #hongkongprotests #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanPneumonia
The lobby of the newly built residential building, that the government planned to use as a quarantine facility, was set on fire by the protesters earlier on. Credit: Tyrone Siu. #antielab #hongkongprotests #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanPneumonia
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— Greed or Underresourced?

In #Wuhan, people are seen *recycling & collecting* USED face masks..

God bless EVERYONE 😷

#WuhanPneumonia #coronarovirus
#China #ChinaVirus #WuhanLockDown
👩🏻 taking this vdo “Don’t do that (stocking #used masks) or you must #resell them!”

👨🏽replied “we are not #selling them,” while busy hiding boxes of #masks.

👩🏻 “I’m calling the #police! I’ll call 110”

#recycling for sale? Collect for disposal? Your call.
#ChinaVirus #wuhan
🦠Photos go viral in #China’s social media Weibo, showing the “creative” personal #protective equipments like face shields & #masks being #DIY by medical practitioners in Kunming 🇨🇳

Alarming to see the #shortage of medical resources.
#新型肺炎 #WuhanPneumonia ImageImageImage
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The people of #Wuhan are literally dropping like flies all over the city.

Like something out of a horror movie.

#WuFlu #WuhanPneumonia
The people of #Wuhan are literally dropping like flies all over the city.

Like something out of a horror movie.

#WuFlu #WuhanPneumonia
The people of #Wuhan are literally dropping like flies all over the city.

Like something out of a horror movie.

#WuFlu #WuhanPneumonia
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Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung said he called #CarrieLam earlier today to keep her updated about Hong Kong's situation in face of #WuhanPneumonia Image
#BREAKING All passengers coming to Hong Kong via high-speed rail link will have to fill out health declaration form, and MTR will send staff to disinfect trains operated by its mainland counterpart, said Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung.
#JUSTIN Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung urged the public not to go to Wuhan unless necessary and if they must go, they should wear masks until 14 days after return to Hong Kong.

Education Bureau urges schools to postpone all learning trips to mainland China.
Read 15 tweets
Leading communicable diseases expert of HK Medical Association Dr Leung Chi-chiu warned that effects of current containment strategy might be undermined as it's yet to figure out the infection chain of #WuhanPneumonia, which Leung called a major blind point and serious problem. Image
Leung said HK gov should seriously consider issuing travel warning to Wuhan if there are more cases in HK but he remained cautious on closing the mainland-HK border. "As an international city, we need to observe International Health Regulations and always remember...
...such measure is equivalent. It means that when it's Hong Kong's turn to be a source of outbreak, other places might do the same to us," Leung said.
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These following three video clips were filmed by a source of mine near the Hankou high-speed rail station this morning after a city-wide quarantine was put in place.
Security officers in black masks are guarding the border to prevent people from leaving #Wuhan. #WuhanPneumonia
The city of Wuhan has been closed down since 10 am on January 23 because of the #WuhanOutbreak. Train stations and airport have been shut down while highways have also been barred to prevent people from fleeing.
This place appears to be a canteen, and this man is still reluctant to put down the N95 surgical mask he is wearing although he is having a meal. #WuFlu #WuhanPneumonia
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Finally, with a second preliminary positive #WuhanPneumonia case reported in Hong Kong, the city's health authority is "actively considering" to extend compulsory health declaration to cover high speed rail pax from Wuhan. Image
MTR: sales of tix for high speed trains to and from Wuhan have been halted.…
While Macau has decided to cancel all LNY public celebrations, head of Hong Kong's Centre for Health Protection Wong Ka-hing said the decision must be left to the government and the health secretary is chairing a steering committee meeting this morning. Image
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NO people in #Wuhan🇨🇳 is allowed to leave starting 23 Jan 10am!

The whole city is being #quarantined — Train stations & #Airport shut; Bus, subway closed; Roads blocked by #police.

#WuhanPneumonia #China
#coronavirus #AntiCCP
— With the WHOLE city locked down from today, people in #Wuhan start FIGHTING for #food & daily supplies in local supermarkets 😱

No wonder #CCPChina is sending out #army to guard major Train Stations & Airport!

#ChinaPneumonia #ChinaVirus
#Wuhan #WuhanSARS
#Chinese Army/ Security officers guarding major #Wuha train station, Hankou high-speed rail station to prevent ppl from leaving!

Citywide *lockdown* but some still managed to #ESCAPE!

#ChinaPneumonia #China
#coronovirus #GodBless
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A roundup on the first suspicious #WuFlu infection in HK: The 39yo man, who lives in Wuhan, arrived in Hong Kong via the high-speed rail in Shenzhen North on Jan 21. He was stopped by the HK Immigration at the checkpoint at the West Kowloon Station due to fever. #WuhanPneumonia
According to HK health minister Sophia Chan, he has never visited medical facilities and wet markets and has not been in contact with wild animals and livestock, nor people with pneumonia and upper respiratory disease. #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanPneumonia
In his travel to Hong Kong, he was accompanied by four family members. But as the four didn’t show symptoms of the #WuhanPneumonia, they continued their journey to Manila, Philippines, whereas he sought medical assistance in a Hong Kong public hospital himself. #WuhanCoronavirus
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While the health officials are still speaking about the first preliminary positive case of #WuhanPneumonia, Cable News reported per source that another patient in Prince Wales Hospital, who had been to Wuhan, was also positive to preliminary test.…
Asked about the 2nd case, health minister Sophia Chan said she did not have information at that moment. Image
The second preliminary positive case of #WuhanPneumonia in Hong Kong is being transferred from Prince Wales Hospital to Princess Margaret Hospital. Image
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Graphic ⚠️
#ChinaPneumonia — “Bat Soup” on 🇨🇳 diners’ desk.

#Wildlife animals hv ALWAYS been “delicacies” in #China, some even claim they can improve health & sex performance.

Let’s NOT forget #Bats are reservoirs for <60 viruses.

#coronavirus #Wuhan
#BREAKING — First *confirmed* case of #WuhanPneumonia in #HongKong.

Patient entered HK by high-speed rail from Shenzhen, #China 🇨🇳.
He is now being hospitalised at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

#口罩 #洗手洗手洗手
#ChinaPneumonia #coronavirus
#WuhanCoronavirus #wuhanvirus ImageImage
TERRIFYING #bat-eating Chinese woman..

Back in 2003, the GLOBAL outbreak of #SARS killed more than 8,000 people. #Bat, civet cats are believed to be the origin of #virus 🦠.

#WuhanCoronavirus #coronavirus
#China #WuhanPneumonia 🇨🇳
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MTR confirmed that a pax on express train G5607 from Shenzhen to HK was found in a fever upon arrival in West Kowloon Terminus at 7.54pm on Tuesday. @HK01 reported that the man told health dept staff that he had been to Wuhan.…
@HK01 RTHK reported per source that Hong Kong got the first confirmed case of #WuhanPneumonia…
Cable News reported per source that the first confirmed case of #WuhanPneumonia in Hong Kong came to the city from Wuhan by express train. The patient is now under isolated treatment in Queen Elizabeth Hospital.…
Read 10 tweets
#BREAKING Macau got its first imported case of #WuhanPneumonia from a 52yo female visitor from the mainland city.
She took high speed railway to Zhuhai on Jan 19 and entered Macau in late night that day. She had been staying mostly in New Orient Landmark Hotel on Jan 20 and 21.
Lei Chin Lon, Macau's health bureau chief said the woman was tested positive to coronavirus and showed pneumonia symptoms. Lei said #WuahnPneumonia patients might not show symptom of fever and the woman just began to have fever.
Lei Chin Lon, Macau's health chief said the woman is kept in the isolation ward of Conde S. Januário Hospital and her two close contacts under isolated monitor in a public health centre at St. Augustine's Square.
Buses and gambling tables the woman used would be disclosed too.
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Cases of #WuhanPneumonia have reached 440 and deaths 9, and the virus, which can be transmitted human to human, has gone into communities and can mutate for further spreading, said Li Bin, deputy head of China's national health watchdog. Image
Gao Fu, director of China's disease control centre, said the study and forecast by Imperial College London "must be based on scientific methods", but the results, which estimated thousands of infection in Wuhan, "are not what we are seeing in reality". Image
Jiao Yahui, medical administration head of NHC, did not tell how many medical staff have got infected by #WuhanPneumonia when asked. She extended respect for the medics who stood fast on the front line, and admitted weakness in prevention and control of hospital infection. Image
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Just in: Wuhan forbids social assemblies and livestock and wild animals import, says China’s National Health Commission minister Li Bin. 440 cases of the new #WuhanCoronavirus has been confirmed in China and the #coronavirus results in 9 deaths so far. 13 provinces are affected.
It has been confirmed by @WHO th at the novel #coronavirus can be transmitted amongst humans. Meanwhile, Mr Li warns that the virus might have penetrated into various neighbourhoods. Mutation could take place for further propagation, he adds. #wuhanvirus #WuhanPneumonia Image
In order to convene on control measures regarding the novel #WuhanPneumonia, @WHO will hold an emergency meeting on Wednesday (January 22) in Geneva.… Image
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Acting CE Matthew Cheung said Hong Kong is on top alert in face of outbreak of #WuhanPneumonia Image
However when asked why health declaration form is only requested from pax flying in from Wuhan, Matthew Cheung repeated the health dept's lines that there is already body temp checking for pax on high speed rail and requiring more to declare may create crowd at the airport.
Matthew Cheung said Moody's downgrade of HK's rating was "unfair" "inappropriate" and he "regret" the decision.
He said Moody's should not view HK solely from political angle, and the livelihood initiatives demonstrate "will to administrate".
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Patients who have been to Hubei Province and hospitals on the mainland will be covered by the expanded scope of monitoring, and all pax on flights from Wuhan would be required to fill out a health declaration form, health minister secretary Sophia Chan said. #WuhanPneumonia Image
Dr Tony Ko, chief executive of Hospital Authority, said each of the 7 public hospital clusters would open a special clinic within 48 hours when the authority found the city at risk of having its first local case of #WuhanPneumonia. Image
Health secretary Sophia Chan insisted that the notification system between HK and mainland was "effective" and the health dept has been in "uninterrupted contact" with its national level counterpart. Chan said if HK would have more cases doesn't depend solely on notification. Image
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THREAD: Lots of news in the #WuhanPneumonia outbreak in China over the weekend:
1) First reported death in a 61 year old man with underlying health issues…
2) Scientists shared the genetic sequence of the new #coronavirus apparently behind the outbreak.
Link here:…
3) The case count now stands at 41 (down from 59), with 7 people in critical condition, 2 discharged from hospital, and the 1 death.…
4) Still "no clear evidence" of human to human transmission…
5) China is tracking 739 close contacts of patients, including 419 medical staff.
6) No new cases have been since January 3.…
Read 5 tweets

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