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Jun 14th 2023
TTP's New Chapter: Thread
Last year, two smaller groups formerly aligned with the Afghan #Taliban joined #TTP. Led by Mullah Aslam Baloch from Noshki and Mazar #Baloch from #Makran. in 2023, two more smaller groups joined TTP. Today it announced new chapter in #Balochistan Image
This new 'Wilayah' will encompass the Kalat and Makran divisions of #Balochistan. It signifies the establishment of a proper organizational structure, becoming the second administrative unit of #TTP in Balochistan after Wilayah Zhob Makran Division MapKalat Divison Map
Wilayah Zhob, operating in the Pashtun districts of #Balochistan, has been functioning under the command of Sirbakaf Momand. The @PICSSIsb Annual Security Assessment Report 2022 predicted #TTP's expansion plans into non-Pashtun areas of Balochistan. Zhob Division Map
Read 15 tweets
May 4th 2023
NEW | @brian_cartr: The Turkish raid on an alleged ISIS safe house in NW Syria on Apr 28 likely killed an ISIS leader, but not the caliph. Targeting ISIS leadership is helpful, but it fails to address the group’s ability to embed itself within local populations. Read the update…… ImageImageImage
@brian_cartr The #alQaeda and #IslamicState networks in Africa will likely seek to use the #Sudan conflict to improve their position on the continent. Numerous inmates escaped from a prison in #Khartoum city beginning on April 22 amid clashes between Sudan’s two warring factions. Image
@kathryn__tyson: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (#TTP) militants based in #Afghanistan continue to direct TTP activities in #Pakistan-i cities far outside of TTP’s recent attack zones. Image
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Aug 1st 2022
Wow -- #Zawahiri killed in a U.S. drone strike in the #Kabul area over the weekend -- the 1st strike since the #Taliban's takeover of #Afghanistan in August 2021.

BIG blow for #AlQaeda's central leadership, but huge questions about how he was located (or who sold him out).
In Nov 2020, I wrote about #AlQaeda's looming "succession crisis" -- as the group's most likely No.2 (Sayf al-Adel) is based in #Iran, a location that for most AQ affiliates, has resulted in deep distrust.…

AQ's decentralization will only increase now.
For years, #AlQaeda has been under a self-reinforcing process of decentralization (& localization) -- whereby the central leadership remained a key guide, but an increasingly irrelevant source of strategic command.

More on that, in this lengthy piece:…
Read 14 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
According to pro-Taliban's Social Media activists, #Hajji_Bahram_Musa, a #Haqqani Network's senior member& commander of Khost Airport, has #carried_his_bride in a military #helicopter from her house in #Logar, to #Khost.
The activists criticised the move as corruption& #betrayal. ImageImageImageImage
Reacting to SM reports, #Taliban's spokesman said:
"There have been reports on SM that a govt. official has flown his wife by #helicopter from Logar to Khost. This is enemy's propaganda&we strongly reject it."
Pro-TB SM activists:
"The spokesman is lying."
#Taliban spokesman Qari Yosuf Ahmadi, #deleted his defensive tweet after he was called a liar by pro-Taliban SM accounts.
Ahmadi had rejected SM& media reports about a TB Commander, who flown his wife by a military #helicopter from his in-laws family in Logar to Khost, as untrue. Image
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Jun 30th 2022
- Grand Assembly of the #Ulema of Afghanistan is now the official name of the TB's gathering in Kabul.
- There are rumors that Amir ul-Mu'minin will appear in the gathering.
- Some similar events in the Loya Jirga tent in the past were targeted by ISKP (rockets, Suicide Attacks).
- The Grand Assembly of Ulema will be #chaired by Sheikh Mawlawi Habibullah Haqqani.
- According to the State-run Bakhtar News Agency, about 3500 people are invited to participate in the Ulema's gathering in Kabul City.
- Acting Prime Minister, Mullah M. #Hassan_Akhund, as the 1st speaker, offered his speech:
"People who have ruined our nation& our country in the past two decades& moved to foreign countries, still create problems for our people even though we do not make any troubles for them."
Read 20 tweets
May 31st 2022
Current state of the #Taliban

Taliban has consolidated control over #Afghanistan, per @UN report released on Friday

41 UN sanctioned individuals are in the cabinet & sr level positions
#Taliban "have favored loyalty & seniority over competence, & their decision-making has been opaque & inconsistent" per @UN report

"Various Taliban factions are maneuvering for advantage, with the #Haqqani Network the most successful & influential among them"
Some fissures may be emerging within the #Taliban

"The pro-Pashtun bias evident in the composition of the de facto authorities & poor treatment of #Tajik & #Uzbek Taliban runs the risk of provoking defections from those quarters" per @UN member state intel
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May 21st 2022
#Taliban's #Commission for Contacting Afghan Personalities& paving way for their #Return to the Country, released its code of conduct, or #Layha, in 15 articles. According to the first article, this commission operates within the framework of the political commission of the #IEA.
1. The commission is very important for the IEA& led by the Acting Minister of Mines& Petroleum, Sheikh Al-Hadith Shahab-ud-Din Dilawar. Members of the commission include, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chief of Staff of the Defense Ministry, Director General of Intel...
..., Acting Minister of Info& Culture, Acting Minister of Propagation of Virtue& the Prevention of Vice, Anas Haqqani (younger brother of Sirajuddin #Haqqani), Mawlawi Zia-ur-Rahman Madani& Mawlawi Abdul Rahman Mansoor.
2. The commission collects complete information about all...
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Mar 5th 2022
Breaking News!
Today is the graduation ceremony of the hundreds of #AFG #police, from the police academy in #Kabul.
Pro-TB sources told me that it is more likely that the acting minister of interior, Khalifa #Sirajuddin_Haqqani, will #appear_in_public and allow media to film him.
And here is unseen Sirajuddin Haqqani, the head of #Haqqani Network, Deputy Leader of the Taliban and current acting Interior Minister...
Is it still valid?
"The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading directly to the arrest of Sirajuddin Haqqani."…
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Mar 3rd 2022
#Taliban announced 28 new #appointments incl. a minister, deputy ministers, senior military officials& senior judges.
As always, all of them are Mullahs.
I will list some of them (on purpose) here:
1. Saranwal (Attorney) Abdul Wali, as Acting Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.
2. Makhdoom Abdul Salam Saadat as Deputy Minister of Labor&Social Affairs.
3. #Qari_Salahuddin_Ayoubi, Deputy Minister of Planning& Policy, for the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation& Development.
Makhdoom Salam (Baghlan) was Minister of the same Ministry under TB in 1990s...
...Qari Salahuddin Ayoubi, an Uzbek, is a controversial figure among the senior non-Pashton TB. In 2020, after Doha deal he wanted to separate his way from the mainstream TB, but arrested by ISI in Quetta and forced to stay with the group.
See report here:…
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Jan 24th 2022
Parwana Ibrahimkahail has been badly tortured .We know where she is @NorwayMFA The #Taliban deny taking her but she’s in detention centre in PD9. Don’t negotiate with terrorists .@US4AfghanPeace @AHuitfeldt @AnneBeathe_ @SkyNews @Shaimaakhalil @BBCWorld @guardian @POTUS
The spokesman for #TalibanTerrorists deny taking her -It’s a lie - She has been tortured. I’m asking the International community to shout her name .#ReleaseParwana now .@GOVUK @TomTugendhat @RoryStewartUK @GordonBrown @SnellArthur @BBCYaldaHakim
We are asking the International community to scream for #Parwana. Tell you MP. Retweet.She needs us now. #Parwana will be murdered without our intervention. @amnesty @AmnestyUK @UNHumanRights @UNHumanRightsEU ACT NOW.
#ReleaseParwana #WeAreWatching
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Dec 10th 2021
1. From the perspective of #Taliban propaganda what this type of media may evidence about the status of
Taliban control, is they need these martyr videos to attempt to keep the faithful willing to be sacrificed for the cause. Because Afghan Taliban is objectively supporting
2. a foreign invader Pakistan, this form of propaganda is less likely to create the kind of fervor required to continue a movement built on a lie of Afghan sovereignty. If I were creating counter-propaganda I would focus on the fraud of the Pak controlled Taliban. As the forces
3. continue to die and go hungry their blind loyalty to the fat-cat Taliban leaders who were living in style in Qatar will likely begin to wane. If they are given an escape plan of returning to Pashtun areas to establish an autonomous region free of a corrupt central government
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Oct 24th 2021
In an alleged audio recording of the latest gathering of suicide bombers' families held at the #Intercontinental Hotel, Sirajuddin #Haqqani narrates two stories. First, the story of a father who came to Sirajuddin Haqqani's suicide training camp pleading with him to return his
son back. The father argues that the son is young and impressionable, he states that the son left without his father's permission. Sirajuddin then sends for the boy and asks that he be told that Haqqani wants to speak to him.
When the boy enters the room and lays his eyes on his father, he starts wailing and begs not to be sent home. When the father eventually takes the boy home, he returns in a few days asking Sirajuddin to take back the boy.
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Oct 2nd 2021
#MansouriBattalion is the suicide battalion of Taliban. Their creation is not new. They have been operating for the last 12 years or more. They were recruited to target high value targets (HVT). They were responsible for most of green on blue attacks targeting NATO personal.
They are deployed at #Tajikistan border. In the event of a war, they will be heading for Tajik cities, not blowing up themselves Infront of border guards.
These guys are fanatics. There is a brainwashed human then there is a rebooted human. These guys are programmed for one task
We captured a member of this battalion when his vest failed. That's how we discovered the battalion's existence. It was a privilege to meet him. I say privilege, because you don't usually meet these guys in one piece. Both of you are in pieces by the time he reveals his identity!
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Sep 30th 2021
WATCH LIVE | FDD @LongWarJournal's @thomasjoscelyn testifies before @SASCDems @SASCGOP on #Afghanistan.

Read his full written testimony here:…

And tune in beginning at 9:30am EST here:…
@LongWarJournal @thomasjoscelyn @SASCDems @SASCGOP HAPPENING NOW: @LongWarJournal's @thomasjoscelyn delivers his opening statement before @SASCDems @SASCGOP on #Afghanistan.


Read his full written testimony here:…
"I heard Gen. Milley say nobody saw that the Afghan forces and government would collapse in 11 days. As the senior editor of @LongWarJournal who's been covering this insurgency for the last 12 years of my life, I have to say... that's inaccurate."

Read 14 tweets
Sep 16th 2021
"I absolutely reject that somehow, what's about to happen to women because of the #Taliban taking over the government is simply something we have to tolerate as the prince of doing business in South & Central Asia."

@BrookingsInst President Gen Allen speaking to @MiddleEastInst: Image
@BrookingsInst @MiddleEastInst "Where this really began to unravel was then when U.S. chose to make a separate deal with the #Taliban, to exclude the #Afghan govt & to set a certain date for when we'd depart... only then did we begin to see the real problem unfold."

Gen Allen speaking to @MiddleEastInst: Image
@BrookingsInst @MiddleEastInst "When we departed, there was a very real signal: 'you are on your own'... The advisors left... When we pulled out, we took out about 18,000 contractors... the way we equipped them, they relied wholly on those contractors."

Gen. Allen speaking to @MiddleEastInst: Image
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Sep 15th 2021
#Pakistan's claim to be a victim of terrorism rests on groups like #TTP ("Pakistani Taliban"), but it was the Army/ISI who created the jihadist emirate in North Waziristan where this group was formed, with the active and ongoing assistance of the ISI's loyal Haqqani Network. ImageImage
#pt: "The Foutainhead of Jihad", pp. 164-5.
The #Haqqani-run enclave in North Waziristan, operating with the full backing of #Pakistan's ISI, not only nurtured the #TTP the Pakistanis would later portray as a mortal foe, it of course supported the "Afghan" #Taliban and was where #Al_Qaeda organised many post-9/11 plots. ImageImage
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Sep 14th 2021
1. I don't think this is Baradar. Not even close. This is a younger voice. In addition, Baradar has a protruding right incisor that makes his speech distinct. Meter and breath is all wrong. This is not Baradar IMO. #Taliban #Haqqani #PanjshirGenocide #Panjshir
2. Here's the real one. I don't think it's even close. So IMO he's dead or severely injured. At least it's a reasonable conclusion. @DefenseIntel

Taliban leader Mullah Video Abdul Ghani Baradar's message to Afghans via @YouTube
3. If that assessment is accurate, then what are the Haqqani going to do now? The charade can't last. What's their plan? I would think that may be the reason that Zabiullah Mujahid flew to Mazar-e-Sharif. Designated survivor, while Haqqani and the Pak ISI complete the coup.
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Aug 24th 2021
#Biden's decision to stick to the Aug 31 deadline is bold -- it raises 2 key risks:

1) We'll be leaving people behind, certainly 1,000s of #Afghans & quite likely, a few Americans in hard-to-reach spots.

2) Other G7/NATO states have been rebuffed again by #Biden -- more anger.
"#Biden's decision to pull out troops was backed by most Americans, 53%-38%. But almost two-thirds, 62%, disapproved of the way his administration has handled that withdrawal."

Overall approval rating now 41%.

New polling on #Afghanistan's impact:… Image
BREAKING -- The US military has begun re-withdrawing from #Afghanistan, per US officials.

Very worrying sign for the 10,000s of those left behind - mostly #Americans, but some U.S. & European nationals too.
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Aug 24th 2021
1. #Taliban have already repudiated #45's surrender agreement because they continue to embed many "foreign forces" like #TTP and #Haqqani in their terrorist force. Presence of "foreign forces" in #Afg is a material breech of #45's agreement.
2. US should get our people out according to the current plan then @StateDept must re-list the Taliban who are planning to again make Afghanistan a rats nest of terrorist. The Haqqani Network is reported to be in operational control on the ground. Every member of this group is
3. a lawful US target. Other al-Qaeda members are in the Kabul and preparing for having commercial aircraft. I just spotted an Afghan Airbus on the tarmac in Kabul. Will that plane will be used to attack the US again? How can we be sure? We must re-list the Taliban as
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Aug 22nd 2021
Die Lage im Pandschir-Tal u im westl. angrenzenden Baghlan ist unübersichtlich. V.a. russ. Medien warten mit Erfolgsberichten zu Saleh u Massoud auf,nachdem AM Lawrow auf Distanz zu den #Taliban in Kabul gegangen ist. Diese mobilisieren Spezialeinheiten gg die Tadschiken-Truppen.
Die #Taliban haben Ahmed Massoud ein paar Stunden Zeit gegeben, um die Kontrolle über Panjshir / Pandschir zu übergeben. Der Sohn des 2001 getöteten Tadschiken-Khan bekommt wohl auch Unterstützung v dem Sohn des Usbeken-Anführers Dostum. Massoud hat das Ultimatum zurückgewiesen.
Für die Taliban ist das eine propagandistische Niederlage: gestern noch verkündete #Haqqani vollmundig, dass Massoud sich den Taliban unterworfen habe. Nun setzen beide Seiten die bevorstehenden Kämpfe im Tal als „Entscheidungsschlachr“ in Szene u warten mit Erfolgsberichten auf.
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Aug 20th 2021
Seit bekannt wurde, dass Khalil Al-Rahmen Haqqani das Kommando über die #Taliban-Einheiten in #Kabul hat, werden zunehmende Repression u Willkür dem sog. #Haqqani-Netzwerk angelastet. Haqqani selbst liess sich durch ExRegierungschef „Dr. Abdullah“ seine Macht vor Ort bestätigen.
Er ist Onkel des derzeitigen Emirs der Haqqani-Gemeinschaft, die unter den Paschtunen in der ostafgh. Prov. Paktia u in den autonomen Staamesgebieten der NWP-Prov. in Pakistan ihre Hausmacht hat. Ursprünglich Anfang der 1980er als bewaffneter Verband gegründet hat sie sich erst
spät den #Taliban angeschlossen. Die Haqqanis gelten als Alliierte des al-Qaida-Verbands u sind berüchtigt für ihre terroristischen Kampfhandlungen. Sie sind prominent im Rat der Taliban vertreten u verfügen über eine operative u strategische Autonomie unter den Taliban. Es ist
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Jul 18th 2021
Superpower or 🤡? "Pakistan’s army & its Inter-Services Intelligence(ISI) play key role in Taliban offensive. Without logistical support from Pakistan, the Taliban would be hard-pressed to operate in such a widespread way".…
2/usa Superpower or 🤡? "Of course, Pakistan has been the Taliban’s patron since its creation in the 1990s.
It is impossible to defeat the Taliban as long as Pakistan provides sanctuary and safety, training, equipment and funds for the Taliban."..3/
3/usa #Clownanalysis101 🤡 "Pakistan cannot be defeated, as it is a nuclear-armed State and has the fifth-largest population in world. ...It is curious that Biden has so little to engage with Pakistan. He has yet to talk with Imran Khan." ☝🏼superpower is going to fight #China?😭
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Jul 28th 2020
#alQaida "further entrenching in regions beyond its historical stronghold in #Afghanistan" per latest @UN report

"It exploits the tarnished #ISIL [#ISIS] brand & societal fractures to enhance legitimacy & gain local traction & recruits" per the report
#alQaida "is covertly active in 12 #Afghan provinces & Ayman al-#Zawahiri remains based in the country" per @UN report based on member state intel

Total number of AQ core fighters in #Afghanistan est. to be 400-600
#alQaida core leadership "maintains close contact w/the #Haqqani Network" per @UN report, which adds AQ's #Zawahiri met w/Yahya Haqqani in Feb. 2020 "to discuss ongoing cooperation"
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Jul 1st 2020
NEW: @DeptofDefense releases "Enhancing Security & Stability in #Afghanistan" report, covering Dec 2019 to May 2020

It says #Russia "very likely continues to support US-Taliban reconciliation efforts in the hope that reconciliation will prevent a long-term US military presence" ImageImage
"#Russia has politically supported the #Taliban to cultivate influence with the group, limit the Western military presence, & encourage counter #ISIS operations, although Russia publicly denies their involvement" per the report
Link to the full report:…
Read 5 tweets

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