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@YaelBRAUNPIVET « On n'agit pas selon ses convictions mais selon sa mission ! »

L'hopital qui se fout de la Charité ; la Provoc' de #BraunPivet continue!

(Re)Criminalisons les mensonges #JeuxPolitiques #PartisÂnisme des élus & hauts dignitaires des nos Institutions!
@YaelBRAUNPIVET (Re)Criminalisons les mensonges #JeuxPolitiques #PartisÂnisme des élus & hauts dignitaires des nos Institutions.
Insulter les intelligences du Peuple, surtout quand on se prétend Démocrat(i)e, est alors le pire crime ; c'est une trahison!
@YaelBRAUNPIVET LA VIE, notre vie, la (vraie) politique (celle qui FAIT! Pas celle des partis comme lors des impostures de 3eme & 4eme républiques), la #Démocratie, ne sont pas un jeu!

Putain de #ClassePolitique #Bourgeoisie pistonnés! #Cancers #Idiocratie

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@Vendic_ @FFLose "Etude" hilarante de #Arrondel #Duhautois #Laslier, Scientistes #Scientia ("bien diplômés") Dr en Science Sociale en Economie au #CNRS #Idiocratie, loins des exigences des sciences exactes #Episteme #Tekhne (ça diplôme mal).
Manque que le thème astral des bons tireurs de Penalty.
@Vendic_ @FFLose Impression que les mecs n'ont jamais vu de match de foot de leur vie & pas foutu de comprendre des évidences "seuls (comme souvent avec ces "bien diplômés" pour "réciter par coeur", balancer des chiffres et des jargons sans "Savoirs" #Tekhne)… #Idiocratie
@Vendic_ @FFLose Comme : "Les meilleurs joueurs sont susceptibles de rater leur tir au but : 65% de réussite contre 74% pour les autres joueurs. Auraient-ils plus de pression […] les meilleurs joueurs devraient tirer en 5eme position & en ordre inverse de leur compétence à tirer".
Read 22 tweets
@Gio_Castaldi Pas un problème "Français". Même avec des Qatari le résultat est le même : C'est l'#idiocratie de l'#EntreSoi #bourgeois cooptés & donc, la connerie Parisienne le problème.


@Gio_Castaldi Même symptôme que la France subie à cause de ce #EntreSoi #Bourgeois Parisianisme qui tue ou cannibalise les talents #Tekhne, sans leur laisser la liberté de faire.

@Gio_Castaldi #Tuchel & l'excellentissime #Emery (mais pas du bon Réseau, flingué aussi par les médias de l'#EntreSoi, CONdescendantS fr...) ont été empêché de Faire/Réussir #PSG en leur imposant des joueurs/choix sans respecter leurs Intelligences & Savoirs-Faire.
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@BFMTV C'en est émouvant, si on est gourouïsé ou en se laissant aller à notre habituelle compassion (culture Chrétienne oblige^^), mais dès lors que nous nous SOUVENONS, notre culture politique nous permet de mesurer la dangerosité du malhomme & de l'#Eloquence
@BFMTV #Eloquence tjs vue comme de l'Intelligence en #Idiocratie, alors que marque du "milieu d'éducation" permettant à ces gens ne sachant rien Faire/Créer/Générer de leur esprit & 10 doigts (#Tekhne, ça diplôme mal) puissent faire illusion, en croyant nous vendre tout & son opposé.
@BFMTV #Eloquence : Ca marchait jusque dans les années 70, avec des #Boomers ayant tout eu sans rien mérite, sans compétences ni talents et sans culture générale (excepté "salut les copains") en se croyant plus cultivés & intelligents que nous les "sales post-70", ...
Read 9 tweets
@purbini @beinsports_FR La visibilité = Match accessible au plus grand nombre, et donc en clair, et au prix le plus bas!

Vous êtes vraiment tous à coté de la plaque les journaleux tellement corporatistes, bourgeois, pistonnés/cooptés.. opportunistes.
Tu cherches du boulot chez beinTV ?!
@purbini @beinsports_FR C'est comme les gars de l'#EDS #EDG réservés, à l'époque sur les intentions de #PrimeVideo (comparé à "l'Historique" Canal+ & gentil beinTV ) pour la #L1.
@purbini @beinsports_FR Ils étaient encore traumatisés d'avoir léché le cul au milliard annuel d'imposture de MediaPro alors que nous "sale populace/grand public" avions vu l'arnaque arriver....
Mais là aussi évidemment, "après" tous ces journaleux retournaient leur veste...
Read 27 tweets
jin - the astronaut symbolism and deep analysis.

May all Glory be to the Lord for revealing the schemes of the wicked and never leaving us into darkness. may all Glory be to the Lord may all Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ! ImageImage
His name be Glorified! i pray that this will help open your eyes to the truth and you will leave this deep muddy hole of deception grab stretched hand of the Lord Jesus Christ which is always stretched towards you and waiting for your to grab it come out of that trap and ImageImage
follow the Way the Truth and the Life who came in flesh and died for all of the humanity.

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it continues:
another layer to me myself and i is ALTERS/PERSONAS.
vernon black eye: “i got a couple friends just me myself and i” ImageImage
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"The metaverse... besides being immersive and interoperable, it's meta-physical, that is, a realized illusion, an impossibility in the round, able to absorb an infinite number of contradictions and convert them into fuel for growth."--Martin Gurri @mgurri…
A fundamental limit to the search for the oldest fossils | Nature Ecology & Evolution…
#PaleontologicalResearch, #FossilAge, #LifeOrigins
Read 13 tweets
Why do people make money complicated?
actually, the conversation between you and money is quite simple. It generally becomes tough when you add people into it.

~ *thread* ~

We all feel good when people start liking us, our house, our car, our watch, and so on.
this is where the problem starts
One of the simplest ways to tackle this is to always set your learning standards high and living standards minimal.
Read 11 tweets
Ce matin on démarre par une conf autour des neurosciences : Percevoir et communiquer : réalité et fiction personnelle - Yves Rosetti @AgileGrenoble #agilegrenoble #agile #neuroscience #illusion
Quelques illusions d'optiques pour commencer : le rond ici si on l'isole est le même, mais donne l'impression d'une lune jaune ou bleue. Les illusions d'optique existent car le monde est complexe. #agilegrenoble Image
Pour les spécialistes d'illusions d'optique, le concept d'illusion est un non-sens car notre cerveau interprète en permanence, en voyant des "illusions d'optique" mais aussi dans la vie de tous les jours. Ex avec le célèbre "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" de Magritte #agilegrenoble Image
Read 14 tweets
( ´_ゝ`)しかし「印象」は残像する
【 illusion 】
・action of mocking
・the action of deceiving
・the state or fact of being intellectually deceived or misled
・a misleading image presented to the vision
・something that deceives or misleads intellectually Image
・perception of something objectively existing in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature
Read 5 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/21/2021…
How opium led to ‘the banality of evil, the birth of megacorporations, the foundation of empires’…

#opium #tea #GlobalTrade #BritishEmpire #history #india #china
Read 8 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
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« Le monde médical et scientifique a perdu une certaine crédibilité parce que ce débat est clôturé » ~ @xazalbert #Holdup #Covid19 #DéliresCovid19
« Dès lors que vous faites croire à quelqu’un qu’il est en danger de mort, vous en faites ce que vous voulez » #Holdup #Peur #Psychose #Covid19 #ComportementsIrraisonnés #DécisionsStupides
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/23/2020…
A radical theory says major crises remake America every 80 years…

#future #cycle #america
A three-agent robotic system for Mars exploration…

#mars #robotic #exploration
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1-We have been talking about #Mantras and their place in the #Vedic #Tradition.

Today, let’s dwell on the #Shakti Mantras – quite perhaps the most #esoteric and #Powerful entities in their own right. (1/19)

2-A word of caution here.

Shakti Mantras are like an Atomic Bomb

They are extremely powerful

..and should be practiced with due consideration, initiation and guidance by your #Guru and under your full #Intuition. (2/19)

@ijyotish @shashankupadhy_

3-Fundamentally, Shakti Mantras are extremely powerful, mono or single syllabled mantras.

In the higher Yogic practices they have a special usage. (3/19)

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What does a nerd do when they should have been enjoying their birthday @imrf2020 tomorrow?

Attempt to make a Sound-Induced Flash Illusion to the beat of Happy Birthday of course!

[curious if this works, may need adjustments]
#Multisensory #IMRF2020 #Illusion
🤞we get to hear from our fantastic symposium line up in Oct to hear all about the SIFI! @drjuliankeil @_FrancescaFerri @david_i_shore and those not on Twitter Ladan Shams and Uta Noppeney #IMRF2020
To preregister my hypothesis: I suspect people should be more susceptible to these illusions when the temporal statistics of the auditory signal is predictable and known.
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Today's Learning: Spotlight Effect - We believe others are paying more attention to our appearance and behavior than they really are. In reality, its not so. We also tend to believe that our emotions are more obvious than they are (Illusion of transparency).
Today's Learning: Do not be over optimistic about future events (Unrealistic Optimism). Practice Defensive pessimism, the adaptive value of anticipating problems and prepared to face them. As a Chinese proverb says "Be prepared for danger while staying in peace." #psychology
Today's learning: Immune Neglect: The human tendency to underestimate the speed and strength of the psychological immune system,which enables emotional recovery and resilience after bad things happen. We are amazingly resilient in most circumstances.#psychology #Myers
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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#Covid19India an #Ilusion of low cases. We rank lowest in the world for Testing.
@PMOIndia @CMOMaharashtra
Not trying to criticize but just my observation on how we can improve.

I arrived in Mumbai 2 days ago after d lock-down in Canada & since my family was away I had to (1/n)
take the travel risk before things get worse. I'm in self quarantine for 14 days & so is my family.
I see a lot of Hype that India has been managing it the best. While I was in Canada I have been watching the media & the entire North America officials are stressing a lot on (2/n)
TESTING TESTING & TESTING but after arriving here I just did not find that focus at all. Even at the Mumbai airport they just measured my temperature & did not instruct anything if I should be self quarantined or not though I know I have to.

India Ranks lowest in the World (3/n)
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Time for the jellybean illusion! You don’t actually need a jellybean, just some type of chewable candy, preferably with different colors & flavors. M&M’s: NOT be a good choice, gold bears: fine.

#teaching #classroom #Scichat #STEMeducation #illusion #perception #scicomm
Get comfy, get your candy out, and choose two pieces of different colors/flavors. Pick up one of those two, it doesn’t matter which.
Now, STEP 1: PINCH YOUR NOSE so you can no longer breathe in or out through your nose. You can use a swimmers pincher or even a clothespin too, but using two fingers is probably more comfortable and pretty easy.
Read 12 tweets

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