Stratfor Chairman 2015
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The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.

#Ukrainegate #ImpeachmentHearing
The United States controls all the oceans of the world and because of that we get to invade people and they don't get to invade us. Maintaining control of the sea and space is the foundation of American power.
#Ukrainegate #Sondland

It is not an accident that the US "final solution" is to create an "Intermarium" ("Between-seas") area from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea.

The Germans themselves don't know what to do and haven't made up their mind.
#Ukrainegate #ImpeachmentHearing #sondlandtestimony
The main problem of Germany is that it is enormously economically powerful and geopolitically very fragile and doesn't know how to reconcile two.
@realDonaldTrump #Ukrainegate #ImpeachmentHearing