Umbereen S Nehal, MD, MPH, MBA Profile picture
Jan 4, 2021 64 tweets 41 min read Read on X
Dear #MedTwitter please, please, if you are a licensed medical professional and/or in school to be, do NOT delete your tweets or comply with anyone telling you to do so. It will harm you far more than leaving them up and explaining. Nothing is ever deleted. Can be used in court.
When I was at Harvard Med School and at an esteemed children's hospital, a case against an esteemed professor, that NO lawyer would touch cuz this was someone who had WRITTEN the textbooks and trained every expert, was won ..based on "a document was deleted" - creating suspicion
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant" you will hear me say OVER and OVER - wins & losses *should* be on data/standards but unfortunately wins & losses are in the court of public opinion. So be reliable, credible, and trustworthy. Transparency is one way to achieve that reputation.
The tweets I delete typically have a typo or the link did not populate the image as I wanted and I *immediately* repost THE SAME tweet, corrected. That way if anyone with "dark web" capacity were to try to "find dirt", ain't none. What you see is what you get.
I have been around the block enuf times, been a public servant w/ strict COI & scrutiny of my every word, & have been "in the room" when we have been deciding billions of dollars of state funding in Medicaid

You can decide whether you trust my advice/PSA
In fact, in any job interview, I have now learned I need to *warn* any potential employer: I take ethics, safety, quality, transparency VERY seriously. Take it or leave it. If that ain't how you do business, this ain't gonna be a good fit. I limit my choices, but sleep just fine.
I mean, no, I don't sleep a lot, but that's another issue. LOL My conscience is pretty clean apart from the things I realize were secondary harm from my trust in the system & being, what I now know is the so-called "model minority." That being complicit DOES keep me up at night.
Many of us come from cultures of shame - medicine, nursing, religion, "family name", regional culture (say a culture of "grit")

Shame will whisper to you "delete, delete..hide ashamed"


WRONG knee jerk reaction from when we were living in primitive conditions.
This matters on SO many levels. Most on #MedTwitter #NurseTwitter #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter want to have an impact in the world, want to build relationships, want to do #SciComm

First step for ALL of that is trust

Be trustworthy
Do NOT react to your reptilian brain
If you get past "reptile brain", can pause.

Think it through. What is your purpose here? (see above)

What is in your LONG TERM best interest?

Hiding/deleting only makes you look not trustworthy, poor judgment, unreliable.……
Not to be reverse ageist but please consider the life experience & matched professional experience of anyone from whom you take advice.

Now that I am at @MIT & @MITSloanFellows the classmates who "get it" are engineers who must maintain licenses.

Is a #mindset: accountability
If ANYONE tells you to delete, and EVER uses an "or else" threat..just listen to the recent recording of Trump to GA governor. First, even POTUS cannot seem to hide what he does so exactly how do YOU expect to succeed?

Most importantly, NEVER be goaded into being unethical.
Personally, my brain is SO fully of SO many more important things that, long ago, as a child, I realized lying/hiding was just a recipe to fail - I am transparent. Plus, my mom? OMG...NOTHING got past her. Plus am Muslim so a belief I can hide anything would make me delusional.
I'm old school, with my paper chart experience from having worked in community hospitals that were slow to onboard to #EHR as well as my having been an intern a while ago.

You all training on electronic only may feel it is easy to just hit "undo"/delete.

Please know that hospital-employed NON-LICENSED HR or communications people will give you BAD advice. I have seen it SO many times. A relative of mine, was asked ("asked") to delete her EHR note documenting the processes to led to a patient discharged from care service.
I can't go into more details and have enough relatives in my extended family in healthcare that I have left that sufficiently vague. That said, this is a CLASSIC example of how a business/communications person will tell you something AGAINST ethics - what attorneys DREAM about.
Never, ever, EVER protect an institution's "reputation" or any boss's/faculty member's pressure on you at the risk of your own credibility. You have tremendous power as a licensed professional that others WILL use for themselves AND leave you to go under the bus when 💩 hits fan.
I know life is complicated & you get a ton of mixed messages. There are people with clear COI who are selling their advice either directly to you and/or to administrators who buy "reputation management" services (in house or consultants). I don't envy today's students/trainees.
Stay very clear in your own head. You are here for your patients. Your credibility & your license are YOURS. Employment or student status, institutions, do NOT define you (you are a mere cog in their system).

YOU define you.
Your credibility is based on consistent data points.
The last needs to be unpacked. You can and will make mistakes. Leave those mistakes up.

The data points I mean are of being factual, using vetted/verified/validated facts, leaving UP when you make a mistake.

Have a "paper trail" that shows transparency & honesty.
Not that we should be here for the "clicks" but if you need a metric of success of documenting failures, this is probably my single most popular tweet > 7K likes. You can look at the metrics yourself. I'm kinda a numbers shmumbers kinda gal tbh.

Meaning, numbers not what excite me. Impact does. Metrics are important but we all know they are not the whole story yet we overfixate on numbers/metrics, often withOUT questioning their value, definitions, or true impact.

That is the other thing, please refocus on impact.
If you follow me you likely already are a "change the world" type and/or seek to have an impact & likely seek to destigmatize. You also likely are trying to show some kind of leadership. Leaders MUST lead by example. Be the leader who can leave any error up with confidence.
You can always respond, retweet with an explanation.

Will some people do "gotcha' screenshots? Yes.

It is impossible to avoid all misinterpretation or bad faith misuse.

If that worries you, then just post less or not at all. No one *has* to have a social media presence.
I know there is a lot of talk these days on #cancelculture. Everyone hates it (yet people who are most vocal about it seem to be super inconsistent with their words & actual actions).

That is just the world we live in.

It's not easy.
Titrate your exposure/risk to your comfort.
Personally, being Muslim, if I breathe = a "terrorist." I will ALWAYS be "gotcha" vilified by immutable things about my identity. This has made me more risk tolerant.

Gave me A LOT of practice early in life about navigating these complexities prior to social media screenshots.
I think some others did not have this experience of constant bullying from your earliest memories like I do. Bullying affects people in different ways. I finally saw thru it - it is about the other person's insecurity, fear, need for power, manipulation.
I would not wish the multitude of experiences that give me "grit" on anyone else, tbh. I would LOVE you all to spend your energy/time on not just surviving but going out and making this world better (not developing chronic illnesses from chronic stress).

It has made me skilled effective in high profile, high risk roles: where I when I am an expert witness in a Grand Jury trial for the AG's office, when enforcing quality standards going toe-to-toe with another CMO, when I negotiate out of a bad employment situation, etc.
In ALL of these types of leadership & many others, they WILL try ad hominem

If you lose your cool, you lose
If you get nervous about an "error" or by an overt or an implied threat, you lose
If you doubt yourself & backtrack (delete), you lose

Don't set your own self up to lose
Failing fast & failing often is different from setting yourself up to lose/fail. First is driven by #improvement #mindset of #engineering and #systemsthinking to identify vulnerabilities and correct. Latter is poor #strategy, preparation, or poor decision making under pressure.
The #narrative is taught as the goal by so called #SciComm or #communications or #marketing folks who are bad at what they do. Those good at this do #valuesbased "marketing." A non-negotiable must be ethics, credibility, reliability.….
The #narrative, in fact, is how you tell the story of the #data points that are REAL of your consistent commitment to your #values. The other thing you find with low ethics/bad at their job people is manufacturing "evidence" posthoc to craft a fake narrative. Don't be that.
I am intentional on what "record" I create. This had value on many levels. I do genuinely want to provide a free resource, vetted & validated by @AAMC standards to #MedEd

these are my values: marginalized populations, multidisciplinary, #mentalhealth, etc…
This is another intentional use of my time/talent for #AI #futureofwork #diversity #policy #healthcare #innovation

If I get one tweet or a few tweets wrong, will it end a career? It is possible. Anything is possible. Unlikely, given my track record.…
I worry about you all, tho, in early career

often getting bad advice from:

non-clinician “consultants”
faculty from this era of old boy network where they *could* delete, erase, and make inconvenient people disappear (kill someone’s career or professional reputation) ImageImageImageImage
None of them will face the accountability that YOU face
“growing up” professionally in an era of high accountability & high transparency

You aren’t a gray-haired professor w/old boy network who can leverage contacts to do #MedBikini types of ethics shortcuts & gamble not caught Image
I know because I don’t get those kinds of passes myself

I have to check off every single box in exactly the right order = 100+ edits

if I don’t, my high-quality publication that gets glowing reviewer comments

still rejected/delayed

many women experience this @JulieSilverMD ImageImage
The system IS full of inequity

some ppl get, frankly, harassed
by the system’s non-stop demands of more evidence to stringently meet standards, gatekeeping

while others pass thru w/out scrutiny

is neither fair NOR going away anytime soon

so get used to addressing questions
This is some thing I am used to from “traveling while Muslim” all of my life - I will always face 10x more scrutiny

Some of you may not have that skill set already

There will always be unfairness in life, line jumpers

Blame game & #leadership failures…
It is very unfortunate that means:

even when you are in a vulnerable, low info access position

of being a student or a trainee

you will be put into very difficult positions

of not knowing when to comply with the rules & listen to leadership
versus self protect

From @Docbasia on the market share of.. #marketing by hospitals

Your schools and your employers ARE pushing you out there to use YOUR credibility for THEIR revenue generation

will often give you BAD advice cuz they themselves don’t understand how to do this ethically
Your institution may push you to bear risks including of physical violence.

#pediatrics has been dealing with this for decades from anti-vaxx mobs
=Risks to your family, health, #mentalhealth, livelihood, license.

@NicoleB_MD @DrToddWo #tweetiatrician #vaccineswork ImageImageImageImage
If you are of a reviled and marginalized group like I am (Muslim) you will even face this kind of directed targeting of you

One step shy of crosshairs on my face

This is vs my #Covid19 #publichealth #education & GOTV volunteer work

This is just ugly reality of #SciComm today ImageImageImageImage
More screenshots of what is being mislabeled as “terrorism”

when in fact am
-educating a marginalized population with distrust of authority

on how to engage thru valid civic processes to be highly engaged members of society

+economic justice

All #STEM mislabeled similarly now ImageImageImageImage
Many #STEM, previously enjoying a respected ivory tower position within mainstream society as “expert”

don’t understand how to navigate a complex external facing role

where most benign things that you do become mislabeled

leading even to death threats

= #SciComm dilemma
Look at institutional response to WOC, often Black women

mislabeling BY institutions of VERY work that they claim that they want

blame patient

Respond to #diversity/#equity as“threat”

@COCoQC schema: HR processes start FOR doing as asked to silence (“erase”/oust employee) ImageImageImageImage
Am outspoken too w/ inconvenient transparency

on #healthcare “leadership” failures, #revenue model

poor/ #quality, #ethics
inconsistent standards

on cue, non-clinical #SciComm faculty, w/ her own flagrant COI
& history of threats

when held accountable:
did retaliate/mislabel Image
What is cited as “evidence” was manufactured:
@ me by anon accounts
my response “counted” as “my” harassing
= smoke & mirrors game

common template for distraction & manipulation

My beef was with @USC’s standards. If charging tuition, preparing for reality & accountability? ImageImageImageImage
My expectation is that my future #MedTwitter colleagues, current students, taught by #STEM #MedEd institutions across country

adhere to SAME STANDARDS I am held

I go thru peer review
my license renewed

This affects BIPOC to do #advocacy & #community work safely @USC Image
I had no “need” to get involved in any of this

But I have been around the block a few times

For state (MA) I disciplined clinicians, including for for social media use

As CMO, signed terminations

As licensed doc, navigated complex situations while maintaining a “clean record”
My “need “is my mission which is a shared mission with anybody

attempting to work on #equity, #diversity, #communityhealth, #publichealth, marginalized populations, dismantling structural inequity

driving a culture of #accountability, #safety

I need you to “stay alive” Image
Ironically, highlighting the work of that Professor... had major issues w/ way he taught his class & I left for myriad reasons

even if I don’t agree w/ methodology

issue he highlights is true

#Leadership is fraught with danger
Some advisors will harm you
Don’t take bad advice
Which brings me back to original tweet. Some of you are getting some very bad advice (getting threats, frankly) to delete things *others* do not want in public sphere

Your “brand” needs to be reliability, credibility, transparency, ethics

#SciComm & #STEM need to regain trust
Please understand that you are entering, not a “profession” but an industry that is 1/5 of the country’s economy/GDP.

Students: I wish you could enjoy an intellectual playground to grow. Sad you are entering into all this.

You have to question EVERYONE, including me. Be wise. ImageImageImageImage
There is so much profit, channeled through various means so as to still meet the definitions of “nonprofit”,

that when people talk to you of “professionalism” as if this were not an industry, they are not being honest with themselves and/or you

Investigate/question ALL
I am not suggesting you become so cynical or bitter that you are paranoid

I am saying that
-it is extremely complex
-there is a lot of uncertainty
-people in #leadership may not always know what they are talking about

Be wise
If you are really worried, retain an attorney
Always, ALWAYS diversify your mentors & advisers

If anybody tells you you should only trust them or prevents you from having other trusted relationships, RUN

Isolating, ostracizing, controlling your access or communication are hallmarks of abuse/manipulation

Trust yourself
All of you who have licenses are the financial backbone of the healthcare industry

Almost every other salary depends on YOUR work

This industry can exploit you - is the nature of badly run businesses

Stay aware
Ask questions
Don’t get bullied
Be known for ethics

“Stay alive” ImageImageImageImage
Not communicating this in order to make you paranoid

rather to empower you with an understanding that you are a #revenue generator in an industry

It took me half my career to recognize this paradigm

You are a (future) revenue producer in this

(Unlabeled images from NPR) ImageImageImageImage
To med students (also attendings harassed by constant “performance” metrics) recognize:

med school experience is one of constant anxiety & fixation on numbers/scores

=will make you vulnerable to social media validation/metrics

hijacks your reward centers
My own addiction is a voracious curiosity....OMG what am I missing?!?

Of new or useful knowledge - why I post long threads with LOTS of links

regardless (low) interaction

=is how I learn & share simultaneously

high “Input” in my “top 5 strengths”…
I’ve been grateful/blessed on mentors.

I’m pretty sure that Dr. Feigin @bcmhouston @TexasChildrens also was high input.

He fiercely protected bear cubs (students & trainees) & the marginalized.

I do my best to honor his & other mentors’ legacy.
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More from @usnehal

May 29, 2023
This. When I had experiencing #bullying towards myself, I had just walked away or been silent, keep moving forward.

Once I had some degree of “rank”, felt others should not “just deal”

I did speak up on behalf of those less powerful… which only set me up for this mislabeling.
That is not to say that as faculty you should not speak up for or defend students are trainees

but you should be aware of this.

If the #bully is a woman, then she can always claim that she is being “attacked”… “as a woman”

That narrative aligns with a common reality.
False narratives spread quickly

if they align with something that people recognize as a truth (& may even have experienced themselves)

This is particularly why Machiavellian types are strategic/smart to utilize/promote a female bully while they stay more quiet/behind scenes
Read 13 tweets
Jun 24, 2022
@ErinMarieMHCMEd @danpreston @JoshuaMZeitz @AmandaMarcotte All of this was already tested out vs American Muslims - the country was just fine with it. Regardless of what you think of the dad, killing/executing American citizen children by drone, along with father, should have been a big red flag on due process.…
@ErinMarieMHCMEd @danpreston @JoshuaMZeitz @AmandaMarcotte ~Half of Americans approve of/support torture. The idea is you can use profiling/bias to assume someone is a terrorist or sympathizes with terrorists, assume has information, torture them first, then retroactively justify violation of human rights.…
@ErinMarieMHCMEd @danpreston @JoshuaMZeitz @AmandaMarcotte Loss of Civil Liberties happened after 9/11: even if go white water rafting, spied on

pandemic killed >1 million dead but CDC has removed mask mandate & FL just refused to order vaccines=no interest in saving lives/prevention 9/11 killed 3K➡️police state…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 23, 2022
I think I need to go to law school. It might be a bit late to be #RBG & make it to SCOTUS… but seriously, it is all about the courts, the law, legal precedents.

Or maybe I just need to make myself small/silent enough to be able to fit into a government job again?
As hard as it is for me to stay in government long term given all the regulations that box you in/tie you up

plus needing to be a public servant to serve every taxpayer, even the ones you don’t agree with/like

Despite that, you *can* have an impact…small things at scale matter
There are times like this I want to be a cat & have 9 lives because there SO too many things I want to do…

…even though other times I am like, okay, how long exactly am I supposed to serve in this life because I am exhausted. (Albeit I did just recover from anemia.)
Read 5 tweets
Jun 23, 2022
For the first time in my life I felt unsafe doing #GOTV & got personally targeted & my photo posted on a QAnon type site.

More appalling was how many on #healthcare & #academia, if you are connected on social media like FB, are pro-violence & anti-rule of law & support J6.
If you are a Black, immigrant, LGBTQ, chronic illness, Muslim, etc person, patient, #HCW, teacher, heck yeah, is scary

Thing is those who have been safely tucked in cocoon of suburbia, worried about junior making the cut for the bball team
now feels suddenly scary

Us: not new
We *need* the ppl who typically enjoy more safety to step up. It feels “ick” to report, like you are an informant in Nazi Germany or something, but it is opposite: being “nice” & “not controversial” & “let’s all get along”
➡️empowers bullies

Be a true ally
Not bully ally

Read 5 tweets
Jun 22, 2022
Anyone who did not see this coming does not understand #tech…(which includes people who design #AI).

“Important nuances were lost in translation when a rule commonly used to measure disparate impacts on protected groups in hiring was codified for easy-to-use tools…AI fairness”
Every time I see “our #AI will solve bias! Give us your #DEI budget!” win an #innovation award, accelerator, #hackathon I feel exhausted…

institutions would rather purchase ineffective & worsening-the-problem #tech than hard work of holding ppl accountable or change culture
And this is how #DEI - how currently approached - is ineffective & wastes money because a small amount of money is thrown at it with zero/minimal real hard work & unwillingness to be uncomfortable. Hence these bills:…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 21, 2022
When will we admit that “clash of civilizations” of Islamophobia narrative is not only false but dangerous. “War on Terror”=waging war vs Muslims but #J6 & #BuffaloMassacre reveal terror is not one religion. When Muslims are “legit” targets…that supremacist hate spreads further. ImageImageImageImage
Who was it “okay” to torture? (assumed is a terrorist?) Whose civil liberties disappeared 20 years ago? Muslims.

“But you all ‘deserve’ it” we’ve heard &: Why didn’t you stop terrorism? Why haven’t you apologized about x & y?

Now: consequences of that…
The “Great Replacement” is an extension of “Clash of Civilizations” that conflict/war is “inevitable” between “different” humans defined by race or religion. It dehumanizes some humans as “less than” or “threat.” Once you label as such, violence follows.…
Read 22 tweets

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