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Mar 22nd 2023
@0LNetwork's strategy is to stay as close as possible to the #Libra/#Diem code base, rather than fragmenting #technology products. This approach is more efficient on resources and best for the wider open-source #ecosystem these #tools extend and depend upon
#0LNetwork #Move Image
The #forking strategy is simple in concept: take the unmodified #Diem code, import it into the 0L, and add layers of features. But it's not that simple in execution
They has to insert many changes in main places of the diem-core code for the #0L layers and side-cars to work
What they inherited from #Libra/#Diem is a spaceship on all accounts. There are #engineering breakthroughs #throughout the project, and the #architecture is sensibly designed and expertly assembled
#0L #0LNetwork #move #code #coding #crypto
Read 9 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#Biden in #Kyiv: Why didn't Russia strike a decapitating blow? | Yesterday, 19:59
- Contrary to previous statements, the main overlord of the Kyiv regime, Joe Biden, came to Kyiv on a visit.…
#Biden Speech LIVE: US President Lands In War-Zone Ukraine | Zelenskyy, Biden Walk Together In #Kyiv
Thread | 20 tweets
#US planned the #war and the #EnergyCrisis in #Europe | Sep 13
#Pressure Mysteriously Plunges in #NordStream1&2 | Sep 27, 2023
#Poroshenko #Minsk was merely a distraction intended to buy #time for #Kiev to #rebuild its #military | Jun 17
Read 38 tweets
Aug 27th 2022

When #cryptocurrency projects distribute their native #tokens straight to their customers' wallets.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Important or insider knowledge, notably about the value of #digital assets such as #cryptocurrencies and #NFTs; a measure of an investment's return over and above that of the market or other benchmark.

[#web3 glossary thread]

Formerly used to describe any #cryptocurrency that wasn't #Bitcoin; however, #altcoin is now used to describe any new cryptocurrency with a low market valuation.

[#web3 glossary thread]
Read 102 tweets
May 23rd 2022
படித்துவிட்டு பிறருக்கு பகிருங்கள், பலருக்கு இந்த முகவரி உதவலாம்..!!

4-5 நாட்களுக்கு முன் நன்றாக இருந்த என் நண்பனின் அத்தை ( வயது 51) திடீர் என்று மயக்கம் போட,

கோவையில் உள்ள பிரபலக்கல்லுரியின் மருத்துவமனையில் சேர்த்திருக்கிறார்கள்.
மூளையில் ரத்தக்கசிவு,உடனே அறுவை சிகிச்சை,
8ல் இருந்து 10 லட்சம் ஆகும் என அறிவித்தனர்.

மிரண்டுப் போன நண்பனின் மாமா செய்வதறியாமல் திகைத்த நிலையில்...

அங்கேயே இருந்த ஒரு நல்லிதயம் கொண்ட மருத்துவர் ஒரு நல்ல ஆலோசனை வழங்கினார்.

மிகச்சிக்கலான இந்த அறுவைச் சிகிச்சை இங்கே மாதம் ஒன்றோ இரண்டோ நடக்கும் நிலையில்,

தினமும் ஐந்து -பத்து சாதாரணமாக நடக்கும் திருவனந்த புரம் அரசு மருத்துவமனைக்கு ( Thirvendram Medical college Hospital) உடனே எடுத்துச்செல்லுங்கள்", எனக்கூறினார்.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
There's a big difference between HAVING data at this level of #granularity, and PUBLISHING it.

Providing #age, #sex and street #address is not "#anonymised"; more like mildly #deidentified - and almost certainly still #PersonalData.

What the UK's "getting wrong" is a failure... adequately #test - and further, a failure to get (positive) test results to where they are NEEDED.

Would you prefer your #COVID19 #diagnosis to be #published, or to get to you, your #GPrecord and to the #PublicHealth teams who are the ones having to manage things locally?
Data is not magic, and to be useful it must be done right.

Greater #transparency of the #systems, their #performance, and the people who are #using our data (and for what) would inspire greater #trust than putting 300,000+ people's on the web.

Assuming things were working, ofc.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
#Putin #Address Last year at @PISM_Poland I predicted: Kazakh model of... reforms preparing the state for succession could also be used in Russia.... in preparing a special state function for Putin to... to rule other than as president.
@PISM_Poland Key issues: 1. Strenghtening parliament and prime minister 2. Adjusting the role of Security Concil, controling other center of power in key policies 3. Preparing positions for your associates. #Nazarbayev is proud like never (but remeber - he also been inspired by Lee-Kwan Yew)
Read 5 tweets
Nov 19th 2018
Do you #know or #own any #business that accepts #ETN $ETN #Electroneum with #instantpayments?
Do not #hesitate and comment bellow:
1️⃣) Name of the #business
2️⃣) Type of #products you sell
3️⃣) #Country of store
4️⃣) #city & #address

Show the #WorldWide that you are part of #crypto
And let me put you at #interactive #map for others to see! Take you chance now as #people are looking for #store selling stuff for $ETN first #mobile #cryptocurrency!

#Map will be shown #online and it only up to you, if you help me #gather them all 🎉
Help me by #retweet & #like so we can create this #amazing interactive #map of #electroneum #business so next time you want to #shop you could check if you could use @epectroneum this time!

More we get, better for us!

Thank you for support. #giveaway for 1 #LuckyGuy #comment
Read 4 tweets

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