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🚀 Exciting news for developers!
PhalaNetwork is offering
up to $50,000 USD 🤑
in PHA tokens, technical assistance, marketing support, and more through their Builders Program.

Here's how to apply⬇️

#developers #Etherium #smartcontract #PhalaNetwork
1️⃣ Fill out and submit an application form.…
2️⃣ Successful applicants will schedule an introductory call with the team.
3️⃣ Present the technical side of your project to the Phat Contract development team.

#phatcontract #web3 #phamily #crypto
4️⃣ Successful applicants will receive a funding amount, milestone structure, and overall expectations.
5️⃣ Start working towards milestones with support from the Phala dev team.

#devs #funding
Read 4 tweets
Why Cardano is better than Ethereum with STATISTICS!

A Thread:
1. Cardano is built on a foundation of peer-reviewed research and academic rigor, ensuring that the underlying technology is well-designed and reliable. With 169 papers being published, Cardano is the biggest contributor to Blockhain Research.
2. Cardano uses a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, which is more efficient and scalable than the proof-of-work algorithm previously used by Ethereum. Ethereum's POS development is far off being complete and years behind Cardano.
Read 10 tweets
Today I am going to talk about $PILOT @unipilot_io
I am not going to write a thousand words about this, I focus on some bullish features that I think you guys should know.
#Etherium #Polygonmatic #Arbitrum
1. Unipilot aims to solve the complexities of "liquidity management" for Liquidity providers on @Uniswap V3. If you are an LP provider then you always have to manage it to earn maximum returns. Unipilot gives you a solution that they can optimize it for you!
3. Multichain
They are now on Etherium and Polygon, they will expand to Arbitrum and Optimism.
Things are, you can not buy $PILOT on arbitrum or Polygon, you only can buy on Etherirum.
Read 5 tweets
1/ I just talked to an outsider about what happened to FTX, the whole thing is very dramatic. Now let us review this event, SBF actually has a way to stay alive, $6 billion was withdrawn from the FTX within 3 days, with approximately a $6 billion hole. #FTXCRASH
2/ which means the reserve ratio of 50%, honestly, this is okay. Besides, SBF was able to raise $6 billion in 3 days, it’s not hard to wait for a longer period of time to raise more funds, and not all users may withdraw their coins.
3/ The problem with SBF is that he is a trader, not an entrepreneur, and his skills are severely biased, lacking the ability to solve real problems and face human nature. With his professional skills, a trader can be a general, but the entrepreneur is the all-around king.
Read 19 tweets
Everyday, new #crypto projects are coming up and you'll always hear the word "WHITE PAPER"

What does it really mean?

Completely understand in these 5 simple steps Image
Every company exists to solve a problem. The document that states their purpose of existence is called a business plan right?

That's what a white paper is for #crypto projects. It's a document that explains what a project does, and how it will achieve its aim [roadmap] Image
A white paper majorly consist of 3 things...

• A problem
• A solution and
• The author

Definitely, the solution takes the major part but...

note that the problem and the solution in a white paper are #crypto related👍

It doesn't stop there, there's more... Image
Read 8 tweets
1/9🧵 @Cointelegraph reports that “43% of professional investors currently hold digital assets, and 19% plan to buy them in the future.”
2/9 As more institutions are engaging with #blockchain technology, the question of how much of the crypto market cap is covered by professional investors still remains.
3/9 In this report sponsored by Finoa, Cointelegraph interviewed 84 wealthy investors across Asia, Europe, and the US to understand the institutional demand for #cryptocurrecy.
Read 9 tweets
[1/5] What is most misunderstood about the #ETH 2.0 #PoS ecosystem?

Disclaimer: This is a study of ETH2 consensus centralization, not a public opinion of it being good or bad.

For anyone who thinks #centralization is a problem, buckle up.
[2/5] Who will drive the new PoS mechanism moving forward?
Preliminary data show that centralized entities hold more than 55% of the validator nodes in the #Etherium ecosystem.
[3/5] This dominance will only increase since the barrier to entry both from a monetary perspective (#32ETH) and from a tech perspective (validator nodes) is very high. Because of that, individuals have a solid incentive to outsource this task.
Read 5 tweets
1: 从大的原则上来讲,如果不确定是底部的话,尽量大仓位抄底BTC和ETH,因为很多币种没有经历过熊市考验,不知道有没有底,也不知道下一轮牛市能不能创新高。 #Crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoins #BTC #etherium
2: 从这两天的反弹来看,跑赢ETH的币种真是少之又少,投资Alts来说,如果连ETH都跑不赢,从risk reward的角度上来讲,没有太大的重仓必要。
3: 如果熊市时间持续较长的话,代币本身是否能实现币本位的增值也是重要的考虑条件之一。
Read 8 tweets
How @yugalabs could have leveraged @0xPolygon and #BidToEarn technology to host the biggest, least-FUDded mint in the history of #NFTs...

While still remaining on #Ethereum.

A thread🧵👇

#YugaLabs #OthersideMeta #BoredApeYachtClub
Everyone knows #Ethereum gas wars are a nightmare.

But most brands that established themselves on Ethereum don’t want to go anywhere.

Ethereum is still where the money is, after all.

But what if you could have the best of both worlds?
Here’s how I would architect a huge land sale that takes place on @0xPolygon, but still settles on Ethereum:


Step 1:
Map $APE token to @0xPolygon
Difficulty: Easy. Just reach out to the @0xPolygon team, it'll be done in a day.
Cost: Nothing
Read 10 tweets
Hablemos un poco de #Evmos 🧵 (parte 1/3)
- Que es eso señor Noa? Es una cadena de bloques de prueba de participación escalable y de alto rendimiento que es totalmente compatible e interoperable c/ itirihum construido sobre $COSMOS DSK

- Apunta a tener compatibilidad con Web3 y EVM, Alto rendimiento y escalabilidad 🧗‍♂️
- Utiliza las mismas capas de red y consenso que Terra, Cosmos Hub y Osmosis
- A que nos referimos con inte-operabilidad con #ETH? Que va a permitir que activos como eth y ohm por ej fluyan hacia el cosmos e interactúen con activos nativos de Cosmos como osmo y luna 📝
Read 7 tweets
1- Arkadaşlar herkese yeniden merhaba,
Kısa bir aradan sonra yeni bir eğitim zinciriyle tekrar birlikteyiz.
Bu zincirde sizlere, Price Action ekseninde Fibonacci Düzeltme Aracını sade bir şekilde nasıl etkin kullanabileceğimizi anlatacağım.
2- Biliyorsunuz Fibonacci Düzeltme seviyeleri aşağıdaki rakamlardan oluşmakta:
- 0,236 (veya 0,214)
- 0,382
- 0,50 (fibonacci sayısı olmasa da kullanılmakta)
- 0,618
-0,786 (veya 0,764)
3- Bu fibonacci düzeltme seviyeleri, Teknik Analizde fiyatın bir trendden (kısa,uzun farketmez) sonra düzeltmeye girdiğinde, muhtemel dönebileceği yerleri bulmamıza yardımcı olur. Ancak sorun şu ki; fiyat düzeltmeye girdiğinde bu fibonacci seviyelerinin hangisinden dönecek?
Read 50 tweets
(2/147) know what? I'm tired. I have been browsing Twitter for the past couple days, looking at the NFT landscape and economics. I have seen many people promising money for everyone, so I bought an NFT for 186k dollars. I had to take a loan, but eventually someone will buy it
(3/147) for 500k, so of course it's worth it! But now I have found the other side of NFTs. There are many good for nothing villains out there saying that it's a bubble without understanding how they work. So many people who are jealous of the success of NFTs, and find joy in
Read 148 tweets
1/ Malgré la forte hausse de $FTM - @FantomFDN, Je pense qu'il reste l'un des L1s les plus sous évalué actuellement.

Ce thread a pour but de vous présenter ce projet. Image
2/ #Fantom est une plate-forme de smart contract.

Contrairement à ce que la plupart des gens pensent, ce n'est pas basé sur la blockchain, c'est basé sur le #DAG. Une technologie dans laquelle plus le nombre de nœuds participant au réseau est élevé, plus les TPS est grand.
3/ Le projet vise 6000 à 20 000 TPS (transactions par seconde) vs l'#eth qui est à 13 TPS.

Il faut aussi savoir que #Fantom est compatible avec #Ethereum car il prend en charge les smarts contract pour Ethereum VM (EVM) en natif et hors de du réseau #ETH.
Read 19 tweets
#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

Thread >

Saturn in Aquarius (light gray) supporting cryptos

If not familiar, see color legend to right
Colors show same signs across charts

Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos

Jupiter's re-entry into Pisces late Dec 2021 has to be at least some concern
Read 15 tweets
#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

Thread >

Saturn in Aquarius (light gray) supporting cryptos

If not familiar, see color legend to right
Colors show same signs across charts

Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos, and Pisces was negative
Read 14 tweets
#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

Thread >
Data through 9/17 close

For signs see legend to right - consistent colors across charts


Jupiter in Aquarius helped revive crypto rally
Read 13 tweets
#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

Thread >
All charts -
Data through 9/10 close
Colors of zodiac signs are consistent; if you aren't familiar, see legend to right


Saturn in Aquarius supporting cryptos

Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos
Read 15 tweets
#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

Thread >
Daily charts updated through 9/3 close

See color legend to right for signs if not familiar


Saturn in Aquarius helping cryptos

Jupiter in Aquarius also helping cryptos!
Read 12 tweets
#Etherium #BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Unique view - planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, through lens of planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

Thread >
Prices are through the 8/27 close


Saturn in Aquarius supporting cryptos

Jupiter in Aquarius doing same!

PS - colors for each sign for every chart are the same;
also see legend to right
Read 18 tweets
(2) Yatay piyasa filtrelerinin amacı önce yatay piyasanın varlığını belirlemek sonrasında da o kuralınıza göre yani piyasa yataya sarınca açtığınız işlemi kapamak veya hiç işlem açmamaktır. Kullanırsanız işlem sayınız azalacaktır.
(3) En klasik/basit yatay piyasa filtresi ADX'tir. Grafikte 30 dk altı periyotlarda ADX(14) için 25 daha uzun periyotlarda 20 değeri trend varlığı için sınır kabul edilir. Yani sisteminizi yatay sınırlarınız içinde işlem yapmasın isterseniz .... "AND ADX(14) > 20" yazacaksınız.
Read 14 tweets
1⃣ Herkese iyi geceler. Özellikle #algotrade yani #robot işine yeni giren, girmek isteyen arkadaşlar için bir flood yazacağım. #btc #etherium #dolar #altın #garan #isctr #thyao #viop #viop30 #bist #bist30 #borsa #fx #DAX #dowjones #ASELS #kozal #sise #otkar #kozaa #petkm
2⃣ Yazacaklarım benim tecrübelerim; bu konuda süper olduğumu iddia edemem ama tecrübeliyim diyebilirim, yazacaklarımda aklınıza yatmayan yerler de olabilir. Sorun beraber konuşalım, ben de sizlerden öğreneyim. Kendimizi geliştirelim.
3⃣ Öncelikle bir platforma ihtiyacınız var. Türkiye için Matriks veya İdeal seçebilirsiniz. Matriks için klasik veya IQ seçebilirsiniz. Programları kendiniz satın alabileceğiniz gibi aracı kurumunuz üzerinden komisyon durumunuza göre ücretsiz/indirimli temin edebilirsiniz.
Read 13 tweets
( ١ )
• كيف تُقاس قوّة العملة؟
وهذا السؤال من أركان الاستثمار.
• الجواب:
هناك عملاتٌ قويّة من جميع الجوانب (البيانات المالية، روعة المشروع، نشاط الفريق والشراكات، الشعبيّة) لكنها إذا (ماتت) فلن يبكي عليها إلا المستثمر المسكين!
كيف ذلك؟
• إذا كان المشروع متّصلًا بأمور وتقنيات..
( ٢ )
خارجةٍ عن نطاق (عالم العملات الرقمية) فمهما كان المشروع قويًّا؛ ومهما كان مهمًّا في جوانب، إلا أنه لن يكون كالمشاريع المتعلّقة بعالم العملات والبلوكتشين نفسه!
• أمثلة على عملاتٍ قويّةٍ واعدة، لكنّ نشاطها لا بختصّ بالعملات الرقمية:
عملة #FET التي تختصّ بالذكاء الاصطناعي..
( ٣ )
عملة #FTM التي تختصّ بالمدن الذكيّة..
• عملتان مهمّتان قويّتان من جميع الجوانب؛ لكنّ فقدهما لن يؤثر على العملات الرقميّة!
• أمثلة على عملات قويّةٍ واعدة، وتقوم أعمالها على مساندة عالم العملات الرقميّة:
• عملة #ANKR التي تدعم البنية التحتية للعملات الرقميّة الأخرى..
Read 8 tweets
( ١ )
• عملاتٌ لا أظنها ستموت..
مهما ضعف السوق وانحسر!
• وتمثّل الأمّ الحنون لأغلب العملات.
• وانتهاء القضية سيطلقها؛ مهما كان قرار المحكمة.
• تشبه إثيريوم إلى حدٍّ كبير؛ وتتفوّق عليها ببعض المميزات، وفريقها يعمل بمعنى المتنبّي:
( ٢ )
إذا غامرتَ في شرفٍ مرومِ
فلا تقنع بما دون النجومِ
• وهي من العملات المنسيّة مقارنةً بغيرها، والتي لم تأخذ حقّها في الصعود!
وهي عملة ربط، أو شبكة أوراكل لامركزية تعمل على سد الفجوة بين العقود الذكية، مثل ربط Ethereum ببياناتها الخارجيّة.
$TRX وابنتها $BTT
وهما من..
( ٣ )
العملات التي لم يمنع صعودها العظيم إلا طمع فريقها أو صاحبها؛ بكثرة عملاتها (الإمداد) ومتى ما دُعمت هذه العملات بحرقٍ أو تعاظم السوق مستقبلًا بكثرة المستثمرين؛ فسيكون لهن شأن.
وتعمل على مشروعٍ فريد؛ يقوم على بناء البنية التحتية لمشاريع البلوكشين الخاصة بالعملات..
Read 4 tweets
Hablemos de que podemos hacer con Terra @terra_money
Qué nos podemos encontrar en este hermoso planeta?
$MIR @mirror_protocol
$ANC @anchor_protocol
y qué puedo hacer con esta info?

Cómo llegar?
1) Desde @binance compramos Luna y lo enviamos directo a nuestra wallet de terra
2) En #BSC podemos comprar $UST (en @PancakeSwap) y usamos el bridge a bsc-terra
3) Red #etherium swap ETH-UST en @Uniswap y usar el bridge eth-terra
bridge: (
Ahora bien que hacemos si tenemos nuestros $UST o $Luna?

Vamos a empezar con saber donde podemos cambiar nuestras monedas.
Para eso tenemos
Ahi podremos realizar los swap a todos los token antes mencionados
Read 12 tweets

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