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The #NepalSikhWar was a large scale military conflict in 1809 between the forces of
The #KingdomofNepal under
Amar Singh Thapa and
The #SikhEmpire under
General Dewan Mokham Chand of
Maharajah Ranjit Singh Ji

Pic 1 Dewan M Chand
Pic 2 AS Thapa
Nepal-Sikh War
Date:March 1809 – August 1809
Result: #Sikh victory
•Nepalese retreat to the Arki Fort

in Pic Kangra Fort

by Charles Stewart Hardinge
Maharaja RanjitSingh*
Amar Singh Thapa
Bahadur Shah
Bhimsen Thapa*
Nain Singh Thapa
10,000 Sikh imperialists of
The #SikhKhalsaArmy
16,000 #Gurkha warriors
1,000 #Sikh soldiers killed
12,000 #Gurkha soldiers killed
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At Sentient Media, we report on an industry that touches all our lives yet operates in secrecy: factory farming.

On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we call on governments to lift #AgGag laws and share 13 findings we could only report thanks to the help of undercover investigators.👇1/17 Image
“Ag-gag” laws punish whistleblowers and investigators for recording footage inside #FactoryFarms.

In 2021, @ALDF released a film on how #AgGag laws conflict with the First Amendment while concealing pollution, food safety threats, and animal cruelty. 2/17…
“These companies keep their practices under wraps because they know that the public would be horrified.”

Former @AnimalOutlook investigator Scott David reports how #AgGag laws enable farmers to conceal the realities of #meat, dairy & egg production. 3/17…
Read 17 tweets
"The @KyivIndependent recently did a spotlight on many different charities across #Ukraine."

▪Charities that help the war effort, children, elderly, animals... for blood donation and more.

All are linked in post. Please RT.

#UkraineWar #UkraineInvasion…
This list was published by Forbes Magazine

10 Ways To Help The People Of Ukraine Right Now via @Forbes…
Read 137 tweets
Zum Glück ist nichts passiert-das professionelle Stuntpferd hat mit einem vorgetäuschten Tritt auf den Krisendarsteller hervorragende Arbeit geleistet.
Sie scheuen weder Kosten noch Mühen und buchen einfach die Besten, die etwas von der Materie verstehen.
Oh nein! Ein mit einem Fahrrad bewaffneter Terrorist hat es in Richtung der (professionellen Stunt-) Pferde geworfen. Grausam!
Herbst-Blatt Freunde: Stürzt die Regierung, @ProfKlausSchwab erledigt den Rest!
Dark Winter II ist vorbei, #Agenda2030 jetzt!
So eine böse Welt, der arme Krisendarsteller ist auch vom #Mohawk-Stamm; genau wie @Tamara_MVC ein Metis & White Supremacist ist, richtig? Das ist Rassismus in Aktion! Lasst sie alle verbrennen, Bastarde! Sie ist tot, nicht wahr? Ja! Nein? Ja! Nein? Ja!

Read 21 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/24/2021…
As China Stops Exports of Phosphate, what will be the impact on 11-52 Prices and Availability?…

#phosphate #china #export #agriculture #price #availability #logistics #NorthAmerica
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The Reason We Do What We Do….
This little 6 month old boy was at Kaufman Killpen all alone, scared & unhandled. When we saw him we just couldn’t look away. We knew we had to get him out of there & fast. Once we got him out of there he spent time in quarantine & has made it home.
I had the opportunity to meet this sweet boy this past weekend where he and I formed a bond of love and trust. I am humbled by the bond I formed with him. The peace and calm I felt from bonding with him was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
I walked into his pen with another member of the rescue and he handed me his lead rope. I stood there quietly waiting for him to see that all I wanted was to love him and not hurt him. I stood next to him, waiting for him to feel the love I had for him.
Read 11 tweets

(1/…) Right now, somewhere on this planet, is someone
- showing kindness
- enjoying spectaculair nature
- working for a better planet

You can read those stories in The Planet newsletter.

And somewhere is this wild horse.

I wish you a great week!

(2/…) The Planet newsletter needs growth in annual subscribtions or email sign ups to make this initiative successful.

I hope to get ten more today.

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(3/…) This is so sweet.

Retweet if you believe we should all be kind to all animals. 💕

#nature #love #loveanimals #kindness #KindnessMatters #vegetarian #vegan
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In this thread 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼students @MQLinguistics @Macquarie_Uni share what they've learned so far (1st quarter of semester)

Favorite facts about #languages and #cultures in #contact
In #Arabic we say: “Footprints indicate trajectory”, but I never thought that a wheel would reveal a culture. This is how #cultures can be traced through #languages. The reading made me feel like I am solving a puzzle more than exploring languages.
Think twice before starting to learn #English, cuz you’ll end up learning even more -- #German and #French, and more …
After all, it was the Anglo-Saxons and Normans who influenced the vocabulary!!
English is a mixed #language!
Read 26 tweets
Remember how we told you last week how much we hate the Slaughter Pipeline of auctions that horses are forced to endure? Horses are forced into auctions all over the country, heading south to Texas with the final destination being a trip to a kill pen or a
(*Part 1)
slaughterhouse in Mexico, if they don't bring their horse tradrr or kill buyer owner enough money at auction. They are crammed onto overloaded cattle trailers. Imagine the mini horses, foals & weanlings, getting trampled on by the big horses.....this is WHY we feel so
passionately about saving as many miniature horses, foals and weanling horses as we can from auctions. With your help, we will save the minis who are injured, have problems & who are depressed & giving up & orphans, foals & weanlings. Our newest save is an example.
Read 7 tweets
Still Dumping Dogs
Shelters R Overflowing
Killing in Large Numbers
From Puppies 2 Seniors
So Many Precious Souls
#Cats #Dogs #Donkeys #Horses
Whatever your Passion
Please Get Involved
Contact a Local Rescue
Be a Hero #Foster Image
Searching 4 Stars
NYCACC Kill List
Blue (Medical)…

DM me Image
NYCACC #123086
Phoenix looking 4 his Human
Belly Rubs
Squeaky Toys
Long Walks
Chicken Treats
Room on the Couch

Can you Be his Ideal Human

Otherwise #Pledge & #Share ImageImageImage
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Do you see this poor horse? Sadly tonight, we will probably see him at the auction again.💔 He is stuck in the "slaughter pipeline," purchased by a horse trader who will continue to take him from auction to auction, exploiting him, trying to get the price he wants.😭
(*Part 1)
The first time we saw this poor boy, was at an auction over 2 months ago. He was fat and shiny and looked well cared for.❤ He did not sell, the trader wanted too much money for him.😭 Each time we see him at the auctions, his condition looks worse.😭
(*Part 2)
We would love to get him out of the pipeline of misery but we do not have $2,000 to save him.😭 This breaks our hearts seeing a once vibrant pony riding a child around in a halter, change to dull, thinner & sunburned with a chain & bar across his nose to control him💔
(*Part 3)
Read 6 tweets
#Battle of Kikan. The courageous #Jats & #Meds
The 3rd #Caliph was Usman ibn Affan (644–656 A.D.). Usman wanted to conquer #Sindh. He appointed Abdullah to Iraq & commanded him to send an agent to gather info about Hind & Sindh. 1/13
Abdullah deputed Hakim to acquire the desired info. Hakim reported that, “Its water is dark; its fruit is bitter and poisonous; its land is stony and its earth is selfish. A small army will soon be annihilated there and a large army will soon die of hunger.” 2/13
The 1st invasion of Sindh by land was carried out in 660 A.D. This expedition included many nobles & chiefs, & which was led by Haras, proceeded towards the mountainous region of Kikan or Kikanan unhindered. 3/13
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25 ANIMAL IMAGES OF 2020. #Rescued #spectacledbear Cholita in her forest sanctuary home in Peru.

The last circus animals leave Guatemala & board the flight to the #ADIWildlifeSanctuary, South Africa.

Ex-circus #lions Muñeca & Leo (saved from a circus in Peru) at the #ADIWS.
#Bulls & #horses killed in bullfights are remembered in Colombian Congress.

Ex-circus #lions Smith & Rey relax at the #ADIWildlifeSanctuary.

Guatemala says goodbye to its circus animals & the animals are blessed.
17 #tigers & #lions are lured into the crates that will take them to a new life.

#ADI’s Jan checks tigers as they are weighed in the airport’s cargo section.

5 lions & 12 tigers, #rescued from circuses in Guatemala, each in individual crates during the journey to South Africa.
Read 8 tweets
Good news! The number of cosponsors for the SAFE Act (H.R. 961), which would ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the transport of American #horses for slaughter, has reached 234. TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your rep / senators: #yes2safe #wildhorses 1/ Image
Thank you, @RepKirkpatrick, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the export of American horses for slaughter, for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe #wildhorses 2/
Thank you, @RepFredKeller, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the export of American horses for slaughter, for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe #wildhorses 3/
Read 4 tweets
🐎 #CreekFire #FresnoCounty

Evacuating & need a place for #horses in the #Clovis area? The Double S Horse Ranch has 70+ pens avail. 📱559-392-6972

Facility 🔗


#California #DAT #Equine #MaderaCounty #Evacuations #Animals
🐎 #CreekFire #FresnoCounty

▪6 acres to store trailers
▪Can dry camp
▪Some horse pens, fenced pasture & a chicken coop
▪Large fenced backyard
▪Located below Marshall station

📱Lizz Weaver Call/text 559-797-5237


#California #DAT #Horses #Animals
🐎 #CreekFire #FresnoCounty

Evacuating & need a place for #horses in the #Clovis area? The Double S Horse Ranch has 70+ pens avail. 📱559-392-6972

Facility 🔗


#California #DAT #Equine #MaderaCounty #Evacuations #Animals
Read 32 tweets
@BBCTheOneShow thank you for your coverage of #PetTheft in the U.K. However #PetTheft is out of control, the thieves are are upping their game and we need to up ours. Can you help further. #CrimewatchUK was a popular programme watched by millions we need #PetWatchUK 1/3
2/3 to help the families find their #missing and #Stolen Pets it’s not just #dogs that are stolen but #cats, #horses #livestock etc The Pet Community need help, not everyone is on #socialmedia but millions watch #TV we have to reach those millions who may not know they have 2/3
someone else’s stolen pet in their family. Here are some more that have been stolen during lockdown can you create a programme to help find some of them ? Theft and Theft by Finding devastates families please help
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This Saturday, Bureau of Land Mgmt's contractors will fly helicopters over the Sulphur HMA in Utah to roundup & remove approx. 600 #wildhorses. AWHC's reps will be on-site for this operation. #stoptheroundups Image
These wild horses have bloodlines dating back to the first #horses brought to North America by Spanish explorers in the early 1500s & are among just a handful of herds with strong Spanish genetics. #keepwildhorseswild Image
BLM has set a population limit of just 165-250 #wildhorses on the 267,208-acre Sulphur HMA, or as low as one horse for every 1,619 acres. The low pop limit is imposed so that livestock operators get to graze the equivalent of 1,417 cow/calf pairs & 692 sheep on part of the HMA.
Read 3 tweets
Good news: The House version of the SAFE Act to ban horse slaughter and the export of American #horses for slaughter has its 229th and 230th cosponsors!

TAKE ACTION: Click to urge your rep and senators to say #yes2safe:

#wildhorses #nohorseslaughter 1/3 Image
Thank you, @RepOHalleran, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe 2/3
Thank you, @RepGonzalez, for cosponsoring the bipartisan SAFE Act (H.R. 961) to ban horse slaughter for the good of America's #horses and for human health! #yes2safe 3/3
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Spirit, the Kiger mustang stallion who served as model for animators of @Dreamworks 2002 Oscar-nominated film #SpiritStallionoftheCimarron turned 25 on May 8. We spent months planning a birthday party to celebrate his big day and raise funds for our sanctuary... #horses 1/5
2/5 ...Because of the pandemic, we canceled our planned event. But the story of America’s wild horses and burros of determination--so we moved Spirit’s party online for a yearlong celebration to raise funds for the 500+ wild horses and burros in our care... 2/5 #horses
3/5 ...On Spirit’s page, you can find videos from the movie’s screenwriter, @JohnFusco12, one of the film’s co-directors, Lorna Cook, birthday wishes from friends and fans, coloring pages and, of course, video of Spirit... #horses #spiritstallionofthecimarron
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
For 1 more day, your donation to RTF will do even more to keep wild horse family bands, like Chief and Shuwa's band, together.

Until Friday at 11:59 p.m. East / 8:59 p.m. West, @GlobalGiving is matching donations up to $50 at 50% at #horses 1/6 Image
The difference between $50 and $75 made possible by the matching campaign is the difference between treating two mares with fertility control and treating three mares ($25 covers the cost of the vaccine PZP plus adjuvant in one dart). #horses 2/6
Safe, proven and humane PZP allows us to keep stallions and mares together, providing as natural of a lifestyle as we can while responsibly managing our numbers. #horses 3/6
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Don't miss Spirit's 25th birthday celebration! In honor of the 25th birthday of Spirit, our Kiger mustang ambassador, and America's wild horses, join us on May 9 for a special benefit event at our #Lompoc, Calif., sanctuary. 1/3 #horses Image
The animation director for @Dreamworks' "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron," Lorna Cook, will share stories from the making of the 2002 Oscar-nominated film for which our beloved stallion Spirit served as muse and model. 2/3 #horses
Join us for an afternoon of music, food, Native American song and blessings, educational presentations, ranch activities and more. Proceeds will go toward the care of the well over 500 wild horses and burros at our four sanctuary locations. 3/3 #horses
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Happy #FoalFriday!—Meet Neptune, a colt born on Friday, Feb. 21, at our #Lompoc, Calif., headquarters sanctuary, to Juno, a member of our Hart Mountain herd. His sire is Freedom. #horses 1/6 Image
At RTF, we have used the immunocontraceptive vaccine PZP since 2000 to allow stallions and mares to live together in their family bands while curbing the rate of reproduction. We’ve done so with a 91-98% efficacy rate, so we do welcome the occasional adorable foal. #horses 2/6 Image
RTF is a proponent of the use of safe, proven and humane fertility control as a key tool to slow wild horse and burro reproduction, allowing for he phase-out of the government’s nearly 50-year-old practice of capturing and removing wild horses. #horses 3/6 Image
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