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đŸ€“ Learn more about significant U.S. weather and climate events and how they compare to the historical record: #StateOfClimate Visible satellite image of ...
May contiguous U.S. average temperature was 62.4°F, 2.2°F above average—ranking 11th warmest in the 129-year record: #StateOfClimate Map of the U.S. showing tem...
đŸ„€ May contiguous U.S. precipitation total was 2.56 inches, 0.35 inch below average—ranking in the driest third of the record: #StateOfClimate Map of the U.S. showing pre...
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Ministering:Pastor E.A Adeboye

Prayers and Declarations:
1. I pray for you today, the everlasting arm will go to your origin.
2. The next time I hear concerning you shall be good news. ImageImageImage
3. Thank him for choosing you to be one of his friends.
4. Father, please stretch your everlasting arms into my future and if there is any danger waiting there, please remove them.
5. Father today touch the finance of your children.
6. Father, touch their marriage.
7. Touch their children.
8. Let our promotion begin.
9. Father, please stretch your hand to the very source of my life, and if there is any evil there, please remove it.
Read 4 tweets

Ministering:Pastor Mrs. Adetayo Oretola
Opening prayers:
1. Father, in Jesus' name, give me unconditional love to love my loved ones.
2. Father, let your kingdom come into my life and the lives of each member of my family.
3. Father, please have mercy on us.
4. Every bad remark spoken against you will be rejected in Jesus' name.
5. In Jesus' name, unholy hands will not touch you.
6. Father, wage my struggle on my behalf.
7. Arise to fortify me.
8. Rise and deliver me.
Read 4 tweets
#Truss quits after turmoil obliterated her authority | 1h ago
- Making a hastily scheduled statement outside #SesameStreet 10 office, Truss acknowledged that “I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.”

#SesameStreet Elmo's World:
You've got mail.'
#SesameStreet Elmo's World
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@UnrollHelper "Liz Truss’s and Kwasi Kwarteng’s 2012 free-market treatise Britannia Unchained has shot up the sales charts, hitting the top spot on Amazon rankings for books on “economic conditions”. It costs £19.55 for the paperback."

Read/Download FREE here 👇

@UnrollHelper Ought to come with a health warning for the nation's economy!
@UnrollHelper “The key is to make sure that failure is survivable,” is one of the book’s insights. “In the early stages of a project, failure need not be a disaster.”

"This is likely to provide scant consolation to Tory MPs facing the threat of losing their seats at the next election."
Read 107 tweets
@chrisriddell50 My first thought when I saw this today was whether your colleague @MartinRowson might regard these events as, 'a storm in a fur cup'!

...evidently, there are agendas but, some are too quick to impose their interpretation on events - they hear but don't LISTEN! Image
"In the last few weeks, the benefits to Russia from its sabre-rattling must have far exceeded the Kremlin’s expectations. It has produced a traffic jam of presidents, prime minister and ministers making their way to Moscow."
"They may be issuing warnings against a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but the reality is that for the first time since 1991 Russia is once again being treated as a superpower to be feared, cultivated and never disregarded."
Read 262 tweets
A day in politics can be very loooooooooooong!

It is now 'CRYSTAL CLEAR' why #May appeared to overuse this phrase when speaking - it was to check NOT the IQ but the EQ of the audience!

One assumes all parties present are adults since this is a pre-requisite to be a politician!
 but it’s a strange situation where the First Minister is effectively arguing that reporters and politicians are stupid for taking what she says at face value, and even more stupid if they ask for clarification later."

Seems 'crystal clear' to me!!
All would be 'crystal clear' if audience really listened and asked pertinent questions on content of conferences when given chance to do so, instead of playing infantile party politics or chasing tomorrow's headlines!

LIFE is deadly serious NOT a continuous political campaign!
Read 27 tweets
Saturday, May 29, 2021

#Ijaw youths suspend protest over NDDC board.
#Again, Okorocha accuses Uzodinma of project demolition.
#Supreme Court dismisses certificate forgery case against Obaseki

#Atiku #Adeherself Davido Image

as JUSUN members lock journalists out.
#Garba Shehu: Buhari administration healthiest since 1999—we respect citizens’ rights.
#REPORT CARD:Presidency lists Buhari’s achievements in 6 years.
#6 years of failure: PDP cautions Buhari against empty speech, false performance claims

#Reps minority caucus to Buhari: Nigeria becoming a failed state
 tackle insecurity now.
#APC group: Nigeria’s problems not caused by our party.
#Nigeria can’t develop without restructuring – Peter Obi.
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@Maggie29047241 "A cross-party group of MPs is threatening to sue Boris Johnson unless he orders an independent investigation into Russian interference in recent UK elections and the 2016 Brexit vote."
@Maggie29047241 "The MPs say the government’s refusal to investigate Kremlin meddling is a breach of the European convention on human rights, which enshrines the right to free elections in protocol 1."
@Maggie29047241 "Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for Brighton, said: “Democratic processes are clearly at risk. It seems that the integrity of our elections is being deliberately undermined. Nothing could be more serious for our democracy."
Read 58 tweets
Ironische Reflexion v. Öffentlichkeit & Demokratie im #Kaiserreich im FrĂŒhwerk v. #KarlMay (#GeographischePredigten v. 1875). Da auch Tiere "Gesellschaften" bildeten, wĂ€re es nicht erstaunlich, wenn hier konservative & sozialdemokratische Strömungen und Charaktere existierten. Image
Keine dauerhafte Zukunft haben britische & russische Expansionen nach Osten, weiß #May. Denn: Eine erfolgreiche Kulturbewegung erfolge stets nur von Ost nach West, nicht umgekehrt. Wie auch der schon 1000-jĂ€hrige "KulturmĂŒĂŸiggang" der Chinesen zeige. Image
"Unser Jahrhundert"! #KarlMay ist #GustavFreytag. #GeographischePredigten, 1875. ImageImage
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To increase the awareness about the role and qualifications of an Endocrinologist, the Endocrinologists of India have decided to celebrate the 10th of every month as the 'Endocrine awareness day'. May 10th, 2020 is the first in the series of the same. #May 10 (Contd..)
Here is my contribution to Endocrine awareness. A short video on 'How to become an Endocrinologist in India ?'.

It takes around 12 years to become a qualified Endocrinologist in India.

This video would be useful for any young doctor or student who inspires to be an endocrinologist in the future.

#Endotwitter #Medtwitter
Read 3 tweets
Wer beim Schreiben einen #Henrystutzen trĂ€gt, hat die Kontrolle ĂŒber sein Leben verloren. - Habe e. Aufsatz fĂŒr d. #KarlMay-Jhb. zugesagt & bin dadurch wieder mit Mays bizarren, aber literaturwissenschaftlich hoch interessanten Werk-Lebens-ZusammenhĂ€ngen konfrontiert. Thread. /1
Neu fĂŒr mich: D. FrĂŒhwerk, bes. die "#Geographischen #Predigten" aus d. Bergarbeiterzeitschrift "#SchachUndHĂŒtte" (nur ein Jhg. 1875/76, Redakteur: Karl #May) - ein Text d. VolksaufklĂ€rung. Die Verbindung v. Leben und Werk & die Folgen verfehlter "Werkpolitik" (St. Martus) /2
sind in zwei Hinsichten m. Blick auf #May wichtig: Zum einen löste May die Trennung zwischen Werk und Leben bzw. Ich auf, sei es aus KalkĂŒl, sei es aufgrund seiner charakterlichen Beschaffenheit. Die Old-#Shatterhand-Legende, nach der May m. seinen lit. Figuren identisch sei, /3
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#Gandollars presents new Emir #Bayero of Kano state to #Buhari & Kyari at d statehouse after deposing & banishing Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi #SLS. See Emir Bayero bowing to greet Buhari. A big disgrace & desecration of d royalty
Pic 1 Emir Bayero
Pic 2 Emir Sanusi
Now, see @atiku, a man of honor & respect for the #Nigeria revered traditional institutions. That's how to treat royalty. #Respect!
Pic 1. @atiku & Obi of #Onitsha
Pic 2. @atiku & Ooni of #Ife
Pic 3. @atiku & #SanusiLamido
Former #British Prime minister, Theresa #May greeting the queen. Now, that's respect to royalty. #Buhari wants everyone to worship him while he worships cow according to #Shekau. They prefer #Bayero because he is going to be their Yes Yes man
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X : Have you seen #factcheckUK ?
Me : I'm aware of accusations that the Conservative party changed the display name of its social media account to this. Such actions go far beyond propaganda and into disinformation and deception. It questions the values of organisation ...
i.e. it would not be a simple case of spinning news anymore or being economical with the truth. Such an action crosses a line into deliberate deception. No political party should ever cross that line, it's more what you would expect from organised crime.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. The real threat is whether such actions were taken deliberately to cause #outrage. In which case, we're now talking about psychological manipulation and these are crafts of war, not suited to political discourse ...
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Have you heard of #Hotelling’s Law? In a two party system, it says that you get most votes by minimising the political distance between the parties. It’s worked well in the past, but it’s about to bring an end to both #Labour and the #Tory party. 1/n

Hotelling’s law worked really well for Tony #Blair. #Thatcher had moved the Tory party to the right, so #NewLabour had an opportunity to increase its vote share by also moving rightwards. 2/n
Politics had shifted. Both parties held broadly similar policies. Blair’s political stance, although to the left of Thatcher’s, was much further right than any Labour leader previously (or since). Labour was able to capture ground that the Tories had left unguarded. 3/n
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#Juncker announces extra summit on #Brexit extension next week: "I assume that we will not be able to reach a decision this week [at #EUCO] but that we will have to meet again next week," @JunckerEU told @DLF just now.
Asked what #May needs to "have in her bag" when she goes to Brussels to ask for #Brexit extra time, #Juncker told @DLF that "approval of the negotiated [Withdrawal] Agreement" is precondition for extension.
.@JunckerEU on @DLF: "My assessment... we'll probably have to meet again next week because Mrs May doesn't have approval for anything — not in her Cabinet and not in Parliament. As long as we don't know what Britain could say yes to, we can't come to any decision."
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Sulla #Brexit Theresa May ha commesso molti errori quasi tutti evitabili (segue)
Ha iniziato con un peccato originale. Votando e sostenendo il #Remain nel #referendum sulla #Brexit (segue)
Arriva al governo credendo di aver messo al tappeto l’unico vero kingmaker nel Partito Conservatore @BorisJohnson senza il quale al referendum sulla #Brexit i #Leave non avrebbero prevalso sui #remain (segue)
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...#Positivity is in each & everyone of us. Let it flow more often, makes a better day. #SirLRO
...#Positivity ~none said it was easy, all you have to do is one step at a time. I know you can, keep going. #SirLRO
~ #Positivity there is no need for deprecating others with words, when it calls for~there is a need for compassion, it’s in you, #SirLRO
Read 246 tweets
While UK spirals down & out of control, gripped by self-inflicted Brexit-fixated inward-looking dirty-selfish politics, Major Parties talk to themselves with NO results, so far. Yet, every passing day brings new reasons to put Brexit to a #PeoplesVote with the option to #Remain.
#TriggerIsComing to force a #PeoplesVote on #Brexit, with an option to #endthechaos and #Remain. Many MPs are daily more restive over the lack of a truly #MeaningfulVote - another #May mistake that will come back to haunt #Blukip, after ALL their Lies & wastage of time AND money.
The wheels are falling off 'any Brexit' with each passing revelation of FACTUAL REALITY. Anyone who can't see that (regardless of how they voted) is not keeping up! The doubters in Parliament will be swelling in numbers, by the minute.
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IF we do leave the EU, big IF, I predict that there'll be a marked tendency for Remainers to Leave the UK, and for Leavers to Remain, stuck here. Losers perpetually banking on Winners to just suck it up, and blithely bail them out, just #May be disappointed. There, I've said it!
Close relatives who departed these shores in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's felt they perceived a better future 'elsewhere'. Am beginning to get it, at last! I #May be a slow learner, or just late to awake to the now revealed realities of the UK, and its 'true prospects'.
Of course, there's an easy alternative. Put the latest EU options (realistic ones only, please, including #Remain!) to a new #PeoplesVote - That should inform us as to the current #WillOfThePeople. That'd be a great start! Better late than never!
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1 fois encore, les menaces et intimidations du président #Trump sur Theresa #May à propos du #Brexit rappellent qu'il est dépositaire d'1 projet idéologique cohérent, à la fois nationaliste et mercantiliste, soutenu et déployé par le milliardaire US Robert #Mercer... #thread
2) Au coeur de l'interview au #Sun du président US #Trump, on retrouve en effet les piliers de sa doctrine politique: le peuple, ici britannique, vs des élites qui trahiraient le vote du #Brexit, la volonté de démanteler les bureaucraties étatiques ou supra-étatiques type UE...
3) la menace de #Trump Ă  #May sur 1 accord commercial des #EtatsUnis avec l'#UE en cas de #Brexit doux dĂ©montre l'approche mercantiliste"bilatĂ©rale"oĂč les partenaires US sont mis en concurrence et amenĂ©s Ă  se soumettre par la position dominante US.

Read 22 tweets
Oh the geezers are hard at it grafting media, it's always great to have easy scapegoats "North Korean cyber gangs.."

2/"Mr Murphy’s firm was the first in the world to liaise with computer giant IBM over the use of the super-computer ‘Watson’ for real-time--
3/artificial intelligence-based defence against cyber criminals." Bear with me, I'm about to post a few more links in #THREAD #CyberSecurity
Read 71 tweets

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