Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #MORAL

Most recents (24)

"People think that God's beloved ones used to pray a thousand Rakats a day to reach out such a status. No; They only got here due to having great (#moral) qualities. The great (moral) qualities help the one to go ahead much sooner than normal."
1/3 🧵 Image
"A single quenching of anger brings a person to God sooner than a thousand Rakats of prayer. Making happy a heart brings you (to Allah) much sooner. Making happy one's #mother brings you sooner. We have to start from this point."
"Fix this, then a thousand Rakats of prayer will come, you will be eager."

Ayatollah Seyyed Abdullah Fateminia (ra)

Read 3 tweets
Ich weiß nicht, wie da die aktuelle Situation bei euch so ist. Ob ihr angesprochen, angegangen oder gar angegriffen werdet, wenn ihr #Maske tragt! #TeamVorsicht

Erst einmal DANKE das ihr überhaupt noch beim Team #Maskebleibtauf seid!♥ Jede:r mit Maske hilft Infek-
tionen (jetzt mal allgemein gesprochen) einzudämmen.

Bei mir hier ists so, dass ich gar nicht darauf angesprochen werde. Insgesamt nur 2x nach Wegfall aller #Praeventionsmaßnahmen . Vielleicht liegt es am Ort, oder Gebiet? Keine Ahnung. Aber ich lese ja aufmerksam mit und weiß,
dass es anderen Ortes sehr anders sein kann.

Ich frage mich immer, was veranlasst Menschen, wildfremde Menschen, so übergriffig zu sein? Was soll denn das? Es geht doch nun wirklich nicht jeden Hinz und Kunz an, 'warum' wir 'immer noch' #Maske tragen! Und dabei ist es erst Mal
Read 17 tweets
This is a threaded version of Ch 9:

“Civilization & the Travesty of Morals:

“*Gilgamesh, Enkidu, & the Uncivilized “Civilized” Man”

of *Who to Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* (2020)

by M. Adzema*

CLICK a link to read entire chapter...…

WTB 9/1
WTB 9/2 “…in taking away all freedoms & rights from Nature & all its planetmates, eventually the rights of any being were no longer seen as of any concern. What another wished, intended, or wanted became increasingly unseen as a consideration… #psychology
WTB 9/3 “What another wanted became increasingly unseen as a consideration, including, eventually, what a woman might want in terms of her body...& what a man might wish to do with his time...or his life. Power became the basis of morality”… #civilization
Read 344 tweets
Shop name: #RamKachoriwala
Place: Marghat wale baba #HanumanMandir
#Food ordered - #Mutton and roti

#Delivery boy refused to deliver nonveg | Kudos to delivery boy who refused to deliver inside the temple

@Swiggy #AntiHindu #Hindumisia
#HanumanMandir | Delivery agent for @Swiggy
was supposed to deliver an order of mutton korma and naan to a customer whose location was near the temple premises. However, he refused to deliver the non-vegetarian food item due to the customer’s locatio

#AntiHindu #Hindumisia
On March 1, a customer had placed an order for mutton korma and naan from a restaurant in Karol Bagh. The customer’s delivery address was near Ram Kachori shop near Jamuna bazar Hanuman Mandir in Kashmere Gate.

@Swiggy #AntiHindu #Hindumisia
Read 8 tweets
We have now moved into committee! SB23-111 is for #worker protections & makes sure that public employees can engage in the political process like everyone else

Public employees are nurses, teachers, public service workers & EMT drivers #copolitics

YES ON SB23-111 👨‍⚕️
The right to strike for public employees is only possible after presenting to a board - there is not a avenue for public employees to #unionize or #organize if they think they need too

We are now hearing from a Nurse who tells us 'this impacts you all cause you seek health care'
We have testimony from @DenverHealthMed worker - who says "you do not need a heart beat in a seat, you need a capable health care worker when you are seeking health care"

"we need to level the playing field between our bosses & unions" #copolitics

YES on SB23-111 🔥
Read 28 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️…💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | #QuiénEsQuién en el precio de los combustibles

👉Gasolina Regular: $21.45 - $23.99
👉Gasolina Premium: $23.10 - $25.99
👉Diésel: $23.20 - $25.20
👉Gas LP Cilindro Precio Promedio: $20.26/Kg
👉Gas LP Estacionario Precio Promedio: $10.94/L
#ConferenciaPresidente | #QuiénEsQuién en el precio de la #CanastaBásica

👉Zona Centro
⬆️Walmart: $1,039.30
⬇️Walmart: $897.00

👉Zona Centro - Norte
⬆️Central de Abastos: $1,048.90
⬇️Walmart: $907.80
Read 36 tweets
Ich werde unter dem Hashtag #EinFalschesWort regelmässig Erkenntnisse aus dem wichtigen und brandaktuellen Sachbuch von @rene_pfister posten. Ich freue mich auf eine spannende Lektüre… #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit Image
„Es ist verhängnisvoll, wenn nicht mehr das Gewicht eines Argumentes zählt, sondern die Hautfarbe oder das Geschlecht der Person, die es ausspricht.“

#EinFalschesWort #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit
Die Idee der „kulturellen Aneignung“ war schon immer eine abschüssige Bahn. Denkt man das Konzept konsequent zu Ende, stellen sich schnell komplizierte Fragen: Wer darf noch Bach spielen, Curry zubereiten, Lederhosen anziehen…? 🤷🏻‍♂️

#EinFalschesWort #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit
Read 102 tweets
Twitter Serie #4: Die Geschichte der #Moral des guten Sparens

#Sparen ist eine Tugend. Kaum eine Moral ist in Deutschland so stark verwurzelt. Aber wieso ist das #Sparen ein so zentraler Teil unserer Identität? Ein kurzer Blick in die Geschichte…
Als Erinnerung: zu sparen bedeutet Verzicht auf Wohlstand heute, mit der Hoffnung in Zukunft dieses Ersparte zu mehren oder als #Versicherung gegen Risiken.
#Sparsamkeit - also der sparsame Umgang mit Dingen - gab es schon sehr früh. Ab dem 18. Jh. wurde damit aber stärker der Umgang mit Geld gemeint. Sparsamkeit wurde zusammen mit Ordnung, Reinlichkeit und Pünktlichkeit zu einer bürgerlichen #Tugend.
Read 14 tweets
1) Vehbi Koç’un #yaşamını aktardığı ilk kitabı Hayat Hikayem ile

#İş ve hayat #tecrübelerini aktardığı ikinci kitabı olan Hatıralarım, Görüşlerim, Öğütlerim’in derlemesi olan, 7 ana bölüm ve 395 sayfadan oluşan Vehbi Koç Anlatıyor kitabını,

#kitap #işdünyası #yatırımnotları Image
2) yaşanmışlıklardan ders çıkartmak ve yeni kazanımlar edinmek adına özetlemeye çalıştım.

“Benim #anayasam şudur: Devletim ve ülkem var oldukça ben de varım. Demokrasi varsa hepimiz varız.

#Ankara’nın bütün #ticareti Ermeni, Rum ve Musevilerin elindeydi.”
3) “Müslüman #Türkler, ülkenin sahibi olmakla birlikte, çoğunlukla bu üç zümrenin emrinde çalışan, #basit hayat süren kimselerdi.

En güzel #binalar, en güzel #mağazalar, en güzel #yazlıklar gayrimüslimlerindi.

İyi bir okul #eğitimi göremeyişimin ve #dil bilemeyişimin”
Read 28 tweets
Two men set out on a journey.
Both of them had the same destination, so they travelled together.
Seven Days later, it was time for them to separate.
First Traveller: Brother, we stayed together for a week.Have you recognized me yet?
Second Traveller: No, I
don't know you.
First Traveller: I am a Famous Thug but you are certainly the Greatest Thug. You have turned out to be my Guru!
Second Traveller: How?
First Traveller: I searched your belongings continuously for 7 days in the hope of stealing something but I didn't find anything.
You have set out on such a long journey and you don't have anything! Are you completely empty handed?
Second Traveller: I have a Precious Diamond and a few Gold Coins.
First Traveller: Then why didn't I find them, in spite of so much effort?
Second Traveller: Whenever I went out,
Read 5 tweets
📽️Amigos: desde hoy, y hasta el próximo día 29, cuando será la presentación de "La enfermedad del aburrimiento" en la #FLMadrid22, compartiré diariamente un vídeo con la lectura de un breve fragmento de cada capítulo del libro en este hilo🧵.
¿Me ayudáis a difundir? ¡Gracias!🖤 Image
🚨 Primer episodio:

▶️ Introducción. Definición e historia del #aburrimiento como patología y sus alternativas.
La enfermedad del aburrimiento (@alianza_ed).

¡Vamos con el episodio 2⃣!
Capítulo 1. El #aburrimiento entre el vicio y la virtud en la Edad Antigua.
La enfermedad del aburrimiento (@alianza_ed).
¡Espero que os guste este breve fragmento sobre el #suicidio en #Séneca! 🔄
Read 8 tweets
1/3 Die traurige Sonntagslektüre “#offenerbrief”. Mein Fazit x 2: 1) Die Autoren verkaufen #Furcht als #Ethik. Angst ist ein legitimes Argument. Aber eigene Angst (vor Krieg) als universelle Moral zu kaschieren, ist intellektuell unehrlich.
2/3 Der “Unfähigkeit zu trauen” folgt die “Unfähigkeit der wahren Empathie”. Schlimmer: Empathielosigkeit wird als Empathie verkauft. Eigene Massstäbe (lieber ergeben, als Opfer zu bringen) werden verabsolutiert. Opferbereitschaft der Anderen übersteigt eigene Vorstellungskraft
3/3 Der Brief ist eine legitime Position mit unehrlicher Begründung. Sie geriert #Angst als #Moral und Empathielosigkeit als #Empathie. Kein gutes Werk. #StandWithUkraine️
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"...gezielten und langanhaltenden Ausfall der #Strom- oder #Wasserversorgung zu bewirken ist...eine hochkomplexe Aufgabe. Das geht nicht so einfach wie in Hollywood, dass man nur ein bisschen auf der Tastatur klimpern muss"

Mein Interview mit @LANline_DE…
"Die hohe Kunst des langanhaltenden, dauerhaften Ausfalls ist sehr komplex. Das hat man auch bei #StuxNet gesehen"
"In der #Ukraine wiederum gab es 2015 und 2016 Angriffe auf die #Stromversorgung. Hier war offenbar geplant, die Stromversorgung langanhaltend und großflächig lahmzulegen, das hat aber nicht funktioniert."
Read 23 tweets
Why should the rest of the world care about a war in Europe? In the view of some commentators too much public attention is directed to the war in #Ukraine. In this🧵I discuss some aspects of the argument. If you are in a hurry, go to Tweet No 12 ff. @fredsinstitutet 1/
While #war involves breaches of rules & pain, such commentators, remind of continued human suffering in places such as Yemen, Syria, Myanmar, Libya, Ethiopia, the DR Congo and many other parts of the world. This is an important critique that needs to be considered seriously. 2/
There is implicit accusation in this thought, that #Europe is in any case Eurocentric and that ‘the west’ only protects its own interests. This is an argument about legal #proportionality and #moral discrepancy. #InternationalLaw 3/
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True, but there is a fine line between friendly advice and #Information #Warfare. My friends advise me privately and politely, not criticise me on social media, or give me advice on TV interviews! Those who did the latter are no longer my friends 🤡.
#PIP says: “We 😍🥰😘🐕🐩🦮”
3/pip #PIP: “The concept of “Friendship” in IR has been the bane of Indian foreign policy; Indians get emotionally committed to it, while great powers use it as an instrument of moral/intellectual coercion!” Asymmetric tests of “logical consistency” are another tool of coercion
Read 11 tweets


"....Rory Stewart, the former international development secretary, said the problems were surmountable, but the opportunity for helping vulnerable people was slipping away.

“We have a narrow window to get people out,” he said. “At the moment, ../1


“...At the moment, very strangely, the Taliban is prepared to permit people out. That won’t be true for ever. It’s very likely at some point they’ll start taking more drastic measures. We have a deep #moral #obligation. These people, who../2


"....These people, who are profoundly vulnerable – the British government said that they were going to help. It’s just astonishing that they haven’t done so. This sort of programme, actually, is the kind of thing that is the good alternative/3
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The findings show an absence of a systematic and coordinated plot to take over these schools and an absence of any concerted and deliberate plot to promote radicalisation and violent extremism of Muslim children in these schools or elsewhere

language used to talk about the issues of “radicalisation” & “extremism” is itself the subject of considerable debate (Kundnani 2012; Lynch 2013). There is also a difficulty in understanding fully these issues cos there is a lack of an objective or universally accepted definition
As soon as the media took hold of the allegations, there was huge publicity about the promotion of extremism, radicalisation & terrorism.
At the time, the press also expressed many irrational anxieties about these Muslim majority schools (Arthur 2015). Even though, from the
Read 80 tweets
Fundamental #BritishValues & #Democracy the Vision

Versus the Reality

#Embedding #Prevent-laced No Outsiders, #QueerTheory project
to #deradicalise potential #radicals & #homophobes from #nursery in Birmingham
#DfE declared..#Social, #Moral, #Spiritual & #Cultural..purposes maintained thru promoting #FBV

Translated in Birmingham as
#QueerValues to deradicalise
embedding #StonewallLaw
that erases tolerance, freedom of thought/religion/speech/ belief &
#threatens #democracy
#Prevent-laced No Outsiders, ideological marriage made in heaven to target the Muslamic Radicals embedded in nursery kids,
the epicentre school is reborn after the scandal & the 'enemy within' removed

& in 2019 the 'enemy at the gates' returns EX-EHRC CHAIR 's programme title
Read 10 tweets
‘The Trojan Horse Scandal and the Problem of Equalities in Britain Today’.

The event examined the scandal from a broad range of perspectives, engaging with debates on #equalities, #liberalism, and #Britishness.…
It also provided an opportunity to discuss and generate a dialogue about the significance of the 'Trojan Horse’ scandal and the duty placed on schools after the scandal to promote Fundamental British Values (FBV) in the promotion of #democracy.
Speakers analysed how both are reproducing narratives of racial discrimination & inequalities in a context that is informed by minoritising communities, #problematising specific religious #values, & essentialising the signification of social, religious, & cultural identities.
Read 47 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
"We ❤️ #FAANG #monopolists " Beware #Goebbles says :" If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." (Hint: Count how many times we have heard this same #theme, in the same #media, by the same #authors)
2/goe #Economics101: If in an industry, u create a counter to an existing monopoly, u turn it into a duopoly, if u create 2nd counter it becomes an oligopoly. The first step in creating completion. The second step is to create a regulatory system that fosters/promotes competition
3/goe #RegulatoryEc The danger to society from #Asymmetric info & #moral hazard in #Finance was 10x that of goods monopolies, the danger from #SocialMedia & #E-com monopolies is 10x that of Financial collapse! Need 21st C regulations for latter! 🙏🏼don't make it a partisan issue
Read 4 tweets
@pr00brt quer dizer que eu odeio gays Paulo, isso mesmo, é isso que você quer ouvir né, que eu odeio gays, eu não sou e nem estou louca, doida, maluca, varrida, variada, de pedra, fugida do próprio caps mesmo, da camisa de força, do sanatório, manicômio e clínica de repouso não!!!!!
@pr00brt quem é um débil mental, retardado, mongoloide, debiloide, variado, demente, dopado, drogado, psicopata, esquizofrênico, depressivo, deprimido, de mal com a vida, com deus e o mundo inteiro, autista, maluco, louco, doido, doidivanas, malvado, egoísta, ruim, morto de fome p/
@pr00brt dinheiro, aqui é somente vc, seu prego, pela saco, babaca, boboca, otário, idiota, mané, imbecil, cavalo, jegue, burro, boi, touro bravo, grosseiro, capiau, jeca, cafona, bicho do mato, #medicozinhobararatovagabundodemeiatigelaedemeiapataca!!!! vai plantar batatas e toma vc
Read 11 tweets
#LifeLessons நான் என்னோட முதல் கம்பெனி HCLல சேர்ந்த ரெண்டு மூணு மாசம் ஆகிருக்கும். 2015ல Computer System Hardware engineer ட்ரைனிங் முடிச்சிடு மகாராஷ்டிரால இருக்குற அஹமத்நகர் districtல வேலைல போட்டாங்க. அந்த லொகேஷன்ல என்னையும் சேத்து 3என்ஜினீயர் தான்.

எனக்கு அப்போ சுத்தமா ஹிந்தி Image
தெரியாது அரைகுறை இங்கிலீஷ்ஷோட தான் அங்க போனேன். Is was that this போட்டு ஜாயின் பண்ணி பேசுவேன். மீதி இருக்குற ரெண்டு பேருல ஒருத்தர் ஹிந்தி பேசுவாரு. இன்னொருத்தன் என்ன மாதிரி ஜாயின் பண்ணி 6மாசம் தான் ஆகிருந்தது அவனும் தத்துகுட்டி தான். 3பேரும் தமிழ் தான்

அங்க IOCL (இந்தியன் ஆயில்
கார்பரேஷன் லிமிடெட்) கம்பனி இருக்கு. அங்க இருக்குற கம்யூட்டர்ஸ் எல்லாம் எங்க கிட்ட தான் AMC (anual maintenance charges)ல இருந்தது. எதாவது பிராப்ளம் வந்தா நாங்க தான் சரி பண்ணனும் அதுபோக மூனு மாசம் once பிரிவெண்டிவ் maintenance பண்ணும்

கம்பெனி ஒரு industrial area ல தான் இருக்கும்.
Read 17 tweets
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity in the age of #globalization, #information & #connectivity has now become an all-encompassing notion. Surely it is not solely a function of the #ArmedForces anymore.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity also includes providing a conducive environment in which aspirations of human #security, national #progress & #development could be realized.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
#PakistanArmy #COAS Gen Bajwa: #NationalSecurity has now become an all-encompassing notion, wherein besides various elements of national power, #global & #regional environments also play a profound role.
#IslamabadDialogue #IslamabadSecurityDialogue
Read 56 tweets

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