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@iltasanomat #Vantaa-#HellOnEarth
'Pahoinpitelyn jälkeen nuorisoporukka poistui paikalta juosten kohti Länsimäen kirkkoa.
Rikosnimikkeinä toimii tällä hetkellä törkeä #ryöstö ja törkeä #pahoinpitely.'
@iltasanomat @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Koraani.
#IslaminPerusteet - #mus­limi on määrätty #taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #väärä­uskoisia vastaan.
Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa #sotilaal­linen toiminta #islam'ssa on.
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Questi sono i trafficanti armi di Stato con a capo il massone banchiere Alessandro #Profumo ad #Leonardo condannato 1°a 6 anni di galera per truffa derivati #MPS, membro #Bilderberg1999 #Trilateral2003 #WEF1999+ Giuseppe #Cossiga figlio ex Pres Rep al posto reazionario #Crosetto Image
+ #Fiocchi azienda coinvolta caso #Moro perchè le sue cartucce in mano #BR, che esportava all'estero per i terroristi del globo con ritorno in Italia, non avevano data di fabbricazione e hanno anche distrutto registri sui destinatari esteri durante gli anni di piombo #RISERVATO Image
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The first tentpole principle of my campaign to be elected as #MP of #Gravesham is that I will NOT take £84k - I'll take the salary of a qualified nurse, on a general surgery ward, with five years experience. Which is what I think ALL MPs should be paid.…
The second tentpole principle is that I will NOT take any additional jobs, other than MP. Representing all of my constituents will be my highest priority, and I don't see how part-time MPS with second, third, fourth, fifth jobs can reasonably claim to do that. 2/x
The third principle is that I will NOT benefit from the subsidised bars and restaurants which #MP use in the Palace of Westminster. If I use one, I will deposit the amount of subsidy from out of my own pocket into a fund, which will be used to support #Gravesham causes. 3/x
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@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista '#Preventing' #Grooming in the #HappiestCountry
The #Oulu #rapecrisis.
"Stop, don't touch me there." | 2y
Oulun kaupunki laittoi 2,5 miljoonaa euroa Turvallinen Oulu -hankkeeseen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä uskonsoturien tuomaa seksuaalirikollisuutta.
@Demarit @TyttiTup @PetteriOrpo @MikkonenKrista #Islam'in perusteet
- #muslimi on määrätty taistele­maan fyysisesti myös #vääräuskoisia vastaan. Muhamma­din vaikuttava #sotilas­ura on todistuk­sena siitä, kuinka keskeisessä asemassa sotilaal­linen toi­minta #islam'issa on.
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A lull after almost two hours of tension in #Tbilisi streets. The riot #police have pulled back after majority #MPs who voted for the "foreign agent" law have been rushed out from the #Parliament 1
Ruling party leader Irakli #Kobakhidze said the law has "no bearing" on #Georgia's #European future and his party is committed to #EU membership 2/5
#Kobakhidze said many of those who protest "haven't read the law, or read it without lawyer's advice", he accused radical opposition of manipulating the matter and lies about "Russian law" 3/5
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1) Non si deve dimenticare che i governi di coloro che oggi si presentano con mirabolanti promesse di provvedimenti sociali, negli anni delle grandi crisi latitavano.
Nel 2008 con il botto delle banche americane che incise su tutti i paesi dell’eurozona, ci abbandonarono
2) Dal 2008 in avanti il sistema bancario italiano si è ritrovato da un giorno con l’altro a dover rispettare regole di raccolta e impiego che fecero emergere tutta la monnezza nei bilanci delle banche che divennero carta straccia così come il loro patrimonio.
3) Le banche più strapazzate dal marciume clientelare dovettero abbattere miliardi di crediti inesigibili frutto di impieghi garibaldini originati da incroci di rapporti criminali tra le governances degli istituti, politica e imprenditoria banditesca.
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Solidarity to #BilkisBano Image
Call for nation wide protest in solidarity with #BilkisBano on 27th Aug. For details follow this thread
Our Demand: @GujaratPolice @CMOGuj Revoke the illegal release of the 11 convicted rapists & murderers in #BilkisBano case
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Pre-dawn, MP is working remotely from the roof-top pool at the hotel, preparing for the session @IUPESMWC2022. He gets text on ‘WhatsApp’ from IM
IM: Hey doc, I see that you are checking the slides one final time. BTW, we all are looking forward to your session this morning

MP: Really, how come?
IM: Since #WC2022 is hybrid, even though it is late in some parts, we are looking forward
MP: Thanks–Yes, lot of efforts went in pulling this session. Thanks to Dr Borras (@IOMP & @aapmHQ ) & Dr Tom Judd (@IFBME & @WHO ), even I am looking forward to

IM: BTW doc, my cousin said, she liked your title, “Symbiotic relationship between #MedicalPhysicists and #Clinical Engineers” & so do I.
MP: Glad you liked, hopefully y’all will like what I present

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Il Gov Banca d'Italia #Bilderberg2004 Ignazio #Visco complice della mega truffa #MPS insieme a #Draghi e #Amato e #Bassanini..tentò di difendersi dicendo che MPS fornì dati falsi, ma i doc lo smentiscono..A Davos disse che non è compito di BdI sorvegliare.…
Il Gov Banca d'Italia Ignazio #Visco nel 2015 fu indagato insieme ai sorveglianti.. per corruzione, truffa e infedeltà patrimoniale sulla vendita di #BancaSpoleto...caso archiviato grazie alla complicità della Magistratura
#GoldmanSachs #Citigroup e #Merrill Lynch sono stati i “coordinatori globali”dell'acquisto di #Antonveneta da parte di #MPS. Ma Goldman era già stato consulente di #ABN nel acquisizione Antonveneta.
Quindi Goldman Sachs sapeva bene qual era il valore della banca.
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Sosteniamo, tutti la Lega.
Di emergenza in emergenza si rimandano le elezioni che senza la guerra ora, qui, ci sarebbero già state.

Ricordiamo l'attacco vigliacco e ingiustificato del governo contro le amministrazioni periferiche!
La spaccatura della pandemia ha diverse dimensioni.
Sul piano sociale gli autonomi sono le grandi vittime; nella delega fiscale la flat tax non c'era, ora c'è e si apre a estensione di fatturati superiori!
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#Amato e #Bassanini sono stati gli sponsor di Mussari a.d #MPS nell'operazione #Antonveneta
Membri dell'oligarchia sovranazionale #UK impegnati nel progetto post-westfaliano di distruzione degli stati nazione
Amato è membro della British #FabianSociety… Image
Prima delle elezioni 2018 rappresentanti #PD #Lega #M5S #ForzaItalia si sono incontrati riservatamente (non lo sanno neanche i media) con la Fondazione #Astrid di Franco #Bassanini Cons Speciale Gov #Renzi e #Gentiloni, come dimostra email di Bassanini alla Lega Image
Sopra Amato e Bassanini c'è Draghi Mr #Britannia il Front Man #UK garante della finanza internazionale in Italia.
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Oggi, dopo otto anni, sappiamo che il pm di Siena, Antonino Nastasi, la sera del 6 marzo ha risposto al cellulare di David Rossi, appena morto. Lo ammette solo ora il colonnello Cc Aglieco in Commissione inchiesta. Nastasi ora è pm a Firenze. #davidrossi #siena #mps
Aglieco è un colonnello dei Carabinieri. La sera del 6 marzo 2013, quando David Rossi venne trovato morto, fu uno dei primi ad arrivare sul posto. La sua audizione ha svelato (e confermato) molti degli errori commessi dai pm e soprattutto da chi.
Tra le cose più gravi riferite (la telefonata è quasi niente) il fatto che i pm hanno rovesciato sulla scrivania di Rossi il cestino della carta dove c’erano anche i fazzoletti sporchi di sangue. Il tutto prima che arrivasse la scientifica e senza guanti né alcuna accortezza
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Supreme Court special bench headed by CJI NV Ramana to shortly hear a plea regarding pendency of criminal cases against MPs & MLAs and expeditious disposal of the same by setting up of Special Courts
#SupremeCourt #MPs #MLAs @AshwiniUpadhyay
CJI: We listed this case since there has been issue of transferring some judges in some states who may be hearing such cases

Sr Adv Kapil Sibal: I had argued that in UP a magistrate court is not hearing such cases and it is being heard by sessions court.

CJI: This is sad
CJI: When we heard this case a few years back no one raised an objection but now when the case is over people are coming with issues

Judges discuss among themselves
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It's been 130 years since Dr Edith Quimby was born. 1st medical physicist even before #medicalphysics was coined. She worked w others to form @aapmHQ
Edith Quimby award is a prestigious award given annually to #MPs who have made significant contributions to the field
Her particular interest was in how & where to place the radioactive needles within the tumor for maximum therapeutic efficiency that led to "Quimby Rules"
The result was the "Quimby rules", a set of guidelines for exactly where to put the radium needles relative to one another which were standardly used from the 1930s until the onset of computerized treatment planning in the 1980s. @aapmstsc…
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And just like that, the big scary Rottweiler watchdog of accountability m&oversight that SHOULD be @ParliamentofRSA is AGAIN made a little yapping chihuahua as @PresidencyZA indicates it cannot make meeting to brief MPs on @RSASIU reports. @SECTION27news @PMG_SA @DemocracyWomen
The @PresidencyZA was suppose to give an update on all @RSASIU reports in #SCOPA.
The @RSASIU will also not give update on #DigitalVibes. The report was submitted to @PresidencyZA and @CyrilRamaphosa on 30 June and they asked @RSASIU for additional info by 2 July. So this 'flow of information' must be allowed 1st.
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Tomorrow #Govt isn't introducing a new Act as some are reporting. It’s a vote to renew powers as required by S98 #coronavirus Act 2020… . Motion “That the temporary provisions of the Coronavirus Act 2020 should not yet expire.”
1st review was in Sept 2020 when I & others urged #MPS NOT to renew the powers as HMG already have necessary powers under existing legislation & due to our concerns of mass scale curtailing of our civil liberties & the creation of an unintentional wave of #authoritarianism
In the Sept review, at least crisis changes to the Mental Health Act were removed as they had reduced the number of doctors needed to make decisions about someone's care, mental health capacity, sectioning & had increased timeframes people could be detained against their will
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Make no mistake, under the cover of #COVID19 this government is profiteering in terms of power. I've been trying to get people to wake up – eg article I wrote in Dec 2020…
But against the back drop of last night on #ClaphamCommon
And the #PoliceCrimeSentencingCourtsBill coming before #Parliament tomorrow/Tues, we need a social media storm before we end up with a police state where our silence results in our civil liberties eroded in ways that it will be almost impossible to claw back.
The Bill's factsheets are here… - but how can 300 pages was only published last Tuesday with the deadline for Mps to speak on Friday & with 2 days to debate not be undermining Parliament's sovereignty and our fundamental rights?
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#ITALY Thread:
1. NOT passing meaningful reforms is the entry requirement for Italian politics;
2. The importance of the #RecoveryFund is wildly overstated, as is #EU's interest in Italian money going down the drain;(/)
3. #Renzi with this crisis loses his representation in the Government coalition, but day to day is still the one who can have it breathe or die;
4. what would be #Mattarella's counter in a dialogue with #Conte to "Had he wanted it his vote would have been no"(/)
The last is the most important because there is a measure of "prisoner's dilemma" here. Renzi doesn't want to be seen, from the LEFT no less, as the one setting parliament for a popular vote the Right would win bigly;(/)
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Viele danken gerade #Laschet und dafür,das Präsenzpflicht an NRW Schulen aufgehoben ist.Sorry,ich kann hier kein Danke sagen. Denn es war vorhersehbar und nun ist es notwendig.Der Lockdown kommt spät. Die #MPs und #KMs haben es verpasst rechtzeitig die Reißleine zu ziehen. (1/12)
Die Zahl der Toten wird die nächsten 14 Tage weiter steigen und auch die Zahl der Neuinfektionen, denn diese steigt nun ebenfalls wieder an. Und es wird am 11. Januar leider noch nicht vorbei sein. Was kommt dann? (2/12)
Dennoch möchte ich aber hier nun ein paar anderen Leuten wirklich mal „Danke“ sagen,wo ich denke, dass man dankbar sein sollte. Zu allererst möchte ich Frau @beerenstark, Herrn @jochenott und Herrn @thomaskutschaty danken für ihren unermüdlichen Einsatz im #NRW Landtag ... (3/12)
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Caro @bravimabasta io non posso evadere, ma provo un certo fastidio per quelli che raccolgono applausi facili demonizzando nemici di carta cosi ho penssato di raccontarle una storia triste di onestà fiscale e ottusità statale se ha voglia di continuare a leggere =>
segue @bravimabasta ho un credito fiscale per imposte pagate in eccesso grande quanto il fatturato (non gli utili) medio degli ultimi 3 anni e la commercialista dice che forse li rivedo tra 3-5 anni intanto quest'anno vivo dei risparmi passati, mentre il governo salva #alitalia
le imposte in eccesso caro @bravimabasta non sono un errore, ma il risultato di una regola ottusa per cui anticipi imposte su soldi che si presuppone guadagnerai
ma che poi viene il #covi19 e il #lockdown e non guadagni, ma loro comprano banchi a rotelle e ricapitalizzano #MPS
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Was mich an der Debatte über #Corona und „die“ Länder Ostasiens stört: Es wird pauschalisiert statt argumentiert. Und man entzieht sich der eigentl. Frage: Funktioniert die deutsche Strategie? Ein #Thread über die Herausforderungen der zweiten Welle (1/17) @yangxifan @_vanessavu
Hier nochmal kurz die Ausgangsbasis: #Japan hat nur ein Zehntel der Infizierten von #Deutschland. #Südkorea nur ein Zwanzigstel. #Taiwan nur ein Vierhundertstel! Es gibt also Staaten, die es besser gemacht haben als wir. #Corona (2/17)
Es gibt aber nicht „die“ ostasiatischen Länder, da fängt die Pauschalisierung schon an. Außerdem stehen auch #Australien (nur ein Zehntel der Infizierten von D) und #Neuseeland (nur ein Zwanzigstel der Infizierten) sehr viel besser da. #Corona (3/17)
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✳️ Last week, the Budget Committee Report on Supplementary Expenditure Schedule 3 & Addendum 1 & 2 (total SH 56 billion) was passed.

✳️ If the entire total is passed, what happens to unapproved expenditures? Angola | Radios…

@pwatchug @Parliament_Ug
@pwatchug @Parliament_Ug 📍 Cost of establishing Embassy in Angola
✳️ Allowances sh557 million
✳️ Rent sh638M
✳️ Office costs sh638M

✳️Furniture sh 62M
✳️ Transport sh532million
GRAND TOTAL SH 2.6 billion

@pwatchug @Parliament_Ug 📍 Cost of purchase of Radios by Ministry of #Education & Sports
✳️ 9 million radios
Ush3⃣3⃣6⃣ BILLION
✳️ Unit cost Sh 33,000 - Shs42,000
✳️ 2M (import) to be delivered December 2020
✳️ 2M (import) Jan 202l
✳️ 5M radios (locally manufactured) Feb 2021
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