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Feb 18th 2023
Zelensky speaking at the Munich Security Conference for #ProjectFear

How many of those in the audience were groomed, bribed and blackmailed at Pinchuk's YES Conferences over the years @SkyNews ?
And I bet the military can't wait to use their new AI systems in the coming World War

Isn't that what they've been used for in the past?

Tech development ?
[And more.. Big Pharma.. and more..]

Read 5 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
Before Brexit it was all #ProjectFear wasn't it? Post Brexit we are looking at some of the worst consequences that any government has inflicted on a nation without cause or provocation. 1/
Shortages of anti-biotics. As we stare at a strep A crisis and scarlet fever the Prime Minister is telling us there is no pressure on the supply of anti-biotics. Pharmacies tell us otherwise. 2/
Power shortages. While the government tells us that there won't be power outages this winter we know that they are planning scenarios for exactly that. 3/
Read 15 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
When The Daily Express tweets about #BrexitShambles today, its readers go into hiding.

3 hours later, and this is the only reply:
In 2016, they dismissed our warnings as "Fear-mongering propaganda".

Brexiters know about #BrexitLies now. They're living #ProjectFear. They're afraid of being able to pay for food and heating. No wonder the only replies today are from nude models.…
#Brexit is shit.
#Brexit is doomed.

We are going to tear it to pieces, bit by bit, until it is nothing more than a lingering stain on our global reputation.…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
On Wednesday, I was 1 of a number of Drs who posted a tweet in good faith, corroborated by a number of senior Paed colleagues, that turned out to be inaccurate. I apologise again to anyone who I inadvertently triggered, offended or alarmed.

It turned out to be inaccurate, & as soon as I could I deleted it, retracted & clarified it. For whatever reason, it was my tweet that gained traction, reaching a larger audience than I could have imagined.
Unfortunately, I then had no choice but to lock my account due to…

…my receiving 100s of messages of abuse including threats to my own children.

I have received criticism for not deleting the tweet sooner. Ironically I was caring for my own kids & took it down as soon as I had an opportunity to do so.

Read 11 tweets
Jun 30th 2021

This is great news

This is brilliant news

Good business, workers and their families


For Owen

It shows how desperate liars are

Not only to lie about it

But to exploit it

So I could just do this as a really short thread

There is one simple question to ask anyone who sells the lies like Owen does above

Precisely what did brexit enable us to do to encourage this company investment decision that we were not able to do pre-brexit?
Oh yes and don't try and link this

The UK will still be bound by EU rules and by WTO rules EVEN AFTER THIS

And it has not happened yet

Read 69 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
The #Nationalist and anti-immigration agenda that drove #LeaveEU will face many (at least to them) unpleasant surprises in decades to come. If we are to trade with nations from all over the globe we must expect to relax immigration controls. I have no problem with that.
It reveals the abject incoherence in the #LeaveEU cohorts. Free traders, who advocate rigid borders on immigration (some motivated by aversion to diversity or race) are living in a dream world.
Moreover, those who despised a supranational Europe, are now facing serious scrutiny: #NorthernIreland is de facto part of #Europe. Ditto #Gibraltar. Those who claim #Scotland’s quest for Independence is misconceived will be accused of rank hypocrisy.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
So here's what happened with my next novel pitch. I said to my editor, it's a dystopian sci fi political thriller: The story of how a midranking country with serious but not insurmountable social & economic problems is fatally undermined by hubris.

Editor: Interesting...
Me: So what happens is this: The PM of the ruling party agrees to have a referendum on whether or not to stay in the EU. It's a party management strategy...

Ed: Boring. You lose me you'll lose the reader

Me: Wait! So the PM assumes he'll win of course, but then...
...things don't go the way he plans. You have this toxic combination of charlatans, nationalist extremists from within his own party, dodgy data mining campaigns, some of them funded by a foreign power that wants this country - let's call it Brexitannia - to leave the EU
Read 21 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
"So if we do crash out and those who wanted to ‘just get on with it’ discover that the warnings of the last few months were not Project Fear after all, don’t expect to hear too many mea culpas. " Wrote this in June last year #ProjectFear #LeaveAlliance…
"Instead the architects of this catastrophe will blame the EU for ‘punishing’ and ‘humiliating’ us. They will also blame the ‘Remoaners’ who failed to ‘get behind the country’; the MPs who ignored the will of the people."
"They will blame the ‘elite’, the ‘chattering classes’, Gina Miller, and anyone else who tried to prevent or limit what will surely go down in history as the most gratuitously foolish act of self-harm that any country has ever inflicted on itself."
Read 5 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
9-15feb 1
It's your #Bonkersbrexit weekly roundup of just how much #Brexitnotdone we've had over the past week.

And wow what a week it was. Crazy actually.

I'm beginning to wonder if it's not us they're trying to convince but themselves...

9-15feb 2
First, we had the endlessly entertaining Barry from Basildon. Who (un)fortunately is a parody

Then like a gift from #Brexit Gods, we got the very real (confirmed by Indy) clueless Colin reinforcing all stereotypes

9-15feb 3
Then we had Dr Sune's informative ad-lib history of populism, with a detailed description of the Danish Brexit and how they had managed to step back from the breach away from their Siren's call.

Sadly we looked painfully naive in comparison.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 2nd 2020
@DPJHodges Just read your piece.

Difficult to cut thru all YOUR hate, scorn & vitriol, but I discern the kernel of an idea — that people want to be respected & *feel* Remainers don't.

That's actually a fair point, but don't you think you'd convey it better if you didn't hate-coat it?
@DPJHodges Is it actually *true* Remainers don't respect Leavers, or is it just folk like you putting that narrative out there?

a) you prime your readers' reaction by starting with the word *bitter* & using a string of pejoratives (As BITTER REMOANERS RANT... FRUITCAKES & LOONIES)

@DPJHodges Was Campbell being "bitter" when he mocked a 50p coin? Or was he merely thinking, like millions of us, that the inscription felt rather at odds with "17 million F*** Offs" proponents of the #Brexit ideology pride themselves on giving to the EU?

Was that just you editorialising?
Read 17 tweets
Dec 3rd 2019
In this excellent #LSE article a last look at #Projectfear before #GE2019

No projections because we can now look backwards. Short summary 👇 credit to LSE.

1️⃣ You're individually £2868 worse off just due to the #Brexit created sterling crash X number of family members
2️⃣ + £1700 per household worse from slow GDP growth, if you don't think you are it's because you're relatively affluent and haven't felt⏬

3️⃣ #Brexflation adds 2.9% to cost of total food and clothes, or £870 a year a household. Far more than any VAT changes could negate
4️⃣ Brexiters told you a cheaper £ helps exports.
No one is really independent in an interconnected world, component import cost has wiped out any #Brexit export gain.

Children in the 1970s knew printing money wasn't a solution. Yet tories sold it to 42% of us again
Read 8 tweets
Nov 1st 2019
November 1st, and we’re still in the #EU thanks entirely to the @Conservatives (Brexit means #Brexit, Deal or No Deal, Do or Die, No Ifs No Buts, blah blah) who have been in power every day since the referendum. They could have taken us out at any time, but they chose not to.
@Conservatives The #Tories brazenly reneged on the core promise of their last manifesto, and they’ve got the nerve to behave as if it’s not their fault. It is entirely their fault that the UK is still in the #EU after more than three years. It was entirely in their hands after the referendum.
@Conservatives The #Tories had a majority and they squandered it. They refused to remove a leader who had no intention of delivering independence until she became such an embarrassment they had to. #Johnson took up where she left off. His #FakeBrexit is her sell-out deal with a lick of paint.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
#OpportunityCost is the aggregate net cost of doing something, vis a vis 'not doing it' at all.

The initial project, option & prospect of #Brexit came with huge opportunity costs, which were too easily pre-discounted as #ProjectFear. 1/
The initial #Leave case, dramatised by the #BorisBus, contended that UK could save its £350m pw #EU 'gross membership contribution' and pass that 'saving' straight to the #NHS - as 'additional funding'. 2/
The #Leave case focused on saving UK's #EU gross membership cost in favour of #NHS.

It ignored regular #EU annual contributions back into a multiplicity of UK projects, which would obviously be stopped, if we ceased membership.
Read 34 tweets
Sep 12th 2019
"Even if only 1/10 predictions happen you can't call it project fear.

When it's the secret assessment of the guys who invented project fear"
That point in the movie when the kind old lady who's been saying,"it'll be ok dear" turns out to have skinned the hero's wife and is creeping up behind him with a knife dropping in blood".

Maybe time to talk?

The thing they fear, often a ghost, appears behind them, but at first the characters ignore the audience's warnings of danger. The characters soon circle the bench, followed by the ghost, as the audience cries "It's behind you!"

Read 5 tweets
Aug 8th 2019
.@ByDonkeys might this be of interest?

Remember this piece of Leave propaganda from 2016?

Three years on, I thought it was a good time to see how their *claims* panned out, so I've tracked down the photos they used and made memes.

TL;dr — Leave was the real #projectfear!
2016 Leave claim: if you vote Remain we'll have no Parliament, no democratic voice

2019 Parliament is fighting for its sovereignty vs a dictatorial unelected govt intent on smashing our constitution & installing an Orwellian regime to inflict a no-mandate-#NoDealBrexit on us.
2016 Leave claim: if you vote Remain, it'll lead to UK break-up.

2019: #Brexit threatens UK union. 60% of Tory Party members wld rather the UK split than cancel Brexit.

Any sensible govt wld now stop this destructive project & help citizens get a grip on reality. Not this govt!
Read 8 tweets
Jul 23rd 2019
Today is possibly .@theresa_may's last day as PM, if .@BorisJohnson can command a majority (which is in some doubt...)

So it's a great opportunity to look back at some of the *highlights* of Mrs May's premiership in memes👇
13 JUL 2016: May was appointed as PM and named her Cabinet shortly thereafter, surprising many by giving 3 of the top #Brexit-related jobs to arch-brexiters Boris Johnson, David Davis & Liam Fox. Sheer folly, or genius in making them own what they'd sold? Sadly, the former😢
5 OCT 2016: With such a narrow result, the country could be forgiven for expecting May to propose a consensual solution, as Norway PM Erna Solberg had done in a similar situation. Most Remainers would've accepted #Norway.

May's #CitizensOfNowhere speech crushed all hope.
Read 71 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
Beware the latest dire warnings about the impact of #Brexit on the #tech sector. Main fear seems to be the impact on skilled #migration from the EU, but this would be entirely in the UK government’s hands to manage. Tech is also one of the most global of industries... (1/4)
The UK’s advantages as a location for #tech investment are also largely #Brexit-proof or might actually be strengthened by leaving (e.g. chance to escape some of the crazier regulations). Loss of EU official funding is a red herring too, since the UK is a net contributor... (2/4)
There is some evidence that #Brexit uncertainty is holding back private #investment in the #tech sector – as it is in the economy as a whole. But the UK still tops the league tables and any pause is likely to be temporary. See this from KPMG... (3/4)…
Read 4 tweets
Jun 6th 2019
Nearly three years on from loss in #Brexit referendum, you might have thought that @hmtreasury would have learned the futility of the #ProjectFear tactic. Apparently not, judging from Chancellor Phil Hammond in @FT this morning…
A big scary number - in the case, a trillion-pound claimed pricetag for UK #netzero - leaked to media without any calculations given and with no context. Credibility zero, as everyone knows economic model outputs are only as good as the assumptions and inputs... so what are they?
Break the figure down - and assuming that the figure is expressed in constant 2019 numbers, but who knows? - that's about £30bn per year. Which doesn't sound quite so scary even if it's correct, with UK GDP around £2.5 trillion per year
Read 10 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
What the referendum has shown me – thread, please add your own tweets to it: 1/11
The referendum has shown me that none of the three major UK parties and very few of our politicians, especially on the #Left either care about or even understand what the real definition of democracy actually is & why we voted to leave the #Left also hates the working class. 2/11
The referendum has shown me Parliament has for too long been allowed to ignore the wishes of the British people and more importantly without any real consequences to them, from expenses to lying under oath there has been one rule for us and a different one for them. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Dec 30th 2018
A list of what will actually happen if we stay in the EU, and what has already been agreed. Check it out if you wish: Thread
1: The UK along with all existing members of the EU lose their abstention veto in 2020 as laid down in the Lisbon Treaty when the system changes to that of majority acceptance with no abstentions or veto’s being allowed.
2: All member nations will become states of the new federal nation of the EU by 2022 as clearly laid out in the Lisbon treaty with no exceptions or vetoes.
Read 40 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
Why the Remain side cannot be trusted with a second referendum:
- They propose two leave options and one remain option to split the vote
- They demand a disproportionate margin of victory
- They demand 16-17 year olds get the vote
- They demand foreign nationals get the vote
- They have even demanded the choice be between May's (BRINO) terms and No Brexit (so no real Brexit on the ballot)
- They demand particular voters be omitted from process. (60+ yr olds*)
- Votes will have been stacked in 2.5 years since Brexit with concerted propaganda campaign
- A large number of Remainers who advocate a so-called "People's Vote" already let it be known they wouldn't accept a Leave vote even in a second referendum
- What would a second referendum say to parliamentarians who just want to disregard the will of people when it suits them?
Read 13 tweets
Nov 28th 2018
"Bank warns no-deal could see UK sink into recession"

"UK economy could shrink by 8% in the immediate aftermath"

In case you wondered the 2008/09 world wide crash was ONLY -2% and it was very bad

Now imagine -8%

and cue the

Russian/US Bots and trolls

Rich MP's scared of paying taxes

Right wing media, who's scared of paying taxes

shouting #ProjectFear as brexit dissolves before their very eyes.
The prime reason for brexit is

The new 2019 EU Anti-tax evasions laws

These laws are the reason for Brexit

It will make the tax dodgers pay their taxes

The Brexitquitters are desperate for a no deal brexit

Read 3 tweets

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