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#5Grollout and power boost caused DNA/RNA damages, which is responsible for the body defending itself by secreting proteins.
- These proteins have been called #coronavirus by false #COVID RT-PCR test and the 'Chinese' #WHO
@KristaKiuru @VTTFinland Ali Harlin
#WHO: "At the present there is no direct evidence on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infecting of respiratory viruses including #COVIDー19" @KristaKiuru @VTTFinland @mapetti @MTVUutiset @mika_salminen…
Face masks restrict the elimination of virus, RECIRCULATING the virus into the nasal/sinus and upper respiratory passages.
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Good Morning Great Again USA

We provide normalized comparisons so everyone can see how their state and federal governments' handling of COVID-19 compares.
South Korea was hit earlier.
Spain was hit harder
Thailand and Japan learned and were hit less.
Thailand and South Korea are examples of good responses.
The left hand graph shows new case rate/mil.
The right hand is the value of the slope of the left.
If new case rates are dropping, it's in the green zone. Rising, red zone.
Stay deep in the green as long as possible = win.
Spain, Belgium and Italy were hit harder than the USA.
They got their new case rates into the green zone and kept them there. You can see from the hills and valleys it wasn't always easy.
Read 10 tweets
We've already exceeded 70,000 American deaths, but that number will go beyond 100,000 in ~2 weeks, at or around May 19 by @youyanggu
by @BMcNoldy
Don't be fooled by America's (case) flattening curve… by @Nat_Lash @nytgraphics @nytopinion
The ascending May 6th log US fatality curves
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Dr. Fauci, in an interview on @ABC, says "We need to be careful that we don't talk about America in totality" when we talk about re-opening the country "because there are so many levels of outbreak."
Dr. Fauci tells @DavidMuir that "there are so many areas of the country that are more attuned to get ready for a return to normality than others." He says it will be a "rolling re-entry," "not like a light switch going on."
Dr. Fauci says "we need to have contact tracing IMMEDIATELY after identifying an infected person, not many many days after."
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If people could avoid hospital and the #ICU then there would be no need for a quarantine because it would make #CoVid_19 no more dangerous than a cold. Why are patients STILL set up for failure? Why do you still need to have one foot in the grave before you can get tested?
They say that there are no treatments, but maybe that’s because they are only treating people 10 days post infection. There is no prophylactic or protocol that’s been shown to be preventive but many people are taking natural products that may or may not prevent hospital stays.
With all the money being thrown at drug development that will takes more than a year to prove safe, why aren’t there clinical trials of existing natural products that have been proven safe over decades of use?
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House Republican Demands Congress DEFUND WHO Until Chief Resigns
- calls for a wide-ranging investigation into WHO’s alleged role in assisting the Chinese Communist Party cover up its handling of the deadly #coronavirus strain that 'originated in Wuhan'…
REVEALED: WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Reportedly Ranking Member of Known Terrorist Organization and China Puppet | March 23, 2020…
Read 16 tweets
In Philadelphia the number of cases is NOT being reported accurately and any day now there is going to be an explosion of numbers. Test results are too slow and death certificates are not necessarily being issued as #COVID19, but respiratory and/or heart failure, pneumonia.
Plus, last week I discovered while researching a story that the majority of deaths here--nearly two-thirds--are POC. Getting data from communities of color and testing in those communities is slower. But that stat is not being reported.
Here are today's numbers for the tri-state:
PA: 11,150 cases, 150 deaths (far too low)
NJ: 37,505 cases, 917 deaths (also low)
DE: 673 cases, 14 deaths (seems low)
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So apparently this is happening right now.


Novartis is a multinational pharmaceutical company based in Switzerland. By both market capitalization and sales it is one of the largest such companies in the world.

On March 20th, they offered to donate 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine.…
Donald Trump has been blatantly touting hydroxychloroquine & chloroquine without any supporting scientific evidence.

Today, despite Norvartis offering to donate 130 million doses, Trump announced an additional distribution of 29 million doses.…
Read 7 tweets
Listening to these stories of people dying from their loved ones is just gutting.
@ErinBurnett is one of the toughest reporters in the business and she is crying on screen from her guest's story. And I am just sobbing.

I'm sure Burnett saw herself in this woman--they are the same age, both mothers of three. There was no reason for this 42 year old teacher to have died and left his wife a widow and his kids fatherless. This virus is just crushing so many families.
There is going to be so much resentment building across the country as more people die. It will be natural to blame those who refused to stay inside for our loved ones' sickness and/or death. Everyone is a carrier unless proven otherwise.
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From my most recent reporting in Philadelphia: Nearly two-thirds of #COVID19 deaths are BIPOC.
I will be writing more about this as I get more details. Philly is majority black. My story is evolving on Philly & South Jersey (Camden is majority Latinx, etc).
From NJ, @PhilMurphyNJ is expressing his frustration that folks keep demanding why NJ/US is not SK. Not meaningful when compliance is still such an issue. "The need for compliance," is critical. Murphy says he talked with Dr. Fauci last night. Said he was "extremely helpful."
Murphy says he appreciates everyone who is "being non-partisan" and putting people over politics.

Murphy also says he hopes folks applying for unemployment that they processed 35k cases Thursday and to try to be patient, it's gonna happen, including extra $600, it will go thru.
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OK! @ErinMcCreary and I have been giving weekly #COVIDー19 updates to the entirety of @UPMCnews. Until I figure out whether or not I can post the recording, here is a synopsis (thread follows). @IDPittStop @IDPittStop
Fever (defined as > 38C or > 100.4 F) in #COVIDー19 only happens in about HALF of cases. Do not rely on fever to rule #coronavirus in or out. The “more than 90 percent” data come from the papers from China, which defined fever as > 37.3—it’s in the methods!
Most (80% or so) have non-severe disease. Older patients are more likely to have severe disease. There's all this chatter about "comorbidities" (high blood pressure etc) being associated with severe disease, but tbh I wonder if this is just a signal of advanced age.
Read 13 tweets
📌So get this, folks: I am a month behind on my mortgage and they just sent someone TO MY HOUSE to talk to me about my mortgage. Let me just add to this that I live in a POOR BLACK neighborhood. So you know they ASSUME I am black.

This AFTER the bill was signed yesterday.
How many other folks got a visit? When our city is on freaking lock down? Are you kidding me? Like I would expose my family to a stranger during a pandemic? The plan is to threaten black homeowners in poor neighborhoods.

Bookmark this.

The more I think about this, the angrier I am. This person could have put my whole family at risk. They are not doing an essential service, either, so they are putting lives at risk.
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In light of the life-threatening, national PPE shortage, my team and I built a Plexiglas Droplet Barrier for COVID-19 testing. No health care worker should test patients without protection. We hope that this barrier will allow our staff to test patients safely
in our outpatient clinics while preserving our scarce PPE (masks, face shields, and gowns). This droplet barrier is hand-crafted and inspired by necessity. The total build time was less than one hour. Disclaimer: I hope this video sparks innovative thinking
about our public health crisis. I am a general pediatrician, not an Infection Control specialist. Use and share this video at your own risk. These are times when hope and ideas should be shared. Good luck to my healthcare colleagues around the world.

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Amazing. @cvspharmacy @CVSHealth @LarryMerloCVS They have little regard for their employees health, & safety. They haven’t provided #PPE, & according to CVS, even if an employee has @Coronavirus, but as long as they didn’t show symptoms, no deep cleaning of store. 1/4
Meanwhile, we know #COVID19US is highly infectious regardless of symptoms. So as the company is going to make record profits over #COVID19, they have not taken any action to reduce risk to staff or the customer. 2/4
Pharmacists and techs are given Wipes and hand sanitizer. This constitutes unacceptable working conditions for pharmacists, who work long hours w/no breaks, & their staff who are underpaid, all are exhausted. #CVS should be held accountable, as they will be making record 3/4
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I’m no virologist but I’m a drug scientist so here are my expert recommendations regarding COVID-19 and substance use. (1/11)

#COVID #coronavirus #COVID19US #drugs #alcohol #drinking #cannabiscoronavirus #ecigs #vaping #coffee #psychedelics #QuarentineLife #harmreduction
Your immune system and behavior not only affect you – they play a vital role in making sure our entire species is able to successfully battle this virus and minimize the number of deaths, because you are a potential vector for transmission. (2/11)
If you've been thinking you need to stop your heavy use of a substance, now is a critical time to claim your birthright as a human and gain full agency over your choices. Regardless of your use level, here're some pointers regarding substance use during this pandemic: (3/11)
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Thread on some ED Doc's thoughts on dealing with #COVID19US on frontlines
1/ First PPE: At this point, everyone should be wearing a surgical mask at your desk and in ED. No eating or drinking unless in Staff lounge, away from patient care
2/ When going into a potential #Covid19 room, wear a N-95 if you have it. Put a surgical (eg. regular) mask over it to protect it, then wear a face shield over that. Googles not as good, but we'll take what we can get.
Read 26 tweets
#Covid19 #Covid19US
It's hard for a layperson to find a way to get their ideas to the people who need to hear them. I am using twitter in order to offer up an idea. It's about the use of flavinoids and other natural products as antivirals. Please comment…
Flavonoids: promising natural compounds against viral infections…
Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Patients Infected with 2019-New Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): A Review and Perspective
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From Gov Brown of Oregon THREAD PLEASE #RT

"Governor Brown has issued guidance regarding mass gatherings, and gatherings of 10 or more individuals in high risk populations, with the primary goal of slowing transmission of the coronavirus. "

"All large gatherings over 250 people are canceled statewide, effectively immediately, for four weeks (through April 8, 2020). This applies to not only festivals, conferences, and similar large gatherings, but to places of worship, schools, Veteran’s gatherings, bingo halls,... "
"farmers markets, and any similar events or activities, if a distance of at least three feet between individuals cannot be maintained, or other places where 10 or more of a high risk population gather."

For more details please go to…
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#Coronavirus UPDATE & Resources
Mar 11th 11PM EST
-126,135 =113 Countries & 🇨🇳
-4,630 have died🌎
-68,216 have recovered🌎
-80,932 Cases in 🇨🇳
-12,462 #Italy
-9,000 #Iran
-7,755 #SouthKorea
-2,284 #France
#COVID19seattle #NC #CA #MA #CT
1/11 #US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾
2) #US #COVID19 Update
March 11th 11PM EST
1,311 #Coronavirus cases
373 in #Washington - most # of cases
36 states & DC have confirmed cases
339 new cases
38 have died: #WA #CA #FL #NJ #SD
👀 Community Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #COVID19US
#NYC #Seattle #LosAngeles #OC
1) Welcome to #COVID19 Info!
Since the World Health Org has declared #COVID-19 a global pandemic, we thought it best to share some basic info starting with an infographic and our Personal Protection thread which includes a Pandemic Guide:
🔗 #Coronavirus
Read 13 tweets
1) #Coronavirus UPDATE & Resources
Mar 10th 9PM EST
-118,745 =112 Countries & China
-4,284 have died🌎
-65,740 have recovered🌎
-80,954 Cases in 🇨🇳
-10,149 #Italy
-8,042 #Iran
-7,513 #SouthKorea
-1,784 #France
#COVID19seattle #NA #CA #MA #CT
#US #COVIDー19 Stats 👇🏾
2) #US #COVID19 Update
March 10th 9PM EST
972 #Coronavirus cases
267 in #Washington
36 states & DC have confirmed cases
234 new cases
15 have recovered
28 have died: #WA #CA #FL #NJ
👀Community Prep Resources 👇🏾
#CoronavirusUSA #COVID19US
#Seattle #Houston #TX #NewJersey #NY
3) Here’s our last 2 Topic Threads:
-Personal protection:
-Understanding Community Spread:
-Here's a great graphic for teens on:
How People Get & Spread The #Coronavirus #COVID19

#SD #NE #NH #RI #VT #MA…
Read 10 tweets
Long thread on long incidents:

There are few public health workers, medical personnel, emergency managers, & responders who have solid experience working a long-term incident. That is, an incident of more than a few days. 1/
There are extended recovery efforts, but aside from wildfires & maybe Midwest floods, we don’t have a lot of incidents that require a constant & immediate response over weeks or months. 2/
As we head into the #COVID19US outbreak, there are many in critical roles who will be working with a response mindset for much longer than they ever have before. Long-term incidents demand a different perspective for both personal well-being & organizational success. 3/
Read 30 tweets
People don’t understand the single greatest risk of #COVIDー19.

It is The Pinch.

Come along with me while I explain.

#COVID19US #CoronavirusUSA #coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #COVID19seattle #Coviditalia #covid4MDs #thepinch
This will potentially affect you, your kids, you parents. They don’t even have to get sick. It all has to do with TOO MANY PATIENTS TOO SICK AT ONE TIME.
Here’s what we know. One person in a community gets sick and they infect others. Most people don’t get too sick and they get better.

They are not “safe” though. Read to the end.
Read 20 tweets
Nexstrain updated with 5 #SARSCoV2 genomes from #COVID19 pandemic from Japan, China and Canada bringing global total to 134.

Thread below

@turnbolt11 @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @sc_lorraine @RMachArts
@turnbolt11 @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @sc_lorraine @RMachArts Team at the @seattleflustudy have sequenced the genome the #COVID19 community case reported yesterday from Snohomish County, WA, and have posted the sequence publicly to There are some enormous implications here.

H/T @Deannemh
@turnbolt11 @BabeReflex_8 @moneypenny_2020 @aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @sc_lorraine @RMachArts @seattleflustudy @Deannemh Or you can read the thread here @trvrb if you prefer not to read via threadreader... which I do. 😉

Washington state genome sequencing.

#Covid_19 #Covid19usa #COVID19Washington

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