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Sep 23rd 2022
In a facebook discussion of the crappy Mormons who felt entitled to stiff a 15-year-old girl who babysat 7 kids for 9 hours because they went to the temple, someone pointed out that this is a clear example of "moral licensing." 🧵1/

Moral licensing is the psychological phenomenon wherein humans feel that doing something they perceive as good--say, working out at the gym--gives them permission or license to do something they perceive as bad, or at least less good--like having an extra large smoothie. 2/
Those immoral #Mormons justified the moral evil of cheating & lying to a minor who cared for their children all day because they perceived doing a temple session as so righteous that it canceled out any fraud & deception they might have committed. 3/
Read 30 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
Numbers don’t lie, but they can be deceiving.

A good salesperson can sell you a poor product by using numbers🔢to his advantage.

And you really won’t notice unless you ask the right questions.

A 🧵 on how you can be fooled with data when buying #insurance policies.👇
▪️ Number Game In #Annuity or #Pension Plans

The sales pitch goes like this:

If you invest Rs 10 lakh now, you will start getting around Rs 1 lakh a year after a decade--a 10% assured return on your #investment.

But there’s a catch.👇
It’s not 10% #returns. Here’s why.👇

For the first 10 years, there will be no payout. During this time, your #money will earn interest and grow.📈

Even if you invest in FD and earn a 5.5% #InterestRate , your money will grow to Rs 17 lakh in a decade.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
What key 8 difference between permissioned #blockchain #setcoin & public blockchain #bitcoin?
Check the thread 🧵 👇

#investing #Finance #finanstwitter #cryptotrading #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #cryptoart #defi #altcoin #CryptoNews #ethereum #Dodgers Image
1. #ESG Compatible with limited energy usage to deploy and run ledgers and nodes.
2. #Scalability: much faster validation, and transaction execution;
3. Generating income from real sector #assets;
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#fintech #banking #cbdc #CryptoTownEU #DigitalCurrency #NFTgaming
4. Advanced #identity system for #digital #assets owners #validation;
5. Facilitating #green & #cycling economy transition
6. Diversification between income of green buildings, #renewables, #smartcities, #agtech, vertical farming, technology sector private equity assets
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Jun 5th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/05/2020-2…

Bruno Latour, the Post-Truth Philosopher, Mounts a Defense of Science - The New York Times…

#philosophy #postmodernism #Science
Leading with the Unknowns in COVID-19 Models - Scientific American Blog Network…

#models #uncertainty #DecisionMaking
Read 12 tweets

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