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Feb 4th 2023
@ePatientDave @janoldenburg @MightyCasey @HealthPrivacy Been stewing on this actually @ePatientDave .
It's the same problem @claudiawilliams and @HITpolicywonk raised.
In sum, a state can require certain behavior of a #licensed #professional that may be inconsistent with #HIPAA right of #access, or #CLIA rules, or (1/several)
@ePatientDave @janoldenburg @MightyCasey @HealthPrivacy @claudiawilliams @HITpolicywonk Or even @ONC_HealthIT. The issue is which rules win?
The first principle is that accessing your own health info is a privacy right.
There's a clear rule about state laws that give fewer rights, like making it cost more than #HIPAA says it should. Those are preempted 2/
@ePatientDave @janoldenburg @MightyCasey @HealthPrivacy @claudiawilliams @HITpolicywonk @ONC_HealthIT The second principle is that legislatures dictate license terms to keep patients "safe."
So here, some states are adding physician requirements about labs to keep patients safe. It's a theoretically different line of law entirely, but it's crashing into the first principle 3/
Read 10 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Day 1⃣7⃣/2⃣0⃣ -- [ATO - Account Takeover]
➡️ ATO - is an attack whereby hackers take ownership of online accounts using stolen passwords and usernames.
➡️ Below some of the best Tips & References for ATO (Feel Free To Share)
Account Takeover Vulnerability
Account Takeover #Lab-1 | BePractical

>> We got couple of labs here...
Read 22 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
I just went through all the pictures on my iPad, sorting them and there are many pictures of #lab #equipment, that I have gathered over the decades. Most is useful, some is not. Maybe, I should tweet a bit about the good stuff. I am sure, I have mentioned some, already. Image
What I really like, are the DIY lab trolleys. The fact, that they are on wheels let me rearrange my lab easily. They all have electric outlets installed and an ESD table cover. All the same height, made from aluminum extrusion profiles. #labTrolley ImageImageImageImage
It is even easy to set up a macro photo tent on such a lab trolley. I take most pictures with the iPad, but sometimes, it is niche to have better quality pictures of projects and things. Image
Read 39 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
Before journalists give time to #Murdoch #LNP #transmission hikes, ask who is driver of price hikes? @AngusTaylorMP has gazetted ‘if Industry Research and Development (Supporting Critical Transmission Infrastructure Program) Instrument 2021.’ It’s billions$$ cash splash #auspol
This scare campaign is #murdoch #LNP own goal. If they are serious then commit to #Disallow such expenditure now @renew_economy #auspol
This instrument can still be disallowed post election. So acid now on #Murdoch and #LNP #Lab to commit to disallow if they are serious about not driving up power bills by driving unnecessary transmission and forcing community to pay for their stupidity #auspol #Disallow
Read 6 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
1/ Proud to be a part of this hot-off-the-press #stewardship study examining time to blood culture positivity by pathogen and primary service. A joint effort by scientists at @ChildrensColo @CUMedicalSchool @CUAnschutz. Check it out #IDTwitter ! Summary 🧵…
2/ Some background:
* Historically, infants and children are given antibiotics until blood cultures are negative at 48-72 hours.
*Empirically treating is essential for children with bacteremia, but waiting for this negative BC period may be unnecessary.
3/ Why we did this study:
* Understanding the time it takes for blood cultures to become positive (with respect to certain organisms and subspecialties) can help shorten overall antimicrobial duration.

*Shortening duration= fewer adverse events, less resistance, shorter stays
Read 23 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
Morrison is our statue of unempathic neoliberalism - erected by evangelical and corporate Australia to celebrate their victory over compassion, equality and secular humanism.
Neoliberalism in Australia has been implemented by both the major parties. The LNP-LAB Duopoly have used the strategy of Graduation over the last 40 years.
To make an unacceptable measure accepted, you only need to apply it gradually, to dropper, for consecutive years. This is how radically new socioeconomic conditions (neoliberism) were imposed during the decades of the 80 s and 90’s......
Read 12 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
I have a few things to say this morning. A small but mighty 🧵.
First , I can't say thank you enough to @KatherineJWu for writing this amazing piece highlighting the crucial work of clinical laboratory scientists/medical technologists. Please read it:…
The article captures a piece of the talent, expertise, and dedication of these healthcare workers. This is especially true of my dear friend @darcyavelasquez, who works relentlessly day in and day out at @ChildrensColo to provide the best care possible to Colorado's children.
Sometimes it feels like the @KatherineJWu's, @kmess44's, and @jesscataldi's of the world are one-in-a-million. The failure to recognize the clinical laboratory (and people within it) for its importance in how healthcare works is not just a #COVIDー19 issue.
Read 22 tweets
Oct 28th 2020
With COVID, many people and jobs are more online than ever before. If your website, Zoom meetings, even Tweets aren’t accessible, then a sizable percentage of the population can’t navigate them. Here are some resources to make your digital content more #accessible! 1/13
@access_guide_ wrote a guide on writing image descriptions to help you understand what’s important to include when you’re posting that cute dog photo. @ImageAltText can be tagged to check if an image on Twitter has alt text! 2/13
If you’re low on spoons and/or don’t have funding to pay someone to write image descriptions for a professional website/presentation (for example), this Facebook community can provide free, crowdsourced image descriptions… 3/13
Read 14 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
@Twitter suspended @LiMengYAN119 after she made 3 twits only. Why, @jack?

One of @LiMengYAN119’s three twits links to her paper that she likes the world to know/read. Let’s keep spreading it. 1/2

#CCPvirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirus #COVID19 ImageImage
Let’s keep spreading it. 2/2

Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route

#CCPvirus #WuhanVirus #CoronaVirus #COVID19 Image
“A Chinese doctor who fled her home country under threat has claimed #COVID19 originated in a military #lab and #China and the @WHO covered up facts about its human contagion early on.” ~ @candacesutton1

Doctor who fled China to reveal virus truth…
Read 8 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
After 6 months of #lockdown and #lab shutdown I spent a full day 9 am-8 pm in lab doing experiments! New #grad students in #lifesciences: There is always light 💡 and #fluorescent images at the end of the tunnel! Filing a #patent on my #invention from #phd work soon @OrganOnAChip
This is an Organ on a Chip platform that enables mimicking #tissues and #organs in a high throughput manner! The main focus will be towards developing #mucosal organs with tissue resident #immune cells and lining #epithelial cells for #testing #COVID19 treatments #covidvaccines
I recently gave a talk at #oooc2020 organized by @GVNlab at @Columbia. In the talk I demonstrated the #ease of fabrication, #functionality, and #modularity of this platform.
We’re open to #collaborate with interested #researchers! Interested to learn more:
Read 11 tweets
Aug 17th 2020
Cuál es su parte favorita de su trabajo? La mía primeramente es el ambiente de trabajo que tenemos aquí en #Khannalab @UofA! Se siente como un hogar porque todos somos como famila ❤️. Quien más cree que trabajar en un ambiente así es lo mejor 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️
#lab #sciencefamily
Y la segunda es hacer experimentos! Ya les conté que hago registros de patch clamp en neuronas del ganglio de la raíz dorsal? 🐭 Llevo desde principios de año haciendo estos registros y me encanta! Image
Alguien más hace esta preparación? Qué tal sus registros? Si tienen alguna duda les puedo decir cómo la hacemos aquí 😉
Read 3 tweets
Jul 28th 2020
Antibiotics are commonly prescribed medications in the inpatient and outpatient setting and it's important to recognize #AdverseEvents, including idiosyncratic reactions, such as #encephalopathy.

Antibitiotics associated with #Encephalopathy:
- Beta lactams
- #Cephalosporins (#Cefepime is the most common,
- Imipenem
- #Penicillin procaine
- Fluoroquinolones
- Macrolides (clarithromycin)
- #Metronidazole
- Isoniazid

Read 14 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
I just want to be clear: while I understand and have similar frustrations with turnaround times for #COVIDー19 testing, I'm afraid the angst is falling on the laboratories...and I do not feel that is fair or appropriate. (Small thread)
The clinical laboratory is full of living, breathing, intelligent human beings. The work takes skill and time. Often, labs are understaffed and there has been a shortage of trained clinical lab scientists FOR A WHILE. There are only so many tests a person can crank out in a day.
Even if a lab has all the staff they need, there's only so much testing that can be done when a) your instruments are full b) you cannot get the supplies you need to run these tests. Seems like many people think labs have unlimited access to very expensive instruments...nope.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go to… Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoom’s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyond…
Read 106 tweets
Mar 7th 2020
Thinking about a low cost easy to manufacture home test kit for #Coronavirus. Outline: #Nasal_swab (Q-tip) w/ freeze dried reagents for isothermal #DNA amplification with #COVID19 primers. Colorimetric readout by #iOS or #Android #App w/ #geolocation & #HIPPA compliant reporting. Image
Read-out would be in minutes - timer in App - read by camera in your smart phone. No other machines. Links to telemedicine groups for positive results. Built in positive control - e.g. no color = improper test, green NEGATIVE, red POSITIVE.
I’ve done my best creating when faced by a challenge. Next gen sequencing when my son went to new born intensive care - #454 @iontorrent. Ultrasound on a chip @ButterflyNetInc when wanted to monitor my daughter’s kidneys.
Read 31 tweets
Jan 14th 2020
My 4th first-author article is published. We provide guidelines for the development (and evaluation) of #VR #XR #software for #academic #research & #clinical purposes on #Unity3D. @TweeterAcademic @AcademicChatter #PhD #neuroscience #psychology Thread 👇…
The #VirtualReality #Everyday #assessment #lab (VR-EAL) is the first neuropsychological battery of everyday #cognitive functions in #immersive #VR. It assesses #prospective #memory , #Executive functions #episodic memory, & #attention ( #visual #auditory). @madewithunity
Special thanks to @VR_Toolkit (incredible tool), @unity3d , @semacpherson (my lovely #PhD #Supervisor ) , @EdinburghUni @UoE_Psychology , @melslater @panxueni , & @marcogillies for their inspiring and invaluable work on #VirtualReality.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 10th 2019
#Brexit's just 'their chance'.

John Smith moved #LAB from being a "democratic socialist" party to being a "social democrat" party. Corbyn, Milne, McDonnell et al want their Leninist roots fully restored and, then, because they're the revolutionary type of 1/2
2/2 socialist, want to try to make #LAB the "vanguard party" Lenin dreamed of, introducing socialism to the whole world.

An outdated ideology that fires-up '70s student activists like...Corbyn, Milne & McDonnell.

Wolfie Smiths in suits.

#LAB #TakenOverByExtremists
Compare & contrast with the 1945 Attlee government. What's Corbyn ever achieved? So far SFA except pissing off (now)-ex-#Labour-supporters like me.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 4th 2019
The #Tories are desperate & lying. #Labour (well, Milne & Corbyn) are desperate & lying. Both ends of #CONLABKIP are desperate & lying. Believe either and we'll get #Brexit or #Lexit.

Whatever happens longer-term at least lending the @LibDems votes is more likely to keep 1/2
2/2 us in the #EU. We can sort the longer-term once the #Tories are dead and #Labour is rescued from its current anti-#EU extremist cabal.

But, for now, Job #1 is to keep ouselves in. Otherwise forget the "long-term".

(I'm temporarily not #LAB after 40 years, BTW.)
Read 6 tweets
Nov 12th 2018
I was born and raised in the beautiful city of #Curitiba, southern #Brazil!
This region is famous for being cold and cloudy (yes it can be cold in Brazil!).
It is also famous for its very endemic and beautiful #Araucaria pine trees. #voicesIWS @IWS_Network @500womensci /1
#Actions speak louder than words! I am thankful for my parents for being who they are. Both always showed love for Nature, different interests and #curiosity! So no wonder by observing them I grew up to be a very curious girl who really loved Nature. #voicesIWS @IWS_Network /2
During High School I became fascinated by the #mendelian #genetics classes and the work of #gregormendel! I also loved studying animals, ecosystems and climate so the obvious choice for me in University (@PUCPR_oficial ) was BIOLOGY!! @IWS_Network #womeninscience #voicesIWS /3
Read 21 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
I was born & raised in #Medellin Colombia, an amazing & vibrant city in the middle of the mountains.

Please do not mention #Narcos or #Escobar when you hear Medellin!

Medellin is much more than that #eternalspring #innovation #Entrepreneurship #mountains #coffee #greatpeople
I was born & raised in #Medellin Colombia, an amazing & vibrant city in the middle of the mountains.

Please do not mention #Narcos or #Escobar when you hear Medellin!

Medellin is much more than that #eternalspring #innovation #Entrepreneurship #mountains #coffee #greatpeople
Went to a great school in #medellin & at 17 started #medicine not because I wanted to be a clinician but because I liked the #science & my family and #mentors told me #medicine was broader and could open more doors for me #VoicesIWS #Thread☝️@IWS_Network
Read 21 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
Modular Usability Lab in a Shipping Container.… #IoT #Usability #Lab #InteriorDesign #modular #B2B #B2C Image
@Design_Friction Modular Usability Lab in a Shipping Container.…
@Futures_Design Modular Usability Lab in a Shipping Container.…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 17th 2018
It doesn’t seem to be as easy as it looks like 😋
My version 🤠
Its definitely worse than the last time 🍳
1. Its over cooked from the outside.
2. Runny from the inside.
Possibilities why it went wrong:
1. Very hot pan to start with?
2. No enough scrambling?
It tastes good to me😋
Take those points in account & try again next week.
Read 7 tweets

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