Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #omicronvariant

Most recents (24)

China verbietet die Genomanalyse - Informationskontrolle hinsichtlich mutierter Stämme wegen Infektionsexplosion

Die japanische Tageszeitung Mainichi berichtet, dass die chinesische Regierung Ende November private Auftragsanalyseunternehmen mit Sitz in China…

#COVID19 #Corona
angewiesen hat, die Genomsequenzen neuer Proben des Coronavirus vorerst nicht zu analysieren. Durch die strenge Kontrolle von Informationen über die Trends von Mutationen scheint die chinesische Regierung darauf abzuzielen, die Auswirkungen auf die öffentliche Meinung im
In- und Ausland zu minimieren, falls eine neue Mutation in China auftritt. Die US-Regierung und andere haben auch Bedenken hinsichtlich des Auftretens neuer Virusmutationen aufgrund der großen Zahl von Infektion in China mit 1,4 Milliarden Einwohnern geäußert. Es wird erwartet,
Read 5 tweets
How long is #COVID19 infectious? #COVID19infectionpersistence Those with SARS-CoV-2 are often advised to isolate for only a few days. But evidence is mounting that some people can continue to pass on the virus for much longer.…
Read 16 tweets
🧵 on repeat infections, negative lateral flow & #PCR tests, and the use of #COVID19 antibody tests. An n=1 experience #OmicronVariant #LongCovid #MedTwitter #TeamGP #psychtwitter #LongCovidKids #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver 1/n
I had acute #COViD19 in Nov 2020, PCR +ve. Developed #LongCovid a month after. Had one dose #Pfizer Feb ‘21 which gave me new symptoms. Out of interest I had my anti-spike antibodies done May ‘21- they were above the upper limit the assay could measure 2/n
With the passage of time my antibodies dwindled. I had them rechecked in Dec 2021- both nucleocapsid & spike antibodies were below the protective limit. Therefore I had no protective antibodies. 3/n
Read 18 tweets
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 535
*⃣Recoveries - 963
*⃣Deaths - 10
*⃣Active Cases - 4,038
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,68,451
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 77,16,674
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,737
*⃣Tests till date - 7,82,14,557

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣ 454 new cases of #OmicronVariant reported from Maharashtra today; Nagpur – 454

*⃣ Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 5,665

*⃣ No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 4,733

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 4,038 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(3/5) 🧵
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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 525
*⃣Recoveries - 992
*⃣Deaths - 9
*⃣Active Cases - 4,476
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,67,916
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 77,15,711
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,727
*⃣Tests till date - 7,81,38,182

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣ 206 new cases of #OmicronVariant reported from Maharashtra today; Pune MC – 206

*⃣ Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 5,211

*⃣ No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 4,629

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 4,476 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(3/5) 🧵
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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 467
*⃣Recoveries - 1,144
*⃣Deaths - 12
*⃣Active Cases - 4,953
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,67,391
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 77,14,719
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,718
*⃣Tests till date - 7,80,65,969

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣ 234 new cases of #OmicronVariant reported from Maharashtra today; Mumbai – 234

*⃣ Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 5,005

*⃣ No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 4,629

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 4,953 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(3/5) 🧵 ImageImage
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Thread: Underreported but potentially huge news on #China's anti-Covid measures: Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist of China's CDC, released a lengthy post Monday that is largely seen as a strong hint that China is reconsidering its #ZeroCovid policy. Here's what he said.
He noted that both Chinese & Western scientists have much in consensus, including that patients infected by #OmicronVariant are less likely to become critically ill or die, the consensus leads him to believe that Covid-policies of China and other countries will one day "merge"./2
When discussing the timing for adjustment of China's Zero-Covid measures, Zeng said it "will not remain forever", and co-existing with the virus is a long-term goal. Though he made clear that China is in no hurry to "open its doors", especially during the traditional flu /3
Read 8 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/28/2022…
Higher levels of biodiversity appear to reduce extinction risk in birds…
#biodiversity, #BirdExtinction, #RiskReduction
The Single Most Important Question In The World Right Now…
#RussiaUkraine, #internationalRelations, #GlobalBrinkmanship
Read 13 tweets
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 407
*⃣Recoveries - 967
*⃣Deaths - 4
*⃣Active Cases - 6,663
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,65,705
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 77,11,343
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,701
*⃣Tests till date - 7,78,75,104

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣ Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date- 4,629

*⃣ No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 4,456

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 6,663 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:


(3/5) 🧵
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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 2,068
*⃣Recoveries - 4,709
*⃣Deaths - 15
*⃣Active Cases - 21,159
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,55,359
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 76,86,670
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,547
*⃣Tests till date - 7,70,01,972

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 4,456

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far- 3,531


#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 21,159 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 2,797
*⃣Recoveries - 6,383
*⃣Deaths - 40
*⃣Active Cases - 23,816
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,53,291
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 76,81,961
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,532
*⃣Tests till date - 7,68,76,774

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 4,456

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far- 3,455

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 23,816 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 2,748
*⃣Recoveries - 5,806
*⃣Deaths - 41
*⃣Active Cases - 27,445
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,50,494
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 76,75,578
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,492
*⃣Tests till date - 7,67,57,238

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣111 new cases of #OmicronVariant reported from Maharashtra today; Ahmednagar–21, Navi Mumbai-19

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 4,456

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far- 3,334

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 27,445 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




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The story of #Mild #Omicron Part 1
Long Thread -Story of 8 countries
Italy- Deaths due to Omicron have been higher than Delta by miles and almost reaching prevaccination levels .Vaccines were released around end December- Early January in most countries #OmicronIsNotMild ctd)
Ctd2)Denmark is second country- Again the Delta was decimated by the vaccines BUT with the Omicron the deaths have reached almost pre vaccine deaths #OmicronIsNotMild, #Omicron, #OmicronVariant , Also the Danes like others opened up after reaching good vaccination levels .
Ctd3) Country 3- Canada -Here too #Omicron crossed the deaths due to Delta by miles , reaching number of deaths before vaccination, in fact overshooting that number
#OmicronIsNotMild , needless to say the Canadians are fed up because it is #Mild in the media
Read 12 tweets
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 2,831
*⃣Recoveries - 8,695
*⃣Deaths - 35
*⃣Active Cases - 30,547
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,47,746
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 76,69,772
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,451
*⃣Tests till date - 7,66,39,114

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣ 351 new cases of #OmicronVariant reported from Maharashtra today; Aurangabad-148, Nashik-111

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date - 4,345

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 3,334

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 30,547 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(3/5)🧵 ImageImage
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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 6,248
*⃣Recoveries - 18,942
*⃣Deaths - 45
*⃣Active Cases - 70,150
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,29,633
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 76,12,233
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,292
*⃣Tests till date - 7,60,40,567

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣121 new cases of #OmicronVariant reported from Maharashtra today; Nagpur-82; Wardha-14

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date- 3,455

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 2,291

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 70,150 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 7,142
*⃣Recoveries - 20,222
*⃣Deaths - 92
*⃣Active Cases - 82,893
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,23,385
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 75,93,291
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,247
*⃣Tests till date - 7,59,05,676

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date-3,334

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far -2,189

*⃣7,452 samples sent for genome sequencing, 438 results are awaited
@COVIDNewsByMIB @airnews_mumbai

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 82,893 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




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Il prof. #Broccolo su #COVID19: "Chi ha il booster si sente più sicuro, rispetta poco le regole. Poi quando gli anticorpi sono molto alti ci può essere l'effetto #ADE" a #dimartedì su @La7tv. Segue un thread un po' lungo ma spero semplificativo. Daje! 1/n 🧵
Chiunque abbia delle basi di immunologia o ci lavori o che l'abbia studiata durante il percorso di studi prenderà le distanze da tali dichiarazioni fuorvianti e inesatte. 2/n
Miliardi di dosi somministrate ma anche davanti all’evidenza c’è ancora chi mette in discussione la sicurezza dei vaccini anti-COVID. Ma con pazienza riprendiamo in mano alcuni principi basilari di immunologia. 3/n
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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 6,107
*⃣Recoveries - 16,035
*⃣Deaths - 57
*⃣Active Cases - 96,069
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,16,243
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 75,73,069
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,155
*⃣Tests till date - 7,57,68,634

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date- 3,334

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 2,043

*⃣7,452 samples have been sent for genome sequencing till now; 438 results are awaited

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 96,069 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(3/5)🧵 ImageImageImage
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#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases - 6,436
*⃣Recoveries - 18,423
*⃣Deaths - 24
*⃣Active Cases - 1,06,059
*⃣Total Cases till date - 78,10,136
*⃣Total Recoveries till date - 75,57,034
*⃣Total Deaths till date - 1,43,098
*⃣Tests till date - 7,56,55,012

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣Patients infected with #OmicronVariant in Maharashtra reported till date- 3,334

*⃣No. of #Omicron cases recovered so far - 2,023

*⃣7014 samples have been sent for genome sequencing till now; 113 results are awaited

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 1,06,059 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(3/5)🧵 ImageImageImage
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#Omicron subvariant BA.2 will likely become dominant worldwide, according to WHO's regional emergency director. Dr Dorit Nitzan said BA.2 won't fade away. "The expected trajectory is that it will become the new dominant variant,” Nitzan said citing Denmark…
There are more mutations in the receptor-binding domain of BA.2 compared with BA.1, the original #OmicronVariant. The receptor binding domain— RBD—is a short fragment on the viral spike protein that binds to a specific receptor—ACE2—on a host's cell to gain entry.
A look at a model of a coronavirus spike receptor-binding domain (pink) bound to a human cell's ACE2 receptor (purple)…
Read 4 tweets
Welche Probleme sehe ich in dem Eckpunktepapier:
A. Zielstellung unscharf:
- Infektionszahlen sind nicht relevant. Es ist die Krankheitslast
- Ueberlastung des Gesundheitsw. gibt es hier nicht Stellungnahmen, dass eine Ueberlastung nie flächendeckend/generell aufgetreten ist?
- Wie hoch (in Zahlen!) soll "hohe Grundimmunität" sein? Würden nicht #OmicronVariant Infekt. diese erreichen?
- Wenn "vor nächsten Winter" dann sollte letzte Impfung erst ca. im Okt/Nov erfolgen, sonst ist Immunschutz (falls ohne natürliche Immunisierung) wieder gesunken.
B. Zeitliche Komponente: Impfpflicht würde wegen regulativem/logistischen Aufwand wenig/keine Wirkung in diesem Winter haben. Im Sommer wird Infektionsdruck ins bodenlose fallen. Ob Impfung im nächsten Winter (und für wen) notwendig, sollten repräsent. Studien im Sommer zeigen
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विषय : '#COVID19 च्या तिसऱ्या लाटेबाबतची मूलभूत तथ्ये जाणून घ्या'

वक्ते :

1. प्रिया अब्राहम, संचालिका, @icmr_niv,
2. डॉक्टर @RajeevJayadevan

वेबिनारमध्ये सहभागी व्हा!

आज, 3 फेब्रुवारी 2022
⏰दुपारी 2 वाजता

📡थेट पहा📡

'#COVID19 च्या तिसऱ्या लाटे बाबत मूलभूत तथ्ये' या आमच्या वेबिनार मध्ये सहभागी व्हा.

@icmr_niv संचालक प्रा.प्रिया अब्राहम आणि डॉक्टर @RajeevJayadevan आपले प्रश्न आणि शंकाचे समाधान करतील.

कृपया आपले प्रश्न कमेंट सेक्शन मध्ये पोस्ट करा

#COVID19 संदर्भात एका राज्यातल्या उत्तम पद्धतीचे इतर राज्यांनीही अनुकरण करावे, यासाठी इतर राज्यांसमवेत त्या सामायिक करत केंद्र सरकारने एकप्रकारे मध्यस्थाची भूमिका बजावली

-मनीष देसाई, महासंचालक, पश्चिम विभाग
@MIB_India यांची महामारीविरोधातील लढ्यात सरकारच्या प्रयत्नांविषयी माहिती
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So we are 'Getting the Basics Right about the Third #COVID19 Surge'

Today, 03rd Feb at⏰2 PM

Director, @icmr_niv, Prof. Priya Abraham and Doctor @RajeevJayadevan will answer your queries during Q&A session

Join our webinar

Live from⏰2 PM🎥
📡LIVE Now📡

Join our webinar 'Getting the Basics Right about the Third #COVID19 Surge'

Director, @icmr_niv, Prof. Priya Abraham and Doctor @RajeevJayadevan are here to answer your questions

Please post your Qs in the comments section🎥
The Centre has played the role of a catalyst; has shared the best #COVID19 practices adopted by one state with the other states to adopt and follow

- DG(West Zone), @MIB_India, Manish Desai speaks about initiatives taken by Govt. to fight the #Pandemic

Read 19 tweets

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