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1/6 #XiJinping ha sempre visto #Putin come un alleato da sostenere semplicemente perché Putin era uno che andava contro l'occidente, contro il ruolo dell'America nel mondo. Fino ad oggi XI doveva solo dare un sostegno morale e lasciare che Putin facesse il lavoro sporco…..
2/6adesso però Xi é stato coinvolto in una grande guerra che non sta vincendo ed è qui che diventa difficile per lui.ll dilemma di Xi adesso è che, pur potendo impedire che la Russia perda sul terreno fornendo aiuti militari, tutto questo dove lo lascerebbe, dove lo porterebbe?…
3/6 Xi in fondo non vorrebbe che la Russia diventi un'altra Corea del Nord. Uno stato satellite completamente dipendente dalla Cina potrebbe essere un fastidio a lungo termine, ma d'altra parte non può nemmeno abbandonare la Russia al proprio destino…..
Read 6 tweets
Que ocurre frente a una orden de detención dictada por la #CPI: la orden se dicta a solicitud de la fiscalía ante la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares, si se llenan los extremos del artículo 58 del Estatuto de Roma de CPI. Esta orden es comunicada a los Estados parte, pero también
al Estado donde se encuentra el solicitado. De acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo 59 el Estado que haya recibido la orden, debe tomar de forma inmediata las medidas para practicar la detención, en los términos que lo dicta su derecho interno y la parte IX del Estatuto. Una
Vez practicada la detención se debe notificar a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares de la CPI y ponerlo a disposición. Una vez a disposición se procederá a la imputación, por lo que se le informará de los crímenes que se le atribuyen y los derechos que le asisten (art. 60). Cabe
Read 8 tweets
Lots of #ConspiracyTheories lately that are coming true despite the fact that your #government or #media don’t cover them. There is always a doubt in public mind that any event that causes more harm to the current establishment than favor by covering that even in detail is…… Image
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"Нацисти не впали з Марса і не зґвалтували Німеччину, — сказав він. — Можливо, у таке вірили ті, хто покинув Німеччину у 1933 році. А я ще роками жив там. Я слухав їхнє гавкання по радіо, 👇
#russiaisateroriststate #putinhitler #russianazistate
👆грубе кровожерне гарчання на зібраннях. Це вже не була якась одна партія. То була Німеччина." - Еріх Марія Ремарк "Тіні в раю"
При простій заміні слова "#Німеччина" на "#росія", ми отримаємо повне відображення сьогоднішньої дійсності.👇
👆Саме тому, як і Німеччина, після падіння режиму гітлера, росія має пройти той самий реабілітаційний шлях. Денацифікація, денуклеарізація, обмеження армії. 👇
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Grüße aus #Bakhmut, von der 🇺🇦Seite!
Bakhmut ist die #Ukraine. Sie sagen, dass sie die Stadt bereits eingenommen haben. aber alles unterliegt der Kontrolle der #ZSU. Glaubt nicht jeden Unsinn.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopRussia #BakhmutHolds #PutinWarCrimes #RussiaIsLosing
Hier gibt es keine Freunde aus Saporischa-Guay-Brikowsk. Wir arbeiten mit den Bewohnern von Bakhmut zusammen. Alles wird Ukraine sein, das garantiere ich. Und sie werden hier nichts erreichen. Sollen sie doch alle ihre Leute hierher bringen. Und wir werden sie trotzdem besiegen.
2/1 Ruhm für die Ukraine! Ruhm für den Helden!
Freunde, ich werde kurz erklären, warum Bakhmut so wichtig für die Zaporizhgay-Brücke ist. Zuerst müssen sie eine Art Sieg vorweisen. Denn nach Kyjyv, Kherson, Kharkow gibt es absolut nichts mehr zu zeigen. Und innerhalb ihres
Read 5 tweets
As the Siberian cold spreads, I'm thinking back to how Russia, more than most countries, has weaponized winter - almost always in defense. So much so that foes spoke of "General Winter" as a leader of Russian forces.
Now, by destroying so much of Ukraine's energy infrastructure in his invasion, Putin is using winter cold as an offensive weapon. #PutinWarCrimes
One chapter in the book I wrote with @LisaMechaley of 100 moments in humanity's weather and climate journey explored weather as a weapon, and Russia is the case study. Here's the chapter:
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The Sandarmokh executions in November 1937 and their perception in today's #Russia. THREAD Image
Sandarmokh is a forest massif from Medvezhyegorsk in the Republic of Karelia (Russia), where thousands of victims of Stalin's Great Terror were executed in 1937-38. /1 Image
On 27 October and 2,3,4 November 1937, there were massive executions. An attempt to escape explains a break between 27.10 and 02.11. Prisoners decided to run since there was not much hope of surviving. This attempt was not successful, and they were shot. /2
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Fantastic interview about Kyiv, Kharkiv battles with a Ukrainian colonel Oleksandr Ohrimenko, commander of the 14th Mechanized Brigade named after Prince Roman the Great. Published by

Text is also available at @wartranslated…
My translation:

(Interviewer): Where did the brigade encounter a full-scale invasion?

(Ohrimenko): At that time, the military unit was at the Rivne combined military training ground at the final stage of reconciliation. /1
We marched, having received appropriate combat orders to perform tasks in the Kyiv, Zhytomyr, and partially Volyn regions to cover the section of the state border.

(I): What were your words to the staff on February 24? /2
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1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 19, 2022
The situat° hasn't change much for the last 20 hours
as i can tell & no direct evidence (until now of deeper move on Ru positions anywhere past current known front line
#UkraineMap #CarteUkraine
2/ Gen staff report part 1&2
3/ and that's it for now.. i'll to resume later tonight..
Right now it's .. Operation "Diner en ville" ;-)
Read 17 tweets
"we should have listened to #Poland & the Baltic states, when they were warning us for years that #Putin 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩"‼️

#PolandFirstToHelp #BeLikePoland #BeLike🇵🇱 #PutinWarCrimes #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussiaIsANaziState #RussiaInvadedUkraine
@vonderleyen @vonderleyen: "You should have listened to #Poland 🇵🇱".
@BeataSzydlo's poignant comment: "one can't help but wonder, wheter it's a genuine reflection..."

#PolandFirstToHelp #BeLikePoland #BeLike🇵🇱 #PutinWarCrimes #RussiaIsATerroristState #VonDerLeyen
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How Russia has become the world's largest sponsor of terrorism and what legal recognition of this will bring - in a column by Foreign Minister @DmytroKuleba for RBC-Ukraine.

Full text is available also at @wartranslated:…
My translation:
"It is time to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and to do so as quickly as possible. /1
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, his office head Andriy Yermak, and I, as a foreign minister, have been persistent in stressing this on all international platforms. /2
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How do most Russians perceive Putin? Thread
I will try to understand what people in Russia think about Putin. My thoughts are based on my experience reading/watching the Russian internet and real-life conversations with Russians.
The perception of the President in Russia is entirely different from any democracy. I believe that person raised and that lives in a democratic society can not imagine the scale of the disaster. /1
I would say that Putin in Russia has made himself something like God, a holy person.
First, he publicly denied any personal relations with people. He doesn't have a wife (officially since 2013), and his children have different surnames. He always avoids questions about them. /2
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PART 6 (the last one) of the interview with gen. Kryvonos made by Mark Solonin and translated by me.
Topic: Why did Putin start the war?
Original video:

The full text is also available in a pinned thread or at @wartranslated:…
The link to a pinned thread is here. There is also some information about Kryvonos' background and views, as there are many questions about those.

(I): We've had a lot of conversations already. But what a normal, peace-loving country, an ordinary, peace-loving people, was not going to. For 30 years, they didn't prepare for war with their neighbor. /2
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❤️Danke an EUCH!❤️
Heute möchte ich euch allen einfach mal Danke sagen. Durch eure Sachspenden können wir uns in Kürze auf den Weg Richtung #Kyiv machen, um @Harri_Est & @DwightsB von @UkraineAidOps eure Sachspenden zum Verteilen zu bringen. 1/4

Aus allen Ecken der Welt kamen mittlerweile Spenden bei mir an. Ob Kanada, USA, Neuseeland, Israel, Südafrika, so ziemlich jedem europäischen Land und ja, sogar aus der sagenumwobenen Stadt Bielefeld kamen Hilfsgüter an. 🥰2/4

Und da ich sowieso immer einen an der Waffel hab,
hab ich meine Freude und den Dank an euch mal musikalisch untermalt. Ohne euch wäre das nicht möglich.

Aber, dass ist nur ein Zwischenschritt. Die Spendensammlung geht natürlich weiter. Denn wir fahren wieder und wieder und wieder nach Kyiv. So lange, bis Putin nur noch 3/4
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"We can repeat" - a sacred phrase used by #Russians over the past few years, has now taken on a completely different meaning - not the one our grandfathers put in when they defeated #Nazism in #WorldWarII.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of #Ukraine, 🇷🇺 troops have repeated the crimes of the #Nazis, committing atrocities against #Ukrainian children, women and the elderly…

But the list of what modern 🇷🇺 inherited from #NaziGermany does not end there…

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As #VictoryDay over #Nazis is celebrated, the attack on the land and the minds of the free world continues. How #Kremlin is weaponizing memory and flipping narratives, using #Stalin's legacy. (A mini-thread of 3 articles). (1/3)…
How the #Kremlin whitewashes and justifies its crimes: an example, with a Russian tank in Ohio. "Made it to Berlin--will make it to Washington.) (2/3)…
A short article on "Immortal Regiment" in 2022, amidst #PutinWarCrimes, is forthcoming shortly. (3/3) Understand the hybrid war and its tools. Recognize flipping narratives, laundering history, and other strategies, and do not let the aggressor justify another genocide.
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(1/6) #Habermas’ Artikel zum deutschen Einsatz im #UkraineWar ist - insbesondere für eine, die viel Zeit mit seiner Werklektüre verbracht hat - einfach enttäuschend, ja geradezu ärgerlich. THREAD

#ArmUkraineNow #PutinWarCrimes #scholzomat #emma #Atomkrieg #Waffenlieferungen
(2/6) Die intellektuelle Autorität wirkt abgehoben ausserhalb gewohnt-friedlicher Rahmenbedingungen, in denen sich eine lauschige Theorie kommunikativer Vernunft entfalten lässt. Das beginnt schon ganz am Anfang, als H. von 77 Jahren ohne Krieg redet. Hat er denn die ... (s.u.) Image
H. geht von der Grundthese der sogenannten «postheroischen Mentalität» aus, man könne nicht gegen eine Atommacht "gewinnen". Das wäre richtig, sofern wir einen ganzheitlichen Krieg gegen Russland führten. Das ist hier aber ... (s.u.) Image
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Two months ago today the missiles started flying into all parts of #Ukraine, eight years after the original invasion in Crimea and east Ukraine.

It's Easter Day for Orthodox believers:
Shchaslyvoho Velykodnya🇺🇦

Day 60 of #PutinsWar on its peaceful neighbour, this is the daily🧵
Shamelessly, Putin went to church on Easter night, just hours after learning his troops had murdered 8 civilians in #Odesa as missiles struck residential buildings

Among the victims this 3 month old baby Kira, her mother Valeriia and grandmother Liudmila.
How many more must die?
One story I am keeping tabs on is the reported kidnapping in #Ukraine of a #Bulgaria diplomat.

The news is just being picked up on in the country after the mayor of #Melitopol announced that Russian soldiers had abducted Honorary Consul, Sergei Zhelev…
Read 49 tweets
Η πολιτιστική κληρονιμιά της #Ουκρανίας βρίσκεται σε κίνδυνο. Αμέτρητα τεκμήρια σε ψηφιακή μορφή από μουσεία, ιδρύματα, βιβλιοθήκες και άλλους πολιτιστικούς οργανισμούς της χώρας κινδυνεύουν να εξαφανιστούν, αν ο κατακτητής αποκτήσει έλεγχο.
Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε:
• The Race to Archive the Ukrainian Internet…
Ετσι, εκατοντάδες εθελοντές όλων των ειδικοτήτων έχουν φτιάξει την συμμαχία Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) με σκοπό να τα σώσουν, και καλούν τον κόσμο να βοηθήσει:
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Εικόνες καταστροφής από το Τσερνίχιβ και το Χοστόμελ που αποτύπωσε και μου έστειλε φίλος Ουκρανός. #Πουτιν #ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ_ΡΩΣΙΑΣ_ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑΣ #Πολεμος_στην_Ουκρανια #Αζοφ #Αζόφ #Chernihiv #Hostomel #RussianWarCrimes #PutinsWarCrimes #PutinWarCrimes #PutinsPuppet #BuchaMassacre
Αυτό φέρνει ο Ρωσικός Κόσμος, η Ρωσία, ο Ρωσικός Φασισμός στον κόσμο: καταστροφή, θάνατο, κατοχή, ανελευθερία, γενοκτονία, κάθε κακό.
Η Ρωσία πρέπει να τιμωρηθεί για τα Εγκλήματά της. Και μαζί κάθε ανίερος υποστηρικτής του Πουτινοναζισμού σε όλο τον κόσμο.
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Εισαγγελέας Διεθνούς Ποινικού Δικαστηρίου: Τόπος Εγκλήματος η μαρτυρική #μπουτσα #BuchaGenocide #BuchaMasacre #RussiaWarCrimes #PutinIsaWarCriminal #PutinsWarCrimes #PutinWarCrimes

Δεν θα αργήσει η αγχόνη της Διεθνούς Δικαιοσύνης να τιμωρήσει παραδειγματικά την Ύβρη του Εγκληματία Πολέμου και Δολοφόνου Πούτιν.

Τα αδιάψευστα Εγκλήματα Πολέμου των Ρώσων στην Ουκρανία καταγράφονται με κάθε λεπτομέρεια από τους αρμόδιους διεθνείς οργανισμούς και φορείς.
Ενώ οι γενναίοι Πρόεδροι Πολωνίας, Λιθουανίας, Εσθονίας και Λετονίας, με την παρουσία τους στο Ηρωικό Κίεβο, διαδηλώνουν την αποφασιστικότητα του Ελεύθερου Κόσμου να πει ΟΧΙ στον Πουτινοναζισμό, που απειλεί την Ευρώπη, την Ελευθερία, τη Δημοκρατία, την ανθρωπιά.
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If you can right now, if you think you have the strength left, please tune into Zelensky's report to the UN Security Council on #Bucha #Irpen live now - no filters, no talking heads - it's time to judge for yourself .. via @dwnews #PutinWarCrimes
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Garry Kasparov shares his thoughts about Putin's invasion of Ukraine 1/4 #Ukraine #Russian #UkraineRussianWar #PutinWarCrimes #Chess @Kasparov63
@Kasparov63 says Putin is a war criminal 2/4 #Ukraine #Russian #UkraineRussianWar #PutinWarCrimes #Chess
The human rights activist and former World Chess Champion characterizes limitations on weapons we supply to Ukraine as cowardice (probably talking about US, EU, and NATO refusing to send fighter jets) 3/4 #Ukraine #Russian #UkraineRussianWar #PutinWarCrimes #Chess @Kasparov63
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A translation of an opinion piece that was on the RIA news in Russian.

Aimed at the Russian people.

Its hard reading and its completely horrific.

But this is what Putin's media is saying to the Russian people to get them to back his genocide

Please share
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