#ScottPelley & #RachaelMorehouse say such request never happened before(to them)🤥
#Israel's Amb #MichaelOren is confronted by #BobSimon,why he tried interfere to STOP this episode WATCH👇#Christians in the #HolyLand
#Palestine is documented in this very special #60Minutes episode.
WATCH how Israel's Ambassador #MichaelOren is confronted by Bob Simon, why he tried interfere to stop this episode
President #Al_Sisi of #Egypt, his mother is a Jew & his Uncle Uri Sebag became a bigwig in #BenGurion’s political party in #Israel, and he was also a Knesset member‼️
#Palestine #Gaza #GroupPalestine

#Egypt's President Sisi's Uncle served in #JDL Jewish Defense League from 1948/1950,later became #BenGurion’s secretary of the #Israeli Labor Party in Beersheba from 1968/1981.