These women were in positions of power - responsible for crimes vs humanity, wars, ethnic cleansing & more!
Know yr history. DON'T repeat it!
We don't need another #WomensWave. We need #revolution!

-massive assaults on poor people
-labeled Black youth "super predators"
-carried out US wars in Middle East as Senator & Sec'y of State
-backed the coup in Honduras
-preached abortion should be "safe, legal, & *rare*"

-supported the 1947-48 #Nakba
-backed war against #Syria & #Egypt
-refused to recognize the right of 350,000 #Palestinians to return to the homes they had been driven from during the 1967 war

-built US “war on terror,”, really a war for greater imperialist empire
-planned US aggression in Afghanistan & Iraq
-chaired the committee that authorized the waterboarding of prisoners

-advocated “humanitarian interventionism”
-played a crucial role in launching the 2011 US/NATO war in Libya
US intervention
-denounced Russia for undermining the US-dominated “international order"