The information available is low in India right now and we have no clue on what's happening there I searched for online resources and I found out a lecture.. #virus
The source for the explanations given below is the following video a Norwegian Webinar in English meant to Educate doctors in #epidemiology and management...
(3) The first alarming case pertains to a man with less epidemiological significance, on probing found out that he had dinner with Chinese tourists *20 days back*. Doctors got suspicious tested for the virus and found it out. Given the large time....
-> 40% of positive tested require Hospitalization
-> 12% of Total Positive tested require ICU care
-> Emergency patients treated with CPAP
-> Patients are triaged based on survivability for intubation
-> Old age patients given less pref
-> Median Age of ICU admission is 65 years
-> Very high mortality more than 80 years
-> New Cases seem to have plateaued but top yet to be attained.
-> Cases require long period of ventilation causing ICU space crunch..
->Elaborate Planning with a network of small and large Hospitals to efficiently utilise the scarce ICU beds
->System operating at full capacity
->Neuro, Pediateric ICUs converted to Covid19 ICUs.
->Healthcare Workers over stressed- some working at 20 hour stretch*7 days..
->Cases low among healthcare workers if PPE properly used.
->Very low mortality in children/neonates
-> Diagnostic queue need to be maintained, not to test everyone ,so as not to overwhelm the system
-> Symptoms point to disease , **Neg swabs doesn't mean absence**..
->Swab Negative turned out many times to be Aspirate positive
- Proper Triage is of utmost importance not to overburden healthcare system.
-> ECMO is reserved for younger patients, ethical use recommended
-> Mortality on longer ventilated people are high, but necessary..
-> Prevention better than treatment. Safe rather than to be sorry.
-> Italy under health crisis.
-> Closure of Cinemas ,Ban on gatherings recommended by prof
-> High level of coordination necessary between Govt and Healthcare Workers
-> Covid 19 Not A Joke..
-> professor expects Italian mortality could reach several thousands if strict lockdown not practiced.
-> Handwashing, Sanitation, Social Isolation and Distancing need of the hour.
-> Governments on the other hand also need to take this seriously.-
-> Italian healthcare, especially in rich Lombardy region is well developed even then the lack of ICU beds require extreme caution in healthcare utilisation..
-> Ventilators/ICU care most important management. Anti retrovirals and Other anti viral drug not much effective
-> No consensus on steroid use.
So basically friends this is the information from Italy from most reliable sources on #Covid19
#COVID19india #COVID2019
All healthcare professionals and government authorities must see this video and learn from Italy.What they did right and where they went wrong and prevent this healthcare crisis
"Prevention is better than Cure"
Professor puts it that 90% of infections are asymptomatic , 10% symptomatic and in those 10% a significant number require Hospitalization and icu care as stated..