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Amtsgericht Schilda:

OLG Zweibrücken, NStZ-RR 1997, 397:
"Hat der Betroffene unter Überschreitung der zulässigen Höchstgeschwindigkeit einen Parkplatz aufgesucht, um seinem durch eine Durchfallerkrankung bedingten Stuhlgang nachzugehen, kann ein Regelfahrverbot nicht [...] Foto von Männeken Pis mit d...
mit der Begründung verhängt werden, daß der Betroffene trotz Anwesenheit einer Beifahrerin gehalten war, notfalls seinem Druck im Magen-Darmbereich während der Fahrt nachzugeben und die Verschmutzung seiner Wäsche in Kauf zu nehmen."
Eine tolle obergerichtliche Entscheidung, die aber einige Fragen noch offen läßt. Muß man sich in Anwesenheit eines männlichen Beifahrers dagegen im Auto entleeren?
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AG Schilda:

Aber es besteht noch etwas Hoffnung. Auf Mitteilung der schlechten Performance wurde uns mitgeteilt, die eAkte werde bereits in ein paar Monaten schneller laufen. Wenn das nächste Amtsgericht mit der eAkte starte, werde nämlich wenigstens mehr Bandbreite gekauft. Foto eines Froschs auf eine...
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Amtsgericht Schilda:

Das neue Symbolbild der digitalen Justiz in Schleswig-Holstein. Man rühmt sich nach außen der digitalen Moderne, stellt gerade den Amtsgerichten in Massensachen aber ein schlechtes Programm mit noch schlechterer Performance zu Verfügung. Image
Die Folge ist ein teilweise erheblicher Mehraufwand für Entscheider und Geschäftsstellen, der Verfahrensdauern erhöhen wird.

#Jura #Justiz #ÖffentlicherDienst #Gericht #Amtsgericht #AG #AmtsgerichtItzehoe #AGItzehoe #AGIZ #Richter #Rechtspfleger #Digital #DigitaleAkte #EAkte
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1· 🔥 Le #16Mars on est là, et on ira jusqu'au retrait ✊
Le cortège de l'#ESR, #étudiant·es et personnels, s'apprête à partir de la place de la Sorbonne pour rejoindre le RDV intersyndical et interpro à 15h à l'Assemblé nationale ‼️

Pour nos #retraites, contre la #précarité 💥 Rassemblement DTR et VNR et...Photo du grand rassemblemen...
2· 🗺️ Comme toujours, la position du cortège #ESR, des #facs, des #écoles, des #ENSA, de la #recherche, des étudiant·es et des personnels, des titulaires et des précaires dans la #manif parisienne, c'est dans ce canal Telegram 📍
Jusqu'au retrait 💥…
3· 👉 Infos sur la suite de la journée, et notamment sur l'#AG interfac IdF des personnels de l'#ESR ce #16Mars à 18h 👇
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At 30 mins in, you’ll hear testimony about something called an “immediate suspension order”. This is the admin tool that DEA used to take away Dr Bockoff’s DEA license & take his assets, w/o having to file charges. #DEACenteredCare #Suicide
And this is the same hearing that billionaire law-firm attorneys used as part of their cases. THIS shows how the #LitigationNarrative has had and is still having a direct, deadly effect on patients’ ability to access and maintain medical care related to rx opioids.
Read 11 tweets
NY #AG #LetitiaJames doubling down after the @CDCInjury put out notice of the guideline update, which included citing serious harms from misapplications of the 2016 version. James made no mention of that & proceeded to urge inclusion of a 50 MME threshold.… ImageImageImage
NY’s #AG, #LetitiaJames appointed attorney David Nachman to lead the Counsel for Opioids and Impact Litigation, knowing his wife is the co-founder of Lyndra pharma, maker of a once a week bupe product that would $ from the abatement funds. @naag #COI… ImageImageImageImage
This just takes the cake. Imagine suing while allowing rampant COIs like this.… Image
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1/ Alpha Leak 🫡

@landxfinance final Testnet is happening soon💎

Best of all, you can win between $100 to $1000 USDC in the Testnet competition.

Let's get in↓ 🧵
2/ Overview

LandX is solving an age-long problem for farmers - access to capital.

Simply put, LandX is a perpetual commodity vault protocol that aims to reduce the impacts of food scarcity on a local and global scale. They're built on @ethereum
3/ LandX is at the forefront of RWA crypto adoption with its innovative solution.

And they're presenting an opportunity for retail investors to earn #RealYields while solving the world hunger crises - by financing farmers.
Read 13 tweets
"L'#Occident soutient le #nazisme à l'#ONU". Retour (et démontage en règle) d'un des arguments les plus retords de la #propagande #russe. Là on est pas sur des #fakenews bidons c'est du sérieux et élaboré. Et on peut lui reconnaître ça [THREAD] 👇
Depuis quelques jours, les #bots du #Kremlin participent à une offensive informationnelle pour nous rappeler le vote à l'ONU où une bonne partie des pays occidentaux se sont abstenus ou ont voté contre la résolution #RU contre le #nazisme. #Nazi est même arrivé en tendance !
Evidement ces "génies" se sont arrêtés au titre car quand on lit le texte on se rendre compte que ce n'est qu'un outil que la #Russie compte utiliser pour défendre ses intérêts. La lutte contre le #nazisme elle s'en tape avec force. Mais de quoi on parle exactement ? 🤔
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Attorney General for India R Venkataramani to shortly speak on his journey in the legal profession at an event organised by Human Rights Defense International.

Follow this thread for updates.
#AG #law #humanrights
AG Venkataramani arrives at the dais. The AG is the president of the Human Rights Defense International organisation.

AoR Sadhna Ramachandran: Venkataramani is the first lawyer to be selected as AG without holding any other office. Is an activist, Sr Adv, poet, author, mentor, scholar.

Read 30 tweets
Gorsuch's question suggests he is willing to limit dormant Commerce Clause to pure discrimination. Seems like Republican Justices did not take #Prop12 case to side with #hog industry, but to increase state's power to pass laws.
Gorsuch compares @NPPC & @FarmBureau to Lochner. That's the #SCOTUS equivalent of saying "come on man."
Also asks why courts should get into policy balancing as required by #BigAg's rule.
Calling it now #Prop12 stands, at least 6-3 (Dems + Thomas, Barrett, Gorsuch).
May get a dissent saying that the Courts should have applied Pike balancing by Alito and Barrett and saying it should survive a motion to dismiss. But, that's it.
Read 42 tweets
A strong Israel makes America more secure.

The House just passed the largest-ever funding package to Israel — including $4.8 billion in security assistance & missile defense funding — demonstrating overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress for the U.S.-Israel relationship.
$1 billion in emergency Iron Dome funding.

Iron Dome has saved countless Israeli and Palestinian lives and helps prevent war.
Read 18 tweets
New publication by @NavdanyaInt: Bill Gates & his Fake solutions to #ClimateChange" - Technofixes, Industrial Ag, Billionaires Ventures, & Fake Food will not save our Planet - Biodiversity & Agroecology are True Solutions to Climate Change @drvandanashiva
Behind a humanitarian veil, Bill Gates favours the interests of corporations, promoting failed technological solutions that harm ecosystems & divert attention from the deep systemic changes needed to address the crises we are facing today @drvandanashiva
The common thread that runs through all Bill Gates' programs is the idea that innovation and the market will always save us, that any problem can (and should only) be solved through technology @drvandanashiva #Gates2GlobalEmpire
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NEW 📰 IPES-Food & @ETC_Group launch the #LongFoodMovement report | What would 2045 look like if it's still "agribusiness-as-usual"? Or can civil society & social movements prevail for healthy, equitable & sustainable #foodsystems? 🌍

Discover more at 🌱
"Agribusiness-as-usual" means a powerful few control #food tech & farming #data.

But civil society can fight back.

A #LongFoodMovement can boost post-pandemic resilience, slash emissions in ag. by 75%, & shift $4 trillion to sustainable food & farming:
A 'Long Food Movement' can boost post-#pandemic resilience, slash emissions in #agriculture and food systems by 75%, and shift $4 trillion to sustainable food & farming.

🔎 Find out more

#LongFoodMovement #biodiversity #OneHealth
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De resultaten van de derde ronde PCR-#GORGELEN in #Scholen van @MichiWagner4 zijn bekend.

5% van alle scholen in Oostenrijk getest. Prevalentie 0,21%
Dark number is lager dan in ronde 1&2.
Deze AG-tests hebben slechts 1/4 tot 1/5 vd besmette lln gedetecteerd. Niet elke lln die door het net glipt, is infectueus, maar tóch wel enkelen die een ct-waarde hadden die ondanks de AG-tests nog infectueus waren. @RapidtestsEU
Onze data tonen wie er op #scholen niets heeft gemerkt van de besmetting. Wordt een kind tóch symptomatisch, dan is de kans groot dat #B117 in het spel zit en wordt het extern getest en is het niet meer op school.
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#EpicFail. We are not a #SovereignNation anymore. We are not a #Democracy anymore. #Insurrection will be repeated at every election, but they won't wait till then. This was just the rehearsal. #Republicans did this because they knew they could never get legit elected again. #Coup
Why don't you give the rest of those #CapitolPolice & your 400 intimidated staffers more medals? Lots of good that will do when someone comes to kill them! You sweep it under the rug. No wonder some police felt so betrayed they went home & killed themselves. They should all quit.
@LeaderMcConnell says "Prosecute him!" b/c that way, the full extent of #McConnell's involvement in the #coup will not be laid bare. Sure #ProsecuteTrump, that ought to be easy after #MAGATerrorists come back w/30K guns in May as they promised & #QAnonShaman is confirmed as #AG. Image
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I think we might witness a massive #SilverSqueeze soon 🧐🧐🧐

The 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 supporting it so far 👇🏻
(a thread):

$XAG #AG #XAGUSD #silver #silvershortsqueeze #macrosandchaos Silver squeeze macrosandchaos
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#Bundeskanzlerin Merkel:

#DeutscheBahn braucht
kürzere #Fahrzeiten,
schnelleren #Netzausbau,
bessere #Technik

Wer war nochmal die letzten 15 Jahre in der #Regierung ?
Welche Fraktion stellte die #Bundesverkehrsminister?… via @RND_de
#Bundestagswahl :

#Grüne wollen die #Deutsche #Bahn #AG in ihrer jetzigen Form auflösen:

1 Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts nur für das Netz,
unabhängig von Personen- und Gütertransporteuren.…
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Spot on!
All the fundamentals used to be bearish up to early September,with an august weather being a lottery ticket as usual, due to its critical stage for crop development. However, even knowing that drought is not enough to fail USA crop beans,I kept my bullish sentiment +
1. As we are amidst a new trend for mkt due to Covid-19 impact, the huge monetary infusion as a response for its Outspread, sooner or later would turn on reflationary expectations all over the world. As commodities traditionally tends to reflect a value reserve protection +
Managed money’s would take its aim to agricultural ones, due to metallic ones being heavily overbought. The ongoing asset allocation rebalance, proves to be the major driver for this upward trend for ag futures,ignoring all the bearishness mood in the fundamentals
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NEW: Rural communities in British Columbia are racing to establish temporary camp sites with washrooms and enough space for physical distancing for domestic farm workers from elsewhere in Canada.… @TorontoStar #COVID19
The working conditions faced by migrant workers from other countries such as Mexico have been under the spotlight of late amid concerns over #COVID19 outbreaks and several deaths in Ontario farms due to the virus.… @TorontoStar
What the public may not know is that for thousands of Canadian youth, picking fruit while camping in orchards is a long-standing way to save money.

But in the time of #COVID19, some farm camp sites don’t meet health and safety standards.… @TorontoStar
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20 Tips for 2020 Ag Graduates🔥

With new grads coming into the #ag industry this month I thought it would be helpful to put together a list of tips for the best and brightest to have in mind as they begin their careers.

Most of these can go beyond ag as well!
1. Ask Questions

Don’t let the feeling of looking stupid keep you from asking questions. Many others have the same question and you’ll have more confidence in that answer moving forward.
You don’t know everything. You never will (no matter what your degree says). But you can try. In order to do this, you need to ask questions + listen to those more experienced. You don’t have to agree with others opinions, but sometimes their perspective is what you need.
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Remember this is the @SheriffBernal all the #LocalTrump types paid $500,000 to get into office?
And @RepJimmyPanetta so cozy with ‘Judge’ John Phillips (who clings to his title like an incontinent old man clings to his diaper) with #PLASHAWILL as the bag woman for both of these two: (and #BipartisanJimmy is silent on #MoCo #corruption 🤔)
And the multi-hundred millionaire #WarrenWayland who had the @CityofSalinas and County of Monterey name a stadium after him at the #Salinas Community Center. The #accountant who has paid huge fines for failing to timely report many, many campaign contributions?
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#VarantAkademi'ye #GümüşVarantları ile devam ediyoruz.
🛡️Dayanak varlığı Ons #Gümüş olan varantlardır.
🛡️Kısa kodu #AG ile başlar.
🛡️Veri sağlayıcı terminalde dayanak varlığı #xagusd koduyla takip edilir.
#Gümüş varantlarında vade sonu uzlaşma fiyatı nedir?
🛡️İtfa günü #Bloomberg #BFIX ekranında #xagusd kuru için #Borsaistanbul pay piyasası süreli işlem kapanış saatinde sabitlenen ortalamadır.
🛡️Gümüş varantlarından elde edilen karlar %10 stopaja tabidir. Stopaj kaynağında kesilir.
🛡️Düşük işlem komisyonu ve işlem yapabilmek için teminat gerektirmemesi gümüş varantlarının avantajları arasında yer alır.
#işVarant #VarantAkademi #varant
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Analysis: #NYSE $AG

Case 98 #FirstMajestic Silver Corp

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

Thread 👇👇👇

#AG 1/4
Chart 1
Monthly Chart: Price is stable and the uptrend is beginning to develop. The falling #trendline (red) is not much of a concern. Price actually needs to close above the .....

AG 2/4
..... sloping #resistance line (orange) and once this is achieved we should then expect to see a challenge on 22.60 where resistance is anticipated to be tough. The main object remains 27.70.

AG 3/4
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State #AttorneysGeneral are holding the line for democracy in the courts.

10 Attorney General seats are up for re-election in #Elections2020

THREAD of all Democratic Candidates
There are 26 Democratic & 24 GOP #AttorneysGeneral.
@DemocraticAGs took cue from red states that regularly sued Obama administration & started challenging Trump administration in court the 1st month he took office.
There have been 87 multi-state legal actions since then.
An important court case being fought by @DemocraticAGs was filed by GOP #AttorneysGeneral & jeopardizes healthcare for 130 million+ Americans. #ProtectOurCare
GOP states who are on lawsuit to take away healthcare: TX AL AR AZ FL GA IN* KS LA* MO* NE ND SC SD TN UT* WV*

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