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Pour réduire l'#inflation, le système-dette doit réduire la monnaie en circulation.

Plusieurs voies sont possibles :

1/ remonter les taux d'intérêts pour rendre la création monétaire par le crédit plus difficile d'accès

Risque : crise financière -> crise économique -> chômage
2/ couper le robinet monétaire magique de la banque centrale pour freiner l'endettement des États et des multinationales

Risque : cf 1/
3/ pousser l'État à des politiques d'austérité (davantage de taxes et impôts, moins de dépenses publiques, privatisation des services publics) pour réduire la création monétaire via la dette publique.

Risque : mouvements sociaux (retraites, hôpital), chaos social (gilets jaunes)
Read 10 tweets
Thread : "l'inflation des actifs, oui ! L'inflation du pauvre, non !"

Elon #Musk et Jeff Bezos semblent vouloir entrer en guerre contre l'administration #Biden, responsable selon eux de l'#inflation record qui touche l'économie américaine.

Tant que l'argent magique était injecté sur les marchés financiers et servait à gonfler à l'hélium le cours de bourse de Tesla et Amazon, on n'a pas entendu ces deux zigotos se plaindre.

Maintenant que la monnaie magique est injectée dans l'économie réelle avec un plan de dépense publique de $3500 milliards, ce qui est une des causes de l'inflation des prix à la consommation, les deux multi milliardaires sortent du bois.
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Aug 9 2021: "#Mineral exploration company #KoBold Metals, backed by billionaires including Jeff #Bezos & Bill #Gates, has signed an agreement w/ [] Bluejay Mining to search in #Greenland for critical materials used in electric vehicles."…
Sept 8 2021: "#BHP inks exploration deal w/ #Gates & #Bezos-backed #KoBold Metals"

"The world’s largest miner & the Silicon Valley-based tech firm will jointly fund & operate exploration"

The #greatreset of plunder - under guise of climate mitigation.…
Feb 5 2021: "#KoBold Metals grows global exploration footprint"

"The Gates-Bezos backed firm now has active exploration projects in #Zambia, #Quebec, #Saskatchewan, #Ontario, & Western #Australia."…
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Thread: it is , anyway, only a costly loan son of #QE, and unintended consequences abound. Here are some, in no particular order: (/)
@Halsrethink @amlivemon @nglinsman @chigrl @DavidBCollum @DiMartinoBooth
1. of course, there are not enough super rich to go around so this would trickle down to middle income / middle wealth families. Moreover, will pension plans be excluded? #401K, #IRAs? (/)
2. but let's assume there are: what will be the evaluation price? taxing EARNED financial income means that demand has balanced the supply generating that income. In this case, since no stake gets sold, that won't happen.(/)
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"The delusions of the #rulingclass, which I have come to believe are more advanced & also less treated despite access to health care, are imposed on society, top to bottom. Their own #psychological #poverty must be compensated for, or duplicated, in the lower classes."
"They are tearing away the humanness from #culture, but only up to a point because they don’t really know the ingredients for #human. Just as they don’t experience desire, only an obsessive impulse for power and hoarding." Image
"If #Bezos or #Musk didn’t have wealth to hoard, they would be like those old men in pension hotels, their rooms stacked to the ceiling with fading and deteriorating magazines, and old milk cartons." Image
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🔴 AO VIVO - Homem mais rico do mundo, Bezos viaja hoje ao espaço; G1 transmite #G1 #Bezos #BlueOrigin Image
Bezos X Branson: Veja quais as diferenças entre os voos dos bilionários ao espaço #G1 #Bezos #RichardBranson Image
O voo de Bezos promete ser o primeiro suborbital sem piloto e tripulado #G1 #vooespacial
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As @richardbranson, @JeffBezos & @elonmusk race to get into space, I’m reminded of that Gil Scott Heron song:

“I can't pay no doctor bill
(but Whitey's on the moon)
Ten years from now I'll be payin' still
(while Whitey's on the moon)”
#Branson #Unity22
Gil Scott/Heron’s stand-up was very funny & always ‘political’

“When I went to see “Jaws”, I identified with the shark. Jaws was the home team. He was in the water. This is where sharks are known to be. You go to the beach, he goes to the supermarket.”
#BREAKING: Exclusive footage of Branson blasting off! #Unity22 #Branson #RichardBranson #SpaceX #VirginGalactic #Bezos #Musk
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@kittynouveau I started working a paycheck paying job at 14. The federal minimum wage? $2.30 an hour. What are servers and many food service workers making 44 years later? $2.15 an hour.

I'm 58 and still having to work minimum or close to minimum wage jobs. Yes, I have a degree. Back at it 2.
@kittynouveau 2/ I'm higher educated. I grew up true middle to upper middle class. My parents were the first generation off the farm/off the line. My adult life hasn't been 9-5 though, at times, I've strove for such. What did working from 14-34, becoming an unpaid family member caregiver the
@kittynouveau 3/ next 20 years, then reentering the paycheck paying workforce at the age of 53 with virtually no claim to actual marketable skill sets, not to mention the challenges of weight prejudice ageism, and neurodivergence - what have my experiences taught me?
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Accordo #G7Fin: con l'aliq. minima eff. al 15% l'🇮🇹 (stime @gabriel_zucman) ambirebbe a 2,7 MLD di € di extra-gettito nel 2021 prevalentemente da utili sotto-tassati realizzati extra-IT dalle MNC residenti nello Stivale. Con il 21% proposto originariamente da Biden, ma non... 1/
..supportato esplicitamente dal nostro GOV, l'extra-gettito nel 2021 arriverebbe a 7,6 MLD di €. Inoltre, come importante mercato per tante multinazionali digitali e non, l'🇮🇹 potrebbe beneficiare notevolmente da un adeguato riconoscimento di diritti fiscali su utili.. 2/
.."generati in Italia da remoto" da MNC estere che sono contabilizzati e.g. nei Paesi di residenza dei colossi corporate e non soggetti a tassazione in Italia. E su cosa si è accordato il #G7FIN? 3/
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Let me start by saying, I do believe in Free Competition and Capitalism, what I do NOT believe in is Crony Capitalism or have State Based Capitalism (in which politicians are bought off to do corporate bidding). For about 2 decades, #Bezos and #Amazon destroyed the livelihood of
Millions of Americans and disrupted 100,000 plus communities; in the process making himself hundreds of billions of dollars. Non Exclusive List: 1) The Retail Tax Base (much of the competition of Amazon had to collect taxes and in industry of people switching over 1-2 percent,
this 5-10% advantage was Unfair) 2) Property Tax Base (aside from devastating State Sales Tax Revenues), Amazon crushed Local Communities tax bases by building facilities that often time were subsidized by taxpayers of other States. Very strange indeed that this is allowed to
Read 10 tweets
Das wär eine Schussfolgerung: Die #BlackWeek der politischen Sprache geht ihrem unverdienten Ende zu. Wie war die Nacht auf den Freitag? Wie war die Yacht, Herr #Bezos? # # #
ä Das bißchen Freiheitsillusion 20% AUF ALLES !
Read 3 tweets
Aujourd’hui, j’ai un peu de #temps (je blague), et je tente un #thread #scpo sur la #démocratie, parce que c’est un tout petit peu d‘actualité. Et oui, je vais mettre des #mèmes Internet parce que, en vrai autocrate, je trouve cela très très drôle. Prêts ?
2) D’abord, la #démocratie, ce n’est pas la #République (la chose publique). La République, c’est moi...euh, c’est quand le #pouvoir est exercé par tout ou partie du peuple (exit la monarchie) et que les élus représentent plus que le peuple (la #Nation dixit #Sieyes).
3) Les #députés représentent l’intérêt #général plus que le peuple. Utile pour voter une loi impopulaire, comme l’interdiction de la peine de mort (#Badinter), ou la taxe carbone sur l’essence. Encore faut-il bien prouver l’intérêt général (n’est ce pas les gilets jaunes ?).
Read 34 tweets
So @TuckerCarlson finally gets its, most of us already knew, and in plain sight so will you.
#Voting #Manipulation #Democracts & #BigTech
1. Electronic Voting is not as secure as hand counting. Voters can see it and it makes them nervous. Leaders given every reason to not trust the technology.
2. #Tucker "The people who are now telling us to stop asking questions about #VotingMachines are the same ones who claim our phones weren't listening to us, they lie
Read 33 tweets
#JeffBezos becomes the first person on #Earth to be worth more than $200 billion - by @preeti_msoni…

@JeffBezos @amazon Image
#JeffBezos just became the first person on earth to garner a record $200 billion of wealth. #Bezos isn’t just the wealthiest man but the only person to have that amount of money in modern history.

His wealth is double that of the world’s second-richest person and Microsoft founder @BillGates.
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Non tutti quelli che usano #Amazon sanno che la creatura di #Bezos condivide molte informazioni relative ai propri utenti tramite il profilo "community" associato a ciascun account: se siete tra questi, vi consiglio di spendere due minuti per proteggere i vostri dati.

Quello che sto per dire sarà probabilmente arcinoto a molti di voi, quindi non aspettatevi uno scoop inaudito: si tratta semplicemente di una mini-guida realizzata a beneficio dei tanti utenti Amazon che non sono ancora al corrente della potenziale "invasività" del servizio. /2
Partiamo dall'inizio. Il noto principio della Privacy by Default, introdotto nell’articolo 25 del GDPR e punto cardine delle misure tecniche ed organizzative imposte al titolare del trattamento al fine di tutelare i dati da trattamenti potenzialmente illeciti, non sembra /3
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1. ora voglio aiutarvi a leggere inchiesta del #WashingtonPost sull'azienda #CryptoAG che, rivelava il WashPost era un completo asset della #CIA. Ecco l'inchiesta che avete letto tutti (inglese):…
2. intanto non potete capire l'inchiesta del #WashingtonPost sull'azienda #CryptoAG se non mettete a fuoco una cosa fondamentale: l'inchiesta è del #WashingtonPost, che non è più quello di #TuttiGliUominiDelPresidente,#WashPost oggi ha un padrone: #Bezos,Signore di #Amazon
3. #Amazon è la nuova potenza militare, come ricostruisce #TechnologyReview (inglese):… #Amazon puntava forte fortissimamente a uno dei contratti più lucrosi di sempre: il progetto #JEDI
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Hacking of Bezos timeline = scary. In 2016, Russia hacked campaign to influence US Presidential election, in 2020, we allegedly have Saudi (MBS) hacking major US corporate leader For negative influence campaign…
MBS meets Trump at White House March 20, 2018. According Bezos timeline, Bezos gets invite to dinner with MBS - March 21,2018. April 4, 2018 Bezos & MBS connect on WhatsApp
While we wallow in an impeachment hearing about foreign influence in An election, someone might want to ask the White House if they had any discussions about Bezos with MBS
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Predictions are useless but predicting is invaluable (scenario planning)
@profgalloway #2020predictions
#Snap is less corrosive / damaging to teens
#Tesla trades at 3x the value of auto companies, worth more than Ford & GM combined, dramatically overvalued
#SherylSandberg 2nd best paid person who does the most damage (after Zuck)—she's erased from FB like Trotsky from photos
#HBOMax = like going to the Louvre & saying "let's scale this"—biggest brand blunder of 2018
#AWS is worth more than #Amazon—will be spun out
Choice is a bad thing, people want less choice but to be confident in the choices they're making
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Trump's pal David Pecker tried to blackmail Jeff Bezos. Big mistake. Huge.

"Any personal embarrassment AMI [publisher of National Enquirer] could cause me takes a back seat...If in my position I can’t stand up to this kind of extortion, how many people can?" -@JeffBezos
Jeff Bezos: David Pecker was “apoplectic” about our investigation...the Saudi angle seems to hit a particularly sensitive nerve.

AMI sources say that in return for the catch & kill operation, Trump introduced Pecker to funding sources: Prince MBS.
Read 15 tweets
This is a re-thinking thread. Entertainment vs Education edition.
I cancelled #Netflix a while ago. I urge you to consider doing the same. #CancelNetflix. Obama has a 2-year content production contract with Netflix since Soros/Susan Rice took over.…
Yes I know you want to be entertained, you want to binge watch, but your dollars are going straight to the #EnemyOfThePeople. You give your money to #Soros/#Bezos. You are donating to the enemies of @POTUS. #BoycottAmazon #BoycottWAPO #BoycottNetflix #Trump2020
I started reading about the #C_A a few months ago. #ThisIsNotAGame. This civilian '#Intelligence"agency is at the heart of the #ShadowGovernement (#DeepStateSwamp). The #C_A was run by #JohnBrennan during the Obama years. Think of the damage done with a man like him in power.
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Phénomène majeur, masqué par l'ère #Trump, déjà noté ici: l'appropriation par de grands milliardaires industriels, surtout des nouvelles technologies, des journaux et #médias US qui restait jusqu'ici la propriété de groupes familiaux "spécialisés" dans la #presse...RT+1 #àlire
2) Jusqu'ici, cette domination des milliardaires US à la tête des journaux US passe assez inaperçue car beaucoup des titres sont plutôt de tradition "libérale", critique envers #Trump (le Washington Post de Bezos, le Atlantic de Jobs etc.)et grâce à des garde-fous déontologiques
3) Mais des amis et financeurs de #Trump (Adelson, Ricketts) ont déjà acheté des journaux et mis au pas des rédactions voire liquider des titres en cas de syndicalisation. A terme, risque d'1 évolution renforcée vers la ploutocratie de la démocratie US.…
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