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#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
Read 26 tweets
#Here is #How #Modi #reduced #Corruption in #NewIndia
SUMMARY: Introduce a Law that Dissuades reporting of Corruption.

It’s a long #Thread. so please stay with me.

In July 2018, the Govt passed the Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2013.

#AntiCorruption #Corruption #NewIndia work of #Genius

How does this Amendment change things?

(A) Post Amendment, the #Bribe #Giver would also be considered a #criminal or penalizing the bribe giver and bribe taker on equal terms.
#AntiCorruption #Corruption #NewIndia work of #Genius

(B) The Amended Act will facilitate confiscation of the offender’s property

Looking at A & B, who in their right mind will COMPLAIN about being forced to give a bribe?
Read 15 tweets
It’s called already knowing who everyone is & getting everyone to see who they truly are … The colors so many show, a lot of times have no idea they are putting out those true colors.
Lots of filthy mirrors in the world today, filthy to the point where even with someone looking
At themselves in the mirror, they don’t see themselves …
Much of the world as been so used to acting A certain way that it feels/looks “Normal” to them acting as so many do. Once Ones start opening their minds & eyes, they start seeing their own true colors the way God sees
Them …
They start seeing what they thought to be “normal”, was actually them walking around in this world PRE PROGRAMMED to act/live this way purposely by corruption for such A long time that they strayed so far away from the paths God has set in front of them from birth ..
Read 17 tweets
Du fait de l'#amélioration technologique, le #facteur de #charge des nouvelles #éoliennes #terrestres augmente partout dans le monde. Autour de 20 % dans les années 1990, il est désormais compris entre 30 et 50 % (!) dans de nombreux pays Image
En l'espace de 10 ans, le facteur de charge des nouvelles éoliennes installées en #France est ainsi passé de 26 à 32 %, soit une augmentation de 22 % de la production à puissance installée égale.
Alors qu'en moyenne 1 MW d'une éolienne installée en 2010 produit 2,3 GWh/an, 1 MW d'une éolienne installée en France en 2020 produit 2,8 GWh/an.
Read 19 tweets
#Impfstoff“-Chargen-LOTTO: Mit etwas Pech gewinnst Du eine #Charge m. bis zu 3000x #Toxizität mit vielen #Hospitalisierungen/#Todesfälle|n… 70-80% Chargen sind clean, 1 von etwa 200 aber FATAL! Nachvollziehbar bewiesen durch BigData-Auswertungen von VAERS/Chargen-Nr./Meldungen. ImageImage
#MikeYeadon (Ex-head Research #Pfizer): „Turning to your discoveries from smart analyses of batches in VAERS, the descending series of batches/adverse events for the Pfizer #vaccine is without doubt the most frightening & disturbing figure I’ve ever seen. …patterns have meaning“
#VAERS database provided the batches in time sequence, and has records of all the #adversereactions associated with each batch. So it was a simple task to create a graph showing how #toxicity of the #batches varied with time over the entire year of #2021.
Read 6 tweets
Judith Heumann a lifelong #advocate for rights of disabled people — one of the most influential voices in the disability rights movement said — "Independent living is not doing things by yourself. It is being in #charge of how things are done."
#UserLed #PeerLeaders #HomeAgain
This quote describes the #essence behind Home Again as an approach.
During the course of time the innovation and its #ethos has been shaped, directed and scaled-up by marginalised folks with psychosocial disabilities allowing many others like them to frame their #unique pathways and aspirations to well-being with #agency and #autonomy.
Read 4 tweets
Quelques remarques sur la théorie néo-classique du (supposé) #marché du #travail. Chaque année, quand on aborde cette #modélisation avec les élèves, les mêmes erreurs d'interprétations (bien compréhensibles) se rencontrent. #Thread 1/22
Le modèle canonique explique que la #demande de travail des entreprises (= les offres d'emplois, la demande de bras) diminue quand le niveau de #salaire horaire réel (hors inflation) augmente, ce qui permet de tracer une belle courbe descendante sur un repère Prix/Quantités. 2/22
Au passage, attention à la lecture de ce type de graphique néo-classique, hérité de Fleeming Jenkin, 1870. Notre #cerveau a du mal à comprendre que ce qui est à gauche sur l'#abscisse représente… une petite quantité.
Et que ce qui est à droite … est une grande quantité. 3/22
Read 24 tweets

Il y a 2 ans, @GaelGiraud_CNRS nous faisait une démonstration de la différence not. entre #BiensCommuns et #BiensTribaux ou #BiensClub
C'est ma 3ème écoute et je vous avoue que j'essaie encore d'insérer cette lecture dans mes travaux pour #DABiensCommuns
Il faudrait savoir si le caractère de droit administratif d'une gestion en commun d'une chose serait le gage d'une réelle administration de la ressource en #Commun, tandis que le droit judiciaire permettrait de seulement à la Communauté de gérer la ressource en #Club
Dès lors, les choses communes en droit judiciaire seraient administrés par un #Club (une Copropriété/ Coopérative/ Patrimoine d'un foyer matrimonial).
Le droit de propriété permettant de définir une barrière entre les membres et tiers ...
Read 17 tweets
#DeepikaPadukone: #No_Hasty_Actions_Please

Warning: #Hash_tags in this article are purely coincidental and aren't meant to be taken seriously. Do not Google their meanings. You will end up on same page.
While the whole Hindu Right Wing is baying for Deepika Padukone's blood, I have a different take. I cannot shun this responsibility to post my thoughts about Deepika. I advocate no #Hash_Tea actions against her. Let me elaborate.
We should never forget Deepika is a woman of #substance. She is made of sterner #stuff. She's managed to create her own identity away from her father's shadow and done her best to #weed out nepotism in cinema field.
Read 10 tweets
Sérgio Rodrigues | Mentiras não deixam de ser mentiras quando alguém acredita nelas; discurso de Bolsonaro na abertura da Assembleia Geral da ONU foi uma bela coleção de potocas, quimeras e maxambetas…
Flávia Boggio | Bolsonaro antecipa 1º de abril: presidente pregou uma enorme pegadinha em todo o planeta (@flaviaboggio)…
@flaviaboggio Esta é a charge de @Benett_ publicada na #folha nesta quinta (24). Quer ver mais charges no jornal? Acesse #charge #humor #fsp #folhadespaulo #folha 📱 Assine a Folha, um jornal a serviço da democracia:
Read 3 tweets
🔴 Du coup, quels sont les sujets « Sociaux » sur lesquels vous avez changé d'avis ? 🙃

Faisons une fois de plus primer le courage de pouvoir changer son opinion, que la honte de s'être trompé 👈
Personnellement :
- J'ai mis beaucoup de temps à comprendre le #BlackFace
- J'avais une posture abolitionniste de la #Prostitution qui a plutôt évolué (même si je ne suis pas encore arrêté), un bon podcast qui illustre la problématique du sujet :
- J'avais un apriori assez caricatural de l'écriture #inclusive, m’intéresser vraiment au sujet m'a rendu plutôt sympathisant même si je lui trouve toujours de véritables défauts.

- J'ai mis un moment à comprendre la notion de #Charge #Mentale dans le féminisme.
Read 10 tweets

So frustrating to #know the answer to the question of how to formulate that #TheoryOfEverything #scientists say is the biggest unsolved problem in #physics, yet they don't even want to look at it:…

Wave-particle duality a #mystery?
What I've found is rather astonishing:

The #mathematics used by #Maxwell are inconsistent.

He left the magnetic vector potential field [A] undefined and decoupled from the #medium thus creating #MaxwellsHole, which introduced an unwarrented #gauge #freedom in the model...
It is this #gauge #freedom thst led to the #hack known as #Quantum #Madness.

Really, it doesn't take a PhD to figure out that when you believe particles can exist at two places at the same time, you have a mental problem.…
Read 20 tweets
8. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq

#Iraq #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren
1. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼…
2. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq 🤨👇🏼
Read 118 tweets

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