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Jun 11th 2023
@iltalehti_fi "-länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”:
#Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna…
@iltalehti_fi #Kusetus
cc: @ odefinn
Johan oli.. meidän onnemme että #Venäjä näkee läpi tuon Suomen valtiovallan kansan kusettamisen, ilman sitä olisimme todella #kusessa.
@iltalehti_fi @kokoomus @Demarit @vasemmisto @persut @keskusta @KDpuolue @sfprkp @vihreat #Zdokumentti eli #SateenkaariSanna
- "länsimaiset '#poliitikot' ”eivät aja omien maidensa etuja, vaan ovat #marionetteja globaalien #eliitti'en käsissä”: ImageImageImageImage
Read 33 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
"Doctor, the cancer has spread to the brain. Would he be alive for atleast 3-4months? There are so many things we want to do for him " 2 children enquiring about their elderly father brought in with seizures
Read on this miraculous story.
#CancerAwareness #oncology #MedTwitter
An elderly patient who was diagnosed as #lungcancer 2 years back presented to the ER at 5 pm with multiple episodes of seizures. He couldnt speak, recognise his daughters and was having slurring of speech. His consciousness levels were low
#CancerAwareness #oncology #MedTwitter
A MRI of the brain done showed one of the most tragic sights-multiple areas of the brain affected by Cancer deposits. In the image you can see them as the fluffy white spots.
#lungcancer #MedTwitter #oncology
Read 22 tweets
Jan 16th 2023
(1/23) This thread is mainly addressed to my #German followers, but it could also be interesting for those who always wanted to know how Germany could become the most culturally leftist country on the European continent. Accordingly, this thread is a #political #commentary by me.
(2/23) It is about the historical personality of the first post-war chancellor, Konrad Adeneauer. I also would like to finally dispel a myth that still plagues German conservatives, by which I do not mean recationaries, but all those who do not want to destroy their own country.
(3/23) This myth is the myth of the "good old", #50s and #60s, #CDU (Christian Democratic Party) and the question of what role a post-war #Germany could have played if #Adenauer and his party had not made completely wrong decisions about essential political directions.
Read 24 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
#COP27 Your #CarbonTax is rising.
#UN '#climatechange' conference delegates to stay at five-star hotels and luxury resorts | Nov 4
- #SharmElSheikh was built up by the Egyptian govt to become a luxury tourist destination for the world’s richest.…
Read 17 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
#Truss quits after turmoil obliterated her authority | 1h ago
- Making a hastily scheduled statement outside #SesameStreet 10 office, Truss acknowledged that “I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.”…
#SesameStreet Elmo's World:
You've got mail.'
#SesameStreet Elmo's World
Read 11 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
Follow this #CardioTwitter #Thread
to get an overview of ALL
🚨#ESCcongress #HotLineSessions🚨

➡️14 #OnePager #CongressCards
➡️Links to on-demand stream
➡️Jorunal weblinks
➡️Hashtag of the author/presenter

PART 1 ⬇️
On-demand ESC 📺:

1.1./ #TIME trial - The Treatment in Morning versus Evening study.

On-demand ESC 📺:

Read 25 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 1 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this thread!
2) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. It was held in May. Our expert author is Dr. Sheila Bermejo (@shbermejo) from @vallhebron in Barcelona, Spain.
3) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME & is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US- or UK-based based HCPs. Accreditation statement & faculty disclosures at
Read 43 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
Yes. #ObiWanKenobi show has changed #StarWars #ANewHope #ANH slightly, it doesn't change the undergirding of ANH, it's a nuanced addition.

In the books, only a few people knew #DarthVader was #AnakinSkywalker. Some #Jedi figured it out. #Thrawn figured it out like c'mon dude.
#GrandMoffTarkin sorted it out or someone told him, I forget. Of course, the #Emperor knew that #DarthVader = #AnakinSkywalker. #AhsokaTano found out. #ObiWanKenobi discovered it was true in the show.
#Reva knew. Here's the clincher - did the babies know? Did Luke and Leia really know? Did #DarthVader know that Luke & Leia were his kids? NO! That's not going to change from the OT. Ever. That's the rule.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on Cardiorenal Disease in T2D & the Impact of Blocking the MR in Patients w/DKD, another CE/#CME program by one of the @GoggleDocs, this time our friend @AmarPut, Diabetes & Endocrine Consultant in the West Midlands 🇬🇧. #CaReMe #FOAMed Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer & is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at CE/#CME credit 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
3) So first – the ‘triple threat’ . . . We know of the link between the 🫀 and the kidneys and the ‘#cardiorenal’ syndrome, but what about in the setting of #diabetes?
Read 55 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
In patients with #HFpEF, treatment with #empagliflozin improves clinical outcomes regardless of background #MRA therapy…
@JACCJournals #JACC @unic_cardiovasc @JavedButler1 @FaiezZANNAD #MiltonPacker @robmentz @BiykemB @HFpEF @ShelleyZieroth
#MRAs were used in 37% of EMPEROR-Preserved study participants. MRA use was higher in those with a more congested clinical picture, with more HF🏥 within the past 12 months, worse HF symptoms, mildly reduced EF, higher NT-proBNP levels, and more use of loop diuretic agents
The effect of empagliflozin to reduce HF 🏥 was more pronounced in MRA nonusers than in MRA users, particularly in the subgroup of patients with LVEFs ≥50% @HFpEF @DrRyanPDaly @AndrewJSauer @AnastasiaSMihai @DrMarthaGulati @ErinMichos @ShelleyZieroth @mvaduganathan
Read 8 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial from our good friends and #diabetes experts @GoggleDocs, specifically @drkevinfernando, @drpatrickholmes, & @AmarPut. They have put their 🗣️s together to provide us with a summary of the first-ever consensus statement from ...
2) ... @AmDiabetesAssn & @goKDIGO, which were discussed at the recently concluded #isnwcn congress in Kuala Lumpur. This joint document nicely summarizes important recent advances and practice-changing data for the management of diabetic #kidneydisease #DKD.
3) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists #nursepractitioners & is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US based healthcare professionals.
Read 29 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Great discussion last night with the #EMPEROR in the room
Thanks @JavedButler1 @DrNasrien @hswapnil & Dr. Bayes
If you want to view the recording the link is here:…

We started with @hswapnil disclosing his #flozinator status & how we all need to be as well
@hswapnil showed that until now for CKD, every trial of other drugs has essentially failed.
Although renal function was not a 10 (or 2o or even 3o) endpoint of EMPA trials, the benefits were seen
Work by @ChristosArgyrop (🥬Lover & #Flozinator) showed Renal & CVD benefits #SGLT2i
@hswapnil @uOttawa mentioned that mechanism of how renal protection with #SGLT2i occurs unknown. But asked the proactive question: "Does it Matter?"...and now he is a cardiologists according to @JavedButler1

Group Hug Endo/Cards/Nehpro

@DBelardoMD @DLBHATTMD @ChristosArgyrop
Read 7 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
🧵🔟Tweets sobre los cambios de las nuevas guías #IC @escardio

1️⃣Definición y diagnóstico IC
📌ICrEF: FEVI< 40%
📌IC con FEVI ligeramente reducida. 40-49%
📌IC preservada: FEVI>50%

👉Diagnóstico IC: TAC IIa en baja intermedia probabilidad EAC
#ESCCongress @secardiologia ImageImage
👉Cuatriterapia a todos los pacientes
👉BB,ARM,iSGLT2 indicación IA
👉ARNI para ⤵️🏥IC y ☠️sobre IECA. Indicación IB (PARADIGM-HF)
👉DAPA/EMPA efecto de clase
#ESCCongress @secardiologia
👉#VERICIGUAT en 👥 con 💊óptimo y nueva 🏥(IIb-B) ImageImage
3️⃣ICrEF durante 🏥
👉siempre optimiza o intenta optimizar 💊
👉valora congestión, excluye signos de congestión persistente
👉asegura transición al alta = 1-2sem el 👥 tiene que ser reevaluado
👉estudia metabolismo del Fe Image
Read 10 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
#PLAaggression India fired "warning shots" into the air. This is a signal that any further move towards Indian troops in "Grey zone" as part of #CcpPla #creeping #acquisition strategy would no longer be allowed. If the #CcpPla wants more #Indian #land it has to fight for it!
3/pla The #Totalitarian #Communist #Emperor of the #Middle #Kingdom with #mandate from #heaven is convinced that only an #evil state would resist its benevolent😇 acquisition of the later's territory.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
Day-2 #ESCCongress Prof McMurray doing an head to head comparison of #DAPA-HF vs #Emperor-Reduced
Trying to explain different #CV-death results
@GiuseppeGalati_ @radcliffeCARDIO @MicheleSenni @SABOURETCardio @zhh_ch @DrMarthaGulati @mirvatalasnag @HFA_President @AstraZeneca
☝️ Probably the lower #CV-death recorded in #Emperor-reduced is secondary to the shorter mean follow-up per McMurray opinion (16 vs 18.2 months of #DAPA-HF)
#ESCCongress @GiuseppeGalati_ @KTamirisaMD @DrNasrien @lucreciamburgos @DocSavageTJU @MedAxiom @DrRajivsankar @Dr_Manito
☝️ #ESCCongress McMurray
However, the most important result is the consistent reduction of primary #EP as SGLT2i class effect!
#Emperor-reduced #DAPA-HF
@HeartFailureFrm @HFA_President @CircHF @DrRajivsankar @Dr_Manito
Read 3 tweets
Aug 25th 2020
#LFLo Question for #CCPapologists : If #USA is hurt more than #China by #decoupling, why is the PRC Govt pleading with USA every other day, not to decouple?
3/dcpl Folks, finally even the #Communist #Emperor of the #Middle #Kingdom with a #mandate from #Heaven is starting to get worried about #Decoupling
Read 4 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
Is this something a #BananaRepublic strong man or a #Stalinist East European dictator would have done? Sadly, #GOP is now an empty box, filled with wishes & nostrums of #SupremeLeader. No citizen input required unless you have his ear & money. #KAG2020…
2) #Iowa now crushed by many farm disasters, some #Trump inflicted: #China grain embargo, #CornEthanol market cut by #Trump's #EPA, #Covid's hit on meat market, extreme drought & now #Derecho, which destroyed 40% of the crop. Where's the ag plank? NADA! #IaPolitics #IaSen #IaGov
3) Is this a job for @SenJoniErnst & @KimReynolds, both of whom will speak at @GOPconvention? Will they say the #Emperor has no clothes & NO commitment to #Iowa farmers after Inauguration? Or will they continue to sing his praises as #Trump walks over #Iowa? #IaPolitics #IaSen
Read 3 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
📌iSGLT-2 e #InsuficienciaCardiaca

Durante #ESCcongress se presentará
🗓 29 de Agosto 09:30 🇦🇷

Por qué es tan esperado⁉️

Algunos datos de los estudios EMPEROR-reduce & EMPEROR-perserved

🧵 Image
Estos 2 estudios evaluarán empagliflozina; parecen evidentes los escenarios 😜

#ICFEr 💪🏻 e #ICFEp 🤞🏻

⚠️👥con o sin diabetes

Tendrá potencia para evaluar el impacto en los cambios en la función renal 🦾

Diseño de los estudios

👇🏻 ImageImage
Pero por qué usar iSGLT-2 en #InsuficienciaCardiaca⁉️

A pesar de sus efectos conocidos

⤵️Reabsorción de Na & glucosa🔜natriuresis & diuresis osmótica inducida por glucosa

🧏🏻‍♀️el control de la glucemia, de la TA y los lípidos ❌ NO alcanza para explicar los beneficios CV❤️ Image
Read 10 tweets
Jun 30th 2020

1. Tertullian observes, that the sanctity and purity of the manners of the Christians was a sufficient motive to stir up the rage of Emperor Nero,
#FirstMartyrsOfTheChurchOfRome #EarlyChurch #Christianity #Jesus
2. himself an avowed enemy of all virtue.

He took the following occasion to discredit them: The city of Rome had been set on fire, and had burned nine days, from the 19th to the 28th of July, in the year 64. During this horrible tragedy,

#RomanEmpire #History #Emperor #Nero
3. Nero came from Antium to Rome, and seated himself on the top of a tower upon a neighbouring hill, in the theatrical dress of a musician, singing a poem which himself had composed on the burning of Troy. The people said he caused fire to be set to the city

#Iliad #Troy
Read 10 tweets

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