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Depuis que le journaliste Seymour Hersh (…) a publié
"How America Took Out The #NordStream Pipeline" (…), la #CIA s'est crue obligée d'activer ses réseaux en #Europe et aux #USA pour tenter de détourner les soupçons vers l'#Ukraine.
Cette opération d'intox a utilisé les médias d'oligarques occidentaux habitués à colporter la propagande de la CIA. Le matraquage médiatique est censé compenser l'indigence de leur histoire des 6 plongeurs ukronazis louant un petit voilier pour trimbaler des tonnes de matos ? 🙄
La réalité: "En juin dernier [2022], les plongeurs de la Navy, opérant sous le couvert d'un exercice de l'OTAN largement médiatisé au milieu de l'été connu sous le nom de BALTOPS 22 ont posé les explosifs déclenchés à distance trois mois plus tard"…
Read 11 tweets
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
Read 33 tweets
Erinnerungen an Hiroschima…

Laut @fr hat der #Westen (GB) #Uranmunition nach #Chmelnyzkyj, in den Westen der #Ukraine geliefert. Nach Beschuss durch russische Streitkräfte explodierte dieses #Munitionslager. Dabei soll ein Schaden von ca. 500 Mio. Dollar aufgekommen sein!
1/3 Image
Abgesehen von dem Finanziellen Schaden, sollte es einem bekannt sein, dass die #Ukraine in 150 Tagen (im Krieg) 16,43 Mio. Tonnen Getreide ins Ausland exportiert. Welches 3 #Europäische Länder, #China und #Türkei (und noch andere) in Massen kaufen.
#Uranmunition ist zwar nur sehr schwach radioaktiv, dennoch kann es auf Dauer das Erbgut schädigen und Krebs verursachen. Auch ist logisch, dass durch die #Explosion der Schadstoff in der #Umwelt streut.
Der Gedanke, dass das in meinem Getreide ist gefällt mir nicht so.
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Elon Musk’s #SpaceX Starship rocket #explodes after launch  | -6h
Elon Musk’s #SpaceX Starship rocket #explodes after launch  | -6h
#SpaceX launch of Starship a success, despite #explosion minutes after takeoff | -8h
- Shortly after liftoff, an issue with the separation mechanism between the rocket's two stages caused it to enter a spin, and it exploded just minutes later.…
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" Exploratory Data Analysis on Terrorism "

We are performed Exploratory Data Analysis on terrorism #dataset to find out the hot zone of #terrorism. #EDA nothing but #analyzing the given data & finding the #trends, patterns & making some assumptions. #DataVisualization #DataScience #MachineLearning
In this #dataset, there are many features including countries, states, regions, gang names, weapon types, target types, years, months, days, and many more features.
Read 8 tweets
#Taliban @moiafghanistan's spokesman:
"Today at 11:30 a.m., an explosion occurred at the Shia's Tebyan cultural center in PD2 of Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province.
One guard of the said cultural center was killed&8 people including 5 journalists&3 children were injured n the blast." Image
@avapress, the media outlet of Tebyan Cultural & Social Center, meanwhile reported that 3 people were killed & 30 more wounded in today's #explosion in #Mazar-e Sharif City.
#ISKP group is the main suspect behind today's explosion that targeted a #Shia center connected to #Iran. Image
The head of Tebyan Center, a pro-Iran Shia Afghan @hosseinimazari, in a statement condemned today's attack in Mazar-e Sharif claiming that the cultural&social center "was attacked by terrorists affiliated with #America& its allies, and nearly 40 people were killed and injured." ImageImage
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#Explosion in #Kabul:
Quoting #Taliban's Kabul Police spokesman, @khalidzadran01, @KillidRadio reported that today at 10:30am, an IED attached to a private Hilux Pickup Truck was detonated in PD2 of Kabul City, leaving no casualty behind. ImageImage
A video, allegedly showing today's explosion in PD2 of Kabul City:
Pro-Taliban accounts claimed that a #suspect arrested in connection to yesterday's explosion in Kabul, is apparently a bodyguard of the IEA's Deputy Prime Minister, Mullah Baradar. Matiullah, who holds #PAK Driver licence& Nationality card as well, filmed the moment of explosion. ImageImageImageImage
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Deputy Governor of #Isfahan, Mohammad Reza Jan-Nesari:
"An #explosion occurred in one of the military centers affiliated to the Ministry of Defense on Imam Khomeini Street in Isfahan, and there were no casualties."
Ministry of Defense:
"A failed attack was carried out by #MICRODRONES on one of the workshop complexes of the Ministry of Defense. Fortunately, with predictions&defense measures, one of them was hit by the air defense system& 2 others were caught in the defense traps& exploded...
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#Explosion of a #fuel_tanker inside #Salang tunnel resulted in some more details available yet.
Parwan Police Chief confirmed to @sw989fm that 16 people were wounded in Salang incident:
#Taliban's spokesman for the Ministry of Public Works:
"Unfortunately, a trailer truck spun out in #Salang, which caught fire& no one can enter the tunnel from the north side. Of course, Salang maintenance personnel have entered the entrance from the south side.
Details later..."
Read 4 tweets
There are reports about an #explosion inside a #Madrassa, during Congregational Prayer, in #Samangan Province, that resulted in some casualties.
No official confirmation or details are available yet.
Pro-#Taliban sources confirmed the #explosion in a religious school (#Madrassa) in #Aybak City, the capital of #Samangan Province, and blamed the #ISKP for the attack.
According to social media sources, scores of Madrassa students were killed/wounded as a result of the explosion. ImageImageImage
A doctor from Samangan Provincial Hospital, confirmed to @TOLOnews that 15 dead bodies& 27 wounded patients were taken to the hospital from the explosion scene.
No official figures of casualties released yet.
This comes as a suicide attack killed/wounded dozens in Pakistan today. Image
Read 5 tweets
Stock Market News Today: Cooling Inflation Data Adds to Trader Optimism | Nov 15
- Stocks.. declined from intraday highs on news that #Russian #missiles intended for #Ukraine crossed into #Poland…
[Paid Nato's #warmongers in #WW3 climax]
Russia-Ukraine live: #Explosions kill two in #Poland | Nov 15
- Russia’s defence ministry has denied that its missiles hit the #NATO member state
[#MSM #misinformation, #smokescreen over #FTX]
2 dead in #explosion in eastern #Poland, near #Ukraine border
- “The causes of this incident are not known at the moment,” Marcin #Lebiedowicz, spokesman of the local State Fire Service office, ~#RadioLublin
Read 24 tweets
quite horrific footage coming from #istiklal street in #istanbul, reportedly 5 people killed and several wounded in an explosion. geçmiş olsun! #turkey
wild speculations about what or who caused the explosion in #istanbul aren't helpful at all.
Read 4 tweets
Dozens of students were killed& wounded in an #explosion in #Kaaj educational center in #Shia settled Dasht-e Barchi area, in PD13 of #Kabul City, today.
#Taliban's interior ministry confirmed the attack but didn't provide details about the casualties. #ISKP is the main suspect.
"The suicide attacker killed the security guards in the alley& the gate of the Kaaj educational center and injured 2 officials inside the center, with Small Arms Fire, before detonating his suicide vest in a classrooms where the trial University Entrance Exam was taking place...
...Unfortunately, dozens of students have been injured& martyred. Most of the wounded are girls.
Um ul-Banin Asghari, my sister and the sisters of Ustad Mukhtar Modaber& Tahir Rezaei, the security guard of Kaaj Center, are also among the martyrs," a victim's brother posted on FB.
Read 14 tweets
طالبان د پېښو په هکله 'پر وخت' او 'کره' معلومات له رسنیو سره نه شریکوي، وروسته بیا ګیله کوي چې ولې نور منابع ددوی په اصطلاح ناسم معلومات او ارقام خپروي.
#Taliban are not sharing info, about incidents, with media& then claim that the info released by other sources are in correct.
#Taliban Kabul Police spokesman still didn't release info about yesterday's explosion, but claims that the IEA "Security agencies are the only source of accurate info about security incidents."
The wrong #casualty_figures came 1st from @ambmansoorkhan, who now deleted that tweet. Image
#Kabul Police Spokesman:
Two civilians were killed and some others (not specified the number) were wounded in yesterday's #explosion, during #Cricket tournament, in the Kabul International Cricket Stadium, in Kabul City.
@emergency_ngo received 13 wounded.
Read 4 tweets
According to Naseeb Khan, the CEO of the Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB), four civilians were wounded in today's #explosion in Kabul International #Cricket Stadium in PD8 of #Kabul City.
Some other sources on social media wrote that one person was killed& 10 others were wounded. Image
According to @emergency_ngo, 13 victims of #cricket_stadium #explosion in #Kabul were taken to the Emergency hospital today. One was dead on arrival& 12 wounded patients were hospitalised.
#Taliban earlier said that only 4 people were wounded in the blast.
Oh no!
@emergency_ngo deleted its first tweet and now confirmed that all 13 victims of Kabul explosion were wounded. One received outpatient care& 12 hospitalised.
In the previous tweet, @emergency_ngo said one victim was dead on arrival & 12 were wounded.
Read 6 tweets
#ISKP claimed responsibility for today's #explosion in #Kabul:
"Several #Taliban, incl. their commanders, were killed& wounded in a martyrdom bombing that targeted a gathering of them in the capital Kabul."
ISKP said that Shahram Mowahid, a suicide bomber, carried out the attack.
On Sunday, an ISKP fighter managed to reach a large hotel where the Taliban were holding a “memorial” ceremony for its former leader, Akhtar Mansour, near Hamid Karzai Airport in Kabul.
The martyrdom fighter managed to penetrate all the security barriers installed by the TB ...
...around the area& then detonated his explosive belt among the TB, which resulted in the killing and wounding of a number of them and the destruction and damage of 5 vehicles.
According to Amaq, this was a "high-level ceremony" attended by the most prominent leaders of the TB."
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An #explosion targeted a shuttle bus of the #Taliban's army in the northern #Balkh province today.
Details of the incident are not available at the moment.
The Afghanistan Liberation Movement claimed responsibility for today's explosion in PD5 of Mazar-e Sharif against a Taliban shuttle bus.
Still, it is early to say which group was really behind the blast. The AFG L movement usually exaggerate about its attacks against the Taliban. Image
#ISKP claimed responsibility for today's #explosion against TB in #Mazar-e Sharif:
"Caliphate soldiers detonated an explosive device on a bus that was carrying Taliban in PD5 of Mazar-e Sharif in Balkh, which damaged the vehicle, killing and wounding at least 10 Taliban members." Image
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Several #Taliban were wounded in an #explosion against their vehicle in PD17 of #Kabul City, today.
The area is home for both, urban network of ISKP and NRF.
Kabul Police Spokesman, @khalidzadran01, confirmed to @pajhwok, that at least two civilians were injured in a roadside bomb blast in Kotal-e Khair Khana area, in PD11 of #Kabul City.
The area where the #explosion happened, is the border between PD11& PD17.
Pro-NRF social media accounts claimed responsibility for today's explosion in Kabul but there is no official statement from the NRF yet.
I can't confirm that the photo with burning vehicle, shared by some media outlets, showing today explosion's scene. Image
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⚠️ Breaking News #MadridExplosion

Also hitting the headlines is reports of another gas explosion in a #Madrid residential block.

17 injured & one critical

Explosion in Madrid building injures at least 17 as more victims feared trapped under rubble…
⚠️ Update #Madrid #Spain #Explosion

2 confirmed dead and 17 injured following an explosion in the upmarket residential area of Madrid

Press DMs open for fire and gas safety expert comments.…
⚠️ Update #MadridExplosion

@Independent confirms two dead following a gas explosion in a residential block in Madrid Spain.

Significant emergency services response on scene.
Read 8 tweets
⚠️ News Flash

Reports of a massive explosion at a hotel in #Cuba - four fatalities confirmed.

Local reports suggest a gas explosion & other causes currently ruled out at this time.…
⚠️Update #HavanaExplosion #Cuba

Breaking need Cuba - four confirmed dead & 19 injured as a hotel is destroyed in what’s thought to be a gas explosions

Rescue services have the difficult task of persons recovery

Press DMs open fire & gas safety expert…
⚠️ #Cuba #HavanaExplosion

Preliminary investigations suggest the case of the explosion was a gas leak.

From the footage & images posted on social media damage indicated a significant had build-up & explosive atmosphere developed until ignition.…
Read 15 tweets
There was an #explosion yesterday at a munitions factory in #Perm, central #Russia, which manufactures charges used in Grad and Smerch missile systems. There were at least two deaths. The link below is to a local news article about the explosion. 🧵 1/…
Note this unusual information from the first news article about the explosion in #Perm, #Russia: "comments and photos [about] the explosion began to appear in social networks in the evening, May 1, but the administrators of the groups for an unknown reason deleted everything." 2/
A subsequent local news article about the #Perm, #Russia #explosion states that the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. 3/…
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There has been air activity over #Belgorod, #Russia tonight (May 1-2). At first it seemed to be just air defense measures or perhaps an air battle (see below). But now there are reports of explosions that sound like more than just sonic booms. 🧵 for updates & clarifications. 1/
Thus far, there have been reports of two #explosions overnight in #Belgorod, #Russia, occurring during or after air activity also was visible. This video records one of the explosions. 2/
This second video also records an explosion that took tonight in #Belgorod, #Russia. 3/
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One or more fuel depots in #Bryansk, #Russia are on #fire after residents in the area reported hearing explosions. Bryansk is in the area of Russia near both the Belarus & Ukrainian borders (about 100 km from both). Will post more as furter info comes in.
The fires currently burning in #Bryansk, #Russia. 2/
Video of the fire in #Bryansk, #Russia 3/
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The #Khanaqa of Mawlawi Sikandar, was targeted in today's #explosion in Imam Sahib District of #Kunduz Province.
Dozens of worshipers were killed and wounded in the explosion.
Khanaqa is a Sufi gathering or worship place.
#Taliban spokesman:
"A blast took place in a mosque in #Kunduz's Imam Sahib district.
33 civilians, including children, were martyred and 43 others were wounded.
We condemn this crime, wish the martyrs a paradise and the wounded a speedy recovery."
Read 5 tweets

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