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May 15th 2023
I spoke briefly (terrifying but worth it) at #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham yesterday and although I'm worried about any backlash particularly loss of clients and work etc, I'm glad I did. As an #autistic woman who has been parroting the gender woo for a while now, I'm so worried
About what is happening in #autism services and to #autistic kids as revealed by @hannahsbee (her book was a real turning point for me, its evidenced, balanced and free of ideology) I had intense issues with my body as a pre teen. I couldn't cope with the changes of puberty. I
Can totally see the appeal of rejecting all the societal bullshit that comes with being a female, especially when you're also #autistic and moving through the world is hard enough. Except, we can't ever really reject it. 'Top surgery' and Pronouns won't take away dysphoria, or
Read 6 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
@ZelenskyyUa #Zelensky's adviser, #Arestovich, is also telling the TRUTH.
- The whole idea of #Ukraine and the #West too is to #lie as much as possible to oneself and others and the whole structure #collapses if they start telling the #truth.
@ZelenskyyUa #Arestovich (#Zelensky's former advisor) condemns Zelensky for #war against #ethnic #Russians & #Christianity | 17.1.2023
- The popular advisor of Zelensky #resigned shortly this interview.
@ZelenskyyUa cc:@ ivan_8848
War Is Inevitable?
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
Russia #responded 8 d later by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxy war that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire
Read 24 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
1/ Kick-off question from @DJDevakumar in the launch of @TheLancet racism and health series @raceandhealth

What does #racism mean to you?

This made me reflect on my personal definition of racism so here goes 🧵
2/ To me personally I think of #racism as discrimination whether *by thought and/or action* based on skin colour or geographical place or culture or religion or language or social attitudes that never operates in isolation, which brings us to the concept of #intersectionality
3/ Racism is always compounded or diluted by other systems of oppression or privilege like #patriarchy #classism #homophobia.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
🧵 This evening I attended the premier of Holocaust Learning UK’s newest film ‘Out of the Darkness: Steven’s Story’ at @JW3London by @TapestryPics narrated by @jasonsfolly. The film is aimed at year 9 students learning about the Holocaust. @HolocaustLearn
The (free) 1h film is INCREDIBLE. Please please tell your #history departments all about it. I’ve been learning about the #Holocaust since I was 11 and learnt so much I didn’t know from this film, which centres on the impact of Nazis in Holland. @histassoc @HolocaustLearn
I didn’t know that 300,00 Dutch workers went on strike after Nazi roundups of Jews in Holland.
I didn’t know that Dutch resistance members sacrificed their lives to burn town records to try to protect the identities of their Jewish neighbours...…
Read 16 tweets
Oct 14th 2022
This thread will get a little crazy, but I do hope you enjoy the ride:

#ThugLife #SocietalDecay #gore #SocietalCollapse
Read 48 tweets
Aug 7th 2022
Everybody who says "No LGB without T" is actually saying "No LGB without heterosexuals".

#homophobia #CISoff
People who say "No LGB without T" and use pronouns support #homophobia & #ErasureOfLesbians

We see you. You can hind behind "Be Kind" as much as you want. You are not kind. You hurt LGB people. Why do you hate homosexuals so much?

Read 5 tweets
Jun 29th 2022
Here is a round-up of #PrideMonth with The Hindu.
We take you through all the inspiring stories we've come across this month and how different cities in India and the world celebrated #PrideMonth2022.
#PrideMonth | A 24-year-old woman in #Gujarat's #Vadodara city married herself by undergoing traditional rituals of a Hindu wedding.
#KshamaBindu, who identifies as #bisexual, claims that her marriage will be the first instance of #sologamy in India.
#PrideMonth | What does meaningful inclusion look like? How can corporations prove their allegiances to the great, grand cause of #queer liberation? A nondescript bakery in a sleepy #Juhu lane in #Mumbai shows us.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 11th 2022
This article was briefly amended to include @ALLIANCELGB side of the story but I can’t see it any more. Some might say that such hysterical anger at LGB people organising to protect their right to be same sex attracted is the very definition of #homophobia
Here’s what @ALLIANCELGB said “LGB Alliance is a registered charity whose goals are to promote equality and human rights for LGB people. All the publicly funded LGBTQIA+ groups now focus on the importance of gender identity,
saying that feelings of gender identity should supersede anything to do with biological sex. That is why we need our own organisation and services. LGB Alliance receives messages from young LGB people
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
From an anarchist Cuban born and raised on the island till I was a teenager and who has her entire family there, whom I speak to every single week:

This is all empty words for 3 key reasons: a 🧵
1) housing: Cuba’s housing crisis is horrifying. People live with 3-4 generations under one roof. If you can’t move out of your nuclear family’s house, in what scenario are you creating your own “chosen family”. There’s no such thing as roommates in Cuba.
Housing is handed out along extremely patriarchal-nuclear family lines: no kids, no independent housing.
Read 8 tweets
May 18th 2022
I'm 45 yo lesbian. I left my country because of homophobia (it's not just mocking, harrasment, lesbians were/are raped in the name of "re-education"). I was told by men that I haven't met the right man yet. Now men who identify as lesbians tell me I haven't tried their girldick. Image
2)That gay man doesn't feel threatened by straight women who identify as gays & because he doesn't feel threatened he has no problem to let men in the lesbian spaces, organizations, events, groups, apps etc. He supports our erasure. The only letter in LGB he cares about is G. Image
Read 36 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
THREAD: Media. Do Better!

"We are so divided today, so revved up, that even Disney is having a hard time bringing us together," a former Walt Disney Studios executive said.

"In trying to offend no one in this hyper-partisan moment, Disney has seemingly lost everyone."

I hate this "both sides" framing, which has become the de rigueur default for the New York Times.

In other words, blame the victim? Or blame "woke" culture.

Gosh, it's just so much *harder* these days.


This reminds me of #MAGA and @SouthPark's 'member berries

Remember the good old days when we didn't have to care about #homophobia and could just enjoy a nice #Disney cartoon?

That's an extremely narrow and - to put it as mildly as I possibly can - privileged response.

Read 6 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
🧵Introducing : Darlene. This woman has organized @FreedomNova rallies since COVID19 restrictions began in 2020. From flat(earth) out denial of COVID19 being real to present day of supporting Putin's invasion of #UkraineUnderAttack #UkraineRussianWar #Antivaxxer #FluTruxKlan ImageImageImageImage
@FreedomNova She has also organized these rallies with a local evangelical homophobic pastor named Bill.
How do I assume he is homophobic? Let's just say I have my reasons. The Pier boys he grew up with despise him. He also signed a petition with another NS evangelical church to open their doors during a COVID19 outbreak. #pride #homophobia ImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Feb 17th 2022
Peaceful hippie freedom fighters, or dangerous far-right extremists? A collection of screenshots of reports of violence, abuse and threats from the Wellington protest.

TW: verbal abuse, homophobia, death threats, antisemitism

#Wellington #Convoy2022NZ #Clownvoynz #GoHome ImageImage
First of all, I want to draw attention to this quote. Not everyone at the protest is the same or for the same reason, sure.

But then, there is also this quote: Image
Read 110 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
The US medical establishment is not the first to use artificial hormones as a form of #conversiontherapy. Meet Nazi dr Carl Vaernet, who implanted artificial hormone glands into gay men at Buchenwald. #antifascism
Read more: by @PeterTatchell (1/4)
@PeterTatchell Alan Turing, a British scientist convicted of homosexual acts in 1952, was an early victim of hormonal #conversiontherapy. He was sentenced to #estrogen therapy, and died two years later, likely by suicide.

Read more: by @yayitsrob (2/4)
@PeterTatchell @yayitsrob This type of #conversiontherapy is even more prevalent in #Iran, where homosexual acts are punishable by death. Iranian #lesbians and #gay men are being pushed into “sex reassignment.”

Read more: by @BBCHamedani (3/4)
Read 4 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
When we ban conversations about LGBTQ topics, what happens?
When we encourage conversations about LGBTQ topics, what happens? (a thread) #DontSayGay #LGBTQ #homophobia (1/10)…
When we ban conversations about LGBTQ topics, what happens?
Kids won’t talk about their families…the bill doesn’t prohibit this, but teachers may discourage it–whether because of their own beliefs or out of fear of retaliation. #DontSayGay (2/10)…
When we ban conversations about LGBTQ topics, what happens?
Straight kids don’t learn to be kind to queer kids. The consequences of bullying are well documented. This can persist into adulthood, too.
#DontSayGay (3/10)…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
1/10 Some #CharitySoStraight top tips for your charity in 2022 #Thread

Please don't Rainbow Wash your charity brand this year in #Pride season (it's never a good look) Meaningfully engage with your #LGBTQ+ stakeholders + audiences instead #Authenticity #RainbowWashing #branding
2/10 Think about how your charity depicts the people it works with. Do you show a diverse range of people including #LGBTQ+ / same sex couples online/in your marketing collateral? Consider what message this sends to potential employees + service users if not #CharitySoStraight
3/10 think about what data you collect when you're recruiting + consider how you can use that data to benefit your #LGBTQ+ employees. You can't support the needs of your workforce if you don't know who they are! #diversity #CharitySoStraight #recruitment #CharityRecruitment
Read 11 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
Gay people are forced to live private lives.

We can't hold hands in public without fear of being physically and verbally assaulted, or without fear of being judged.

People tell us we have it "so good".

I wonder how they would feel if they were forced to hide their whole life?
I call it straight privilege. And in my fifth decades as an openly gay man, this remains the same. Only this morning I read about yet another gay couple brutally attacked and now receiving treatment in hospital.

Imagine if you were persecuted just for being who you are?
Read 3 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
Why do all therapists need to know how to talk respectfully about sexuality and gender identity? I was interviewed for a podcast for the first time and was asked this question, but I found myself tripping over my words! So here goes #TherapistsConnect 1/
Firstly, #therapy research shows that #LGBTQ plus and other Gender, Sex and Relationship Diverse (GSRD) people tend to self-censor in therapy and assume that talking about sexuality and gender identity is "off limits". Why is this? 2/
Well, #LGBTQ plus people grow up surrounded by #homophobia, #biphobia and #transphobia (yes, it still exists folks, both in the UK and in other contexts). Most of us internalise it to some extent, and many learn to protect ourselves by staying quiet about "being different". 3/
Read 15 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
.@American_Heart @CircAHA @AHAScience Assessing & Addressing Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are #Transgender & Gender Diverse #transhearthealth.
Author team Incl trans & non-binary researchers & clinicians. @laurenbbeach @billycaceres_ @Ndowshen @KerriMoreau @MMukherjeeMD @ToniaPoteat @AsaRadix @SariReisner @DrVineetaSingh5. Thank you to AHA staff (incl @P_Stlaurent)
Top 10 things to know about the new @American_Heart Statement on Assessing and Addressing Health in #Transgender and Gender Diverse Persons Authored by Published in @CircAHA
Read 39 tweets
May 12th 2021
Thread – to raise awareness of the relationships & sex education (RSE) being taught in schools

Education should be liberating, & about curiosity, where stimulating questions are answered or lead to further questions; it shouldn’t be confusing, bewildering & alienating.
As a teacher – my job is to make learning accessible to the learner; to help young people make sense of the world around them; to raise their awareness and understanding of any number of issues and matters.
So here is a (definitely not exhaustive) collection of images and visuals involving materials which are being used in schools across the (western) world with regards to RSE.

I will comment as briefly as possible on each one, to show why it is problematic.
Read 58 tweets
May 2nd 2021
Donation No. 24 to the ADL. The proverbial hits just keep on comin', don't they? #EndJewHate Image
Donation No. 25 to the ADL. This Twitter account was operated by the same white supremacist who created the one cited in my previous tweet.

What a world, what a world. 😉#DeplatformHate Image
Donation No. 26 to the ADL. #NoSafeSpaceForJewHate Image
Read 425 tweets
Mar 29th 2021
1: It's time to claim my space. I was one of just a few journos who held @AndrewLamingMP to account prior to 2021. I lived in Bowman from 2012-2017 and I reported on him via @margokingston1's @NoFibs. AN EVOLVING THREAD on #Laming #LGBTQ equality #Journalism #Books and more.
2: It began in 2013 when I submitted an article on #MarriageEquality to Margo's #CitizenJournalism news site @NoFibs. Up until then, the site had not really covered that issue, which mattered a lot to me. @MrKRudd had just announced his support for reform:…
3: The image above is of Senator Sue Boyce (@SenatorSue) former LNP Senator for Queensland, crossing the floor to become the first LNP politician in the country to vote for marriage equality. It was a short walk but it gave the #LGBTQ community hope.
Read 62 tweets
Mar 22nd 2021
11 to 14 March and despite it covering one day more than its predecessor, seems to be significantly less trans in the news. Amazon and LGBT advisors making waves. Also Biden and Biden backlash.

TW: #Homophobia #Transphobia

CWs in individual posts, as always

Now read on!
Here’s UK News concerned that Amazon supporting the science is “cancelling”

Amazon cancels bestselling book 'When Harry Became Sally' that challenged trans movement: Bookseller says it is purging books that 'frame transgender identity as a mental illness'…
Amazon bans books that lie about LGBT+ people being mentally ill. Sorry about it, bigots…
Read 100 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
8 to 10 March. And this update is a biggie! Not entirely for bad reasons. It was International Women’s Day and there is much trans inclusion.

But also…

TW: #Homophobia #Transphobia

CWs in individual posts, as always

Now read on!
The main focus in UK News is Wales and Scotland and Hate crime

Plaid politician quits as Senedd candidate over Helen Mary Jones' transgender comments…
Hate crime vote delayed after marathon Holyrood debate…
Read 157 tweets

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