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Joe Biden: Antisemitism drove me to run for President.

Also Joe Biden: We will fight antisemitism by working closely with CAIR/#Hamas 🤡
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Progressive Jew-hated bit different.

(CAIR is closely linked to #Hamas — has been for years) Image
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Half of the Israelis are either in the shelter, by the door of the shelters on standby or have all activities paralysed, and the Palestinians haven't fired one single bullet yet in retaliation for #Israel's crimes triggered by @netanyahu. +
The Palestinians discuss the best way to retaliate to stop #Israel's assassinations policy. The Palestinian response is expected to be heavy and painful to prevent @netanyahu from capitalising on his crimes when he faces a severe domestic crisis.+
The Palestinians will have to think about the best response to impose deterrence over @netanyahu, who is expected to refrain from further killing or continue if the Palestinian retaliation is not harsh enough. The "Axis of the Resistance" is brainstorming together the best plan.
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American Jewish Congress President @JackRosen's statement on President #Erdogan of #Turkey’s condolence call on terror attacks in #Israel, issued on 11 April 2023 as Jews and Muslims observed #Passover and #Ramadan2023 amid attempts to create tensions in #Jerusalem. Full text: /1 Image
Amid a clamor to condemn #Israel for taking firm action to keep #Muslim #Christian, and #Jewish holy sites safe and open to worshippers, and in the fog of disinformation that seeks to incite hate leading to terrorism, President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan of #Turkey has reached out /2
to the Government and people of #Israel and offered condolences on the murder of two British-Israeli sisters and a young Italian lawyer who fell victim to senseless violence and hate. /3
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1. Why did Gulf kingdoms embrace Iran? When the #GulfArab states saw what happened in Iran over one #Kurdish woman who stood up to became the #Mideast version of Rosa Parks, they all panicked. Remember, the US lists as terrorists a group whose ideology seeks #genderequality.
2. That continued listing over an ideology we support is something @POTUS @VP and @SecBlinken need to explain. But in the interim, we are seeing the #Arab word suddenly embracing #Assad, a blood soaked chemical weapon-using, sociopathic dictator. Why?
3. Because he's the one they have tapped to eliminate the #Syrian #Kurds. And all the #misogynists cheer him as their standard bearer. And once the #SDF is gone and the #women once again relegated to second-class rights, they can get back to business
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¹. Que soutenez-vous lorsque vous défendez :

Connecté au #FPLP, condamné parce que terroriste

Connecté au FPLP, il avait déposé une bombe dans le syna de Copernic (devant les tribunaux)

Terroriste, qui a assassiné 2 diplo ImageImageImageImage
². ℹ️ Lorsque vous les soutenez et leur donnez la parole, vous bafouez les droits de l'Homme et nourrissez la haine et le terrorisme.

Le FPLP n'est autre qu'une organisation terroriste, tout comme le #Hamas, le #Jihad islamique et l’#EI.
³. Terrorisme - Hamouri
C'est quoi le FPLP ?
Le lien entre les associations qui promeuvent le BDS et les organisations terroristes
FPLP et l’Europe
Le FPLP… Image
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Less than 100 rockets were fired from south of #Lebanon against settlements in northern #Israel where sirens sounded across the targetted area.

A warning that the Palestinians are not left alone.
The Israeli cabinet is not in a position to start a war with #Lebanon or with #Gaza. #Hezbollah and #Hamas promised to retaliate on both fronts.

#Israel has lost deterrence.
In #Lebanon, al-Manar TV said only 20 rockets were fired against #Israel.
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Le profil troublant du nouveau Premier ministre écossais, #HumzaYousaf. De père #pakistanais, Humza Yousaf était auparavant le porte-parole des médias pour #IslamicReliefWorldwide, une organisation accusée d'avoir des liens avec les réseaux terroristes et les #FrèresMusulmans.
Son cousin #OsamaSaeed (ou #OussamaSaïd) qui dirige la Fondation islamique écossaise (#SIF) serait également lié aux Frères musulmans. Saeed a fait carrière à #AlJazeera au Qatar. En 2005, il aurait appelé au rétablissement du califat 🤨
En 2010, la Fondation Quilliam, une organisation de lutte contre l'extrémisme dirigée par des musulmans (aujourd'hui disparue), a préparé une liste pour les responsables de la sécurité britanniques avertissant que le SIF était un groupe islamiste
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1. 🤔 ¿Qué significa realmente “pro-palestino”? 🤔 ¿Es apoyar a grupos terroristas o es buscar una buena vida para los 𝘱𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴?
2. 💣 La participación de líderes terroristas en eventos como la “Semana del Apartheid Israelí” muestra que no se trata de críticas a Israel, sino de su eliminación.
3. 🚫 Si los grupos “pro-𝘱𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴” realmente se preocuparan por los 𝘱𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘴, hablarían en contra de las medidas represivas y violaciones de derechos humanos de #Hamas.
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🧵1/Ω A few things about @crossriverbank, a tiny #a16z funded lender that originated more #PPP loans for "small businesses" than anyone besides Chase, BofA, and Wells Fargo, mostly for people who were not their customers.

Also @coinbase's preferred bank.… ImageImage
🧵2/Ω They paid @McKinsey a bunch of money to tell the world that "while most banks originated PPP loans to their own customers, Cross River leads in originations to new customers"…
🧵3/Ω Unlike other banks that blew up on "fund banking" recently (*cough* $SBNY $SIVB *cough*) @crossriverbank does their "fund banking" differently:

They package all the loans and sell them to weird "fintech" companies like @Upstart. @mikulaja Image
Read 40 tweets
I grew up admiring @WorldVision. But sometimes, the truth hurts.

The truth is, it has repeatedly funded terrorist groups, done little to fix the problems, and then engaged in deceitful PR practices to deflect.

Read my investigation & see below. /1…
World Vision used Australian govt $$ to fund the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), a front for the PFLP, a designated terrorist group. When caught, WV attacked those who called them out despite @USAID & numerous NGO's telling WV the truth.… /2
@WorldVision's Lebanon branch partnered with another PFLP affiliate, the Palestinian Children and Youth Institution headed by the openly declared PFLP operative Khaled Yamani, an accused Iranian Intelligence recruiter. There are photos.

WV has never addressed this. /3 Image
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1. Neben unzähligen freiwilligen #Helfern reisen nach dem #Erdbeben auch #Extremisten aus #NRW in die #Türkei und nach #Syrien. Zum Beispiel #GraueWölfe (Bild) und #Salafisten. Ein Überblick - und wieso ihre Absichten dabei auch zweifelhaft sein können. #Thread Image
2. So sind nachweislich gleich zwei Vereine der #GrauenWölfe aus #Deutschland in das Krisengebiet gereist. Zum einen die #ANF, die vier Vereine in #NRW hat (u.a. #Ruhrgebiet). Bei dem Verein vermischt sich türkischer #Rechtsextremismus mit #Islamismus. ImageImage
3. Zudem ist aus den Reihen der #GrauenWölfen der Verein ATIB (Sitz in #Köln) mit seiner Hilfsorganisation HILAL im #Krisengebiet. Der Verein ist gemäßigter als ANF. In #NRW gibt es sieben Ableger, einen in #Bielefeld. Image
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🌐 The Islamic Resistance Movement - #Hamas in an obituary statement

“Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with God, so among them is he who has fulfilled his vow, and
among them is he who is waiting, and they have not altered anything.” The Great Truth of God

With more acknowledgment and belief in God’s will and destiny, the Islamic Resistance Movement #Hamas
mourns our #Palestinian people, the Arab and Islamic nation, and the members, supporters and cadres of the movement, the leader Dr. Hussein Musaytif Ashour (Abu Muhammad), who passed away yesterday
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🌐 News summary of the hour:
Occupied #Jerusalem:
- 178 settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque today

- The occupation authorities extend the detention of Al-Aqsa Mosque guard Muhammad
Al-Salihi until tomorrow morning, Friday

- Young men target the occupation soldiers with explosive devices at the entrance to the town of Al-Ram, east of #Jerusalem

Valiant prisoners:
- #Hamas: The
occupation's approval of a draft law depriving prisoners of medical care requires widespread condemnation and international accountability

West Bank:
- Ministry of Health: A critical injury by live
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🌐 News summary of the hour:
Occupied #Jerusalem:
- Occupation forces storm Shuafat refugee camp in occupied #Jerusalem.

- In rejection of the occupation's violations and attacks in #Nablus.. a
comprehensive strike in occupied #Jerusalem schools.

- Clashes break out in the town of Sur Baher in occupied #Jerusalem.

- Occupation forces release Sheikh Al-Maqdisi, Abdullah Alqam, on the
condition that he be deported to the city of Jericho.

West Bank:
Fatah central member, Abbas Zaki: It was supposed to sign a new agreement between "Israel" and the #Palestinian Authority on the 26th
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🌐: Brief news of the hour:

Occupied #Jerusalem:
- Occupation forces open fire towards a #Palestinian woman at the entrance to the "Ma'ale Adumim" settlement in occupied #Jerusalem.

- In solidarity
with #Nablus: The strike permeates the towns and neighborhoods of the occupied city of #Jerusalem.

- In mourning and in solidarity with #Nablus, Al-Aqsa Mosque schools are suspending their working
hours today.

West Bank:
- A comprehensive strike prevails in the cities of the West Bank after the occupation massacre in #Nablus yesterday, which resulted in the death of 11 #Palestinians, amid
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.US designated #Hamas terrorist incites #Palestinians to jihad against Jews in Judea & Samaria saying this land means more to Jews than Tel-Aviv or anywhere.

Bc it does: Jews are from Judea.
seizing it

as they have seized Jews’ most important holy site, the TM

.Common language suggests tightly coordinated plan by the PA, Hamas, PIJ dating back before the May, 2021 Gaza episode. Iran colludes. Other groups, like the newly formed Lion’s Den & “Battalions” from Nablus, Jenin & several Pal cities, compete for leadership of “the resistance”
.Common language among the PA’s Fatah, PIJ, & Hamas on reporting Friday’s car ramming incident in which 3 Jews were murdered at a bus stop, 2 young children, in the on- going Israeli-Palestinian low-level war includes the following phrases:

“natural response”
“Crimes of the
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🚨🇮🇱 #Israele. Almeno cinque persone uccise in una sparatoria nel quartiere di Neve Yaakov a #Gerusalemme. Tensione alle stelle.
L'assalitore avrebbe preso di mira una sinagoga. Il bilancio delle vittime è in aumento: Channel 12 parla di 8 morti. Il terrorista sarebbe stato "neutralizzato".

🚨🇮🇱#Hamas plaude all'attentato alla sinagoga a #Gerusalemme. Condanna degli Stati Uniti: "Attacco spaventoso".
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Il primo evento geopolitico di rilievo del 2023 potrebbe essere un riacutizzarsi delle tensioni in #MedioOriente, più precisamente fra #Israele e palestinesi. Fattore scatenante la visita del neo-ministro israeliano della Sicurezza nazionale, Itamar #BenGvir, presso il
Monte del Tempio, nella Città Vecchia di #Gerusalemme. Il luogo in questione viene considerato sacro dalle tre grandi religioni.
Gli ebrei lo venerano in quanto sede del Tempio di HaShem; i musulmani ritenendo che il profeta Maometto sia assunto in cielo dalla roccia situata
in cima al monte; i cristiani ricordando le numerose visite di Gesù.
La previsione è che la visita di Ben Gvir, leader del partito di estrema destra Otzma Yehudit, possa portare nel giro di poche ore a nuovi lanci di razzi dalla striscia di #Gaza. A questo scenario non a caso
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🔴⚠️ [Thread] Les 1️⃣0️⃣ éléments qui montrent que #FRAMAR 🇫🇷🇲🇦 est aussi un choc civilisationnel sur fond de revanche « coloniale » et islamique.

Déroulez et partagez ⤵️
1️⃣ Le proselytisme islamique de l’équipe du #Maroc : prières, appels à rejoindre l’islam et « Allah Akbar ».…
2️⃣ L’omniprésence de la cause Palestinienne 🇵🇸 sur le terrain et en dehors.…
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Yahya #Sinwar addresses #Israel: "We overthrew your government, and are capable of overthrowing any future government"

Here are some highlights of the speech from the leader of #Hamas in the #Gaza Strip during today's rally mark the 35 years since the founding of the... (1/8)

1. We support any armed organization fighting against the occupation (Israel - #Abu_Ali) of the #West_Bank, such as "Areen al-Aswood", #Jenin Brigade, and Balata Brigade.

2. We predict the rise of the political right in Israel in 2023, which will lead... (2/8)
to the crossing of all the red lines. According to our intelligence assessment, 2023 will be a year with major national milestones, and we must prepare for that.

3. Turning to Israel: We have overthrown your government (referring to the round of fighting which... (3/8)
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🛑 La #CoupeDuMonde au #Qatar suscite de nombreuses controverses (corruption, désastre écologique, ouvriers morts pour construire les stades…)
➡️ Mais 1 sujet n’est pratiquement jamais abordé: l’idéologie islamiste véhiculée par le 🇶🇦, y compris lors du tournoi.
1 thread ⤵️
2/ De nombreux articles se sont faits l’écho de ces controverses (exemple ici avec Le Monde). Mais presque aucun média n’a évoqué un autre sujet problématique : l’adhésion du #Qatar à l’idéologie des Frères musulmans et sa promotion de l’#islamisme.…
3/ L’une des rares à dénoncer cette situation a été @CarolineFourest. L’essayiste a ainsi revélé sur @LCI que des tentes sont installées aux abords des stades pour convertir les supporters à l’islam et que le #Qatar a formé 2000 personnes dans ce but.
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#Judaism #Palestine

யூதப் பேரினவாதமும் பாலத்தீன தொல்குடியும் - 🧵👇🏽

மத அடிப்படையிலான பேரினவாத அரசியலைப் புரிந்துகொள்ள பாலஸ்தீனத்தின் வரலாற்றுடன் யூதர்களின் வரலாற்றையும் அறிவது தேவையாகிறது.

விவிலியத்தின் (#Bible) பழைய ஏற்பாட்டை புனிதநூலாக ஏற்கும் யூதர்கள், புதிய ஏற்பாட்டை ஏற்கும் கிறித்தவர்கள் நம்பும் 'இயேசுவே தேவதூதன்' என்பதை ஏற்காதோர். யூதர்கள் இயேசுவை இறைதூதராய் ஏற்கமறுத்த காலத்திலிருந்தே மத உரசல்கள் மத்திய கிழக்காசியப் பகுதிகளில் நடந்து வந்துள்ளன.

எளிமையாகச் சொல்லப்போனால் இந்துமதத்தில் மனுநீதியை ஏற்போர், ஏற்காதோர் என்பது போன்றே தான் யூதரும் கிறித்தவரும். மனுநீதி பிறப்பின் அடிப்படையில் பார்ப்பனர் உயர்ந்தோரென்ற கருத்தை வலியுறுத்தவதைப் போன்றே யூதமதம் யூதர்களை கடவுளின் நேரடி பிள்ளைகளாக, உயர்ந்தோராகப் போற்றிக்கொள்கிறது.

Read 31 tweets
📍 Because the life of the Palestinian citizen is not important to the shops of tears and slaps, what will be now in this post now won't be viral!
This is not a military vehicle belonging to the Israeli army, but rather a military vehicle belonging to the PLO forces, 👇🏼
which carried out a military security operation inside the city of Nablus and was attacked by Palestinian extremists
These disturbances occurred in Nablus after the Palestinian Authority arrested a member of the terrorist movement #Hamas, named Musab Shtayyeh, last night 👇🏼
A group of Palestinian extremists in the city issued an ultimatum to the Palestinian Authority to release Shtayyeh
Of course, the question here arises: why is the PLO now carrying out security missions similar to those carried out by the Israeli security forces?! 👇🏼
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