Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #MainNet

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Jun 9th 2023
📰 DIA Ecosystem Weekly News 📰

Here is a recap of important news within the $DIA Ecosystem from the previous week.

A Thread 🧵 Image
✅ New data source validated @opensea

@opensea has been validated as a data source for the #DIA platform by the #DIA #DAO community.

Read more 👇
🎉DIA DAO x Relative Finance

@DIAdata_org has announced its partnership with @relativefi.

#Relative #Finance has successfully integrated a custom #DIA xFloor oracle which provides it with fully customized real-time price feeds for a variety of #NFT collections.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
The end of May and the begging of June on #MultiversX #Blockchain is marked by a number of great events, conversations and collaborations, as well as the launch of the #Hypergrowth 🔥

Let’s review this week’s most relevant news, starting w/ #multiversxtech

.@beniaminmincu will be speaking at “Proof of Talk” event about @MultiversX 's tech innovations, 14-15 June, in Paris

Read 7 tweets
May 27th 2023

we are excited to share that @humansdotai is about to go MAINNET - next Monday 29th May - and thus decided to write the below twitter thread and share a hopefully useful update about this @Morningstar_vc portfolio company 💫

$HEART Image

@humansdotai is the "Blockchain of AIs"

The team has first-to-market advantage, and started building 2 years before the current 2023 hype. The project is built on @cosmos and validated by various parties such as @BwareLabs + @Meria_Finance (two of our portfolio companies).

To unlock the greatest potential and switch Web2 AI companies to Web3, @humansdotai started a Launchpad called "SCALE" to support new projects in the space:

The team is also working on other cool products to be found here: Image
Read 7 tweets
May 22nd 2023
🧧✨ Pandora's World on zkSync Era Vol. 1 ✨👏

🎁 Reward: NFTs

✍️ The quests is contain on chain activity on mainnet, you need real funds.

A thread 🧵 -- #zksync #mainnet #zksyncEra Image
This might be another multiplier, remember Linea also used some of these 👏🫡

🗓️May 22, - June, 02
⌛16:30 (UTC+01:00)
🧧 Celar Bridge ::…
✨ Complete Quest
♦️Minimum 0.15 $ETH transfer
✨ Confirm and input "slippage" ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
May 22nd 2023
1/ Hey frends! Have you heard the news? @PythNetwork is now officially live on the @injective #mainnet, bringing a whole new level of possibilities for #dApps and the #Injective community!
Let's dive into what this integration means and how it impacts the world of #DeFi🌐
#INJ Image
Pyth is an #oracle network that revolutionizes the way real-world data is brought #onchain
Through its innovative low-latency pull oracle design, Pyth publishes continuous real-world #data, inc. prices, for various markets spanning equities, #commodities, forex pairs & #crypto
With this integration, #Injective #dApps now have seamless access to #Pyth's #onchain #data, empowering #developers and users alike to leverage real-world #asset information within the #blockchain environment. This is a game-changer for Injective's #ecosystem! 🆙
Read 13 tweets
May 16th 2023
Are you looking for a way to make money in uncertain markets ?

Farming airdrops could be the answer! 🪂

I'm excited to bring you a thread on a promising airdrop from @Davos_Protocol

Complete a few simple tasks and the $DGT airdrop could be yours.


In this thread:

2) what is @Davos_Protocol
3) Airdrop strategy, in which i have shared a step by step guide on how to complete tasks on zealy.

1️⃣ $DGT Airdrop:

- There are rumors circulating about a possible airdrop involving $DGT

- @Davos_Protocol recently tweeted about their Zealy campaign, hinting at the airdrop with a picture showing a small parachute, which has sparked speculation among the community.
Read 16 tweets
May 8th 2023
#SALSA - @staking_agency 's Liquid Staking Algoritm, is a #smartcontract on @MultiversX , used to delegate $EGLD and receive equivalent quantity of $LEGLD (Liquid EGLD).

It adds great flexibility to Delegators, an auto-compounding feature and more.🔥

Let’s discover SALSA🧵👇 Image
Liquid #staking is a protocols that supports the security of a #blockchain, and also allows the Delegator to use the amount of staked token using a derivative token.

In case of SALSA, one delegates $EGLD to @staking_agency and receives $LEGLD


The main advantages of using $LEGLD vs $EGLD are:
- Instant un-delegate (a fee will be charged, based on the $EGLD reserve att)
- Daily auto-compounding
- Trade on @Elrond_One , add liquidity & farm
- Upcoming lending and borrowing services
& more…

Read 5 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
A Setback for #Bitcoin, A Chance for #Altcoins?

🗞 Let’s dive into your weekly digest of specially curated reads by #Matrixport 🗞️

What’s #trending in #cryptocurrency? ⬇️ Image
1️⃣ #Bitcoin Slips After a Sudden Sell-off and Release of #UK #Inflation Data
2️⃣ ‘#Pepe the Frog’ #MemeCoins Rocket as #Crypto #Twitter Moves on from #DOGE Obsession
3️⃣ #CMEGroup Set to Expand #ETH, #BTC #Derivatives Product Expiries
4️⃣ #SUINetwork Sets Date for #Mainnet Launch and Plan for #Token Allocation
5️⃣ #Starbucks Introduces a New #NFT Collection on the #Polygon Network

Read 4 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
🪂We are going to present a 3-4 digit Expected Potential airdrop @PolyhedraZK

🚨Those who missed #ARB and $Id #Airdrop dont miss this Polyhedra😍

Polyhedra Raised Total 25M$ (By Many Good Vc's)🔥🔥

🔁Retweet &
Follow for more💰

#Airdrops #Testnet Image

DYK: 🙅‍♂️

❓What is Polyhedra Network?

✅Polyhedra Network is building the next generation of infrastructure for Web3 interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology.

#Airdrop #polyhedra #Airdrops Image

Have Already Told You About Total Funding Raised & Today @PolyhedraZK Announced Its #Mainnet Alpha On @BNBCHAIN ❤️

🔗Check This -

🪂Check below thread To Be Eligible For #Airdrop🧵

Read 9 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023

1/ @Sui_start was thrilled to announce our collaboration with @ShoshinSquare
2/ @WispSwap was excited to announce a partnership with @ShinamiCorp 😍

Like and RT to support us🙏

#Sui #Mainnet #Web3 #news SUI DAILY UPDATE
Read 5 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
1/🪂 Zapraszam do drugiego poradnika (v2) dotyczącego działań na sieci @zksync ERA #mainnet.

1⃣ Sprawdzamy nowe projekty - dostępne już na sieci.
2⃣ Działamy spekulacyjnie pod możliwy #airdrop.
3⃣ Wykorzystujemy realne środki, więc działajcie rozważnie.

Do pracy 👇
2/📑 Nawiązanie
Niniejszy watek jest bezpośrednią kontynuacją naszych działań z poradnika v1 👇
3/🧵 Dane dotyczące sieci
- sieć #zkSync ERA została już dodana do platformy @DefiLlama
- możemy w tym (wiarygodnym) miejscu śledzić rozwój i dane statystyczne
- jest to także świetne miejsce do czerpania informacji o nowych projektach
Read 10 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
1/🦊 Pojawiło się obecnie wiele plotek, że 31 marca ma zostać wykonany snapshot naszych działań na Meta Mask i na tej podstawie w 2024 zostanie wydany #airdrop.

Traktuję to jako plotkę, ale warto w związku z tym podsumować najistotniejsze działania na platformie.

Do pracy! Image
2/🧵 Czy #airdrop jest potwierdzony?

Moim zdaniem jest to plotka i nikt tak na prawdę nie chwaliłby się konkretną datą. Tak nie robią duże projekty.

Pamiętajcie też, że warto działać w systemie ciągłym - także po upływie w/w daty.

Systematyczność i naturalność daje wyniki! Image
3/🧵 Platforma
- nasze działania powinniśmy skupić wokół aplikacji portfolio od Meta Mask
- klik Connect i podłączamy nasz portfel
- w zakładce portfolio zobaczymy podsumowanie naszych wszystkich portfeli (tak można podłączyć więcej niż jeden) ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
1/🪂 Zapraszam do pierwszego poradnika (v1) dotyczącego działań na sieci @zksync ERA #mainnet.

1⃣ Działamy spekulacyjnie pod możliwy #airdrop.
2⃣ Wykorzystujemy realne środki, więc działajcie rozważnie.
3⃣ Skupiam się tu na bridgeach i platformach DeFi na sieci.

Do pracy 👇 Image
2/🧵 Czy będzie token?

Z dostępnych informacji wynika, że:
- #zkSync będzie miał swój token
- token nie będzie wydany od razu
- może to potrwać nawet do 1 roku

💡 Mamy w takim razie dużo czasu na działania! Image
3/🧵 Dodanie sieci do portfela Meta Mask
- wpisujemy "zksync"
- przy sieci zkSync Era Mainnet klikamy w Add to Metamask
- potwierdzamy akcję za pomocą naszego portfela Image
Read 14 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
Bỏ qua sự kiện #arbitrum#spaceid vào hôm nay và ngày mai thì các bạn nên làm gì?

🙏Thông tin về sự kiện Beta Mainnet #zkEVM của #Polygon @0xPolygon vào ngày 27/3 sắp tới:

- #4 dự án đáng chú ý khi Polygon ra mắt #Mainnet

Thread 👇

(1/15) Image
Trước tiên, tóm gọn về lịch sử hình thành Polygon zkEVM:

- Vào năm 2021, Polygon đã chi ra 250 triệu đô để mua Hermez Network, mạng dưới sử dụng #zkrollups và đổi tên thành Polygon Hermez

- Tháng 7 năm 2022, Polygon Hermez được đổi tên thành Polygon zkEVM

- Ngày 10 Tháng 10 năm 2022, Polygon zkEVM cho ra mắt bản thử nghiệm Testnet

- Ngày 27 tháng 3 năm 2023, Polygon zkEVM sẽ chính thức ra mắt beta Mainnet đánh dấu 1 kĩ nguyên mới cho Polygon

Read 15 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
@SmartBazaar_ is a coding free tool for launching ESDT tokens and #SFTs on @MultiversX

A user-friendly launchpad for projects looking to easily create, manage, and sell their token w/o any coding skills required, with #smartcontracts ready to deploy from UI dashboard.

🧵👇 Image
Currently, contracts available to deploy are for ESDT and #SFT creation, but others will follow, such as staking, auction, airdrop or NFT creation.

There are also options to send ESDT/NFT/EGLD, purchase ESDT/SFT, vesting and claiming ESDT tokens.

The ESDT #smartcontract allows you to create, import, send and create a sale for your ESDT token.

Vesting and Sale is customizable and the #smartcontract can be updated, if needed.

Same for #SFT, plus support for multi-collections, sales & simplified built-in functions.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
1/📑 Weekendowe podsumowanie tygodnia nr 11.

👉 Zapraszam na podsumowanie wybranych wpisów z tego tygodnia.

🪂 W związku z #airdrop od #Arbitrum przedstawiam także miejsca, gdzie działam cyklicznie, aby powtórzyć podobną nagrodę!

Dodatkowe materiały:
3/📑 Ważne informacje co do przyszłości projektu @aztecnetwork - koniecznie się z tym zapoznajcie jeśli tu działaliście
Read 15 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
🥁Perform #Testnet on @QuasarFi Project.🚀

#Mainnet is loading and in process to get launched on 23 March.

#Quasar (pronounced QWAY-ZAR) is a decentralized appchain enabling interchain digital asset management.

Let's Dive into #Testnet.

#Airdrop 🪂

#Quasar Raised $11.5 Million in total,

Source Link :…

About Incentives Testnet 👇

🧑‍💻Team announced for some reward one who test their project 🪂

📌That form only for Bug finder will get another $ATOM tokens in reward:…
Testnet Task to do 👇

1) Need @keplrwallet if you don't have
2) Go here :
3) Connect wallet
4) Qasar Network adding popup appear accept it
Read 6 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
1/ Spent the day researching Coinbase's @BuildOnBase Layer-2 build atop the @optimismFND OP Stack.

@coinbase considered creating a chain in 2018 and 2020 but decided not to.

So why now? And what's a #Superchain?

Peep the thread to learn 🧵
2/ Coinbase is primarily a Web2 company, but it has released several #Web3 products over the past couple years.

Coinbase Wallet, $cbETH, and now Base.

Historically Coinbase struggled to pick a chain for their Web3 products.

Ethereum? Ethereum Layer-2? EVM-compatible?
3/ During the creation of @BuildOnBase, Coinbase concluded three things:

1. #EVM is their primary development environment.

2. Ethereum is for their large-scale business products.

3. Ethereum Layer-2s are for highly-scalable dApps that will onboard 1 billion crypto users.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Threads🧵on Some CRYPTO EVENTS for the month of March.

Don’t Forget to Retweet For Others To See 🚀🏌️‍♀️

$Key @SelfKey

🎭 Whitepaper release on 2nd March

$Ilv @illuviumio
🎭 Beyond >>> not stated on 2nd March too

$XFT @Offshiftxft

🎭 Mainnet Launch 🚀 on the 4th March

$WMT @wmtoken

🎭 Early Staking SnapShot on the 9th March
$Dsla @Stacktical

🎭Slashing SLA on the 9th March


🎭 Token burn on 12th March

$DSLA @Stacktical

🎭 ZkEVM Beta Launch 🚀

$FIL @Filecoin

🎭 FEVM Release on the 14th March

$OP @optimismFND

🎭 Bedrock Upgrade on 15th March
Read 9 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
We are excited to announce that we will be conducting a testing round of the Sarcophagus dApp on the #Goerli Testnet.

Testing starts today!

This test period will allow the team to collect valuable feedback and address any possible improvements before the mainnet launch

1/7⚰🧵 Image
To help users better understand how it works, we have created a short video walkthrough of using the V2 dApp!

Sarcophagus Goerli dApp Walkthrough



A pool on Goerli Uniswap has been created to supply gSARCO for dApp testing. if you are unable to utilize the pool, you can request tokens in the Discord channel 🚧testnet-users🚧

gSARCO Contract: 0x4633b43990b41B57b3678c6F3Ac35bA75C3D8436


Read 7 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
🔝#Bitcoin Skyrockets to All-Time High in 2023: Is it the Right Time to #Invest?💥

📰Let’s dive into your weekly digest of specially curated reads by #Matrixport 📰

What’s #trending in #cryptocurrency?
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image
1️⃣ #Bitcoin Rockets Past $24.7K to Reach 2023 High

2️⃣ #Paxos Reportedly Ordered to Stop Issuing #BUSD; #Tether’s #USDT Gains $1b

3️⃣ #Polygon Announces Launch Date for #zkEVM #Mainnet Beta in March
4️⃣ #Binance and #HuobiFreeze $1.4M in #Crypto Tied to #HarmonyBridge Theft

5️⃣ #ConfluxNetwork Partners with #China Telecom to Build #Blockchain-Enabled SIM Cards

Read 4 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
A week of outstanding achievements, partnerships, and 🔥releases is ending.
Let’s review the most important ones and remember: if you want your project to be mentioned in the weekly news, add it to:
We will add it here for next week’s news review.

Read 6 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
We have prepared a 🧵 and Resource for anyone joining willing to learn the basics and start building 🛠️

This resource is meant to be used as a first interaction with the @MultiversX playground and lay the foundation for welcoming new #Devs 🧠

Your first: “Hello MultiversX”💻

Similar with learning any new programming language, your first task will be to learn how to print out: “Hello World!”

Learn all about #MultiversX at:

w/ .css enabled:
More in-depth #Dev Tools:

▶️ #MultiversX #Devnet API:

▶️ #MultiversX #Mainnet API:

▶️ GraphQL Playground:

▶️ #SmartContracts Playground:

▶️ Resources…
Read 4 tweets

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