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Jan 21st 2023

How to Use Mirrors to Enhance Your Space.

Apart from checking your outfits, Mirrors offer a wonderful versatile design feature.

They add instant glamor and interest while also increasing natural light and maximizing the sense of space in your home.
1. Mirror as wall décor.

To decorate a room with a mirror, treat it like a piece of art.
A mirror's reflection needs to be carefully considered.
The reflection will, in effect become a piece of art in itself.
2. Mirrored Accessories.

Mirrored furniture, such as a mirrored dresser, mirrored bed headrest or bedside table and coffee table can add a touch of elegance and glamour to a room.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
What is Web 3.0?

Web3 is not the future, it is already killing it in the present 🔥

Understanding web 3 is quite a daunting task, especially for Non-Tech peeps. 🤔

An Interesting thread🧵

#web3 #internet #evolutionofweb #web2 #web1
In order to understand what is web3, we need to understand how the web has revolutionized over time! 🤔
Web 1 (roughly 1990-2005) was about open protocols that were decentralized and community-governed. Most of the value accrued to the edges of the network — users and builders.

#msn #netscape #aol #yahoo #internetexplorer Image
Read 27 tweets
Apr 24th 2022
சங்ககாலத்தில் கண்ணாடி தொழில்நுட்பம்...!

#கண்ணாடி இரு வகையது. ஒன்று ஒளி ஊடுருவும் தன்மையது, மற்றொன்றோ ஒளியை எதிரொளிப்பது. பின்னதை முகம் பார்க்கும் கண்ணாடி என்பர்.

இவ்விருவகைக் கண்ணாடிகளுமே சங்ககால மாந்தர் அறிந்தவை, பயன்படுத்தியவை என்பனவற்றைச் சங்கப் பாடல்கள்வழி அறிகிறோம்.
திருப்பரங்குன்றின் மீது, பேரழகு படைத்த ஆடல்மகள் ஒருத்தி கள்ளுண்ட மயக்கத்தில் நடனமாடுகிறாள்.

ஆடல்மகள் அழகிலே தன் கணவன் மயங்கிவிடுவானோ என்று அஞ்சிய ஒருத்தி, தன் கணவனைச் சினந்து நோக்குகிறாள்.
மற்றொருத்தி அந்நாட்டிய மகளிலும் தன்னழகு கூடி இருப்பின் கணவன் தன்னைப் பிரியான் என்று நினைத்துக் கண்ணாடியில் பார்த்து, தன்முகம், அணிகலன் ஆகியவற்றைத் திருத்திக் கொள்கிறாள்.

தலைவியின் தோழிகள் கேட்குமாறு, காதற்பரத்தை கூறுமாறு அமைந்த பாடல் மற்றொன்று.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 16th 2022
今晚的 Thread 给大家带来「#睡前小故事 系列一:LayerZero 技术浅析」#Mirror 故事🌙,讲解近期热门项目 LayerZero 的跨链通信方式。

希望这个「睡前小故事」“包看包会 & 有👀就行”系列可以让家人、朋友、四脚吞金兽以及没有任何基础但是对技术感兴趣的朋友都读明白技术。…

- LayerZero 是最近一周非常火热的一个话题。

- 在 LayerZero 上的应用还未落地前,大家还不知道在技术可实现的情况下,世界会变成什么样子。

- 就类似于远古时期第一群吃螃蟹的人,我们不知道未来会变的怎么样呀,但是我们可以去勇敢地了解它、理解它、接纳它,甚至是喜欢它。
- Gh0stly Gh0sts 是 LayerZero 上第一个 NFT 项目,也是所谓的 “Omni-chain” NFT 项目。Omni 在字典中是 “all; of all the things”,即全链 NFT。

- 关于 Gh0stly Gh0sts 的具体介绍可以看 4 月 5 日凌晨的这份 Tweet Thread。

Read 9 tweets
Dec 4th 2021
This report explores the impact that #security #thinktanks such as the Henry Jackson Society (#HJS) are having on British #democracy and societal cohesion
It highlights links between such groups & the British & international #FarRight which combine with patterns of divisive
far Right which combine with patterns of divisive and agenda-
driven reports based in impoverished methodologies to #shape UK #policy & #political #discourse for the worse.
Such groups have caused concern amongst numerous equalities, community, & faith groups &
& are cited as enabling & encouraging Islamophobia & racism, facilitating far
Right mobilisation, & pushing successive UK governments towards policy positions that damage societal cohesion.
This report brings together open-source articles, reports, & public instances of events
Read 31 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
0/16 Just like the real #NASA Webb Telescope, I’m so big that I have to fold up to fit in my #rocket for launch and then unfold in #space. Follow this thread to see each step of my deployment throughout the coming days. Image
1/16 Not long after I launch 🚀 into space, I need to deploy my solar array to keep the power flowing. My solar array folds flat, just like the real thing! #solarpower
2/16 📡 Next I release my medium- and high-gain antennae so that I can #communicate better and send data to you. My antennae are gimbaled, allowing me to aim them directly at #Earth! 🌍
Read 19 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
En estos días tocó máximos históricos, pero hace rato viene dando que hablar. Sí, estoy hablando de $LUNA y del ecosistema de #Terra.

Sale hilo de uno de los proyectos que más me gustan del mundo cripto.

¿Qué es lo que hace a Terra especial?
Desde sus inicios Terra está 100% orientado a conectar el mundo cripto con el mundo real, ofreciendo casos de uso y soluciones concretas.

Sus fundadores la presentan como una base para el e-commerce mundial.
Terra ofrece una canasta de stablecoins atadas a distintas monedas y estabilizadas algorítmicamente gracias al token nativo de la red: $LUNA.

La stablecoin más conocida es $UST (USD), pero también están KRT (Corea del Sur), INT (India), JPT (Japón), entre otras.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 13th 2021
“In Indian mythology the god Indra is said to have a net of illusion (maya) that he casts over beings in order to either bind or free them. The net has been called the Jeweled Net of Indra because there is a beautiful jewel at each juncture or linking point in the lattice.”
“The metaphor of this net demonstrates that illusion and insight are two sides of the same phenomenon. When ignorance and egotism are dominant, the net falsely makes everything appear separate. In our struggle to get out of the net we grasp at sense objects, which causes us...”
“ become more and more entangled since those objects are not actually separate from everything else; they only appear to be so. If you are fortunate and are able to listen to teachings about the nature of reality and illusion, you are able to look closely at the net itself.”
Read 5 tweets
Dec 27th 2020
2020 (Hindi) films on digital platforms.

A thread..

#GhostStories - Netflix
#BhangraPaaLe - Netflix
#ShimlaMirchi - Netflix
#SabKushalMangal - Eros Now
#Tanhaji - Hotstar
#Chhapaak - Hotstar
#JaiMummyDi - Netflix
#Bunker - ShemarooMe
#WildKarnataka - Discovery Plus
#StreetDancer - Amazon
#Panga - Hotstar
#JawaaniJaaneman - Amazon
#Ekram - Hungama
#ItsAboutChoices - Cinemapreneur
#Malang - Netflix
#Shikara - Amazon
#Hacked - Zee5
#Kaanchli -
#YahanSabhiGyaniHain - Shemaroo Me
#Baggage -
#LoveAajKal - Netflix / Jio Cinema
#Shukranu - Zee5
#ShubhMangalZyadaSaavdhan - Amazon
#Bhoot : #TheHauntedShip - Amazon
#YehBallet - Netflix
#Thappad - Amazon
#DoorKeDarshan - Netflix / Amazon #KehtaHaiYehDil - Shemaroo Me
#DheetPatangey - Hotstar
#Baaghi3 - Hotstar
Read 13 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
If you really want to make a change in the world, do something hard like #nonviolent #resistance. Read up and learn #satyagraha or change. It takes #strength & #courage; physical force is forbidden even in the so-called most favorable circumstances.…
If your cause is #righteous, Gandhi believed, the movement would speak for itself.

My personal justification for it is #psychological/#neurological (#CNS/#HPA).

If you use #violence, well the one with the biggest #ego or the biggest ego-extension (guns, tanks, war) will win.
Removing tools of violence (words, arms) from the equation, you form a mirror.

It's not easy though. You'd have to refine/drop/manage/elevate past your own #ego.

People - depending on personal history & psychology - sometimes become enraged at what they see in the #mirror.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Inside Ghislaine Maxwell’s dark web: greed, sex and daddy issues #thread | #Epstein #PrinceAndrew it’s all in this THREAD 🧵....
How did the #Oxford-educated daughter of a publishing tycoon wind up in jail charged with trafficking minors for Jeffrey #Epstein? Vassi Chamberlain, who knew #Maxwell, speaks to her former friends
London, 1990. I have just arrived at a dinner in a newly opened Soho restaurant with people I barely know. I see a long table rammed with the deafening confidence of entitled rich young things.
Read 106 tweets
May 29th 2020
#QuarantineWatchParty #onlyfans #news #newnormal
Let me share some things with you, I'll do my best to put it into words,and Let those the Creator of all Reality our Heavenly Father should have to see, see. Today we're going to talk about #Letters and stuff. #alphabetsoup
Let's look at a more controversial Alphabet, #Hebrew, where we even get the English word above from, Aleph Beth. Remember #children #Layers meanings within meanings #hmmyeeealright
So what letters stand out to you? Tha's nice, those which I noticed most are T-taw, Q-Qoph, And W - Waw or is that a Y, why oh me oh my? #WhyWomenKill #Youtube #Y
Read 25 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Feb 25th 2020
Da sie nun wissen, dass ihr Ende unausweichlich ist, will die #Kabale die oberirdische menschliche Bevölkerung im Zuge ihres eigenen Untergangs vernichten. Image
Dies versuchten sie im Dezember letzten Jahres durch das Auslösen des finanziellen Zusammenbruchs mittels des Repo-Markts, und das hat nicht funktioniert, sie versuchten dies Anfang Januar durch eine Eskalation mit dem Iran, das hat nicht funktioniert..
sie versuchten, eine Falsche Flagge (#FalseFlag) in Virginia zu inszenieren, das hat nicht funktioniert – was bleibt also übrig?
Die Angst vor einer globalen Pandemie. Also- ethnisch spezifische #Biowaffen /ein „nützliches politisches Instrument“…
Read 43 tweets
Dec 29th 2018

#Meditation happens beyond #mind. It involves watching #mind. When the real YOU, the watcher, becomes stronger the mind becomes the #servant.

No #discipline, #mantra or #scientific instrument can lead to meditation. No technique can go beyond mind.
The basis of all misunderstanding in a scientific circle is: when the being of a person is in a state of meditation, it creates certain waves in the mind. These waves can be wavelength from the outside by #technical means. But those waves will not create #meditation
You may go on practising with #scientific instruments for years; it will not change your #character, it will not change your #morality, it will not change your #individuality. You will remain the same.
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Aug 31st 2018
1) How did we all miss the clues revealing the illegal spying on the #WhiteHouse & @realDonaldTrump? It was right there in the #mirror staring us in the face! I am combining some posts from other threads for a look at the greatest scandal in American history! #SpyGate
2) On 5/7/18 President Trump went on record revealing that the White House had been bugged. He revealed this to three reporters for @Time Magazine, who missed all the hints & clues. He put this on record after he had ordered DAG Rosenstein to fire @Comey but before it was public.
3) Trump knew this would place him on the record revealing the illegal spying before the firing, but that Time would print it a week later. @michaelscherer @ZekeJMiller & @nancygibbs missed the clues the WH had been bugged forcing remodeling of 2 rooms.…
Read 25 tweets
Mar 21st 2018
Continuing to investigate the mirrored Q posts that I think we will see this week. I think the narrative in the msm takes a turn tomorrow. McCabe Strok Hodgman Comey criminal fiasco. Why? Because on 12/4 Q focuses on this. 12/4-3/22. #qanon #windtheclock #doitq
Yes 3/22 is not tomorrow- it’s a process of revealing info to the general public. Many of you may know all of this. News unlocks the message. Q asks about the news last Friday. In the present, McCabe was fired last Friday. Q asks who is Melissa Hodgman. #windtheclock #qanon
She is director of sec enforcement div. Promoted Oct 14. 2 weeks later Comey reveals that emails have been found on wieners lap top. Strok overseeing the investigation. Strok is Hodgman’s Husband! Strok rewords comeys letter from ‘gross negligence’ 2 ‘xtemely careless’ #qanon
Read 17 tweets
Oct 9th 2017
Oh the geezers are hard at it grafting media, it's always great to have easy scapegoats "North Korean cyber gangs.."…
2/"Mr Murphy’s firm was the first in the world to liaise with computer giant IBM over the use of the super-computer ‘Watson’ for real-time--
3/artificial intelligence-based defence against cyber criminals." Bear with me, I'm about to post a few more links in #THREAD #CyberSecurity
Read 71 tweets

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