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Unter "Da habe ich mich geirrt" gibt @zeitonline wichtigen Protagonisten von Impfpflicht & Corona-Zwangsmaßnahmen eine Bühne um ihr Wirken der letzen Jahre zu "reflektieren."

Die #Zeit war 3 Jahre selbst Zentralorgan von Ausgrenzung, Spaltung & Hetze gegen Regierungskritiker.
Schon im August 2020 beschimpft der stellvertretende Chefredakteur der ZEIT, @berndulrich, Menschen die für eine Rückkehr der Grundrechte demonstrieren als Covidioten.

Nach der Verabschiedung des neuen IfSG fordert Christian Bangel in der ZEIT mehr Polizeigewalt gegen Grundrechtsdemos.

Er behauptet, "die Rechtsradikalen" hätten sich mit "den Querdenkern" verbündet, würden politische Morde und einen Umsturz planen.

Read 14 tweets
System Change, not Climate Change heißt auch:
#Polizei abschaffen! 👮‍♀️❌

Unser Kampf begrenzt sich nicht nur aufs Klima. Wir kämpfen für das gute Leben für alle. Das gibt es nur, wenn alle Menschen frei von Gewalt & Diskriminierung + in Sicherheit leben können.

🧵 (1/3) +EN
(2/3) Dafür wollen wir unseren Blick weiten & uns solidarisch an die Seite all jener stellen, die von alltäglicher insbesondere rassistischer #Polizeigewalt betroffen sind. Denn egal wen es trifft, gemeint sind wir alle.

#nojusticenopeace #solidarity #defundthepolice
(3/3) Danke an Anna & William vom @solimouhamed, dass ihr bei unserem Dorfspaziergang dabei wart & so mitreißenden Reden gehalten habt.
Gemeinsam werden wir weiter für echte #Klimagerechtigkeit kämpfen! ✊

#justice4mouhamed #ouryjallohdaswarmord #policebrutality

EN ⬇️
Read 6 tweets
Heute jährt sich der erste rassistische Anschlag des #NSU. Was folgt sind Jahre des Naziterrors mit 10 Toten, gefördert und gedeckt vom deutschen Staat. Ein Täterschutz, der bis heute andauert.
Am 19.01.2001 explodiert in einem deutsch-iranischen Lebensmittelgeschäft in der Kölner Probsteigasse 44 ein Sprengsatz.Sofort wird gegen den Ermordeten und seine Familie ermittelt. Rassistisch motivierte Polizist*innen traumatisieren die Hinterbliebenen.
Bis zum Versand der Bekenner*innen Videos schloss die Polizei einen rassistischen Hintergrund aus stigmatisierte die Opfer, die Gesellschaft machte mit. Zum Unterstützer*innen Kreis gehörten rechte Parteifunktionäre und der Verfassungsschutz.

Der NSU mordete-der Staat macht mit
Read 8 tweets
A 🧵 for the anti-war feminists who argue against backing Ukrainian defence: an initiative delivering medication to survivors of Russian army’s sexual violence, helping women, girls & fellow survivors to prevent unwanted pregnancy and access safe abortion, that I've supported..
…asked donors to send money to the UA defence because without pushing the occupying RU & allied armies out of Ukraine, there is currently no way to reach many women, girls and fellow people who have been raped and to stop & prevent their rape and murder. A reality check. So..
Anyone who undermines defence in response to a military invasion needs to understand that denying people the means of self-defence enables rape, killing & imperial oppression. Doesn't feminism support a woman's right to self-defence against gender violence? Then it ought to…
Read 20 tweets
La meg introdusere dere til #NNPF helten fra Arendal Fredrik Wilhelm Schulze. En mann som er skamløst åpen om at han gjerne misbruker den autoriteten hans rolle som politi gir han.

#narkotwitter #politiskandalen #samrøre #slikepolitiødeleggertilliten #NoJusticeNoPeace
Når han ikke får lov til å bruke sin uniform i private ærend, med media på slep så klart, blir han sint og klager på sine sjefer i media.

Han stiller seg helt helt uforstående til hvorfor han ikke får det. Han argumenterer nettopp med at hensikten er signaleffekten uniformen har
Dette er en mann som meldte seg inn i @ArendalSV i forkant av rusreformens behandling i Stortinget. Han har stor definisjonsmakt lokalt, og han har vært en tydelig motstander av rusreformen. Forkledd som politi, men egentlig som NNPF medlem.

Han viser null forståelse for
Read 14 tweets
#decolonizedecember #18dicembre #Giornatainternazionaledeimigranti #InternationalMigrantsDay
#Violenza, #tortura #razzismo e #morte,
La politica di difesa dei confini dell'UE è razzista e rafforza le strutture di potere coloniali e capitaliste. Frontex e il sistema che rappre-
senta devono essere aboliti ADESSO. La politica militarizzata di fortezza UE ha ucciso oltre 44.764 persone dal 1993.
Annegati nel Mediterraneo; uccisi al confine; morti per suicidio in carcere, torturati e uccisi dopo l'espulsione - l'UE ha le mani sporche di sangue.
Frontex è
Read 14 tweets
ADA: 518-487-5460
DA: 518-487-5460
@albanycountyda @albanypolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #OccupyArchSt #ArchSt
Albany County ADA Rossi is not responding to Lexis's attorney's emails to meet to discuss his case. As of right now, Albany Courts say his next court is Wed 12/8 at 10am 1 Morton Ave. The ADA's last offer will require Lexis to serve time in prison with probation following.
This is an awful offer and unacceptable that Rossi is not returning emails. Email/call Rossi & demand he does his job, meet with Lexis's lawyers and DROP THE CHARGES, 518-487-5460 @albanycountyda
Read 19 tweets
ADA: 518-487-5460
DA: 518-487-5460
@albanycountyda @albanypolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #OccupyArchSt #ArchSt
Albany County ADA David Rossi is not responding to Lexis's attorney's emails to meet to discuss his case. The ADA's last offer will require Lexis to serve time in prison following probation. As of right now, his next court is Wed, Dec 8th @ 10am 1 Morton Ave.
This is an awful offer and unacceptable that Rossi is not returning emails. Email/call Rossi & demand he does his job, meet with Lexis's lawyers and DROP THE CHARGES, 518-487-5460 @albanycountyda
Read 16 tweets
Watch THE COMEY RULE on Netflix.
DAY OF RAGE from NYT on YouTube.
Listen to the phone call with Raffensperger:…

Then realize that DT and his conspirators have gotten away scot free.
We must demand to #ArrestTrumpNow, build a case with REAL subpoenas in a REAL courtroom with REAL consequences, not just a REPORT.
Read 5 tweets
1984 was a pivotal political moment in time, for our class.

What Scargill said about Thatcher’s attack on the miners

“what they do to us today, they’ll do to you tomorrow” well he was spot on

Thatcher wanted to smash our class & to do that she needed to defeat the mining communities & industries first

Our working class history is vital so having an inquiry into what happened during 1984

particularly at Orgreave, will show tactics used by the state obsessed with destroying our class

For 37yrs miners have been calling for justice - support their call for an inquiry, especially today 5yrs on from @AmberRuddUK telling them there was nothing new to learn.
Read 5 tweets
It is a cruel jest to say to people who have suffered inhumane treatment for centuries to unite with those who have caused a lot of pain


#Biden #Trump #GOPDeathCult #VoterSuppression #AbortionBan #racism #BlackLivesMatter #HumanRights #Truth #Facts #humanity

We give each other a chance when both sides deserve it

What have YOU done if now #racists give you a chance?

Why don't you give JUSTICE a chance?


#Biden #Trump #GOPTraitors #racism #VoterSuppression #HumanRights #BLM #Truth #Facts

#VoteBlue to make your dreams untrue
Vote red & you are dead

There is 3rd option - A new party that will represent the interests of the people

#Biden #Trump #FascistGOP #racism #VoterSuppression #AbortionBan #BLM #Truth #HumanRights
Read 4 tweets
15 yr old blk girl shot 5x in the chest and pronounced dead at 5:21 pm in Columbus Ohio. #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter

So far it’s said she was in a fight and pulled a knife out. No commands were given when cops pulled up just her being shot
Than the nerve of the officers on scene to yell “blue lives matter” to residents as the 15 yr old lay breathless smh tf!!! #nojusticenopeace #BlackLivesMatter #SayHerName…

A crowd now showing up
Read 11 tweets

Unity is first & foremost responsibility

Have you EVER seen a responsible #racist?

Americans view the unfolding events as internal affairs

They forgot - the US gov aggressively promoted globalization & insisted on being the leader of the "free world"


The world agreed & was rewarded with a shock

B4 #Trump, many "flaws" of the system were not obvious

#TraitorTrump exposed them all

- the system of C&B is dangerously unreliable
- human life is worthless
- unprecedented #corruption
- #DoubleStandards

#NoJusticeNoPeace ➡️

#Biden should've restored #RuleOfLaw b4 talking about unity - he put the cart b4 the horse

#JoeBiden's unity
- turned #racism into a political stance
- let #GOPTraitors off the hook
- reduced #RuleOfLaw to nothing
- "inspired" #CorruptGOP & it's base

#NoJusticeNoPeace ➡️
Read 8 tweets
Today, January 26 at 5:30 PM at the Allen Street Gates -- Join @3_20Coalition in our vindicated continued cries for justice, accountability and transparency.

We will not stay silent!!

#BlackLivesMatter #OsazeOsagie #PoliceBrutality #NoJusticeNoPeace #StateCollege #CentreCounty
A massive lie has been served to the people of State College by all members of Centre County leadership and specifically State College Borough & Police, as well as District Attorney Bernie Cantorna.
The officer who is shot and killed Osaze is a violent, alcoholic, domestic abuser, who was released from rehab just days before murdering Osaze.

Three shots to the back, by an officer unfit to work? How do you justify that??

They can't, so instead they cover up
Read 5 tweets
State College police officer M. Jordan Pieniazek was not fit for duty, was allegedly acting erratically days prior to shooting Osaze Osagie, and the Osagie family has now amended their federal lawsuit

This is why SCPD fears transparency

From @centredaily (@BretPallottoCDT)
From Osagie family statement :

“The department failed this officer and, consequently, they failed our son,” ... “The department should never have permitted him to go back in service without providing checks and balances to ensure his fitness to serve and the public’s safety.”
THIS is why @3_20Coalition has been demanding for

the names of the officers involved
to FIRE and PROSECUTE those officers
AND an independent investigation into the SCPD

THIS is why we still continue to fight for #JusticeForOsaze
Read 4 tweets
This sketch has been made by painter Ankit Santra to highlight the barbaric banana republic that this country has turned into Bakths.

Bhakts as they are famously known, have mass reported this sketch claiming that their religious sentiments were hurt. And Fascist Facebook promptly took it down, like the good lapdog it is
We shall keep reposting this each time it is taken down. Each time a woman has to bear the brunt of Brahmanical Patriarchy. For all the dalit women for whom this Ram Rajya is nothing but an endless persecution.
Read 4 tweets
Should White people protest, loot, burn down cities and scream #NoJusticeNoPeace when a black cop is tasing and arresting a white woman for refusing to wear a mask?

Our country has gone off the rails. If you can keep a distance and you are outside a mask mandate is out of control.

Yet we do NOT ask for the officer’s head on the platter!

It’s those who mandate the masks outside that should be held accountable.
I agree Dr. @SWAtlasHoover.

Tasing & arresting people in an open area 4 not wearing a mask is both un American and “scientifically irrational”.

Yet we allow rioters burn down cities, hit LEOs w metal objects, spit on people & commit violent crimes w little to no consequences.
Read 3 tweets
The Richmond City Jail currently has 100 inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19. Most of these inmates have been placed in “quarantine” likely meaning many of them are currently in solitary confinement rather than receiving treatment.

The COVID-19 health crisis has
resulted in the death of an inmate. The inmate was denied medical treatment until their lungs reached 40% capacity, at which that point it was too late.

We demand that the City of Richmond take accountability for the public health crisis in the Jail. We demand the release of
inmates due to COVID-19 concerns, demand that bond be given to all inmates denied bond and demand that bond be lowered for all inmates with high bond. We demand that the city recognize this as a responsibility to ensure the safety of the citizens in their jail! No one was
Read 4 tweets
A disappointing whitewash from the @DoD_IG as their report on Trump's abuse of active duty military personnel at the southern border came out today. A few thoughts on context and what comes next. <thread>
For starters, you can read the full report here:… 2/
This report came in response to tens of thousands of activists and 34 Members of Congress demanding the DoD IG look into possible violations of posse comitatus when Trump deployed active duty troops to the border.… 3/
Read 13 tweets
So clearly today is not the day we get to have a life. Catching up now, but 11th & Pine (once again) is a major friction point between protesters and police. We've seen flash bangs, pepper spray and blast balls all used in the last few minutes.

Police are now trying shoot pepper spray through the front line umbrella brigade.

We've heard repeated reports that flashbangs have lobbed into the crowds and that media have been targeted by both pepper spray and rubber bullets.

Read 27 tweets

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