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THREAD🧵The @NIH has reinstated a grant that had been terminated by President Trump in April 2020.

However, a document first obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveals that the #NIH’s conditions for reinstatement have not been met.…
The grant, titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” was originally awarded in 2014 by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID.

Under the terms of the grant, @EcoHealthNYC, a government-funded nonprofit that purportedly engages in research to prevent pandemics, was awarded……
In May 2016, the grant was suspended after Erik Stemmy, a NIAID program officer, noticed that federal government funds may have been used for prohibited #GainOfFunction experiments at the #WuhanLab in #China.

At the time, the Obama administration had put……
Read 21 tweets
By now, everyone's heard about the #WuhanLab & #lableak 🧪🦠🦇🐭

But did you know that in April 2020, WCW was the 1st to expose (& cut!) taxpayer funding for the Wuhan animal lab? 🔎💸✂️

A #SunshineWeek 🧵…
Via #FOIA, we uncovered the infamous 2016 emails where NIH & EcoHealth conspire to violate the federal #GainOfFunction ban & Peter Dazsak exclaims "This is terrific!" when NIH approves the dangerous animal tests at the #WuhanLab 🧪🦠🦇🐭💸

Via #FOIA, we unearthed documents showing that EcoHealth was collecting dangerous bat coronaviruses around the world (incl in Laos) & shipping them to the #WuhanLab for experiments 🦇🦠🧪💸

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En días recientes salió a la luz una teoría muy controversial 🤔: ¿de dónde provino el COVID-19? ¿Fue de un laboratorio en #Wuhan o se propagó naturalmente en animales?

En este hilo 🧵te contamos de que va esta teoría 🚨
#WuhanLab #Hilo
El origen del COVID-19 ha sido tema de debate en todo el mundo. La teoría de que el virus se originó en un laboratorio en Wuhan ha ganado popularidad entre algunos políticos y científicos, aunque la mayoría de la comunidad científica cree que el virus se propagó de forma natural
Acá viene lo interesante😰: La Oficina de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia del Departamento de Energía de EE.UU. ha respaldado la teoría de la fuga de laboratorio, convirtiéndose en la segunda entidad de inteligencia del gobierno de Estados Unidos, junto con el FBI, en hacerlo.
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Ik begrijp dat de banden tussen wetenschappers wereldwijd innig zijn bij het bestuderen van gevaarlijke virussen. Maar deze vond ik toch wel aardig.

De link tussen de @erasmusuni en het #WuhanLab WIV en het Chinese leger.
Zie hier:

Sake J. de Vries: van het Eramus. Vast een goede bekende van @MarionKoopmans, is het niet, Marion?
En wie is de voorlaatste auteur?

Warempel: Jan Hendrik Richardus. Ook van het Erasmus.
Read 12 tweets
@P_McCulloughMD explains how CV19, not the vaccine, creates blood clots. The hardest hit being those with 2+ infections.
McCullough branded #AAPS sent out an email this morning with this latest info. I included the pdf below.
#AAPS emailed me this today describing how #SarsCoV2 exaggerates blood-clotting response leading to clots in the lungs, brain, other organs and large arteries like the aorta. @P_McCulloughMD is named in this report.…
#SarsCoV2 has blood clotting mechanism built in
#mRNA exacerbates/causes #BloodClots
📢@CDC LIED! - said we "can't get #CV19 if vaxd"
✅Vaxd people still get CV19
✅mRNA reacts w/ CV19 increasing mortality rates
✅Virus - made in a lab
✅mRNA - made in a lab
Read 15 tweets
Jan Bonte, alias Jan B Hommel, bij Mooie Mensen

Het is voor mij de maand van de podcasts.

Ik was bij twee mensen waar ik graag kom: dit is de 1e, 'Mooie Mensen' van Dilys, en later nog bij 'Deze dagen' van @simonvgroningen.
Dan dinsdag nog bij @ongehoordnedtv over de #oversterfte. Een weerzien met @rblommestijn en @EvaVlaar. Da's eigenlijk al (te) lang geleden.

De podcast van Dilys is eerder opgenomen dan die van Simon, vandaar dat ik een paar keer naar Simon verwijs.
Daarna vind ik het eigenlijk wel weer mooi geweest. En kruip ik terug onder mijn stolp.

Ik wil verder met het uitpluizen van de fysiologie en de pathofysiologie van messenger-RNA en de mRNA-vaccins van #Pfizer en #BioNTech.

Maar dat is veel meer werk dan gedacht...
Read 7 tweets
BREAKING: The NIH has announced that Fauci's deputy, who helped cover up what happened at the #WuhanLab, has been selected to take over NIAID

#WhiteCoatWaste #LabLeak #OriginOfCovid
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Dr. #AnthonyFauci’s deposition, taken as part of a lawsuit alleging #Collusion between the US government and #BigTech, was released Dec. 5.

Here are some takeaways:…
Dr. #AnthonyFauci relied on others to dismiss #WuhanLabLeak theory.

Just weeks before a paper dismissing the lab leak theory was published, Fauci held a secret phone call with the authors of a paper.…
Despite having communicated repeatedly with the authors, Fauci said he couldn’t recall their names during a White House press conference in April 2020.…
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Ik heb nog steeds niets over dit artikel gezegd van @WashburneAlex. En dat heeft een reden.

Ik begrijp wel wat hij bedoelt, maar ten volle snappen doe ik het nog steeds niet.

En over dingen die je niet ten volle begrijpt, kun je over het algemeen maar het beste je mond houden.

Al moet ik wel een beetje grinniken, want onze winnaar van de journalistieke clownscompetitie @mkeulemans wist natuurlijk al wel hoe het zit.……

Ik ben al een tijdje bezig het naadje van de kous aan het zoeken. Dit is een mooi en goed overzicht, maar voor de leek vrijwel niet te volgen.
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Corona toch een laboratoriumongeluk? Waar rook is, is soms vuur. Maar vaker gebakken lucht via @volkskrant

Zoals gewoonlijk weet Maarten weer niet waar hij over praat, onze cultureel antropologische snotsnuiver...

Een draadje.

Inderdaad, de studie van @WashburneAlex bewijst niet dat #SARSCoV2 in het lab gecreëerd is.

Het is gewoon een heel klein stukje van een hele grote puzzel.…
Natuurlijk negeert @mkeulemans alle andere indirecte bewijzen voor een #lableak. Terwijl in deze het gaat om waarschijnlijkheden, zoals men dat analyseert met een Bayesiaanse kansberekening.

Alle argumenten nog eens op een rij zien: het uitstekende overzicht van @Ayjchan
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Vraag het Marion! (8)… via @john_bumblebee

De update en epiloog van het laatste deel, naar aanleiding van publicatie van @MichaelWorobey et al. in Science.

Aangevuld met de analyses van @stevenemassey en @danwalker9999

Waarvoor veel dank!

Zoals bekend mag worden verondersteld, schreef @MarionKoopmans aan deze studie mee.

Opvallend is de verandering in de conclusies tussen de pre-print en de uiteindelijke publicatie, hetgeen Koopmans maar liever verzweeg.

Er bleef namelijk niets over van hun stellige conclusies.
Maar de analyse van @danwalker9999 was te goed om niet mee te nemen in de update.

Wat hij laat zien dat het over elkaar plotten van de verschillende lage-resolutie kaartjes getuigt van een lachwekkend amateurisme.

Read 14 tweets
💥NEW💥 Op-Ed from WCW President on the censorship by the media and big tech exposing Fauci’s cruel and wasteful experiments. #LabLeak #BeagleGate 👇…
💴 quote: “For the past two years, government animal testing has been at the center of the free speech debate that’s reached a boiling point in the United States.”
“So gruesome are Fauci’s 🙈experiments (paid for with your tax dollars) that Twitter doesn’t want you to see them. Journalist & filmmaker @lwoodhouse recently discovered Twitter slapped a ‘content warning’ 3/…
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/28/2022…
Illegals Can Now Use Arrest Warrants As Identification To Fly: TSA | ZeroHedge…

#IllegalImmigrants, #NationalSecurity, #PartisanPolitics, #TSAGuidelines
Humans Didn’t Invent Mathematics, It’s What the World Is Made Of…

#mathematics, #HoneycombConjecture, #PrimeNumbers, #discovery
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“WCW noted its report marked the fourth time since 2016 that the group has documented experiments funded by #Fauci's agency that involved the cruel abuse of dogs.”…
“The non-profit project first gained attention in April 2020 when it revealed Fauci's agency had provided funding for "gain of function" research at the #WuhanLab.”
“The mainstream press and social media censored WCW's findings, as well as any subsequent reports indicating the Wuhan lab may have been the source of the pandemic that has killed nearly 5 million people.”
Read 4 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 10/24/2021…
As China Stops Exports of Phosphate, what will be the impact on 11-52 Prices and Availability?…

#phosphate #china #export #agriculture #price #availability #logistics #NorthAmerica
Read 8 tweets
News Analysis🔎Shi Zheng-li, director of the #WuhanLab, is the common thread through which many key #GainOfFunction experiments on coronaviruses are connected.

Her work shows a curious pattern of deception tracing through her publications. (Thread👇)…
In 2002, the #SARS outbreak resulted in the deaths of 774 people worldwide.

The SARS outbreak would prove to shape Shi’s career, moving from field research to work in level 2 biosafety labs before culminating in gain-of-function experiments in the #WuhanLab.
Her search for the originating source of the #SARS outbreak began in 2004.

Shi’s early research was captured in a 2005 article in which she reported that “that species of bats are a natural host of coronaviruses closely related to those responsible for the SARS outbreak.”
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How science demolishes the right-wing fiction of a Wuhan “lab leak” as the source of coronavirus #WuhanLab #WuhanLabLeak…
This is part two of a three-part series.

"Andersen has been steadfast on the natural origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus since his work on the issue early in the pandemic, which led to the critical “ Proximal Origins ” report in Nature Medicine in March 2020."…
This is the conclusion of a three-part series.

The enormous and collaborative scientific discourse that existed between UNC and WIV provides an understanding of what forms of viral experiments were feasible. #WuhanLab…
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JOURNALISTS: It is a FACT that bat corona viruses were being manipulated to be more deadly to humans at the #wuhanlab with NIH and DOD funds. This thread summarizes what you must report without fear… via @intelligencer
The Obama WH said these were "experiments that may...confer attributes to influenza, MERS or SARS viruses" to enhance "pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route."
But disease experts Drs. Marc Lipsitch and Thomas Inglesby in 2014 said creating new virulent, more transmissible microbes "poses extraordinary risks to the public."
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(1) Truth is coming out. Australian & Indian media have begun to expose the #CCP/PLA 2015 #bioweapon textbook & #Wuhan IV cover-up by the @WHO Indian military are building a case. Narrative falling apart. Fauci has flipped flopped in exactly 1 yr. #COVID19 #WuhanLab #coronavirus ImageImage
(2) Articles for both pictures in previous tweet. Fauci makes 180 as more holes appear in the initial bat/pangolin narrative. Thanks @DrLiMengYAN1 & @LawrenceSellin for exposing the CCP's & UN WHO lies.……
(3) Australian media covering #CCP bioweapon document

Indian media interviewing #India's military on #bioweapon revelations.

Indian media interviewing #whistleblower virologist

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United States' "most prolific conspiracy theorist" #AlexJones has made very shocking revelations regarding #COVID19.

NIAID, a major health agency of US, then President #Obama and #BillGates funded the formulation of the most deadly virus in #WuhanLab.
@TuckerCarlson @FoxNews

Who opened the Pandora's box in #WuhanLab?

"In 2015, Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) & chief medical advisor to then president #BarackObama paved way to make #COVID19", alleges #AlexJones


As per Alex from @newswarz, Dr. Peter Daszak, the President of "Eco Health Alliance", an NGO from UK directed projects in #WuhanLab He weaponized five viruses whose combination led to #COVID19

Famous law professor Francis Boyles exposes the origins of this "bio-weapon"


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I don't know if #Fauci is dissembling, or if he was unaware of the 2018 & 2019 grants to Peter Daszek of EcoHealth Alliance by the #NIH for gain of function research on coronaviruses, that Daszek subcontracted to Dr. Shi at the #WuhanLab. Daszek spoke about this in December 2019:
Link to the Nicholas Wade article posted at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on May 5, 2021 which revealed the #NIH grants to Ecohealth Alliance that were subcontracted by it's President Peter Daszek to Dr. Shi at the #WuhanLab:…
I'm no fan of #RandPaul. No doubt many of his questions are misleading or disingenuous. Nonetheless, it's clear Fauci misspoke when he claimed the #NIH never funded Gain in Function research on coronaviruses, since the evidence is in the public record.…
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le Sras-cov-2 arme de guerre chinoise ? 1 théorie folle ? apparemment pas, juste un concept publié en 2015 par le gouvt chinois... tiens tiens... on nous aurait menti ? 1 piste à creuser avec ce livre évoqué...
Un thread plus clair sur ce sujet, polémique, lancé par cette femme Dr en sciences, virologue dissidente lanceuse d'alerte...
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Did US Gov't help create conditions that led to the release of Covid from a Wuhan Lab? Maybe so. read Nicholas Wade's article in posted at Bureau of Atomic Scientists:…
2/ We've been told by #WHO and many scientists and US government officials that the lab leak hypothesis was impossible. But ...
3/ So, why, after no one tracked the coronavirus back to natural emergence, i.e., it's source in the wild, did authorities continue to downplay the possibility of a leak from the Wuhan Lab? Maybe because they were afraid of what a thorough investigation would reveal.
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/13/2021…
Prevalence of Optimal Metabolic Health in American Adults: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009–2016…

#MetabolicHealth #SurveyResults #DataAnalysis #ResearchFindings
A new era of innovation: Moore’s Law is not dead and AI is ready to explode…

#InnovationRate #MooresLaw #ArtificialIntelligence
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