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1/ „So, in short, why is there so much focus on #Pfizer in public discussion of the Covid vaccine market, virtually to the exclusion of #BioNTech and even in discussion by seasoned financial analysts?

Indeed, why is the ……
2/ … product in question even called the ‚Pfizer‘ vaccine? This is obviously a misnomer. It is #BioNTech /s vaccine … . #BioNTech developed and literally owns it. Hence, its scientific codename: #BNT162b2. #Pfizer merely manufactures and sells it in certain (but not all) …
3/ … markets on #BioNTech /s behalf.

#BioNTech was also the sponsor of the famous clinical trials that led to the vaccine‘s authorization. … #Pfizer merely carried out the trials, yet again, on #BioNTech /s behalf. And #BioNTech is the marketing authorization holder on …
Read 8 tweets
Multiplexed barcoding of cells:
Fluorescence Polarization Spectroscopy…
I fucking knew it. That's just wonderful. 😑
Read 64 tweets
#TheRats [THREAD]


By Ehden Biber

This image holds the clue to what you are about to discover:

/1 Image
As you saw in the (sanitised) image above, humans seem to have a different expression of something. But of what? and what does it had to do with #Pfizer/#BioNTech experimental gene therapy, known as #BNT162b2/#Comirnaty/#tozinameran?

Let's find out.

#Pfizer/#BioNTech didn't conduct many safety tests on animals prior to them receiving their Emergency Usage Authorization.
Genotoxicity & carcinogenicity studies were not performed, because "The…vaccine formulation…(was) not expected to have genotoxic potential".
#TheRats Image
Read 63 tweets
☑️ Jikkyleaks

Two sites stand out from the #pfizerdocuments randomization log as major anomalies....

Site 1231 and Site 4444

You are not going to believe this.....

@AaronSiriSG @fynn_fan @ClareCraigPath @profnfenton

May 9, 2022
☑️ Jikkyleaks

The biggest recruiter by far is site 1231.
In Argentina. Well of course, for a joint German-American drug where else?

Site 1231 recruited 4501 patients.
That is 10% of the patients AT ONE SITE.
ALL 4501 patients were recruited in 3 weeks.
☑️ Jikkyleaks

This is site 1231 from the @ICANdecide log

Recognise the name?

We'll come back to him in a sec....
Read 18 tweets
Transcription inverse intracellulaire du vaccin à #ARNm #Covid_19 BNT162b2 de #Pfizer in vitro dans une lignée cellulaire du foie humain.

Le profil d’innocuité du BNT162b2 n’est actuellement disponible que dans le cadre d’études cliniques à court terme.…
Aucune donnée sur le transfert placentaire de #BNT162b2 n’est disponible dans le rapport d’évaluation de #Pfizer EMA. Nos résultats ont montré que l’ARNm BNT162b2 pénètre facilement dans les cellules Huh7 à une concentration (0,5 μg/mL) correspondant à 0,5% de la concentration
locale au site d’injection, induit des changements dans l’expression du gène et de la protéine LINE-1, et dans les 6 h, la transcription inverse de BNT162b2 peut être détectée. Il est donc important d’étudier plus avant l’effet de BNT162b2
Read 6 tweets
Protection by a 4th Dose of #BNT162b2 against #Omicron in #Israel:

➡️ Israeli MoH data, 1,252,331 persons 60 y/o or above, Study period: Jan 10-March 2, 2022

➡️ Rate of confirmed infection & severe Covid as a function of time:

-Four-dose groups (8 days after receipt of a 4th dose)
-Three dose group: among persons who had received only 3 doses
-Internal control group: among persons who had received a 4th dose 3 to 7 days earlier 2/
➡️ Number of cases of *severe* Covid19 per 100,000 person-days:
-1.5 in four-dose groups,
-3.9 in the three-dose group,
-4.2 in the internal control group

Read 6 tweets
Waning COVID19 Vaccine Effectiveness (VE) for #CoronaVac & #BNT162b2 in #Malaysia

➡️ Observational study: Data on all confirmed COVID cases from 1-30 Sept 2021

⬆️ ‘Early’ group (fully vaccinated in April to June 2021) & the ′late′ group (fully vaccinated in Jul to Aug 21) 1/
➡️ For BNT162b2:

-VE against COVID-19 infections declined from 90.8% in the late group to 79.1% in the early group.

-VE against ICU admission & deaths were comparable between the two different periods. 2/
➡️ For CoronaVac:

-VE against COVID-19 infections waned from 74.4% in the late group to 30.0% in the early group.

-VE also declined significantly against ICU admission, dropping from 56.1% to 29.9%

-For deaths, VE did not wane after 3 to 5 months of full vaccination 3/
Read 4 tweets
Savez vous ce que sont 𝗔𝗟𝗖-𝟬𝟯𝟭𝟱 et 𝗔𝗟𝗖-𝟬𝟭𝟱𝟵❓
Quel lien avec #VaccinObligatoire et #PassSanitaire

Tout est dans le rapport d’évaluation du #Comirnaty #Pfizer #Biontech #BNT162b2 du 19 février 2021 est sur le site de l'EMA


Les ingrédients du #Pfizer y sont détaillés page 14 et 2 nouveaux excipients 𝗔𝗟𝗖-𝟬𝟯𝟭𝟱 et 𝗔𝗟𝗖-𝟬𝟭𝟱𝟵 sont un peu plus détaillés en page 23
Dans la section 3.5. intitulée 𝗨𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘂𝗻𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗲𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 il est indiqué page 134

Suite ⤵️
Read 7 tweets
du @BeatGlogger @higgsmag wäre das ein vorschlag für 1 gemeinsames #feedlog

wir gehen die punkte durch:
- und zeigst, was #ClemensArvay nicht korrekt auf die reihe bekommt? (so?) #CoronaViurs

#thread: "mRNA-Impfstoffe: Erste Hinweise auf Langzeitfolgen"
@BeatGlogger @higgsmag 1. aussage: mRNA-impfstoffe, könnten ihr immunsystem "nachhaltig" reprogrammieren
@BeatGlogger @higgsmag 00:00:31 dein werbesponsor @JNJ_ch wird erwähnt.
Read 24 tweets
A metal ion orients SARS-CoV-2 mRNA to ensure accurate 2′-O methylation of its first nucleotide
The #SARSCoV2 #coronavirus is able to utilize the changes in metal ion concentrations to disguise itself in the human host body thus evading immune responses. Image
Efficacy of #clarithromycin on #COVID19 pneumonia without oxygen administration; protocol for multicenter, open-label, randomized-controlled, 3-armed parallel group comparison, exploratory trial #CAMECOVID
Japan Registry of Clinical Trials jRCTs071210011 Image
The influence of #HLA genotype on the severity of #COVID19 infection
A genetic link has been discovered explaining why some people catch #Covid but don't get sick. The gene is found three times as often in people who are #asymptomatic. Image
Read 199 tweets
@la_neige_haruki が抄訳したレッド。日本でも50件近くの症例が確認された #デルタ株 #B16172 の感染力、抗体中和の突破力、いずれも脅威的であることのエビデンスが最新のの知見から改めて示される。必読スレッド…
尚、このディン医師のスレッドは医学誌「ランセット」に掲載された最新の研究結果を元にしている。WHO指定のVOC(懸念される変異株) #B16172 #デルタ株#B1351 #ベータ株 に対して #BNT162b2 ファイザービオンテッック製ワクチンを一回接種した場合と完全接種した場合の中和抗体量の比較だ。
今回のランセット論文により、数日前までWHOが主張していた「感染力が強まっている可能性」や「中和抗体の減少」についても、いずれも事実であることが確認されたことを意味する。しかも今回の調査対象は #東京五輪 参加選手に無償接種されるワクチン。変異株に対する警戒を厳にしなければならない。
Read 4 tweets
How did #India fare? The graphic tells the whole story:
➡️Brutal onslaught by #B16172: having the highest transmissibility & most immune evader of all VOCs with higher virulence?
➡️No support from Vaccination (negligible coverage & high breakthrough, but reinfections rare) 1/
➡️ Social mitigation measures worked! Or the virus ran out of steam? Or still too early to conclude?
➡️ India struggled (significant mortality/health infrastructure collapsed) but survived!! 2/
New study on immune escape potential of #B16172 in comparison to #B1351 w/ #BNT162b2 vaccine: More immune evader than even B1351 VOC! Significant loss of antibody neutralisation vs live B16172 (-5.8x, akin to B.1.351) @TheLancet 3/…
Read 6 tweets
#CDC has recently reported myocarditis & pericarditis cases following #mRNA #vaccination in adolescents & young adults in the US. Are these the first reported cases of cardiac involvement following mRNA vaccines? 1/…
Fortunately, these incidents are extremely rare events. But, have the agencies overlooked earlier signals? Are these cases indeed related to mRNA vaccines? Are the vaccines responsible? If yes, what could be the probable mechanism? 2/
Few cases of post-vaccination myocarditis, heart failure & heart attacks have been reported in #Israel since December soon after the launch of #Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Health officials referred them as “A murky wave of heart attacks” 3/…
Read 17 tweets
🔝5 Concerns about #SARSCoV2 #Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate, and Revise Policy─This review is intended both as a basic resource and to initiate an open and critical dialog about SARS-CoV-2 biology for an independent and public call to action.…
Structural basis of ribosomal #frameshifting during translation of the #SARSCoV2 #RNA #genome
A unique feature of the SARS-CoV-2 genome controls protein synthesis and presents an "Achilles heel" of the virus. Image
Brainstem neuropathology in two cases of #COVID19: #SARSCoV2 trafficking between #brain and #lung
Neuropathologic evidence strongly suggests that the pathophysiology of COVID-19 related respiratory failure includes a neurogenic component. Image
Read 213 tweets
Es hora de ir tomando nota para la próxima pandemia

Things to be learnt from COVID pandemic to prevent the next one

Thanks @HelenBranswell…
La actividad inmune humoral frente a #SARS_CoV_2 en pacientes con nefropatía sigue con muchas sombras.

Según este estudio, en pacientes con ERC, HD o traspl.renales,

✅Acl.viral ⬆️
✅Generación de Acs

❌⬇️ N
❌Grupos heterog.… ImageImage
💥💥 Preprint

UNA sola dosis de #AZvaccine o #PfizerVaccine se tradujo en ⬆️⬆️ títulos de Acs hasta 10 sem. después, incluyendo mayores.

Más datos a favor de la estrategia de UK de vacunar al mayor n° posible

👉… ImageImage
Read 279 tweets
#CoronavirusUpdate 2/27🇫🇷仏RFIによると、🇺🇸🇩🇪米独ワクチン製造大手二社(🇺🇸米ファイザー社と🇩🇪独ビオンテック社)が南ア変異株や英国変異株に対する免疫を強化するブースター(追加免疫)効果の確立を目指して三回目の接種の臨床試験を開始したという。
🇺🇸ファイザー・🇩🇪ビオンテックの両社は2/25に共同でステートメントを発したが、この様子では世界ではあまり注目されていないよう。しかし間もなく #テスト五輪 のため世界中から数万人単位の五輪選手を集めようとしている🇯🇵日本にとっては重大な関心事の筈だ。
なぜか日本語報道では🇷🇺ロシア国営の『スプートニク』日本版がいち早くこのことを報じている。変異株対応に三回目の接種が必要となれば、日本のワクチン接種計画は大幅な変更を余儀なくされ、これは変異株の流入が懸念される #テスト五輪 にも影響するだろう。…
Read 9 tweets
#Sweden #vaccine #passports will ‘probably be required’ for shopping, eating out, travel,..
- The PACE – the international body of which the ECHR is a part has passed a resolution that vaccines must not be mandatory and no one should suffer discrimination…
Council of Europe Decrees #Vaccines Must Not be Mandatory and the Non-Vaccinated Must Not be Discriminated Against
| Jan 29, 2021 @lenahallengren
- The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe…
Health Minister #LenaHallengren: "I won't resign" - Radio Sweden
- In an interview with Swedish Radio's P1 Morgon programme, health and welfare minister Lena Hallengren says she is listening to the criticism, but that she is not thinking about resigning.
Read 7 tweets
La protesta dei finti tonti: La #Pfizer riduce forniture vaccino #BNT162 per 2 sett.
UE ha ordinato in forte ritardo (11/20) SOLO 200 mio dosi. Era troppo "caro" per molti Paesi, vero #Arcuri?
Er meglio un vaccino inesistente (AZ,Sanofi..) che non c'è ma a basso costo?
Ora lo stabilimento della #Pfizer a Puurs in Belgio che fornisce i vaccini #BioNTech per tutto il mondo fuori USA deve aumentar la produzione.
Se l'UE avesse ordinato in tempo (!!!) un vaccino di cui si sapeva gia a sett/20 che funzionava: ci sarebbero stati vaccini sufficienti.
Le ragioni dell'ordine ritardato dell'unico vaccino che già a fine estate 20 aveva mostrato nei trial 2/3 efficacia a 95%
1. costava 15-20 Euro a dose
2. Spiazzava gli altri produttori di vaccini traditionali (vettore), F, S, Gb in coll. IT.
Allora era meglio aspettare, vero?
Read 9 tweets
🔥On en est des vaccins #COVID19 ?

Un petit thread sur les 5 vaccins dont on parle le plus

#Sinovac - #CNBG

1er point : TOUS ces vaccins évaluent efficacité pour empêcher la MALADIE (donc les symptômes / la pneumonie) mais pas l’INFECTION (donc le risque de transmission)

2ème point : ces données proviennent de COMMUNIQUES DE PRESSE (course entre les acteurs) pas de données publiées
Pfizer/BioNtech : le vaccin BNT162b2

Il s’agit d’un vaccin à ARN : petit rappel sur le procédé avant de commencer

Spoiler : ce n'est ni nouveau ni dangereux !
Read 32 tweets
The @BioNTech_Group stock exchange in Frankfurt, Germany iis drasticly increasing actual due to the realesed data to their vaccaine #BNT162b2. Actual at €92 and a plus of +18.65% or +14.46 points. Image

now at €95.40 + 17.86 points or +23.03%

FRA: 22Ua Image
now at €97.40 +20 points (25.79%)
Read 4 tweets

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