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Jun 12th 2023
On my podcast, I read my @Medium column, "Ideas Lying Around," describing a #TheoryOfChange for unrigging markets, addressing the climate emergency, building worker power and saving news publishers from #BigTech:…

1/ A workbench with a pegboard...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

What is this amazing theory of change, that can do so much to right the world's wrongs? Fittingly, it's the same theory of change that got us into this mess. It's #MiltonFriedman's theory of change.

Read 46 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
@AA_Avocats 🔸“Où va la France ?”
Tribune du 8 mai 2023 de J-François Bayart, professeur #IHEID (Genève), chaire Yves Oltramare.

- “La France est bel et bien en train de rejoindre le camp des démocraties « illibérales »,
- et Macron vit dans une réalité parallèle et joue avec le feu”.
@AA_Avocats 🔸“Où va la France ?” se demande la Suisse. La mauvaise réponse serait de s’arrêter à la raillerie culturaliste des Gaulois éternels mécontents.
La crise est politique.
Emmanuel Macron se réclame de l’ « extrême centre» qu’incarnèrent successivement dans l’Histoire, le Directoire ImageLe Directoire est le régime...
@AA_Avocats le 1er et le 2d Empire, et diff courants technocratiques saint-simoniens.

🔸Il est le dernier avatar en date. L'historien Pierre Serna nomme le « poison français », propension au réformisme étatique et anti-démocratique, par la voie de l’exercice caméral et centralisé du pouvoir Image
Read 45 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How workers get trapped by "bondage fees"; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part five; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ Image: crystalsquare apts (...
I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest this weekend:…

Apr 23 at 12, I'm on a panel called "Covering Silicon Valley."

Apr 24 at 11, I'm signing for @CalBookClub at booth 111. At 12:30, I'm on a panel called "The Accidental Detective."

How workers get trapped by "bondage fees": Two-sided markets always lead to enshittification.

3/  Image: crystalsquare apts ...
Read 28 tweets
Apr 6th 2023

#Britain is becoming a brutal, regressive, intolerant, hard-right, antidemocratic, authoritarian state, run by Christo-xenophobic nationalists, who represent powerful corporate interests. Their cheerleaders meet in London in May.

What's their strategy & ultimate goal?
Moreover, the limitations of message control will be discussed in times of social media and multiple public spaces. Obviously, an effective top-down control of media proves impossible in liberal democracies.
In 1970, Herbert Marcuse wrote in his preface to the second edition of Prophets of Deceit, Leo Löwenthal and Norbert Guterman’s seminal study on the main characteristics, performance, and effects of virulent demagogy originally published in the aftermath of World War Two:
Read 91 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
#Budget2023 and #NetZero a thread. The UK is lagging behind in its commitment to achieving a drastic reduction in GHG emissions & protecting us against climate change.
#Budget2023 has an industrial strategy. However, it is clear that it will be insufficient to meet the requirements of #NetZero in the right place, in a timely manner in order to reach the target by 2040, not 2050. We are in war-time crises of an unprecedented kind.
Russia has been waging a cyber war against the West for at least 10, if not 15, years. Now due to #Brexit, #COVID19 , & #WarInUkraine, prices, especially energy & food, are spiking, but the Tory govt is either inadequate or absent in response.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
When a #FreightTrain carrying toxic chemicals derailed near #EastPalestine, #Ohio, bursting into flame and sending up clouds of poisonous vinyl chloride smoke and gas, our immediate concerns were for the people in harm's way and the train's crew:… 1/ A locomotive steaming away ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Those immediate concerns were soon joined by broader worries: that the entire rail industry presented a systematic danger, and the Ohio #derailment was a symptom of a much deeper pathology that endangered anyone who lives near one of the rail corridors that crisscross the US. 3/
Read 31 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
'Breaking the Silence on the Contradictions at the Heart of Post-#Brexit Immigration Policies'.

'The core political principles justifying calls for reduced migration, & ‘taking back control of borders’, are fundamentally at odds with #neoliberal logic'.…
"#Neoliberal logic (is) associated with the free movement of capital, goods and labour. Neoliberal economics promotes the removal of restraints, in the service of fostering a free market."
"These principles have found renewed voice in so-called #Trussonomics, embodying the agenda of the highly influential #IEA. Those promoting this agenda are at odds with others inside the Tory party, such as Braverman, who propose to further tighten restrictions on migration."
Read 23 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
#THREAD on Sunak's "radical new plan" to "cut down on bureaucracy" (& further privatise the #NHS).

This "radical new plan has been around since at least the 1960s, when private landowners complained of "NHS bureaucracy" during Hospital site acquisition transactions.... Image
The 2005 '#NHS Management & Administration Staffing & Expenditure in a National & International Context' report made clear that "Expenditure on management & administration, in the NHS & all other health care systems, is a means to an end: its purpose is to improve patient care."
"Relatively ill-informed & superficial debates around whole system ‘bureaucracy’ make little attempt to assess the value of management & administration in particular activities, or accept that some such expenditure is essential to ensure the appropriate & efficient care delivery"
Read 42 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
1/ As suggested by @PopovaProf, I'd like to comment on the recent remarks by the #Brazilian president-elect, @LulaOficial, on the #Russian war of aggression in #Ukraine. Needless to say, many were struck by the ignorance and brutishness of these utterances. A 🧵...
2/ But what lies behind this? Many European/US observers seem dumbfounded by the fact that a leader who is widely (and correctly) believed to have bravely stood against dictatorship in his own country would support a genocidal warmonger such as #Putin on the international stage.
3/ The sources of Lula's (and #LatinAmerica's more widely) attitudes towards the war are many, and differ widely between countries, contexts, and social strata. The probably most often mentioned one is anti-Americanism, stemming from a variety of sources, but often relevant...
Read 22 tweets
Sep 21st 2022

Just wanted to share a few lesser-known facts about 1930s Germany which given the #CostOfLivingCrisis & a new PM, seem salient, taken predominantly from The Third Reich Trilogy by British historian Richard J. Evans, hailed as a "masterpiece of historical scholarship."
Evans produced the report into the writings of David Irving who had claimed he'd been defamed as a Holocaust denier. The report proved irrefutable: Irving had deliberately distorted & manipulated historical evidence to bring it in line with his prejudices. Irving lost the case.
Almost every day I see the tired old claim that because the Nazis had 'socialist' in their official party name, they *were* socialists - despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, including the fact they imprisoned & executed socialists, union organisers & other left-wingers.
Read 23 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
#Neoliberalism/#UK: "In #Britain, there is the added factor of a move to the political Right that even exceeds the radical #neoliberal changes of the 1980s Margaret #Thatcher era. This coincides with severe socio-economic challenges ...…
... that simply do not fit in with that neoliberal agenda – meaning that the #UK is heading for a crunch among wealthy states over the viability of an economic model that could have worldwide implications."
"Supported by the Tufton Street brigade of neoliberal freethinkers and their wider global community of hundreds more think tanks within the Atlas system, the government has worked hard to maintain the market fundamentalist view."
Read 4 tweets
Jun 6th 2022
1. Ribut-ribut kenaikan tiket masuk #Borobudur mengkonfirmasi argumentasi sy ttg trade-off konservasi & komodifikasi dlm kapitalisme #neoliberal di bawah bendera #WorldHeritage
2. Berikut artikel sy ttg subak yg dilisting sbg situs #WorldHeritage yg berangkat dr krisis yg mirip dg #Borobudur: negara lepas tgjwb konservasi, serahkan pd pasar pariwisata global…
3. Berikut juga artikel saya ttg #neoliberal #WorldHeritage di @CriticAsianStds ttg peran Bank Dunia…
Read 10 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
'#Neoliberal feminism is defined by individualism, choice, & agency; the “muting” of vocabularies to address structural solutions to gender inequality, & an identity packaged & styled as positive & desirable, but which lacks real substance or explanation.'…
Under neoliberalism, 'feminism' has become a flattened “cheer word”, which, while holding “positive value… does not necessarily pose any kind of challenge to existing social relations”, aligns with the growth of “popular feminism”, & affords easy cultural & political capital.
We live in a country where Sexist in Chief, Boris Johnson, despite his long & very well-documented history of the most grotesquely misogynist writing, speech, cheating & other acts, can actually claim to be a feminist!
Read 22 tweets
May 26th 2022
The #WindfallTax was a tax on "the excess profits of the privatised utilities" introduced by the 'New @UKLabour' government of Tony Blair in 1997, following a manifesto commitment to impose a "windfall levy" on the privatised utilities.

Was it any good?
New Labour's #WindfallTax came after 18 years of Tory rule, which had seen #neoliberal privatisation of many state-owned assets, at prices which many considered too low.

It aimed to "put right the bad deal which customers & taxpayers got from the privatisation of the utilities".
The #WindfallTax produced a one-off income to the Govt of £5 billion, used to fund the New Deal, a questionable 'welfare-to-work' (workfare) program, & capital investment for schools & 'Learndirect', a training provider owned by the private equity firm Queens Park Equity.
Read 7 tweets
May 14th 2022

In order to try to unite the country, & regain some pride in #Britain 🇬🇧, we urgently need either a Royal Commission - or a Public Inquiry - into news media funding & ownership by overseas-based, foreign, & non dom multi-millionaires & billionaires.

Just a handful of overseas-based, foreign, or non dom multi-millionaires & billionaires own or fund swathes of our "news" media, including, but not limited to: the Sun; the Times; the Mail; the Telegraph; the Independent; the Spectator; Spiked; talkTV/Radio, & GB "News".
They all use harmful & divisive culture war rhetoric daily, demonising minorities, the public sector, migrants, the poor, young people & the Left, & they all use dangerous populist nationalist rhetoric, deliberately designed to divide, provoke, gaslight & outrage their audiences.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 1st 2022
I got home this morning after an overnight shift in the pediatric emergency department.

I rarely share personal reflections based on my clinical work as a #pediatrician via @twitter, but I'm allowing myself this exception.

#omicron #COVID19Qc #N95sForAll

A thread 🧵 1/21...
2/ I started my winter holiday stretch of shifts by working on #Christmas evening and finished it by ringing in the #NewYear last night while taking care of sick & injured children with a phenomenal (but overworked & somewhat demoralized team) at the children's hospital.
3/ Let me re-iterate at the outset that I've always been opposed to @francoislegault @coalitionavenir's imposition of the #curfew because of its harmful impacts on many of the most marginalized people in society.…
Read 22 tweets
Nov 11th 2021
Alte Schuhe recyled. Jaja. Neuwertige Turnschuhe werden recycled.
Hätte ich Euch sagen können.
Warum glauben Leute, jemand würde ihre alten, kaputten Turnschuhe gebrauchen können? Ist mir ein Rätsel.
- Recycling pervers: Vernichtung neuer Sportschuhe
- Zweifelhafte Versprechen: Industrieländer wollen Urwald retten
PR-Mogelpackung: Bäume pflanzen fürs Klima
Ich kann da nun nichts sehen, was einem zuvor nicht bekannt gewesen sein sollte. Neoliberales Denken rules!
Read 4 tweets
Oct 28th 2021
The #Zapatista tour of #Ireland, a long aul’ thread (but pix and vids!) to wrap up

In 1994 indigenous peasants in the mountains of SE Mexico rose up against #neoliberal capitalism, their latest struggle in 500 years of resisting colonialism…

#LaGiraZapatistaVa #EZLN Zapatista women at La Realidad
If you need a backgrounder, here's Mick McCaughan, ex-Latin American correspondent for the Irish Times and Guardian introducing why the #Zapatistas matter:

27 years later, they hold liberated territory the size of Munster –

governing themselves from below

with a powerful #womxn’s movement

practicing #AgroEcology

and with their own culture, education system, community media...

Read 72 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
#neoliberalismo sim porque é centro, porque é moderado

O neoliberalismo morreu? Se entendermos por neoliberalismo algo que os eternos estatistas (revolucionários ou reformistas) e os impávidos anarquistas travestidos de liberais, os ancaps (anarco-capitalistas) definem como \1
tal, neoliberais como sinônimos de “isentões” em matéria econômica, como “globalistas” porque contra o nacional-populismo e aventuras fascistas, ele definitivamente faleceu?
Este excelente e sintético texto dá uma ideia clara de PORQUE NÃO, NÃO MORREU. Eu diria que enquanto \2
libertários, ancapistas, socialistas e outros espécimes da fauna internética bradam, neoliberais ou “social-liberais” trabalham, na surdina, e moldam o mundo a sua imagem. Confiram aqui:
A morte do neoliberalismo é um grande exagero… via @NeolibBrasil
Read 12 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
Not just "shoddy papers", but the wholesale (no pun intended) #neoliberal destruction of scientific inquiry (as well as a couple of bizarre "cash for impact factor" schemes in #China)...
...@gentraso's essay is worth reading on its own, but it is also a review of @StuartJRitchie's Science Fictions, 'Required reading for everyone' @AdamRutherford.…
Excellent article on citations in #humanities journals by @PeterHerman4 from 2018…genuinely disturbing if read with @gentraso’s essay on #impactfactor. I wonder if and by how much the situation differs for #Criminology journals? @threadreaderapp #unroll…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 20th 2021
Nations that fail economically gradually become Hyper-Nationalistic.
To name a few over the last century and in recent cases studied up to now included the 3rd Reich, Italy, possibly Imperial Japan due to USA Sanctions before WW2, USSR, and India and the USA(as seen under Trump).
Definitely, #China, as we study its example in a Political Science Masterclass, has become more and more nationalistic, since 79
The recent spade of CoronaVirus coupled with President Xi's style of governance will lead Chinese rhetoric to create more nationalistic hyperbole!
Also, Malaysia, which was largely a lame-duck nation with hardly any notable say on any sort of geostrategy or geopolitical matters, became extremely right-wing and Ultra-Nationalistic under @chedetofficial when the 1997 AFC- Asian Financial Crisis, swept away most of the region
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Dec 1st 2020
As far as “ Black Empowerment “ and “Bootstraperism” in the #ADOS communities are concerned academia will also concede to the data that suggest these theories are apart of a concerted effort to disenfranchise #ADOS.
“When viewed as a scientific project; #culteraldeterminism encounters several crippling problems. For Instance, violent crime can be attributed to a culture of violence. We never learn what causes some societies to be violent in the first place”.
“Instead, the outcome is used to explain itself- (which is an exercise in CIRCULAR REASONING) that lacks SCIENTIFIC VALIDITY. According to @SandyDarity, lateral mobility among non-#ADOS races contradict this ideology”. #FHTE
Read 10 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
#Neoliberal deregulation & pure free-market #greed caused the 2008 financial crash, leading to a decade of #austerity which left Britain vulnerable to #COVID19.

Yet since 2009, Britain's richest 1,000 people INCREASED their wealth by nearly £500 BILLION.

British cities (home to 55% of the population) shouldered 74% of the #austerity cuts, even though care costs have increased year on year, & 99.9% of the UK population did not contribute to the financial crash IN ANY WAY.

Northern English cities were - OF COURSE - hardest hit.
Under the guise of #austerity, successive Governments introduced: crippling student debt; the collapse of affordable housing; the absence of secure jobs; outsourcing; MORE privatisation; unprecedented cuts to disability support & the introduction of the sadistic Universal Credit.
Read 8 tweets

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