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May 22nd 2023
I needed a break from paper writing today and so I headed down to Fernwood #VictoriaBC to top up a few #LittleFreeLibrary.

Here are a few highlights!

@VicPlacemaking #YYJ ImageImageImageImage
I dropped off books, Intergenerational Penpal Postcards 💌 for the #VictoriaBC Literacy Connection, @Moose_Hide Campaign cards, and postcards promoting @nicholsonsonia_'s new book at this lovely #LittleFreeLibrary on Glasgow St. #YYJ 📚 ImageImageImageImage
I dropped off books, Intergenerational Penpal Postcards 💌 for the #VictoriaBC Literacy Connection, @Moose_Hide Campaign cards, and postcards promoting @nicholsonsonia_'s new book at this colourful #LittleFreeLibrary on Princess Ave. #YYJ 📚 ImageImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
May 21st 2023
Today @Snailphanie and I headed up the the @artgalleryvic for local #VictoriaBC author Michelle Mulder's new book "Up For Grabs."

This wonderful YA book is set in #YYJ and features the art gallery, neighbourhood, and our growing network of #LittleFreeLibraries! ImageImageImageImage
Of course we stopped by a few #LittleFreeLibrary on the way home!


We hit up a bunch of LFLs in Fernwood, where I dropped off books, @Moose_Hide Campaign cards, and Intergenerational Penpal Postcards for the #VictoriaBC Literacy Connection 💌

@VicPlacemaking ImageImageImageImage
I was very excited to find a book on my reading list at this lovely #LittleFreeLibrary in the heart of Fernwood #YYJ 📚

I finally have a copy of @MerlinSheldrake's "Entangled Life."🍄

I still remember listening to a talk by Merlin at a @ClareCollege graduate research symposium. ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
Yesterday, I thought I'd get out and about and top up a few #YYJ #LittleFreeLibraries. So I set out with a full bike trailer and a decent podcast 🚲📚

Here are a few highlights!

@VicPlacemaking #Saanich
My first stop was to the @AlderLFL, which is in fine form📚

I dropped off a postcard promoting local #Saanich author @nicholsonsonia_'s forthcoming book 'Provenance Unknown,' some @Moose_Hide Campaign cards, and a lovely painted stone I found in #YYJ.
I've been holding onto these lovely painted stones for a while, and decided that today was the day to share them with the world! Look for these lovely rocks in a #YYJ #LittleFreeLibrary!

#VictoriaBC #Saanich
Read 17 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
Some claim BC cities and towns can't accelerate the shift from fossil fuel to electric heating in new houses and other buildings because they lack the powers in the Vancouver Charter.

This is wrong. And leading municipalities are showing the way. 🧵 1/n #ClimateAction #yyj Image
Houses and other buildings built today will be here for decades, locking in any #GHG emissions from fossil fuel heating. Some are still being built with methane "natural" gas heating, which is responsible for a lot of GHGs. (#VictoriaBC example). 2/n Image
Gas heating also leaves a financial risk to future building owners and occupants, as costs of gas will rise with carbon pricing over coming years.

So what can BC cities and towns do to help accelerate the shift to clean electricity? 3/n
Read 8 tweets
Sep 2nd 2021
Time for a ‘reality check’ on 1 of the main mouths of the Vancouver event, because it was advertised online (where of course everything is correct 🙄) as a protest *by* Canadian frontline workers.

Well, the woman who led the crowd in chanting “lock her up” (about Dr. Henry) is… Image
…Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. A figure of the religious far-right.
She is currently leader of the “Christian Heritage Party of BC”. Image
She used to be a candidate for Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party.
In 2019, she ran in a federal byelection in Burnaby-South. Failed.
Then ran in 2019 general election in Red Deer-Lacombe. Failed again.
Ran in 2020 BC election for CHP in Abbotsford-South. Obviously failed again.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
New article from @kendracrighton about our program! Check out this thread for some highlights.⬇️⬇️…

#ThatsSAFER @AVIVanIsle @OutreachSolid SAFER Outreach Worker, Jaclyn, wears a SOLID Outreach shirt
“ …for those who are left outside, accessing a #safesupply isn’t easy. Cue @SaferVic. This team of nurses, outreach workers with lived experience, physicians & a systems navigator are working full-time to provide people sheltering in Victoria parks the medications they need.” A pop-up supervised consumption tent stands on grass covered
We’re stoked that SAFER Outreach Worker, Jaclyn, was highlighted in this article because she is a force of nature & “...spends most of her time in the community…handing out harm reduction supplies & building a bridge of trust.”
Read 14 tweets

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