Kurdish Human right activist & The secretary-general of the Future Syria Party,Ms #Hervin_Khalaf ,has been raped & then stoned to death by #Turkey backed Jihadists near #Hasakah during Turkey's ethnic cleansing operation against #Kurds in Syria. @brett_mcgurk #amnesty
The President
could learn something about honour & loyalty from these fine men & women"
via @MsJulieLenarz

No nation will ever have a reason to trust America or turn to US for support since they are abandoning the Kurds. Kurds done hard fight against ISIS but now they feel betrayed. US government will bury human rights if they have a deal with Islamic Republic dictators.
☑️ use chemical bombs on #Kurds
☑️drop the weapons for 10 000 #ISIS held Camp
☑️freed 5000 high profile #ISIS prisoners
☑️ killed 2500 US trained Anti #ISIL Forces
☑️1000 civilians killed & 56 executed & burned to death
#Turkey killed #Kurdish guards & freed 5000 high profile #ISIS from #Kurdish prisons
☑️ use chemical bombs on #Kurds
☑️drop the weapons for 10 000 #ISIS held Camp
☑️ killed 2500 #US trained Anti #ISIL Forces
☑️1000 #civilians killed & 56 executed & burned to death

#Turkish jets targeted #Kurdish guards
& drop the weapons for 10 000 #ISIS held Camps in Ain Issa region North #Syria
also #Turkey
☑️ use chemical bombs on #Kurds
☑️killed 2500 #US trained Anti #ISIL Forces
☑️1000 #civilians killed & 56 executed & burned to death
#Urgent English Letter from anti #ISIS female fighters who are now On the Front Lines and under Turkish bombardment to
#USCongress #European,#British,#Germany,#France #Swedish & #Belgium parliament
@SpeakerPelosi #SDF