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May 3rd 2023
Hoy os quiero hablar de “Evil Empire”. Bienvenidos/as al “Imperio del mal” de Rage Against The Machine. Abro hilo: @RATMofficial #ratm #rock #alternative #activism Image
Tras uno de los mejores debuts de la historia del rock, Rage Against The Machine se encontraban con la difícil misión de intentar llegar a las cotas de excelencia de su ópera prima. No lo consiguieron, pero “Evil Empire”, no deja de ser un álbum mayúsculo hecho por una banda que……
Ser una formación que fusionaba rap y metal, y además profesar un activismo político en sus letras, no era fácil, ni lo sigue siendo. Rápidamente la rapiña mediática comienza su cruzada, para desacreditar al grupo, y a la mínima ocasión ridiculizarlo por entender que su música y……
Read 16 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Frustrating but important perspective by @PeterHotez:

"The phenomenon of red Covid was not a random occurrence but instead an expected outcome of predation linked to extremist politics"

Read in full:

A few thoughts follow 🔽…
In this perspective, Dr. Hotez offers some insights on the topics I have been writing & talking about, namely the #weaponization of conspiracy #myths by political actors to attack unwelcome scientific authority in public discourse.

He first outlines the damage: Needless deaths Image
How could it have come so far?

For Dr. Hotez, part of that answer lies with anti-science messaging from political elites; how else does one explain the "red covid" phenomenon?

Furthermore, there has been no course correction by political elites. If anything, they doubled down Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 22, titled,

“Healing Crisis:

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers

PA 22/1
Chapter 22 begins PART THREE
of *Psychology of Apocalypse*, titled:

“Healing Crisis & Regression in the Service of Humanity”

THREAD #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs #parenting #prenatal #WoundedDeer

PA 22/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We have this legacy where we think the opposite of insanity is sanity, usually conflated with ‘normality’ & conformity.” []

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psychology #birth #awareness #Boomers #TheUnconscious #primal #Earth #Centaurs

PA 22/3
Read 139 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
1. A tweet thread on over-medicalisation and over-medication under capitalism, based on my blog post on @biopoliticalph:
1. I’m surprised that there’s controversy over the claim that people are over-diagnosed and over-medicated in a laissez-faire capitalist society.
2. The medical establishment is part of a capitalist order that classifies and commodifies everything for profit, including human emotions and behaviours. Capitalism also suppresses dissent and resistance in order to maximise profit at the expense of workers’ needs and interests.
Read 26 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Happy Bronson Alcott Day and Louisa May Alcott Day! One of my fav versions of the American Dream--that our children take what we pass along & then far surpass us. #activism #twitterstorians @PedagogyAmLitSt…
Louisa May Alcott's Hospital Sketches (1863) is a book I really discovered for a section on #CivilWar nurses in Of Thee I Sing, & I think it's a compelling glimpse into that role as well as Alcott's psyche:…
& on Alcott's birthday, always worth revisiting this rightly viral thread on Lou Alcott as trans:
Read 3 tweets
Nov 25th 2022

1 in 4 hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants @hey_alma

#antisemitism #antisemitic #jewish #jewishpeople #activist #socialjustice #boost #activism #hiring #hr…
In November, surveyed 1,131 hiring managers and recruiters about their views of Jewish individuals and perception of the presence of antisemitism in the workplace.

Here are the key findings:
-26% of hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants; top reason for negative bias is belief Jews have too much power and control

-26% make assumptions about whether a candidate is Jewish based on their appearance
Read 15 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
I'm thrilled to see so much interest in the tactics, targets, and effects of #climate #activism since yesterday's Tomato Toss. Anyone wondering if it was a success, just look at the media coverage as evidence. A 🧵to answer ?s @Revkin @MichaelEMann @amywestervelt @borenbears
As I described to Shannon, the action at the National Gallery was just part of a broader wave of contention that is being motivated by the #ClimateCrisis. As the world heats up, many more will mobilize. I wrote about this process in @ClimateActionSN:…
It's great to see one of my articles getting attention (thanks @revkin and @MichaelEMann). To think about the broader range of tactics & how they work as part of a whole movement to affect social change, check out my recent book #AmericanResistance
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2022
🧵 on how I got where I am today, seems appropriate for #PainMonth:

At 16yo I was a senior in high school & sophomore in college, simultaneously.

At 18, w/ a double major & a minor within 2 semesters of #graduation, I quit college. I knew it wasn’t for me.

Do I regret it?
1st A bit about happened next:

I joined the #army to follow in my dad & grandpas footsteps.

Was seriously injured in the 1st half of training yet kept pushing. I made it through but needed extensive surgery & physical rehab & still have #Pain.

I came home feeling I failed.
Once I was home & healing, I turned the page.

I spent next years climbing a corporate ladder, making over $100k/yr at 20.

And I HATED every second of it!

I happily accepted a promotion to ‘head cook & chief bottle-washer’. I was married & raising a healthy baby girl.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
📢We need your voice!
#IGLIVE Chat on September 3rd at 4pm BST/ 6pm GMT
Join @BBCYaldaHakim & our youth advocates @KennyGmulinde👦 & Areej Al Masri👧 to share their personal experiences as they chat and exchange ideas on #ProtectingEducationFromAttack
📢 @BBCYaldaHakim @BBCWorld’s presenter, broadcast journalist, & documentary maker. Fully committed to ensuring #EducationAccess to young #Afghan🇦🇫 women, has long been a friend of EAA’s.
@KennyGmulinde, one of our youth advocates, has a background in #creative #activism & social accountability work. He is a team leader of the Youth Arts Movement🖼️in #Uganda🇺🇬.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
This is about Ella Copley, a young woman suffering terribly from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

Ella Copley is 17 years old. She has severe ME and is also in intestinal failure. Ella has been a patient in Leeds General Infirmary (UK) for 18 weeks.
People with ME are often not believed and Ella is in severe pain. The pain is so bad that Ella says she wants to die. Even though Ella’s pain is unbearable, Leeds General Infirmary is withholding pain treatment.
We want them to KNOW they are being watched and to give Ella the correct pain relief. Joanne thinks Ella will die soon if she is not given the proper treatment.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 27th 2022
Maybe we need #activism to free our #media and unleash the people within, enabling them to function as a Fourth Estate.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
The older I get the more I think: ignoring is the most powerful #activism
... and failing that persuading others to ignore too
... just opt the f#ck out, save your energy
Read 4 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
🧵 On the spread of #Pride

(As seen on Wikipedia)…
On Saturday, June 27, 1970, Chicago Gay Liberation organized a march from Washington Square Park ("Bughouse Square") to the Water Tower at the intersection of Michigan and Chicago avenues, which was the route originally planned.
Then many of the participants extemporaneously marched on to the Civic Center (now Richard J. Daley) Plaza.

The date was chosen because the #Stonewall events began on the last Saturday of June and because organizers wanted to reach the maximum number of Michigan Avenue shoppers.
Read 15 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
"When you push against a system and it is an unjust system, you must prepare yourself mentally for the isolation and resistance that comes with that. Activism and whistleblowing looks sexy on TV, but it’s hard on your mind and wellbeing." --Dr. Monica Cox…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 3rd 2022
The problem with privilege.
Personal reflections from a very late diagnosed #ActuallyAutistic perspective.
Inequality is something most autistic people are horribly familiar with.
We get spoken on behalf of, pushed to the sidelines and ignored.
Most (probably all) autistic people experience inequality, but some of us are more unequal than others.
Additional inequalities are partly structural, resulting from prejudice and discrimination towards people who are black, brown, LGBTQIA+, physically disabled, non-speaking.
Age, gender, educational achievement, and social class also help to determine the attitudes and obstacles we encounter.
As a white 62 year old autistic woman I have privilege, but not as much as when I was younger, undiagnosed, and in the peak years of my professional career.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
How to ID #clickbait, contrast it to genuine #activism-#MutualAid-info dissemination, and stop funding grifters: a masterclass in three tweets. Thread, [1/3]:
This is clickbait, from one of the biggest grifters in left-wing spamtivism. They pretend they're giving you important information, but what they're really doing is trolling for ad revenue via web traffic/brand ubiquity: [2/3]
And this is how a trustworthy and genuine activist and helper actually gives you important information: "Hey, JH letting you know Mark Cuban has launched a low-cost online pharmacy at! Ex: Abilify retail $660/scrip, C+ $6/scrip!" [3/3]

Read 5 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
🥦Following our earlier post for #COP26 on #vegetarianism, we wanted to share some insights & quotes from #suffrage activists who *were* #vegetarians 🥒🌶🍅

☮️ Vegetarianism was associated w/ peace, & standing up against the poor treatment of fellow living creatures 🐄🐑🦆🐖
📣This quote from MrsDespard describes how #vegetarianism was linked to #socialjustice:

​🗣“The #women ’s movement relates to the other great movements of the world…The awakened instinct which feels the call of the sub-human, which says ‘I am the voice of the voiceless.'"
🥖🐁Some #vegetarian #suffragettes who went to prison got better food. Nancy John describes prisoners declaring they were vegetarian to avoid eating mouse-eaten bread.
​🗣“When they said they were vegetarians they were given milk - it was really the milk that kept them alive.” 3/
Read 5 tweets
Oct 30th 2021
Be proud of who you are.

Anyone who calls a socialist an enemy of ordinary people is an enemy of ordinary people – because socialism is precisely about protecting ordinary people.

Lie about that and what else will you lie about?

Anyone who calls a socialist an enemy of the economy is an enemy of the economy – because any fool knows the economy's real enemies are those who strip away its assets and hoard away its wealth.

Read 27 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
This is hard to write but it is true for many. What I’m about to say is a harsh reality of what people go through.

What I am about to say is also the reason why a lot of people don’t ask for help.

People do not ask for help because of the fears and stigmas that exist.

Here Is Something to think about,

What if you were a #singleparent with a #child

You work full time for $15.00/hr

You take home roughly $960.00 per paycheck (bi-weekly after taxes)

#singleparent #parenting #Blessed #grateful #calgary #calgarylife #alberta #yyc

Your bills per month:

$1,000 or more for rent
$150 or more for cable/internet
$250 or more for utilities
$150 per month for car insurance

So let’s do the math

You bring home about
$1,920.00 a month

Your bills average about $1,500(give or take)

@GrannyGTArp @BallerGearCA
Read 25 tweets
Aug 28th 2021
Thread: Why are we doing #HCWForVaccines? 5.13B doses of #COVID19 #vaccine have been given worldwide (33% of 🌍w/ 1+ doses), but only 1.6% of people in low-income countries have had a dose. This is unconscionable. A picture is worth a thousand words. #MedTwitter 1/X
That means even high-risk ppl--elders, HCWs--may not have had a dose. In #Zambia, a country I have worked in twice, there are ~800 practicing drs. A simple 3d contest like #HCWforVaccines can enable ALL OF #MedTwitter there to #GetVaccinated. And more. Think about that! 🤯 2/X
You can think: "There are 1.2B people in #Africa. When we started #HCWforVaccines 3d ago, 2.48% were #vaccinated. When we end at 11p, that % will be the same." OR "The 💰 we've raised could vax thousands of #MedTwitter, who will be alive & healthy to save MANY lives." 3/X
Read 4 tweets
Aug 21st 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/21/2021…
How opium led to ‘the banality of evil, the birth of megacorporations, the foundation of empires’…

#opium #tea #GlobalTrade #BritishEmpire #history #india #china
Read 8 tweets

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