For starters, the US will have to leave #Syria soon & the #Iraq presence is likely on its way out too.
Plus Hezb-#Israel; the Gulf, US Embassies & assets region-wide.
Messaging coming out or #Tehran is already ominous - “strikes,” “earthquakes,” etc.
Killing #Soleimani is an extraordinarily bold move by #Trump - but is he prepared for the consequences?

FWIW, in October, I heard #Zarif - on the record, in a high-level gathering in the region - imply that US "adventurism" in the #MiddleEast would bring "another 9/11."
#Iran *will* now respond, and not in the form of a protest. It may take time, but it'll happen.
So how does the US reply then?
- We have achieved *deep* penetration of #IRGC/QF circles, likely both HUMINT & SIGINT.
That explains @SecPompeo's refusal to go into detail on @CNN.

It’ll be on @CNN tonight between 5-7pm EST. Tune in!

UPDATE: Given the stakes rumors are flying high.
Hamad al-Jazairi is definitely alive - confirmed himself.
Likewise, Shubul al-Zaidi is also alive.
BUT - the same reports suggest someone high-level was in the targeted vehicles near Taji, #Iraq.