Aug 4th 2019, 448 tweets, 522 min read
#Syria #Idlib
This morning #SAA has shelled civilian facilities in Kafr Zeita (aka Kafr Zita) and Morek. Reports of wounded people.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes are bombarding urban areas in al-Lataminah, de facto violating the ceasefire imposed by Syrian and Russian authorities.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing Bidama town being targeted by #SAA GRAD rockets. 1 person killed.
[Thanks to @obretix].
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the result of #SAA rockets on urban areas in al-Hawijah town, Western #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA targeted urban areas in Khan Shaykhoun with rockets.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is now shelling urban areas in al-Lataminah.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing Bidama town being targeted by #SAA GRAD rockets. 1 person killed.
#Syria #Idlib
Life in Maarat al-Nouman when #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes do not bombard it.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is ready to resume the offensive on Idlib (de facto violating the ceasefire imposed by itself) on August 16th.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling al-Lataminah.
#Syria #Idlib
Satellite images show what's left of Kafr Nabudah (pics 1-2) and Hamamiyat (pics 3-4) after months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: almost all civilian buildings have been destroyed or heavily damaged.
Source: @QalaatAlMudiq.
#Syria #Idlib
Apparently, today the #SAA will resume their offensive on Idlib, violating the ceasefire imposed few days ago.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Khan Shaykhoun.
The ceasefire has officially ended.
#Syria #Idlib
@SANAEnOfficial had to retract its news saying that rebels shelled Hmeimim airbase after civilians in Jableh (a town controlled by #SAA close to the airbase itself) denounced it as 'fake news' since nobody heard explosions.
[via @Dalatrm].
#Syria #Idlib
New #SyAF airstrikes on urban areas in Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing #SyAF airstrikes on urban areas in Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Part 1
Will update videos showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun: the town has been bombarded almost everyday during the last 2-3 months by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes.
In these videos you will see urban areas destroyed, craters created by airstrikes and much more.
Part 2
Video showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun: the town has been bombarded almost everyday during the last 2-3 months by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes.
In these videos you will see urban areas destroyed, craters created by airstrikes and much more.
Part 3
Video showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun: the town has been bombarded almost everyday during the last 2-3 months by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes.
In these videos you will see urban areas destroyed, craters created by airstrikes and much more.
Part 4
Video showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun: the town has been bombarded almost everyday during the last 2-3 months by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes.
In these videos you will see urban areas destroyed, craters created by airstrikes and much more.
#Syria #Idlib
Video showing the situation in Kafr Zeita (aka Kafr Zita) after weeks of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: multiple urban areas have been totally destroyed.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics showing the result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maraat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes dropping a thermobaric bomb on urban areas in al-Lataminah.
[Via @QalaatAlMudiq: ].
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in al-Lataminah.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in al-Lataminah: the town is a pile of rubble and almost nobody lives there anymore.
#Syria #Idlib
Pro-#Assad source says #SAA is attacking Zakah and Arbaeen towns.
#Syria #Idlib
After having captured Zakat town last night, #SAA is now shelling Kafr Zita (aka Kafr Zeita): the Syrian Army will probably try to attack and capture it soon.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics showing the situation in Zakat, the town recently captured by #SAA in Northern #Hama.
1st pic: Zakat town before the offensive.
2nd pic: what's left of Zakat town after weeks of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics showing the situation in Arbain, the 2nd town recently captured by #SAA in Northern #Hama.
1st pic: Arbain before the offensive.
2nd pic: what's left of Arbain after weeks of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Video showing #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in al-Lataminah today.
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #NLF destroyed a #SAA tank in Zakat town with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun after 3 months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: it looks like a destroyed ghost town.
Video is 2 days old.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA will probably try to storm Kafr Zeita (aka Kafr Zita) and al-Lataminah.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #FSA's al-Majd Corps destroyed a #SAA tank with an ATGM missile in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has captured Tel Sakhr and Jasiat towns.
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #Russia|n warplanes airstriked what is said to be the vehicle that belonged to opposition groups in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing indiscriminate #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Zeita (aka Kafr Zita).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
#FSA's al-Majd Corps targeted a group of #SAA soldiers with an ATGM missile in #Latakia mounts.
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #SAA has tried to storm Hibit town. Btw, the town will be probably captured soon.
But look at these satellite pics:
1st pic: Hibit town before months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
2nd pic: what's left of Hibit town.
[Thanks to @AuroraIntel for the pics].
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Bawabiya town (#Aleppo countryside) injured 8 people.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Bawabiya town (#Aleppo countryside) destroyed a pharmacy.
#Syria #Idlib
Syrian journalist @AlhasanMahar was in Ariha town after #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes bombarded urban areas.
[Thanks to @ImtiazGarcia].
Part 1
#Syria #Idlib
Syrian journalist @AlhasanMahar was in Ariha town after #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes bombarded urban areas.
Part 2
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has taken control of Sukayk town. Slowly, village by village, the Syrian Army, supported by #Russia, is capturing the whole Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has captured hill 112 in #Latakia mounts: Syrian Army is getting closer to Kabane.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on:
- Hish.
- Kafr Sijnah.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #NLF targeted a #SAA vehicle in northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has taken control of Hibit town. Watch these satellite pics to see what the Syrian Army has really captured.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage shot by #SAA in Hibit town confirms what satellite images have revealed before: after months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes, the town is a pile of rubble.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Hass town.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Hass town.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing a #Russia|n PMC member (his name is Oleg Blochin) in Hibit town showing what's left of the area: almost all buildings got destroyed by #SyAF-Russian airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #NLF destroyed a #SAA ATGM position with an ATGM missile in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #NLF destroyed a #SAA tank in Northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Children celebrating Eid al-Adha in Idlib town today.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, White Helmets have evacuated some children still living in Khan Shaykhoun (the town that will be probably besieged by #SAA). They were taken to more safe areas in Northern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
This is the situation in Khan Shaykhoun: another town, now close to the frontlines, has been bombarder for months by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing the destruction in Khan Shaykhoun caused by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes.
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #HTS killed Abu Khalid, the #Isis leader in the region.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #SAA forces mutilated the body of a dead opposition fighter in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
Also yesterday, #SAA forces set fire to the body of another opposition fighter in Northern #Hama. Interesting that the Syrian Army does what #Isis and other terrorist group did before.
#Syria #Idlib
#NLF striked a group of #SAA soldiers in Northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Apparently, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes start dropping Flechette bombs containing dards. This happened yesterday in Heish town.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage from Khan Shaykhoun showing multiple buildings destroyed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage from Khan Shaykhoun showing multiple buildings destroyed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
3rd footage from Khan Shaykhoun showing multiple buildings destroyed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #NLF destroyed a #SAA heavy machine gun in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have airstriked urban areas in Jarjanaz.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has captured Kafr Ein.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have airstriked urban areas in Hass town.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have airstriked urban areas in Kafr Rumah town.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Rumah town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has reached the outskirts on Khan Shaykhoun. There is not a lot of resistance from opposition groups (#NLF, #HTS) because many of them have previously left the area.
The town will probably fall today or tomorrow.
#Syria #Idlib
#NLF destroyed a #SAA tank in SouthEastern Idlib countryside with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
People in Khan Shaykhoun are fleeing because #SAA will probably capture the town in the next 12-36 hours. Civilians are heading to Northern Idlib: some of those living in Khan Shaykhoun came from Daraa, #Hama or #Aleppo.
Part 1
#Syria #Idlib
People in Khan Shaykhoun are fleeing because #SAA will probably capture the town in the next 12-36 hours. Civilians are heading to Northern Idlib: some of those living in Khan Shaykhoun came from Daraa, #Hama or #Aleppo.
Part 2
#Syria #Idlib
#NLF destroyed a #SAA vehicle in SouthEastern Idlib countryside with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
#NLF destroyed a #SAA 57mm cannon in SouthEastern Idlib countryside with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing people in Khan Shaykhoun fleeing due to #SAA assault.
Correction: this is Maarat al-Nouman, not Khan Shaykhoun.
[Thanks to @obretix].
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Taftanaz.
#Syria #Idlib
Satellite image from Kafr Ein, the small village recently captured by #SAA: almost all the buildings have been destroyed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
It seems that opposition groups have shot down a #SyAF-#Russia|n plane near Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Confirmed: #HTS claims to have shot down a #SyAF warplane near Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
1st footage showing the wreckage of a #SyAF plane shot down today by opposition groups near Khan Shaykhoun.
The pilot is alive and has been captured.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing the aftermath of the shooting down of a #SyAF warplane by opposition groups near Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
1st pic: pic of the #SyAF colonel whose plane has been shot down.
2nd pic: what's left of his warplane.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing what's left of that #SyAF warplane over Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing the area where the #SyAF plane was shot down. Wreckage visible.
[Thanks to @PetTheGreat1].
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing the #SyAF warplane shot down.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics showing the wreckages of the #SyAF warplane shot down today.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing the wreckages of the #SyAF warplane shot down today.
#Syria #Idlib
Again, another footage showing the wreckages of the #SyAF warplane shot down today.
[Thanks to @QalaatAlMudiq].
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing some pieces of that #SyAF warplane shot down today: the jacket and the helmet.
#Syria #Idlib
Again, another footage showing the wreckages of the #SyAF warplane shot down today.
#Syria #Idlib
And here is one more footage of the wreckages of the #SyAF warplane shot down today.
#Syria #Idlib
This evening, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes targeted urban areas in Maarat al-Nouman with cluster ammo.
#Syria #Idlib
The pilot has been captured.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage of the parachute used by the #SyAF pilot today after his warplane was shot down near Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked a @sams_usa ambulance in Maarat Hurmah, killing the driver (34 y.o) and a paramedic (29 y.o).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes then airstriked a group of White Helmets that arrived in the area (Maarat Hurmah), killing a volunteer, Younis Balouz.
Double taps like this violate international law.
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #FSA's Jaysh al-Izza destroyed a group of #SAA vehicles in Northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
This is Sukayk, the town recently captured by #SAA in N. #Hama. Satellite pics show that the town was damaged before the assault but now it is a pile of rubble due to #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
1st pic: may 2019.
2nd pic: August 14th 2019.
[Thanks to @AuroraIntel].
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #NLF destroyed a #SAA heavy machine gun in Northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #NLF destroyed a #SAA BMP in Northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #NLF destroyed also a #SAA vehicle in Northern #Hama with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians in Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib continue to flee from towns close to the frontline due to #SAA assault (+#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes). The border with #Turkey is getting crowded.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Kansafra.
#Syria #Idlib
This evening, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have airstriked urban areas in Hass town.
PAY ATTENTION: in this video you can see some people carrying the bleeding bodies of children mutilated by the airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #SyAF-#RuAF warplanes airstrikes urban areas in Ariha town. 20 people killed.
#Syria #Idlib
CCTV footage showing multiple bombs dropped by #SyAF-#Russia|n planes hitting Ariha town today. 20 killed.
#Syria #Idlib
At least 15 people killed in Hass town today due ti a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike. Here is a pic of the baby fetus killed by the strike.
PAT ATTENTION: graphic content.

#Syria #Idlib
More graphic pics showing children slaughtered yesterday by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Hass town.
PAY ATTENTION: violent content.
#Syria #Idlib
Video showing the aftermath of yesterday #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Hass town.
#Syria #Idlib
7 killed this morning in Deir al-Sharqi due to a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA offensive has slowed down and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas have resumed. Toll of the past 48 hours:
- 20 killed in Ariha town.
- 16 killed in Hass town.
- 7 killed in Deir al-Sharqi.
Total toll: at least 43 killed, +80 wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
Here is the #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike that killed killed at least 7 people in Deir al-Sharqi this morning.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing a child trapped under the rubble in Deir al-Sharqi due to a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in the town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Hazarin town.
#Syria #Idlib
Pic of a young girl killed by a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Deir al-Sharqi this morning.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing young people killed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Deir al-Sharqi today.
#Syria #Idlib
Today a building in Maarat al-Nouman got hit by a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike and it took fire.
#Syria #Idlib
2nd #SyAF-#Russia|n double tap in few days in Idlib. Today, another White Helmets vehicle was targeted in Maarat al-Nouman.
Last double tap:
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing a White Helmets team rescuing a group of WH volounteers previously targeted by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes in Maarat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians fleeing from Northern #Hama due to #SAA offensive and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing civilians fleeing from Northern #Hama due to #SAA offensive and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of this morning's airstrikes on urban areas in Deir al-Sharqi. 6 people (not 7 as previously said) got killed.
#Syria #Idlib
1 child killed by a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Hass town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Hazarin town.
#Syria #Idlib
#FSA's Sham Front heading to Idlib from ES-Afrin region.
#Syria #Idlib
Also #FSA's Ahar al-Sharqiyah is sending reinfocements to Idlib region.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing an #FSA convoy heading to Idlib from ES-Afrin region.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics showing #FSA units heading to Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage of #FSA units (al-Rahman Legion) heading to Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
#FSA's Syrian National Army sending reinforcements (with tanks!) to Idlib.
Source link:
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is getting closer to Khan Shaykhoun (~1 km). The town will fall between tonight and tomorrow.
#Syria #Idlib
Video showing #SAA looting civilians goods in Hibit town. The same thing happened in Kafr Nabudah few hours after it was captured by pro-#Assad forces.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked Maraat al-Nouman for not apparent reason.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
A #Turkish convoy (with tanks and heavy armoured vehicles) is heading to Morek observation post, which could be besieged if Khan Shaykhoun will be captured by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing a #Turkish convoy (with tanks and heavy armoured vehicles) heading to Morek observation post, which could be besieged if Khan Shaykhoun will be captured by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
It seems that #SyAF warplanes airstriked an area very close (10-20 metres) to the #Turkish convoy heading to Morek observation post.
Ofc Erdogan won't retailate: too busy with #SDF (this is irony).
#Syria #Idlib
Footage of the big #Turkish convoy heading to Morek observation post.
#Syria #Idlib
Some pics of the big #Turkish convoy heading to Morek observation post.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics of the big #Turkish convoy heading to Morek observation post.
#Syria #Idlib
1 #NLF fighter killed by a #SyAF airstrike while escorting #Turkish convoy (with tanks and heavy armoured vehicles) heading to Morek observation post.
#Syria #Idlib
Again, more pics of the #Turkish convoy heading to Morek observation post.
#Syria #Idlib
It seems that #Turkey plans to create 2 new observation posts in Northern areas near Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage of the 2nd #Turkish convoy heading to Northern Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
For the 2nd time today, the #Turkish convoy was targeted by #SyAF warplanes near Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkey has not been able to enter Khan Shaykhoun since this morning: #SAA forces have captured some hills in Northern #Hama and have partially destroyed a section of the M5 highway. Meanwhile, civilians continue to flee from Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
According to @syriahr, 25 000 people have been displaced during the last 24 hours by #SAA-#Russia|n offensive on Khan Shaykhoun. The number of people displaced since the beginning of the offensive (last days of April 2019) rised to 725 000 (25% of Idlib population).
#Syria #Idlib
Clashes between #SAA and few rebel units in Khan Shaykhoun: such groups (mostly composed of rebels born in the city) have decided to die there to defend the town. Opposition groups have evacuated the area. #Turkey, again, has not been able to repel the Syrian Army.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Jisr al-Shughour.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing how much #SyAF-#Russia|n arplanes have bombarded Hibit town before #SAA captured it few days ago: now you can get why the city has be turned into a pile of rubble.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF airstrikes on urban areas in Deir al-Sharqi.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Tell Mannas.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians continue to flee from Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #NLF targeted a #SAA tank with an ATGM missile in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
Yesterday, #FSA's Jaysh al-Izza destroyed a #SAA vehicle with an ATGM missile in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Jarjanaz.
#Syria #Idlib
Situation in Khan Shaykhoun countryside few minutes ago.
#Syria #Idlib
1st pic: barrel bomb dropped today by #SyAF on urban areas in Jarjanaz (via @samerdaboul6).
2nd pic: improvised incendiary device (?), probably a boiler or a heating unit, dropped on Southern Idlib areas.
[Thanks to @NoorNahas1, @obretix and @WyvernReports].
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Bsheiriyeh-Bello (near Jisr al-Shughour) killed 1 person. 4 more were wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes near ICARDA (pics 1-2) and near Kafr Halab (pic 3), Western #Aleppo.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the crater caused by a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Babulin/Babolin.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on a medical clinic near Tell Mannas (aka Tallmans).
#Syria #Idlib
Pics showing the result of a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on a medical clinic near Tell Mannas (aka Tallmans). 1 person got killed.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians continue to flee from Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Saraqib/Saraqeb. 2 killed.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has not entered al-Lataminah.
#Syria #Idlib
People continue to flee en masse from Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics of people fleeing from Northern #Hama due to #SAA assault.
Last pic shows living conditions of those who have settled in Northern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia|n PMC Oleg Blochin in Khan Shaykhoun. The town has officially been captured by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
As you can see by this footage published by #Russia|n PMC Oleg Blochin in Khan Shaykhoun, the town is partially destroyed. There are almost no people left.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of yesterday's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Tell Mannas (aka Tallmans). You can also see how big is the crater created by the bomb.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia|n airstrike on Ftireh town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Bawabiya town (#Aleppo countryside).
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia's propaganda outlet @SputnikInt shows the destruction caused by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has captured al-Lataminah and Kafr Zeita (aka Kafr Zita).
#Syria #Idlib
Result of last night's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Maraat al-Nouman: 3 killed, 7 wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA soldier next to #Turkish observation post in Morek [thanks to @TitusMichaeleus for this pic]. Northern #Hama has officially been captured by SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage shot by #Turkish soldiers in Morek showing #SAA forces entering the town.
#Syria #Idlib
While #SAA advances thanks to #Russia and #Turkey seems unable to do anything, civilians continue to leave Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in al-Barfoum, Western #Aleppo.
#Syria #Idlib
According to #Russia, in a phone call, #Putin and #Erdogan "agreed to activate mutual efforts with the goal of liquidating terrorist threat coming from Idlib".
[Via @ragipsoylu].
#Syria #Idlib
2 #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Deir al-Sharqi.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #NLF destroyed a #SAA vehicle in Southern Idlib with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
This afternoon, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked Maar Shamarin.
#Syria #Idlib
This afternoon, #Russia|n PMC/Journalist Oleg Blokhin shot this footage of the #Turkish observation post in Morek.
#Syria #Idlib
Part 1
Russian news channel released this footage showing the destruction caused by months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Zeita (aka Kafr Zita), one of the towns captured by #SAA in Northern #Hama.
The city is almost totally empty.
#Syria #Idlib
Part 2
Russian news channel released this footage showing the destruction caused by months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in al-Lataminah, one of the towns captured by #SAA in Northern #Hama.
Notice the scale of destruction of urban areas.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the destruction caused by months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in al-Teh, Southern Idlib.
Another town, another pile of rubble.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians in Southern Idlib continue to flee due to #SAA assault and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes. The Northern regions are becoming overcrowded.
#Syria #Idlib
As always, when #SAA stops advancing, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes resume airstrikes on towns. This is Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Car bomb exploded in Idlib town.
#Syria #Idlib
Living conditions of Syrians displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes and #SAA advance.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in Western Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing civilians fleeing from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes and #SAA advance.
#Syria #Idlib
More pic showing the aftermath of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in Western Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the moment of a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Kafr Nubl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
This is Khan Shaykhoun: destroyed buildings and no civilians, but only #SAA soldiers.
The bitter taste of "victory".
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy spotted this morning in Northern Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #NLF destroyed a #SAA tank in Southern Idlib with an ATGM missile.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is amassing troops in Khan Shaykhoun and Eastern #Aleppo: the aim is taking the M5 highway before launching the decisive (?) assault on Idlib town. However, #Putin will meet with #Erdogan on August 27th so I assume there won't be a new assault before that day.
#Syria #Idlib
Satellite images showing the situation in al-Teh: months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes have destroyed all the urban areas of the town.
1st pic: april 2019.
2nd pic: august 2019.
[Thanks to @AuroraIntel for the images].
#Syria #Idlib
Tamanah is just another town destroyed by months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes
1st pic: may 2019.
2nd pic: august 2019.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Hass town this afternoon.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes continue to airstrike Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Kafr Oweid and Sfuhen towns.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Ihsim town. 5 people wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
Aftermath of the #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Ihsim town. 5 people wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia's MoFA Lavrov said that the #SAA's capture of of Khan Shaykhoun does not constitute a violation of the Astana/Sochi agreements.
[Via @aronlund].
#Syria #Idlib
Child killed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Basqala town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on #Latakia mounts.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy spotted in Maar Hatat.
[Thanks to @4n0nym02].
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the aftermath of this morning's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Kafr Oweid.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike targeted a group of buildings in Hourteh town, where civilians were living. The guy recording the footage got wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, opposition groups assaulted some villages controlled by #SAA in Southeastern Idlib. Apparently, they are now at the gates of Abu Dali.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Tell Mannas.
#Syria #Idlib
#Putin and #Erdogan have agreed to "eliminate terrorists in Idlib".
Erdogan got humiliated again by #Putin.
#Syria #Idlib
Aftermath of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Tell Mannas.
#Syria #Idlib
An old man in front of the body of his son killed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in Kafr Nabl (aka Lafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maar Shamshah (aka Maarshmisha).
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing a group of civilians fleeing from random #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in Southern Idlib (I've not been able to find the town where the airstrikes took place).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on al-Teh (1st pic) and Jarjanaz (2nd pic).
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Saraqib/Saraqeb.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF airstrikes (or #SAA shells) hit the #Turkish observation post in Shir Maghar.
#Syria #Idlib
Aftermath of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Saraqib/Saraqeb: a building got totally destroyed.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage of the #Turkish observation post in Shir Maghar airstriked by #SyAF (or shelled by #SAA).
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage of the #SAA shells that fell close to the #Turkish observation post in Shir Maghar.
#Syria #Idlib
A #Turkish military delegation has visited the #Aleppo-#Latakia road in order to establish a new observation post in the near future.
#Syria #Idlib
CCTV footage shows the moment when #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes carried out airstrikes on urban areas in Saraqib/Saraqeb.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, civilians in Maasaran got wounded by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
PAY ATTENTION: violent content.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have airstriked the "Martyr Myassar al Hamdo Medical Clinic" in al-Ghadafa village. The structure got partially destroyed.
Footage from Maarat Shurin.
Geolocation by @john_marquee.
#Syria #Idlib
Multiple #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
At least 9 killed in Maraat al-Nouman due to #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas.
#Syria #Idlib
Very GRAPHIC content from Maraat al-Nouman. A guy driving a motorbike was almost cut in half by a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike.
In the footage you can see him still breathing.
#Syria #Idlib
3 children killed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maraat al-Nouman. The head of one of them is crushed.
PAY ATTENTION: graphic content.
#Syria #Idlib
Some civilians displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes and #SAA offensive have reached safe areas (some say this video is from Sawran, Northern #Aleppo, but I am not able to confirm it).
#Syria #Idlib
The number of children killed in Maraat al-Nouman by recent #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes () stands at 5, not 3.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is now trying to advance in Southern Idlib. Offensive has probably restarted.
[Thanks to @QalaatAlMudiq].
#Syria #Idlib
Khuwayn al-Kabir and Ard az Zurzur have been captured by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
Death toll in Maraat al-Nouman due to #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes rised to 13.
Total death toll during the last 2 days: >28.
#Syria #Idlib
Death toll in Maraat al-Nouman rised to 16.
Death toll during the last 2 days: >31.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Western Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the aftermath of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Western Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Maar Shamshah (aka Maarshmisha) have killed 4 people.
#Syria #Idlib
Graphic footage showing the result of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Maar Shamshah (aka Maarshmisha).
PAY ATTENTION: graphic content.
#Syria #Idlib
Multiple #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in Idlib outskirts.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics showing the result of yesterday's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Maraat al-Nouman (16 people killed).
Now civilians are fleeing from the town, trying to reach Northern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Living conditions of Syrians displaced by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Idlib region.
"Lucky" ones have a tent. Others simply live under olive trees.
For more about these people look at these 2 tweets:
2. .
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the moment when #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked Idlib outskirts this morning.
#Syria #Idlib
It seems that #SAA has captured al-Tamanah.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkey’s MoFA said that #Russia had assured its observation posts in Northwest Syria will not be attacked.
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians in Bab al-Hawa are protesting against #Turkey and #Assad.
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians in Bab al-Hawa have crossed the #Turkish border.
People shouted "#Turkey's Army is a traitor". Meanwhile, Turkish soldiers are trying to disperse civilians by using tear gas.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish authorities are using water cannons against civilians protesting because they do not wanna die under #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing angry Syrian civilians protesting in Bab al-Hawa against #Assad, Turkey and #Russia.
Correction: this is from Atma, not Bab al-Hawa
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians are not scared by #Turkish authorities at the border. The fear of airstrikes careied out by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes is bigger.
#Syria #Idlib
Here is the moment when Syrians in Atma have crossed the #Turkish border.
#Syria #Idlib
And now #Turkish soldiers are shooting in the air in order to disperse civilians. Great strategy.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia's MoD says #SAA will implement a unilateral ceasefire in Idlib beginning on Saturday.
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians in Atma prostesting against #Turkey and #Assad after having crossed the #Turkish border.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish border guards try to disperse civilians by shooting in the air.
Video probably shot near Atma but I cannot 100% confirm it.
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians started throwing rocks at #Turkish border guards in Atma.
According to local news agencies, 1 Syrian got shot dead by soldiers.
#Syria #Idlib
While #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes bombard urban areas and #Turkish soldiers shoot Syrians in Atma, these are some of the Syrians living in camps for refugees.
#Syria #Idlib
Hundreds of Syrians are protesting now against #Turkey, #Assad and #Russia near the #Turkish border.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have airstriked Jarjanaz.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing Syrians protesting at the #Turkish border.
As said before, the biggest threat for Turkey is a new wave of refugees, not the situation in Eastern Syria.
#Syria #Idlib
This Syrian man told a #Turkish border guard: "do you work with #Russia? We dont want to go to #Turkey: we just want to get our lands back".
[Thanks to @syrianomark2 for this precious translation].
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians fleeing from Southern Idlib with a cute DOGGO.
[Many thanks to @JensHittrien].
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish authorities launched tear gas on Atma refugee camp.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Shamiko, Western #Aleppo.
#Syria #Idlib
Last night, #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked a medical clinic in Orem. 6 people injured.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the result of last night's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on a medical clinic in Orem.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of yesterday's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of yesterday's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in towns in Southern #Aleppo.
#Syria #Idlib
Date: August 30th.
This Syrian man said: "Either help us by stop the [SyAF-#Russia|n] airstrikes or let us get in [#Turkey]. We have nothing, we just left our houses with these clothes. What are we, a commodity for them to trade?".
#Syria #Idlib
Strike (nor #SyAF, nor #Russia) on a building where 'Incite the Believers Operation Room' was holding a meeting. Militants claim it was a plane of the "crusader coalition" (so probably a #Turkish/#US plane).
Last strike on them: June 30th ().
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the aftermath of an alleged #US/#Turkish airstrike on a building where 'Incite the Believers Operation Room' was holding a meeting.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage shot by an alleged Jund al-Sham member showing the aftermath of the #US/#Turkish airstrike on a building where 'Incite the Believers Operation Room' was holding a meeting.
#Syria #Idlib
@CENTCOM confirms that #USAF warplanes targeted "al-Qaida in Syria leadership at a facility in Idlib [...]. This operation targeted AQ leaders responsible for attacks threatening US citizens, our partners, and innocent civilians".
#Syria #Idlib
According to some sources (some of them are local) yesterday's #US airstrike has killed 22 Ansar al-Tawhid members. 29 more have been wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning a #Turkish convoy headed to Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Anti-#HTS and anti-#Assad protest in Saraqeb/Saraqib last night.
Remember that these people are terrorists for #Russia and #Assad.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage shwoing anti-#HTS and anti-#Assad protest in Saraqeb/Saraqib last night.
#Syria #Idlib
Living conditions of some displaced children due to #SAA military operations.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the situation in Maarat Hurmah after months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: even if some urban areas have not been destroyed by bombs (beginning of the footage), the town is empty. Nobody lives there anymore: people have fled the city.
Part 1
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the situation in Maarat Hurmah after months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: the town is empty. Nobody lives there anymore.
Part 2
#Syria #Idlib
This footage showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun has been released few days ago by an Italian pro-#Assad, pro-#Russia media channel.
Part 1
#Syria #Idlib
This footage showing the situation in Khan Shaykhoun has been released few days ago by an Italian pro-#Assad, pro-#Russia media channel.
Part 2: end
#Syria #Idlib
Footage allegedly showing #SAA soldiers looting in Khan Shaykhoun.
Again, you can see how much the city has been destroyed by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Anti-#Assad protest in Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
Anti-#Assad protest in Idlib town.
#Syria #Idlib
Anti #Assad protest in Bab al-Salameh.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians in Idlib are not only protesting against #Assad, but also against #HTS and its leader Jolani.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing civilians protesting against #Assad in Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
An explosion has destroyed the water tower in Haysh (aka Hish) town.
#Syria #Idlib
It seems that #SAA will soon restart the offensive in Southern Idlib, de facto violating the 2nd ceasefire it has imposed in 1 month.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics of the new #Turkish observation post built closr to the #Aleppo-#Damascus highway.
#Syria #Idlib
Living conditions of Syrians who have fled from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SAA advance (+ #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes).
These pics were shot in Bab al-Hawa near the border crossing with #Turkey.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy heading to al-Eis and Sarman.
#Syria #Idlib
Living conditions of Syrians displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SAA assault and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
School has started also for Syrian children displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SAA assault and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes has started.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling urban areas in Southern Idlib (pic 1 from Kafr Nabl, aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Situation in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel) after #SAA shelled the city.
#Syria #Idlib
Tonight, #Russia airstriked Darkush town (Northern Jisr al-Shughour), de facto violating the truce announced by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning #Russia|n warplanes have airstriked Jisr al-Shughour, violating for the second time in 2 days the truce announced by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning a #Turkish convoy headed to the new observation post in Northern Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics of the notebooks belonging to the child killed in Sarja town by #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia|n warplanes have destroyed a White Helmets facility in Sfuhen town: the city is far from the frontline. This is the 3rd violation of the truce annouced by #SAA committed by Russia.
[Thanks to @QalaatAlMudiq].
#Syria #Idlib
Ansar al-Din in al-Ghab Plain.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes in Southern Idlib few moments ago.
#Syria #Idlib
Pro-revolution and anti-#Assad demonstration in Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Art exhibition in Jisr al-Shughour.
[Thanks to @WyvernReports].
#Syria #Idlib
Multiple #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on Hass, al-Tamanah, Sarja, Jabal al-Arba'in, Ihsim and Maarat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
Even if #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes have resumed their airstrikes, civilians have decided to hold a pro-revolution demonstration in Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics of the pro-revolution demonstration in Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Pro-revolution demonstration in Kafr Takharim.
#Syria #Idlib
This pro-revolution slogan says everything.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF warplane targeted the town of Banin with bombs.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing a #SyAF warplane airstriking urban areas in Sarja town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes airstriked Karsa village.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the situation in Hish after months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: the town has been destroyed and nobody lives there anymore.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling Kafr Rumah.
#Syria #Idlib
New "houses" in Azaz for Syrians displaced by #SAA and #Russia.
#Syria #Idlib
Another #Turkish convoy heading to the new observation post in Northern Maarat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, #SAA shelled Tramla town.
#Syria #Idlib
This is Hass town after months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas.
Another empty and destroyed city.
#Syria #Idlib
Pics of the bombs used yesterday by #SAA to shell Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
Many thanks to @QalaatAlMudiq.
#Syria #Idlib
A charity organization is refurbishing schools in Northern #Aleppo.
#Syria #Idlib
This afternoon, #SAA shelled Tramla town.
#Syria #Idlib
This afternoon, #SAA shelled Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
Refugees's tents in Northern Jisr al-Shughour under the rain.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing #SAA shelling southern Idlib areas.
#Syria #Idlib
Situation in Karsaa after 4 months of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes. The town has been heavily damaged by bombs and, apparently, very few people live here now.
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #SAA shelled Southern Idlib areas.
#Syria #Idlib
Tent camp in Armanaz for Syrians displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SAA assault and #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #SAA shelled Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Today, #SAA shelled urban areas in Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
Camp for refugees in Babisqa, Idlib region.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy heading to Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians in Idlib are celebrating the Revolution and protesting against #Assad and #Russia.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled Southern Idlib areas.
#Syria #Idlib
#NLF members in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Situation in Maarat Hurmah after weeks of #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrikes: multiple urban areas have been heavily damaged and very few people continue to live there.
#Syria #Idlib
Few hours ago, #SAA shelled Kafr Oweid.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, #SAA shelled Deir Sunbul area.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning, #SAA shelled also urban areas in Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
#FSA's Jaysh al-Izza in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy heading to the new observation post in Northern Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA continues to shell towns in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #SAA shelled multiple urban areas in Southern Idlib with rockets.
#Syria #Idlib
This evening, Incite the Believers Operation Room carried out an inghimasi attack in Southern #Aleppo against #SAA forces. Footage shows clashes between the 2 groups.
#Syria #Idlib
After #SAA offensive stopped, some preiously displaced civilians have decided to return to their homes in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of #SAA shells on urban areae in Maraat al-Nouman.
#Syria #Idlib
Living conditions of Syrians displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SAA assault. Winter is getting closer and thes people, mostly women and children, do not have heat.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled multiple areas in Southern Idlib today.
#Syria #Idlib
This is the story of one of the many IDP children whose families had to escape from their homes due to #SAA and #Russia's indiscriminate violence.
Part 1
#Syria #Idlib
Here is the 2nd part of the story of this IDP girl.
Part 2
#Syria #Idlib
And here is the final part of this footage focusing on the life of this girl who has experienced #SAA and #Russia's violence.
Part 3: end.
#Syria #Idlib
Charity organization starts distributing food to poor people in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Syrians displaced from Northern #Hama and Southern Idlib due to #SAA offensive (+#Russia|n-#SyAF airstrikes on urban areas) are now living in precarious conditions: they found shelter in empty, abandoned buildings.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled the town of Maraand. 1 wounded.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled also Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing #SAA shelling Um al Seer town.
#Syria #Idlib
This is the situation in al-Hawwash, a small town in al-Ghab plain after #SAA shelled it.
[Many thanks to @ryanmofarrell].
#Syria #Idlib
This morning #SAA shelled multiple areas near Arinbeh town.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the situation in a camp in Idlib for civilians displaced by #SAA, #Russia and #SyAF.
#Syria #Idlib
#HTS-#SAA prisoner swap today: 22 women and 5 men in exchange for 7 soldiers.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling Maarzita.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled a medical clinic in Maraat al-Nouman. Several injured (confirmed so far: 1 doctor and 1 nurse).
#Syria #Idlib
Pics from the medical clinic in Maraat al-Nouman shelled by SAA this morning.
#Syria #Idlib
More pics of the medical clinic in Maraat al-Nouman shelled by #SAA.
#Syria #Idlib
Rebel forces in Idlib (very probably only #NLF), Afrin and Euphrates Shiled areas (al-Bab and
Jarabulus) will become part of #FSA's National Army.
It seems that HTS and FSA's Jaysh al-Izza are not considered part of the deal.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled multiple areas close to the #Turkish observation post in Maar Hatat.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA has shelled the area close to the #Turkish observation post in al-Eis.
[Many thanks to @putintintin1].
#Syria #Idlib
Today, civilians in Idlib expressed their support for protesters in #Egypt and in #Iraq while celebrating the Revolution against #SAA, #Russia and #Iran.
#Syria #Idlib
After days of inactivity, #Russia|n warplanes are back in action. This morning, they have airstriked Ballisa town.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing the aftermath of an airstrike carried out by #RuAF warplanes on Ballisa town.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing the aftermath of a #RuAF airstrike on Ballisa town.
#Syria #Idlib
Big #SAA ammo depot exploded in Northern #Hama.
8 years of war and #Assad forces have not been able to stock old Soviet weapons provided by #Russia.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage of the #SAA ammo depot that exploded in Northern #Hama.
Rami Makhlouf's money are really well spent.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling multiple areas near al-Janudiyah and al-Ghassaniyah.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing #SAA shelling Maarat Hurmah this morning.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing civilians' living conditions in IDP camp near Jisr al-Shughour.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy carrying concrete blocks is heading to the TSK observation post in Northern Khan Shaykhoun.
#Syria #Idlib
Even if the topic is no more popular (honestly, almost nobody has covered it pretty much since #SAA + #Russia started bombarding everything in the province in April 2019), here is a footage showing urban areas destroyed by #SyAF-#RuAF airstrikes.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #SAA shelled Maarzita.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #SAA shelled urban areas in Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
#NLF ribat in Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Pomegranade festival in Darkoush City.
One of the few public events for civilians still living under the #SyAF-#Russia|n bombs and the #SAA shells.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing #Russia|n airstrike in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Civilians in Kafr Rumah held a protest against #HTS leader Jolani (think about this when you read that everyone in Idlib is a jihadist).
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled Um Seer (aka Or Om Sir).
[Ty to @Meymuna0].
#Syria #Idlib
1 civilian killed and multiple wounded after #SAA shelled urban areas in Kafr Rumah.
#Syria #Idlib
Today #SAA shelled urban areas in Maarzita.
#Syria #Idlib
Rap video from Idlib.
Artist: Sameh Alheraki.…
Part 1
#Syria #Idlib
Rap video from Idlib.
Artist: Sameh Alheraki.…
Part 2
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Ariha.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing last night's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Ariha.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia|n airstrike on Jabal al-Arbain near Ariha town.
#Syria #Idlib
Footage showing last night's #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Maar Shurin.
#Syria #Idlib
Result of a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Maar Shurin.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Jabal Arbain.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on Ariha.
#SAA is shelling Kafr Oweid and Maarat Hurmah.
#Syria #Idlib
This morning #SAA shelled multiple areas in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
It's raining in Idlib today.
#Syria #Idlib
Even if almost nobody talks about Idlib, these are the living situations for those who have been displaced by the recent #SAA+#Russia|n offensive in Northern #Hama.
Winter is close now.
#Syria #Idlib
Another footage showing the living conditions of civilians displaced by the recent #SAA+#Russia|n offensive in Northern #Hama.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes are airstriking Kabane mounts.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling urban areas in Rakaya Sinjeh and Hass town.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled also Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Pro-#Assad sources report that an Idlib offensive is imminent.
This could mean that Turkey has decided to swap the region for a (weird) "safe area" in Northeastern Syria.
#Syria #Idlib
Video showing #Russia|n airstrikes on urban areas in Rakaya Sinjeh and in Kafr Sajna.
#Syria #Idlib
#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Rakaya Sinjeh.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled urban areas in Urum al-Kubrah, Western #Aleppo. 2 civilians killed.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA is shelling Rajm al-Qet (aka Rujm al Qitt).
[Thanks to @putintintin1, @IsraHazel and @obretix].
#Syria #Idlib
Here is a tour inside Kafr Sinjeh: the city has been heavily airstriked by #SyAF-#Russia|n warplanes and #SAA continues to target it with shells. Civilians have left the area: this is another ghost town.
#Syria #Idlib
More #Russia|n airstrikes in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
#SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Taftanaz: 2 civilians killed.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled urban areas in Kafr Nabl (aka Kafranbel).
#Syria #Idlib
Another pic showing the aftermath of a #SyAF-#Russia|n airstrike on urban areas in Taftanaz.
#Syria #Idlib
#SAA shelled urban areas in Maarzita.
#Syria #Idlib
More footages showing #Russia|n warplanes airstriking urban areas in Taftanaz.
#Syria #Idlib
#Turkish convoy in Southern Idlib.
#Syria #Idlib
Situation in al-Ankawi, one of the many villages heavily airstriked by #Russia and #SyAF warplanes: people have left the area. There are only ruins.
#Syria #Idlib
Jaysh al-Izza, the only #FSA independend group in Syria, is still training its members.
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