What it means ?
1) Prevents the use of the Afghan land by terrorist organisations or individuals against the security
of the United States and its allies
2) Sets a timeline for the withdrawal of all #USA & Coalition forces from
Taliban & an inclusive negotiating team of the Islamic Republic of #Afghanistan
4) A pemanent ceasefire
5) The #USA and it's Army will train and equip the Afghan military and security forces to handle the security issues prevalent in Afg
7) US to facilitate talks between #Afghanistan & #Pakistan over security and mutual cooperation
9) All these are subject to the #Taliban keeping up with its promises
11) The US will help #Afghanistan to continue peace talks with #Taliban and ensure there is a continuous ceasefire
13) The #USA will seek recognition and endorsement for this deal from the #UNSC
1) All the above points are subjective to the Taliban keeping up its side of the promise
2) Pakistan has played a significant role in making this happen
3) Terror organizations like the ISIS (IS - Khorasan) will not be allowed free space to expand in Afghanistan
5) What will make US or Taliban to back track ? Will have to see..
6) How will it impact #India ?
8) How will #ISIS react to this ?
9) Will the #Afghanistan forces be ready to defend their nation? Or will we see a repeat of what transpired in #Iraq ?