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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How Amazon transformed the EU into a planned economy; and more!

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1/ A desert ruin. In the foreg...
How Amazon transformed the EU into a planned economy: Monopsony, junk fees and market power.

2/  Image: Rama (modified) htt...
Hey look at this

* What #Reddit Got Wrong…

* @signalapp’s @mer__edith: ‘These people could actually pause #AI if they wanted’… (h/t @kottke)

* Humans Are Biased. #GenerativeAI Is Worse… (h/t @metafilter)

3/ Image
Read 18 tweets
You mean like provable #CauseAndEffect?

Like #HCQ a 70-yo drug, that IS #SafeAndEffective being #ConfiscatedAndProhibited from use, a historical first, CAUSED mistrust in our govt's National Health Advisor, Tony Fauci and the EFFECT led to countless unnecessary deaths. Image
Or maybe you mean, our govt classifying information that would save lives but expose the above #CauseAndEffect, forcing a legal FOIA request to expose, he was lying and KNEW that 1. people would dies and 2. it violates US #AntiTrustLaws to knowingly manipulate the market in order Image
to force the market to have no choice but to use a product you directly profit from?

So the first event; denying 333M Americans #HCQ, which was used successfully to ward off the #ZikaPandemic b/c of its' #AntiInflammatory and #AntiViral abilities for which it won a #NobelPrize Image
Read 8 tweets
Real leaders lead by example and that's something that #antivaxxers should watch out for when listening to the likes of @ABridgen @RWMaloneMD @P_McCulloughMD
@DrAseemMalhotra all of these cowards are fully vaccinated and boosted and have never once shown any fear of
Being vaccinated because they know the vaccines are NOT anywhere near as harmful as they claim.

They can't back up any of their claims with actual proof just worthless unfounded REPORTS.

Ask yourself why they're not scared of being the n2xt #DiedSuddenly poster boy?


Read 10 tweets
Liebe #antivaxxers, lieber #Impfskeptiker versuchen wir es noch einmal - vielleicht so:
Ich möchte kein Kernkraftwerk in meinem Garten stehen haben und auch nicht die #Spikeproteine des #SARSCoV2-Virus in meinem Blut. Aber vor die Alternative gestellt ob Atomkraftwerk im Garten oder ein Atombomben-Test in der Hofeinfahrt... würde ich mich wahrscheinlich doch
für das Kernkraftwerk entscheiden. Eine Atombombe und ein Kernkraftwerk gewinnen Energie nach dem gleichen Prinzip - Atomkerne werden mit Neutronen beschossen und platzen. #Coronaimpfung und #Coronainfektion ähneln sich ebenfalls. #mRN wird in den Zellkern geschleust
Read 13 tweets
Absolutely vile...
@Kate_Whitfield who knew nothing about the risk of blood clots - now proven to be linked to the COVID vaccines...
Disparaged people she knew nothing about.
Just to get ahead in "journalism"

Please post any stories from "mainstream" journalists who wrote articles disparaging #antivaxxers and tag them in the post with the hashtag

Like this disgusting piece from @stephanie_bedo
Remember that these journalists consider themselves elite, and you to be plebs who cannot be trusted to make your own decisions.

You have to be #nudged.
They believe you are too stupid to be allowed a free choice. Or a free vote.
Read 8 tweets
While Westminster purchased and Installed Hepa Filters for Parliament in 2020 …. While MPs like Bridgen lied about Vaccines in debates and on Social Media, & parents were fined by Govt for non attendance in UKCovidUnsafeSchools 💥😱👇🤬
Now everyone knows why #ABrigden is lying his head off with Antivaxxer bollox on Twitter: to cover up the fatal errors by the Government he is still part of, backed by antivax AstroTurf groups like Hartgroup . #LyingToryScum
Read 11 tweets
My sister is coughing up blood. Her kids have been sick constantly. They are scared to go to school b/c they are teased for wearing masks. My disabled daughter has had #SARSCoV2 twice caught at work, then at .@YorkUniversity b/c no one masks.

Tell me again things are FINE. 1/x
Tell me again to "get over it". Tell me again that this is "normal". My stepfather has been in hospital for nearly a month and half after a #SARSCoV2 infection. That's because northern #Alberta decided #COVID19 wasn't a thing anymore.

But "get back to normal", right? It's fine.
I encounter people every day who hack, cough, have trouble speaking at length, are winded from speaking, have trouble recalling basic things, who have changed in fundamental ways. But please tell me to "move on" and that I "over-reacting".

No, nothing is normal right now.
Read 7 tweets
The political right has weaponized public health response to a global pandemic of a novel & mutating virus that will continue to put devastating stress levels on healthcare systems & HCWs. #BringBackMasks #COVIDIsAirborne #CovidIsntOver
#SARSCoV2 is neurotrophic. It damages the brain as well as other organs in the body. Catching #COVIDIsAirborne, must be avoided if at all possible. You will not be better off for catching it. Instead, you run the risk of long term consequences. #BringBackMasks #CovidIsntOver
Read 6 tweets
🧵Aside from death/public health, & the great wealth transfer, a major cost of the #plandemic may be a breaking of the social contract, resulting from the distortions to morality it has caused, in tandem with an institutionalisation of #WokeAgenda & #postmodernism
Politicians on both sides, captured by lobbyists from #bigpharma & #bigtech have divided society by attacking science whilst turning a blind eye to reason. There’s a feeling of dread that we no longer have anywhere left to turn. @WAPFLondon
Read 7 tweets
Wie #Desinformation entstehen und sich verbreiten fragt ihr? Eben wieder über ein perfektes Beispiel gestolpert. 1. die Nachricht und der Retweet vom Retweet: ImageImage
Ohne weiter zu prüfen wird geteilt. Dauert auch nicht lange bis die ersten über die Impfung reden. Welche Impfung? Natürlich die #COVID Impfung. ImageImage
Was überlesen wird. Selbst ihr eigenes Schwurblerblättchen schreibt nichts von mRNA Impfung. Scheinbar liest aber keiner Quellen die sich auch noch selber liefern. Quelle: h*tps://
Read 6 tweets
Pennsylvania docs here - ready to drop more 411 about charlatan & ethically-challenged NJ resident, Mehmet Oz. Since the media hasn't.

Doctors everywhere find Oz detestable. In this 3rd truth bomb, we're gonna bring more receipts.

A thread.

#oz #PASenateRace #PASEN #MehmetOz

We all like our doctors to be caring and supportive, right?

Well, when Oz decided to run for Senate, he abruptly cancelled his show w/ no warning & screwed his staff - leaving them stranded. He didn't care. No loyalty.

Think he'll care about us?…

Using his show to promote antivaxxers? check!

He offered a platform to Jenny McCarthy, one of the most strident antivaxxers, who dangerously (and wrongly) claims a connection between vax and autism - shown wrong in MANY large studies.

#antivaxxers #misinformation
Read 15 tweets
1/ One reason many of us advocate for #masks #vaccines is because#COVID patients are filling up hospitals/clinics and patients need other healthcare too.

Never thought this would impact me.

But here I am @OttawaHeartInstitute Image
2/ My husband - who has run 7-10k a few times a week his whole adult life - needed to be here today.

Sending my best to our #familydoctor #cardiologist #cardiacsurgeon #nurses

Sending my absolute worst to those who carelessly spread covid.

3/ No one is immune from the consequences of #antimaskers #antivaxxers

Will he get covid in hospital?
Will he get covid in rehab or in hospital if he has complications post-surgery?

Wear your f**king mask.

Let me reiterate for those in the back:

Wear your Fucking Mask.
Read 5 tweets
I’m ready for the hills. My kid has covid AGAIN. Third time in 4 months. Second time in 6 weeks. #COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver Image
My darling auntie who’s 87 and had a heart attack 2 months ago has now tested positive too. Fuck a duck. So cruel. Image
In the “more replies” lies the anonymous loons talking total shite. They just can’t help themselves. 🙄
Read 9 tweets
Op jullie verzoek: De hypocrisie van #wappies en #antivaxxers, @dancalegria en @thierrybaudet, een draadje, deel 2🧵.
"Het Nederlandse rechtssysteem is corrupt!" - Maar toch steeds rechtzaken blijven aanspannen.

"Het is allemaal volgens het plan van de Great Reset" - maar ondertussen schreeuwen dat de politiek omver geworpen moet worden en het hele systeem moet veranderen. /2
"De enige die van de vaccins profiteert is Big Pharma" - Bestelt vervolgens een grootvoorraad Ivermectine.

"Jullie komen niet aan onze kinderen!" - Maar wel een kind van 15 gebruiken voor het maken van een docu voor je eigen politieke agenda. /3
Read 12 tweets
De hypocrisie van #wappies en #antivaxxers, @dancalegria en @thierrybaudet, een draadje 🧵
"Jullie proberen onze vrijheid van meningsuiting af te pakken!" - Met een spandoek midden op de dam, waar ze volledig vrij zijn om te demonstreren en hun mening te uiten.

"Censuur!" - En vervolgens iedereen blokkeren die het daar niet mee eens is. /2
"Jullie sluiten mensen uit" - Nadat er welgeteld VIER opties worden gegeven om je bijdrage te doen om door de crisis te komen; prikken, testen, natuurlijke immuniteit of thuis blijven. Vervolgens kiezen om geen van allen te willen doen en dan klagen dat je uitgesloten wordt. /3
Read 13 tweets
In May 2020 a “freedom” anti mask, anti infection control, anti restriction movement began called KBF. Simon Dolan was leading it? Remember this Monaco millionaire who gave a shit about chavs & idiots freedom? #RussianMoney #antivaxxers…
But as tens of thousands died he and his bandits including Anna Brees who tagged Simon’s PR company PHA media were filming “empty hospitals” telling you there was no pandemic. I mentioned #Gazprom & Simon KBF Dolan didn’t I?…
Incidentally Sikora was by Dolan & suddenly was appearing in the media soothsaying. Dubbed “professor positive” Until we shared his horrid Anti nhs video. He works for private healthcare. Healthcare America or HCA for short. Here’s the video again..
Read 23 tweets
BREAKING : Inside sources comfirm #QAnonCult Romana Didulo and her entourage were required to wear a mask to gain entry to Newfoundland by ferry.

The ruler got ruled by @TimHoustonNS @nsgov #antivaxxers #flutruxclan @AgainstRallyNS @antihateca @ARCCollective @JaneQCitizen
Not going to reveal my source but in case there is doubts about Romana Didulo wearing a mask and following COVID19 protocols:
She left a gift for being forced to mask and follow COVID19 protocols 😂
Read 4 tweets
🧵 1. Today marks the day that ‘QUEEN’ Romana Didulo landed in Cape Breton! The #QAnonCult has landed and she invited #Russia into #Ukraine 🙄 She commands Nato? You can’t make this up. Locals actually went to visit! 😔 @nsgov #antivaxxers #FluTruxKlan #UkraineRussiaWar
🪡 3. This is all that news I have been hearing about.

#QAnonCult #antivaxxers #FreedomConvoy2022 #FluTrucksClan #MSM
Read 15 tweets
🧵1. Let us break down the #GrandmaHorse incident. First we need to see what happened just minutes BEFORE she showed up to the front lines. It was very clear what #OttawaPolice were doing. No surprise to the tactic.

#antivaxxers #Clownvoy #ottawaoccupiers #GoHomeTerrorists
🪡2. Once #GrandmaHorse showed up this streamer decided to present her as a sheild. Almost like those kids we have seen between the cops and parents. Go figure 🙄

#FluTruxClan #cdnpoli #onpoli #ottawaprotest
🪡3. Then we have the ‘now infamous’ #OttawaPoliceFailed ‘trampling’ of #GrandmaHorse where this streamer also did not try to protect her and used her as a sheild himself. Note* the police picked her up immediately.

@JaneQCitizen @ARCCollective @antihateca
Read 5 tweets
Oh boy, here we go. Fine, let's do this.

Yes, I did tell @crw_rightsmedia today that they are spreading dangerous misinformation about #COVID19. I did so in the context of a private call with George Roche, CRW's President - a call I didn't even want to have. /1

A couple days ago, George called me out of the blue after apparently becoming familiar with my work as a litigator. On that call, George suggested that CRW might have some litigation work for me related to civil rights, and that he wanted to interview me. /2
At the time of this first call with George, I did not know who CRW was or what it stood for. At the end of the call, a further call was scheduled for this morning. /3
Read 11 tweets
The #ConvoyForFreedom2022 decided to block Marine Atlantic's entrance with their convoy. Keep in mind this does not consist of any semi's. All I could see was the same #antivaxxers who have been covid denier's for the last year in local social media groups. /1

I decided I would drive over to see who was involved and why? @nsgov clearly released an injunction against any blockades or 'slow roll convoys'. Why would these guys just blatantly ignore that? So I put my 'trigger' mask on and headed down after a 20 min drive. /2

Some "Freedom Fighters" decided to walk up in support at the bridge. When I asked what they are supporting I was told "freedom for our children". I replied with "your children look pretty free to me". The person quickly turned and walked away. /3

#GoHomeFluTruxKlan #GoHomeConvoy ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
What infuriates me is the arrogance of some #antivaxxers in the #OttawaOccupation claiming they are fighting for my freedoms too. They haven't lost freedom. They lost privileges b/c they CHOSE to be unvaccinated while THOUSANDS of vaccinated lost the right to needed surgeries.
#antivaxxers have not lost Freedom - choices have consequences.

Privileges are not Rights. They're privileges.

Polls like Angus Reid, a Conservative pollster & that are self-selecting online polls, are giving #antivaxxers a false belief that they are in the majority & that most Canadians support them. They do not. 90% are vaccinated so #MathisHard? You're noisy - full stop.

Read 8 tweets
Last night I detailed one of the main #misinformation narratives surrounding #TruckerConvoy2022 of "antifa" infiltrating the demonstration to discredit it via violence. There's been a few concerning updates 🧵

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers

So a few people have been taking this alleged threat very seriously and have been calling on convoy supporters to perform "citizens arrest" on those they suspect of being "antifa"

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers
Some convoy supporters even advocated on bringing zip ties in order to carry out citizens arrest on suspected "antifa" members

#cdnpoli #onpoli #OttawaConvoy #antivaxxers
Read 8 tweets

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