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May 17th 2023

Recent research analyzed "future wildfires burned areas & C emissions under #SolarGeoengineering & Shared Socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) scenarios & assessed how the different geoengineering approaches impact #fires."

Results are discussed in a šŸ§µ below ā¬‡ļø:
1/13 Image
The major conclusions and implications drawn from this study are as follows:
1ļøāƒ£ "The global total #wildfire burned A is projected to rise under the unmitigated scenario (SSP5-8.5) & drop under the 2 #geoengineering scenarios (#SolarIrradianceReduction & #StratosphericSulfateAerosols) based on a comparison of the averages of 2091ā€“2100 as to 2021ā€“2030."
3/ Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Earlier today, #EU agreed on a badly needed reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (#EUETS) which is the system of cap-and-trade of #carbonemissions allowances for #energyintensive industries and the #powergeneration sector. The most critical points are:
1. Agreement to make it compulsory for #EU members to dedicate all their auctioning revenues to #climateaction #investments
2. Sectors covered by the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (recently agreed #EU #carbon import tax) such as #cement, #aluminium, #fertilisers, #electricty production, #hydrogen, #iron and #steel, will see an end to free #allowances for these sectors between 2026 and 2034
Read 8 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
@KevinClimate "We've developed this term 'net zero' which allows us to move the burden of reducing emissions out to future generations, out to 2050 and beyond. Itā€™s vacuous. Completely meaningless. Itā€™s Latin for kicking the can down the road."
Source: How Wealth Inequality Fuels the Climate Emergency: @GeorgeMonbiot, Scientist Kevin Anderson on COP26 11 November 2021 CUMBRIA COAL MINE WILL BE "NET ZERO", SAYS GOVE Hugo Gye 7 December 2022 #GoveLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament
Read 18 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
The Earthā€™s climate is in crisis, and we must act now. During #COP27, world leaders are discussing how to address the challenges posed by #climatechange. A new Focus issue by @NatureHumBehav and @NatureClimate highlights the role of human behaviour in adaptation & mitigation. šŸ§µ Image
In 12 original pieces, our authors discuss some of the aspects that are central for mitigation of and adaptation to #climatechange. We have also curated a collection of research articles from across @NaturePortfolio:ā€¦
Our two editorials offer an introduction and an overview of all pieces.

Editorial in @NatureHumBehav:ā€¦
Editorial in @NatureClimate:ā€¦
Read 15 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
šŸŖ” 1/4 : #COP27 live from the #GreenZone | How the Textile & Apparel Industry Needs to Coordinate and Align With Brands and Retailers in Order to Lower Its Impact on the Environment Along the Supply Chain

#TogetherForImplementation #JustAndAmbitious #COP27CivilSociety Image
2/4: ā€œAn inclusive #COP is one that #retailers & #designers are a part of. It is one that can discuss how our shopping habits also interact with the #environment.ā€

H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment Image
3/4: ā€œItā€™s not cotton thatā€™s harmful itā€™s the #manufacturing process. Cotton is the perfect low carbon fiber but weā€™re just not stressing the importance of #regenerative #farming & #agriculture.ā€

Heinz Zeller, Principal Sustainability, @HUGOBOSS Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 20th 2022
We're in a Climate & Ecological Crisis, Sixth Mass Extinction, a threat to us all. Fossil fuels, though they account for over 80% of carbon emissions produced by humans, continue to be widely used. That's massively destabilising our biosphere, yet our Parliament says/does nothing Image
Read 35 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
The Homemade Air Purifier Thatā€™s Been Saving Lives During the Covid-19 Pandemicā€¦
#COVID19, #AirPurifier
ā€˜Traumatised and terrified, with nowhere else to goā€™: huge numbers of people stuck at US borderā€¦
#USMexico, #AsylumSeekers, #BorderCrossing
Read 13 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
The Conscious Cultivation of Ignorance ā‹† Brownstone Instituteā€¦
#agnotology, #IgnoranceCultivation, #AnthropologicalResearch
We're Entering the Control Phase of the Pandemicā€¦
#PandemicPhases, #PandemicResponse
Read 11 tweets
Sep 5th 2021
A thread on #ClimateCrisis:
Melting Boundaries
Nature Knows No Nation and No Nation Knows Nature
In the global fora, the issue of #climate change has been a game of ā€˜passing the parcelā€™ where the parcel is global in all proportions ā€“ global threat, global impact, global mitigation.
#Climate is the varying weather conditions experienced annually aggregated over a long period of time. Unfortunately, politically, climate change has had much less traction than the climate itself in the last 30 years. Efforts have been debated, litigated and even acted upon.
Read 35 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
Speaking on equality and social progress during #MWC21 Keynote 1, @GSMA Chairman and @Orange CEO, @srichard says he sees three main challenges for the mobile industry to collectively face...
1ļøāƒ£ How to address the fact that half the worldā€™s population - 4 billion people - arenā€™t currently unable to benefit from the digital revolution?

@srichard believes progress and technology can address this. #MWC21
2ļøāƒ£ How to take the lack of trust in digital life as data hacking, spreading propaganda, #fakenews and manipulation contribute to the rise of #techskepticism.

@srichard makes it clear the mobile industry must gain more trust. #MWC21
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Feb 25th 2021
#CarbonWatch ā€” Indiaā€™s first mobile app to calculate your #carbonfootprint. Are you looking forward to using it?

How does it work? Read here:
#CarbonWatch is Indiaā€™s first mobile application to help users understand their individual #carbonfootprint. It takes in details like water consumption, energy use, waste segregation, and transport to tell you the extent of your #carbonemissions.
The application can be used by anyone across the country, but the data offered up by the residents of #Chandigarh will be used to compile a study assessing consumption.

#CarbonWatch #carbonfootprint #carbonemissions
Read 12 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
India will exceed #GlobalWarming target if it does not limit #carbonemissions, according to G20's climate change report

The report said, India is not on track for a 1.5 degrees Celsius world. To be on track, India needs to limit its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to 4.597 MtCO2e by 2030 and below 3.389 MtCO2e by 2050.

#GlobalWarming #carbonemissions #climatechange
India can do so by adopting a 'no new coal' policy as well as working on a plan to phase out coal by 2040.
India's average death rate per 1,000 due to air pollution is more than 1.7 to 18 times the G20 average.

#GlobalWarming #carbonemissions #climatechange
Read 8 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
New analysis for the We Mean Business coalitionšŸŒægreen recovery plans boost šŸ’·incomešŸ‘©ā€šŸ”§employment and šŸ“ˆGDP *better than return-to-normal stimulus measures* with the added benefit of reducing carbon emissions (1/5) #greenrecovery #buildbackbetter
In all geographies modelled (global, the EU, Germany, Poland, the UK, USA and India), green recovery plans were found to be more effective than return to normal stimulus approaches that reduce #VAT rates and encourage households to resume #spending (2/5)
The green recovery plans modelled are 5-point plans and include a smaller VAT reduction plus:
Public investment in #energyefficiency and electricity grid upgrades
Subsidies for #wind + #solar
Car scrappage schemes (subsidies only provided to #EVs) Tree planting programmes (3/5)
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Sep 3rd 2019
This is a great analysis by the @ArizonaMirror.

As APS CEO Don Brandt appears before the @CorpCommAZ for the first time in YEARS, here are 3 of many questions the commissioners should consider -- 1/5
#DonBrandt: You spend tens of millions to reach everyone in #AZ when it comes to opposing #solar. Yet when it comes to educating customers on rate plans, your efforts fall short. Why canā€™t you bring the same energy to customer service as you do to opposing #renewableenergy? 2/5
#DonBrandt: Utilities across the west like @SRPconnect,@idahopower, @NVEnergy, @XcelEnergyCO, and @PNMtalk have all set strong goals to reduce #carbonemissions. When can we expect a similar commitment from @apsFYI? #AZ #TakingBackourPower 3/5
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Jan 3rd 2019
To kick off #Sustainuary then, let's talk about #dairy alternatives like nut juice, oat juice and various other #plantbased drinks. We've never had more choice, but what are the actual #sustainability credentials of these products vs animal milk? #Veganuary Image
#Dairy production has received widespread criticism for its #carbonfootprint .
The average UK dairy system produces around 1.2Kg Co2eq. per Kg milk . However this varies hugely, mainly depending on the cows' diets and how much fertiliser is used on the pasture. #sustainuary
The most #sustainable #dairy farms in the UK can have carbon footprints as low as 0.5 KgCO2 eq. per Kg milk produced, which are comparable to many dairy alternatives. #Sustainuary #Veganuary
Read 13 tweets
Sep 12th 2017
1. #Efficient gas fired combined heat and power #CHP plants will always displace another form of gas generation ImageImage
2. for as long as gas fuelled technologies will provide the bulk of our #power and #heat needs.
3. Due to its fuelefficiency & ability to use renewable fuels #CHPs deliver costs & #carbonemissions savings across entire UK energy system
Read 6 tweets

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